UK: Ad admonishes men to "...remember Valentine's Day... or else!"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Agent Provocateur's most racy advertising campaign yet, model-of-the-moment Rosie Huntington Whiteley gives her on-screen lover an adults-only lap dance.

The nearly three-minute film culminates in her thumping her boyfriend across the face to remind men not to forget Valentine's Day.
Huntington Whiteley proceeds to tie him up, faux bondage-style, before blindfolding him with a black tie.

With the sound of his heavy breathing in the background, the girlfriend marches over and punches him in the face.

'This will teach you to forget Valentine's Day,' she says, and then marches off.'

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Tears as teenage boy is cleared of rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHEERS erupted from the public gallery at Doncaster Crown Court after a teenager was cleared of rape charges.

Dean Bunn, aged 19, broke down in tears and had to be helped from the dock when he was overcome by emotion at the end of his six-month ordeal.
Mr Bunn, of Pickering Road, Bentley, was first arrested in early July when he went to a police station after seeing a cordon thrown around the alleged crime scene next to Bentley railway bridge.

He told police he had had sex with a woman in bushes at the bottom of the bridge embankment, but said she instigated it – something he maintained throughout two trials.
A second trial, in which the 36-year-old woman who had cried rape gave evidence by video link for a second time, concluded yesterday with Mr Bunn's acquittal.

In his defence he said he had been walking from a pub at Carcroft to town when he met the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, on Bentley Road near the bridge. He had never met her before.

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Judges: Mom not guilty of drowning daughters by reason of insanity

Story here. Excerpt:

'CLEVELAND - A mother charged with aggravated murder in the bathtub drownings of her two daughters was found not guilty by reason of insanity Friday.

A three-judge panel in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court determined that 23-year-old Amber Hill suffered from a severe mental disorder when she drowned her daughters on Oct. 1, 2007.

"The court concludes she did not know the wrongfulness of her horrific acts," said Judge John Sutula.
"Now my daughter can get some help," she said. During the trial, Hutchins had testified that she wanted to take her daughter to a hospital for mental health counseling before the children died.

Mack said Hill had since been medicated and was functioning well.

"She was a good mother," said the defense attorney Myron Watson. "She cared for those children. Those children were the center of her life."'

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"Mom" loses custody for ailenating Dad

Story here. Eureka! A win for the good guys! If you can find the judges email address send her kudos. Heck if I knew where I would send her flowers. Way to go judge!!!! Excerpt:

'In a stunning and unusual family law decision, a Toronto judge has stripped a mother of custody of her three children after the woman spent more than a decade trying to alienate them from their father.

The mother's "consistent and overwhelming" campaign to brainwash the children into thinking their father was a bad person was nothing short of emotional abuse, Justice Faye McWatt of the Superior Court of Justice wrote in her decision.

The three girls, ages 9 to 14, were brought to a downtown courthouse last Friday and turned over to their father, a vascular surgeon identified only as A.L.'

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Prosecutors: Sexual Assaults Staged

Story here. Excerpt:

'KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Federal Prosecutors say an alleged sexual assault and attack in the Waldo neighborhood was staged.

Federal prosecutors charged Julie Bernet, 39, of Bucrys, Mo. And Gordon Reabe, Jr., 33 of Lee’s Summit, Mo. with wire fraud on Thursday.

Court documents say Bernet and 23-year old Lindsey Crawford offered to pay Reabe $100,000 to duct tape them and assault both women inside Carwford’s garage on Nov. 25, 2008.
Prosecutors say the women hoped the attacks would force a higher settlement of their sexual harassment lawsuit against a former employer.

Bernet and Crawford filed the lawsuit against former employer Mercedes-Benz of Kansas City last year, citing gender discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation.

Court documents indicate Bernet ran across the street to a neighbor’s house, claiming two masked men attacked them the home minutes after Reabe assaulted them.'

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Child Support: How much is too much?

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Jan. 1, Massachusetts adopted new child-support guidelines that will likely raise the amount paid by non-custodial parents, usually fathers.

Are the new guidelines excessive and unfair, as a lawsuit charges? Or were the old guidelines too stingy? How much child support is enough? How much is too much?

Fathers & Families, a Boston-based advocacy organization, says the payments under the new guidelines are excessive. Non-custodial parents, usually fathers, who must now make increased payments could be forced to work long hours or move to a distant community to find housing they can afford.
"Currently the guidelines tell the minimum wage employee whose income is $16,000 that you're going to pay $4,000 in child support. It can't be done." In Boston, a minimum wage employee with that obligation might be able to rent an apartment but would have nothing left over for food, Holstein says."'

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"10,000 Violent Women and One Screenwriter, Part I"

Article here. Excerpt:

'“I killed him by mistake,” she says.

“Mistake, what kind of mistake?”

Josepha, serving a life sentence for murder one, is known to be one of the most violent and unpredictable women in a society of violent and unpredictable women. She stares at me with gray eyes that are surprisingly warm and endearing.

