"It’s the Economy, Girlfriend"

See website here. Excerpt:

Are you or someone you love dating a banker? If so, we are here to support you through these difficult times. Dating A Banker Anonymous (DABA) is a safe place where women can come together – free from the scrutiny of feminists– and share their tearful tales of how the mortgage meltdown has affected their relationships."

I thought this had to be a spoof website. Sadly, it is not. Article here.

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Settling for Second Best

Essay here. Excerpt:

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Draft mandate for fed jobs ruled unconstitutional

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOSTON – Henry Tucker had worked for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. for 17 years when he was told he was going to lose his job — because he hadn't registered for the military draft when he was 18.

Tucker was offered another job as a budget analyst at the National Institutes of Health, but that was withdrawn when the agency learned he never registered.
U.S. District Judge Douglas Woodlock ruled Monday that a separate law that bans employment at federal executive agencies for men who fail to register is an unconstitutional "bill of attainder," an obscure Constitutional provision that prohibits the legislative branch from punishing people without a judicial trial.

Woodlock rejected the argument that the Military Selective Service Act, because it applies only to men, is discriminatory and violates the Constitution's equal protection guarantees.

A spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan said the U.S. Department of Justice is reviewing the ruling and had no immediate comment.'

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American Bar Association Data Falsification Debugged

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Website of the American Bar Association (ABA) sets out to correct ten purported myths about domestic or intimate partner violence (IPV). The critique of these myths appears to be empirically based. However, a close reading of the studies used to debunk these “myths” shows that they are either: 1) government publications with no empirical data, or 2) empirical studies that do not refute the targeted myth. The problems with the false conclusions on the website are varied, but three main ones are: 1) confusion of allegations of abuse with real incidence of abuse; 2) interpretations of unsubstantiated claims of child abuse that are based on varied sources for corroboration that use vague decision criteria in studies not designed to assess malingered claims; and 3) over simplification of the complex causality of psychological phenomena, such as Parental Alienation Syndrome.'

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Canada: "Nunavut minister demoted over derogatory remark"

Story here. Excerpt:

'IQALUIT, Nunavut - Nunavut's premier has stripped the territory's justice minister of his duties over a remark that suggests women are partly to blame when they are assaulted during domestic disputes.

Eva Aariak said she has taken over the department from Louis Tapardjuk, who made the comment last week in an email.

"Often, in cases of domestic disputes, both parties share the blame but, according to the Criminal Code, the person who gets physical is charged, even though the other party initiated the conflict," Tapardjuk wrote.
Tapardjuk also suggested that the slow pace of the criminal justice system is responsible for many young people committing suicide when they face charges. He also said the involvement of social services and police in marital problems contributes to a growing number of divorces.

Tapardjuk has since retracted his statement and asked for forgiveness.

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Florida abuse shelter scandal

Article here. Excerpt:

'"It was really terrible what I went through." These were the first words that Yvonne Scott blurted out, even though the incident happened more than five years ago.

One morning a social worker and policeman showed up on the woman's doorstep. "Either you come with us to the abuse shelter or we take away your children," was their grim-faced ultimatum. Scott had been previously involved in an abusive relationship, but there was no current threat to Ms. Scott or any of her three children.

One might expect such an encounter to occur in the former Soviet Union or maybe a Latin America banana republic. But in the sunshine-addled state of Florida?'

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"Does it get any clearer than this?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two incidents. Same state. Same city. Same crimes. Perpetrators aged the same. Victims aged the same. No prior serious offenses for either perp.

Pretty similar cases, right?

In each, a 17-year-old had sex multiple times with a 14-year-old. But in one case the perpetrator faces felony charges and up to 25 years in prison, while the other charge is a misdemeanor whose maximum sentence is 9 months.'

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SJU hosts sixth annual Conference on the College Male

Article here. Excerpt:

'The sixth annual Conference on the College Male, “Best Practices for Involving College Men,” is Feb. 13-14 at Saint John’s University, Collegeville.

In addition to four speakers, 14 universities and colleges will present pilot programs to increase college men’s participation in volunteering and vocational discernment activities. The program, funded by a grant from the Indianapolis-based Lilly Endowment Inc., will identify best practices and a theoretical model for what works with college men, and why.

The $599,000 grant, awarded to SJU in November 2007, will identify ways to increase men’s involvement in volunteering, leadership training and vocational decision-making activities. The two-year grant runs through Dec. 31, 2009, and is designed to address chronic underrepresentation of college men in these types of activities. For example, only one-third of students who volunteer are men.'

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Israel: Education Ministry takes on sexist classics

Story here. Excerpt:

'As part of its efforts to promote gender equality awareness among Israel's students, the Education Ministry has decided to introduce a new study program that encourages children to revise the lyrics of classic Hebrew songs that contain chauvinistic notions.
"But when you read the words carefully you find out they contain hidden messages that work just like existing marketing methods. We are aware of the difficulty to reread the songs, but the situation cannot remain as it is. Well-liked songs contain wrong, sexist conceptions," she added.
The students will not only be exposed to the chauvinistic stereotypes in the songs, but will also be asked to revise them and come up with new, more egalitarian lyrics.

As part of the program they will also read songs that express feminine equality and independence.'

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UK: Bringing men into nurseries

Article here. Excerpt:

'CONTACT with male role models is a vital part of growing up. Outside their own family, the best places for young children to meet such role models are nurseries and schools.

But while a new survey has found that 55 per cent of parents, and 66 per cent of single parents, want a male childcare worker for their nursery-aged child, the reality is that only 2 per cent of childcare workers are men.
Many of those questioned said they believed boys behaved better for a male teacher, adding it was important for boys to have a role model to look up to.
The survey, which was commissioned as part of a campaign to recruit more male primary teachers, also found that 35 per cent of men felt having a male primary teacher challenged them to work harder at school, and 22 per cent believed male primary teachers helped build their confidence.'

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Fair Pay Act roils workplaces

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the first bills that President Barack Obama signs this week, the Fair Pay Act, could result in more women suing over being paid less than men. This new activity in the Capitol has stirred conversations in boardrooms, law offices, factory floors -- even newsrooms. Why aren't women earning as much as men and should salaries be openly discussed?

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Australia: Hulls' club-footed sop to remaining feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rob Hulls, out to prove he really is a sensitive new age guy, is set to send the simpering sycophants of the politically-correct movement into spiritual orgasms as he signals his intent to remove private clubs from the list of those exempted under Victorian anti-discrimination laws.

This is a topic 99 per cent of people couldn't give a stuff about apart from, it would seem, Rob Hulls and the last remaining feminists who have already won or are in the process of winning everything that was writ on stone tablets in the 1960s.
They are today benign and some would say irrelevant to government or anything else for that matter. But for some reason, they continually attract the ire of the intellectual feminist left. One can only assume that it's a bit like climbing Everest and you do it quite simply because it's there.

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Feminists at the Inauguration Praising Themselves for Being Women

Article here. Excerpt:

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CNN: 'Ladies Nag Obama about Lack of Women's Jobs'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Phyllis Schlafly: Feminists Expect to Cash in With Barack Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

'The groups that elected Barack Obama are poised to cash in on their investment, and the feminists are muscling to be first in line. The National Organization for Women (NOW), bragging that "we all worked hard to help elect" Obama, has helpfully spelled out the "feminist action agenda":

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