Woman arrested after domestic shooting

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Shreveport woman was arrested on a charge of second-degree aggravated battery Saturday after her husband was shot in their home in the Pinecroft neighborhood south of Shreveport Regional Airport.
According to police reports, during an argument with her husband, Taquela Harris “armed herself with an automatic handgun and subsequently shot her husband in the foot.” The online arrest report provides a little more detail, saying that "the offender and her husband were arguing and she told him not to leave. She told him that if he left out the door she would shoot him and he walked out and she shot him in the foot."'

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Woman Charged With Stabbing Son And Ex-Husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'VINALHAVEN (NEWS CENTER) -- Police say a woman from Vinalhaven has been arrested for stabbing her ex-husband and her eight-year-old son.

The Knox County Sheriff's department says Maria Witham was arrested on the island of Vinalhaven early Monday morning, after deputies were called to a home on the Roberts Cemetery Road about 12:30 am.
Maria Witham has been charged with two counts of elevated aggravated assault, and with violating conditions of release.'

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Israel: Livni Plays Gender Card as She Runs 2nd in Race

Story here. Excerpt:

'When Tzipi Livni, Israel’s foreign minister and a candidate for prime minister, spoke before a group of women lawyers last week, she received three standing ovations. Her male rivals in the race had to make do with polite applause.

“Whether we have a female prime minister is up to you and your vote,“ Livni told the 200 or so women, who promptly rose to their feet, clapping and cheering.
However, running second behind the Likud Party’s Benjamin Netanyahu and with her male rivals attempting to undercut her credibility, using language some describe as thinly veiled chauvinism, Livni has pulled out the gender card, possibly in realization of the potential strength of women voters.
“I want a woman in charge—a woman has more of a sense of responsibility for her people,“ hairdresser Rachel Rubin, 54, said during a break at the salon where she works.'

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Twice-Monthly Male Contraceptive Shot Stops Sperm Production, Being Tested in Australia

Story here. Excerpt:

'Men in Sydney, Australia will be among the first in the world to try a new contraceptive giving them control over their own fertility.

ANZAC Research Institute at Concord Hospital has begun testing a new twice-monthly male contraceptive injection.

It works exactly like the female contraceptive pill by shutting down the reproductive function.

The contraceptive tricks the brain into thinking it has already produced sperm and does not affect men's sexuality.

Earlier studies have found the injection works in 95 percent of men and allows users to become fully fertile within three month of stopping the injections.'

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Defense Rests in Baby Grace Trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'GALVESTON, Texas — Attorneys for a mother accused of beating to death her 2-year-old daughter during a daylong discipline session rested their case Monday after presenting only one witness at her capital murder trial.

The jury of seven women and five men was expected to begin deliberating Kimberly Dawn Trenor's fate after closing arguments Monday afternoon.

Trenor's only defense witness, a co-worker of her husband's, testified he believed Royce Clyde Zeigler II seemed to be controlling of his wife. Trenor's attorneys have argued to jurors that Trenor was under Zeigler's control and she was not responsible for the death of toddler Riley Ann Sawyers.'


Update: Verdict is in: guilty.

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RADAR ALERT: Call 'Foul' on the ABA's Gender-Political Agenda!

Sixteen years ago Sheila Kuehl held a press conference shortly before the Super Bowl to announce the startling news that domestic violence increased 40% after men watched professional football games. It was a complete hoax – but that didn't the stop her myth from being endlessly recycled.

Now, a new group is out there broadcasting DV myths. This time it's the American Bar Association's Commission on Domestic Violence. These myths are found in the ABA flyer, "10 Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence and How to Counter Them."

Last summer RADAR issued a Special Report (.pdf file) debunking the claims – and requested the ABA to remove the flyer.

But the flyer (.pdf file) is still there, stereotyping men in the worst possible ways.

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NY Times: "My Sister’s Keeper"

Article here. Excerpt:

'THEY called it a lesbian paradise, the pioneering women who made their way to St. Augustine, Fla., in the 1970s to live together in cottages on the beach. Finding one another in the fever of the gay rights and women’s liberation movements, they built a matriarchal community, where no men were allowed, where even a male infant brought by visitors was cause for debate.

Emily Greene was one of those pioneers, and at 62 she still chooses to live in a separate lesbian world. She and 19 other women have built homes on 300 rural acres in northeast Alabama, where the founders of the Florida community, the Pagoda, relocated in 1997.
For Ms. Adams, every choice she makes today — which restaurant to go to, which contractor to hire, which music to listen to — is guided by a preference to be around women.

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Woman abandons babies, leads sought as 'welfare case'

Story here. Excerpt:

'WYANDOTTE, Mich. - Police in suburban Detroit are seeking fresh leads on the identity of the mother of a baby left in a hospital, one of two newborns abandoned in the area in recent days.