I have to be careful. I’ve been in this women’s prison for three days and I don’t understand the social rules that make this place go round. I’m terrified of saying something really dumb, and then seeing my insides, well, outside.
Prison. One thing I’ve learned about the inmates: they lie. Whatever they say, you have to read between the lines to discover anything resembling the truth.

I’m doing research for a film.'

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Killer of three-year-old foster child free to walk the streets while awaiting sentencing

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two years after her three-year-old foster child died of cranial trauma so severe that it left his brain "popping out of his skull," the killer still walks around a free woman.

And it will be another three months before a judge finally determines an appropriate punishment for her deplorable crime.

"I'm sick to my stomach," the victim's aunt said yesterday as she struggled to keep her composure.'

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House cleaner gets scolding, no jail time for having sex with several teens

Story here. Excerpt:

'HOUMA – A district judge scolded a 47-year-old house cleaner Tuesday morning who pleaded guilty to having sex with a group of teen boys – two as young as 13 – in her Ashland trailer.

Maureen Lirette, 444 Ashland Drive, must serve five years of probation and register as a sex offender to comply with a plea deal she took. She was charged with three counts of carnal knowledge of a juvenile and could have received 10 years in prison for each count.

The boys’ families requested that Lirette get no jail time, said Juan Pickett, a Terrebonne assistant district attorney.
“It’s not unusual for them not to want jail time,” he said, adding the Terrebonne District Attorney’s Office has handled a few cases such as Lirette’s. “It’s rare to see it reported.”'

I have no words to describe what I think about this. Perhaps my fellow brethren do.

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Betrayed just once, hostile forever

Here's a report on why the men turn hostile in society. First men are betrayed, rejected and humiliated as boys by the society, then when due to obvious reasons some of them turn hostile, they're only blamed again. Excerpt:

"A new study seems to have confirmed the link between social exclusion and aggression by showing that people who feel socially rejected are more likely to see others' actions as hostile.

What's more, they are more likely to behave in hurtful ways towards individuals they've never even met.

For the study, lead author C Nathan DeWall, PhD, from the University of Kentucky, conducted four separate experiments with 190 participants, all college students. In one experiment, 30 participants completed a personality test and were given bogus feedback about the results."

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Ledbetter bill clears Senate

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - A wage discrimination bill that heralds the pro-labor policies of the Democratic-controlled Congress and White House cleared the Senate Thursday and could be on President Barack Obama’s desk within days.

The legislation reverses a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that narrowly defines the time period during which a worker can file a claim of wage discrimination, even if the worker is unaware for months or years that he or she is getting less than colleagues doing the same job.

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New York Gov. Paterson to Name Rep. Gillibrand to Clinton's Former U.S. Senate Seat

Story here. You guys might be asking how this is relevant to us? It's obvious this is another example of political affirmative action. The NY seat was vacated by a Hillary Clinton therefore a female must take her place. Excerpt:

'New York Gov. David Paterson will name Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, an upstate Democrat, to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate, a Democratic official with knowledge of the governor's decision told FOX News on Thursday night.

Gillibrand, elected in 2006, represents the state's 20th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is the first Democrat to represent the district since 1978 -- and the first female representative of the district.'

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Director proud of "feminist film"

Story here. Excerpt:

'John Krasinski is proud that his new film Brief Interviews With Hideous Men is a "feminist movie".
It tells the story of how a graduate student copes with a break up by interviewing various "hideous" men for her dissertation, to find out what's going on in their heads.
"Did I learn that all men are b******s? No, no. I think they're all good at heart - they just sometimes can do hideous things," she said.
Dominic described his character in the film as "very, very disturbed".

"The men in it are revolting, if truth be told," he joked.'

The movie's Wikipedia Description is here.

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Deliver pizzas, wife tells laid-off hubby, or "[we] won't make it"

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Donna LeBlanc gave her husband, a former restaurant manager, the stark ultimatum: become a pizza delivery man or their family "wouldn't make it."

The Lafayette, Louisiana, family of six was struggling with $45,000 of mounting medical debt from Donna LeBlanc's unexpected case of pneumonia and tonsillitis a year earlier. The family savings account had dwindled to $100.

"It's embarrassing for my husband to take a job he is overqualified for, and I know he feels ashamed at times," says Donna LeBlanc, a 35-year-old mother with four children. "But this is what we have to do and we're going to make the best out of it."

She watched her husband, Rob LeBlanc, 35, load Domino's pizza boxes into their family car and deliver orders until near dawn for $10 an hour.'


Ed. comment: Let's see a similar story where a man tells his wife to deliver pizzas or else they won't make it as a family get touted all over the press without editorial criticism.

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Obama economic adviser voices concerns about 'white male construction workers' getting too much economic stimulus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Economist and former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich worries about too much of the Obama stimulus going to white males in the construction sector.

“If there aren’t enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate many new jobs in these fields. And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most -- women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed -- will be shut out,” Reich said on his economic blog.'


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