US Men Dying For Rigged Elections?

Article here. Iraq is holding national elections that guarantee women seats. Excerpt:

"Regardless of the votes their candidates receive, parties are required to give every third seat to a female candidate on their list, according to a report this week from the International Crisis Group."

In other words, American men fighting in Iraq are being maimed and killed so a misandric matriarchal form of government can be forced upon the nation of Iraq.

Well, isn't that just really stupid?

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India: Whistling part of college life, not sexual harassment, says SC

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Supreme Court on Thursday said it would consider framing a policy on sexual harassment at higher educational institutions.

A bench headed by Chief Justice KG Balakrishnan directed the petitioner Medha Kotwal, social activist from Maharashtra, to submit suggestions regarding the policy.

The bench asked senior advocate Colin Gonsalves appearing for the petitioner to specify how sexual harassment should be defined. “Whistling cannot be categorised as sexual harassment,” said the CJI, adding: “This is part of college life.” He also declined to entertain the petitioner’s plea to have a police probe in cases involving sexual harassment.'

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UK: Prenatal Paternity Tests Blamed For Abortion

Story here. Excerpt:

'The illegal use of DNA testing to determine the sex of fetuses in the developing world is widely known, but now, concern is growing in the United Kingdom that the availability of prenatal paternity tests is encouraging women to terminate fetuses that are the result of extramarital affairs.

According to Dan Leigh, the marketing director with DNA Solutions, a global DNA test firm with offices in 40 countries, the number of women opting for the prenatal paternity test shot up from 20 in 2002 to 500 last year.

"The testing technology has improved vastly," Leigh told ABC News. "It's become much more accessible."

"It's fairly common to see women take this test after their husbands have found out about an affair and want to know if they have fathered the child their wife is carrying," Leigh said.'

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Brainwashing the kids to spite the ex

Article here. Excerpt:

'In what has been called a "stunning and unusual family law decision" released Jan. 16, a Toronto father was awarded sole custody of his three daughters, aged nine to 14. The "persistent and overwhelming" campaign by the mother over the course of more than a decade was recognized as emotional abuse by Ontario Superior Court Justice Faye McWatt, and the children have been sent to a California therapeutic recovery centre for treatment.

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Mother guilty in strangling death of 12-year-old daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'BRIDGEWATER, N.S. -- "Mommy, don't," were the last words Karissa Boudreau spoke as her mother strangled her to death with a piece of twine in the woods outside of Hebbville, N.S.

Her words were read in court Friday morning from an agreed upon statement of facts as Penny Boudreau, 34, pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder of her 12-year-old daughter.
She drove her daughter to a Sobey's parking lot and left her in the car while she went in. While inside, she phoned her boyfriend to say Karissa was missing. Boudreau then drove to nearby Hebbville, where she chased her daughter out of the red Dodge Neon, forced her to the ground, and choked her with a piece of twine.

Court heard she could feel her daughter struggling beneath her.

With her daughter's body slumped over in the front seat of her car, Boudreau drove to a Tim Horton's and threw out the twine in a coffee cup. She then drove to the LaHave River and disposed of Karissa's body, court heard.'

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Another wife murders her husband and gets probabtion

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Millington woman who shot and killed her husband with a .22-caliber rifle while he made doughnut circles in his own yard in his pickup truck was sentenced to three years of probation.

As part of a negotiated sentence, Linda Abbott, 40, agreed not to ask Criminal Court Judge John Colton Jr. for diversion, which could have erased the voluntary manslaughter conviction returned by a jury in November. In return, she will do no jail time if she complies with probation requirements.'

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California Men's Centers report: "Law Enforcement and Intimate Partner Violence Study"

Report here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'Most criminal justice data documents that in serious incidents females do suffer from more injurious and fatal violence than males. However, as the POPIPV documents most IPV incidents are minor or there is no empirical evidence to demonstrate who initiated the assaultive behavior. Contemporary unprecedented IPV training curriculums establish a bias found nowhere else in the criminal justice system. IPV trainers simply refer to females as victims and males as offenders.

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Canada: Courts can rescue kids from an alienating parent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Judges in Canada are now omniscient parents, willing to practice tough love, even though the plan they rely on to help the children has no longitudinal studies to prove that it works.

In cases of parental alienation, judges are prepared to step in and decide what is right for the children, against their wishes and those of the custodial parent, with whom they may have lived for many years.

That was the upshot of the case reported last week in which an Ontario judge stripped a mother, a 42-year-old chiropodist known in court documents as K.D., of the custody of her three girls, aged 9, 11 and 14.'

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Woman Accused Of Raping Male Friend

A bizarre story. Notice that the media actually used the word "rape.". Excerpt:

'LONGMONT, Colo. — A 53-year-old Longmont woman was arrested Wednesday on suspicion that she drugged a male friend during a backyard barbecue and then raped him, police said.