Wyandotte police are searching for a woman possibly in her 20s who left what is believed to be her newborn daughter Thursday in a bathroom at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital. Police say charges are unlikely and are treating it as a personal welfare case.'

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Changes made to the Indian Dowry Law to stop misuse

Article here. A little bit of background: There was an amendment made to the Criminal Procedure Code Amendment 41-1A in India who would provide relief to millions of people who are suffering from the abuses of the Dowry Law. The Amendment was passed and signed by the president of India is now law. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: Dealing a blow to women's rights activists who have been stringently defending the Section 498A provision of the Indian Penal Code, Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan on Saturday said that in some cases this section — that deals with matrimonial cruelty — was being `grossly misused'.

Elaborating on false cases being filed in recent times, the CJI said that relatives not involved with a matrimonial dispute were unfairly implicated. "In some cases, 498A is grossly misused,'' he said. Balakrishnan was speaking at a seminar, `Marriage laws -- issues and challenges', organised by the National Commission for Women.'

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UK: Hunger Strike Over Marital Rape Conviction

Story here. Excerpt:

'For 16 months, inmate William Coleman has been wasting away in state prisons on a hunger strike.

A man who once carried more than 250 pounds on his 5-foot-10 frame, the former soccer coach lost about 125 pounds, sustaining himself on liquids, before alarmed Department of Correction officials restrained and force-fed him.
Coleman's attorneys say his protest is in the tradition of hunger strikes by women suffragettes in the early part of the 20th century and by Mahatma Gandhi in India's struggle for independence from Britain. In recent years, detainees at Guantanamo Bay have staged hunger strikes to protest conditions.
Coleman, a native of Liverpool, England, and the former women's soccer coach at Central Connecticut State University, says an acrimonious divorce and custody battle landed him in prison. He claims his ex-wife falsely accused him of raping her in 2002 in their Waterbury home to prevent him from getting custody of their two young sons.'

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Dr. Dean Edell takes strong anti-circ position

Tonight I heard on Dr. Dean Edell's syndicated medical issues program a strong denunciation of circumcision and some clear reasons as to why it should no longer be considered an acceptable practice when inflicted on someone else without their explicit consent. He also went after the it-reduces-HIV myth as well. Kudos to him! His show's site is here.

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It's that time of year: The Super Bowl Myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Super Bowl is coming up. And the Super Bowl Myth, that "Super Bowl Sunday is the most dangerous day in America for women." Washington Post reporter Ken Ringle checked into it back in 1993, and quickly found this "factoid" was a lie.

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Stereotypes Questioned in D.C. Forum On Strength And Masculine Power

Story here. Excerpt:

'This weekend the Georgetown University Law Center hosted Campus Strength D.C., a two-day training event meant to facilitate discussion about stereotypes of strength and masculine power, as well as the effects these ideals have on society.
According to Joseph Vess, consulting and training director for Men Can Stop Rape, the program aims to provide a way for men to redefine old ideas of male strength to create a more inclusive, healthy culture.

“Many men are finding that traditional masculinity is not working for them,” he said. “The old masculine ideal, of always acting ‘tough,’ staying emotionally distant, not being able to have healthy relationships with other men — it really creates a negative effect on a society.”'

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UK: The Battle for Britain’s Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last April, the Telegraph published the results of a survey that should have infuriated all self-respecting British. The study highlighted “the extent to which men have had to change within one or two generations.” It also revealed how emasculated British males have become.

Over half of the men polled thought that society was turning them into “waxed and coiffed metrosexuals.” Fifty-two percent said they had to live according to women’s rules. Men said they “felt handcuffed” by political correctness, and two thirds openly admitted that they felt they could not speak freely and had to conceal their opinions.
“Manly men” have been “hunted to near-extinction in the British Isles,” says historian Neil Oliver. “There’s been some kind of politically correct revolution where we’ve forgotten—or discarded—the value of being manly men.”'

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Attorney for teacher's aid lashes out at police

Story here. Excerpt:

'GARDEN CITY, GA (WTOC) - A female teacher's aid charged with molesting and raping a 15-year-old male student was back in court today. This time her attorney lashed out at investigators.

Police said 28-year-old Erika Simmons had sex with the boy at her Garden City home. The two met at Myers Middle School in Savannah where she worked as a teacher's aid and cheerleading coach.
Garden City police testified they first learned Simmons was having sex with a student after she bragged about it to her friend and fellow employee at Myers Middle School, Alissa Robinson.
"He's going to throw everything on the wall and see if anything will stick," said a family member of the victim. WTOC is not publishing her name to protect the identity of the boy.

The family says none of this would have been said in court if it was a male teacher who had sex with a female student.'

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