Janice Lynette McCarl was booked into the Boulder County Jail at 7:40 p.m. Wednesday on suspicion of sexual assault, a class-three felony.

Longmont police Cmdr. Tim Lewis said reports of female-on-male rape are very rare; one victims’ advocate said this was only the second local instance she could remember happening within the past decade.

Lewis said McCarl is accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with a 50-year-old male friend.

“She allegedly took unwanted advantage of this friend in a manner he did not want or approve of,” Lewis said.

The man told detectives the incident happened on Nov. 9 at his Longmont house and involved “unwanted penetration.”'

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Divorced father seeks equal protection

Story here. Excerpt:

'A case is developing in a Tennessee divorce dispute that one attorney believes could impact custody decisions nationwide because it calls down the authority of the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause to help fathers who are good parents and want to remain involved in their children's lives.

The attorney, Stanley Charles Thorne, told WND the issue in the case at hand will be significant, since there are 3,000 divorce or custody cases in courts across the U.S. daily.

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Man frozen in block of ice ignored for over a month

Story here. If these had been heels and a dress instead of men's shoes and jeans coming out of the ice, do you suppose everyone who knew about it would have been quite so indifferent? I doubt it. Excerpt:

'DETROIT -- This city has not always been a gentle place, but a series of events over the past few, frigid days causes one to wonder how cold the collective heart has grown.

It starts with a phone call made by a man who said his friend found a dead body in the elevator shaft of an abandoned building on the city's west side.

"He's encased in ice, except his legs, which are sticking out like Popsicle sticks," the caller phoned to tell this reporter.
Nearly 24 hours went by. The elevator shaft was still a gaping wound. There was no crime scene tape. The homeless continued to burn their fires. City schoolchildren still do not have the necessary books to learn. The train station continues to crumble. Too many homicides still go unsolved.

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"Remember the ladies": More 'affirmative action' needed for women

Article here. Jared Polis, a Colorado congressman, argues that the current stimulus package will favor men because many of the jobs created will be in construction. He proposes requiring construction companies to increase the number of women working for them--in short, another affirmative action program for women. Excerpt:

'The economic recovery package before Congress this week is largely devoted to infrastructure investment--transportation and school projects, energy efficiency improvements, and green economy investments such as smart grid expansions -- to jump-start our economy and create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

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Army to report record number of suicides

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. Army will report Thursday the highest level of suicides among its soldiers since it began tracking the rate 28 years ago, CNN has learned.

Statistics obtained by CNN show that the Army will report 128 confirmed suicides last year and an additional 15 suspected suicides in cases under investigation among active-duty soldiers and activated National Guard and reserves.
The Army is expected to announce a new effort to study the problem and determine why its suicide-prevention programs appear not to be working, and the extent to which post-combat stress may be a contributing factor. Many of the suicides occur after troops return home.

The Army has long cited personal stress -- including financial, relationship and substance-abuse problems -- as the major reason for suicides, but it is also studying the extent to which deployments to a war zone may play a role.'

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'Feminists' helping mum hide Aussie sons

Article here. Excerpt:

'A MELBOURNE father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

Swedish authorities are investigating members of Kobra amid allegations the group is using a vast network of "safe houses" and covert techniques to help the mother and children evade police.

George Pesor last saw his sons Frank, 11, and Andre, 9, in September 2008 after the Family Court in Australia ordered they be allowed to travel to Sweden to visit their estranged mother Ann-Louise Valette.

The boys were supposed to return to Melbourne on October 11 but they disappeared along with Ms Valette, who has a warrant out for her arrest after being charged with their kidnapping.

Mr Pesor said he now believes his sons are living with their mother in Sweden in one of 30 secret hiding places he alleges are operated by Kobra.'

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India: Wedding off, groom and dad in custody

If a girl runs away with her paramour from the wedding, the world would hail her courage. But if a boy cancels wedding, he'll be arrested. This is the Law in India... read on...

"The marriage hall was fixed, the wedding cards were distributed, jewels and clothes purchased. But like a bolt from the blue, the groom’s father cancelled the wedding fixed for Feb 1 and 2. The enraged father of the bride has complained to the police, and the groom and his father are in police custody.
The engagement ceremony had been conducted a few months ago and both families had even distributed the wedding cards. But Raja Gopal cancelled the nuptials, citing what the complainant called a trivial issue.
In his complaint to the Indiranagar police, Munikrishna said Raja Gopal and his son had demanded more dowry, including a site. But Raja Gopal and his son have denied the allegation, the police said.

The police have registered a case of cheating and have taken both Raja Gopal and Keshav into custody."

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