Never, ever break up a 'chick fight'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most Canadian boys are taught from a young age not to hit girls and protect a female or weaker boy if they are threatened.

After sitting through two of the court proceedings that followed the so-called midway mauling" at Lee Park last spring, I'm convinced we should put just as much weight on the not kicking someone when they're down" rule.

Devin Marshall, 13, tried to do the right thing May 10, 2008 while attending a midway carnival at Lee Park. He made an effort to convince a teenage girl to leave a female friend of his alone.

I'm assuming he thought his friend couldn't defend herself against the other girl.

But this particular young lady wasn't much afraid of Marshall and she definitely didn't take kindly to him calling her a prostitute.

He was kicked in the groin and took a few punches to the kisser for his troubles. And when he defended himself from further assault, wrestling her to the ground for his own protection, she yelled for help.

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Madonna syndrome: I should have ditched feminism for love, children and baking

Article here. Excerpt:

"I never thought I would be saying this, but being a free woman isn't all it's cracked up to be. Is that the rustle of taffeta I hear as the suffragettes turn in their graves? Possibly. My mother was a hippy who kept a pile of (dusty) books by Germaine Greer and Erica Jong by her bed (like every good feminist, she didn't see why she should do all the cleaning). She imbued me with the great values of choice, equality and sexual liberation. I fought with my older brother and won; at university I beat the rugby lads at drinking games. I was not to be messed with.

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Judge clears dead Texas man of rape conviction

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man who died in prison while serving time for a rape he didn't commit was cleared Friday by a judge who called the state's first posthumous DNA exoneration "the saddest case" he'd ever seen.

State District Judge Charles Baird ordered Timothy Cole's record expunged.

Cole was convicted of raping a Texas Tech University student in Lubbock in 1985 and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He died in 1999 at age 39 from asthma complications.'

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Woman Convicted of Poisoning Husband, Harming Daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'SYRACUSE, N.Y. — An upstate New York woman was convicted Thursday of murdering her husband by poisoning him with antifreeze and then trying to kill and frame her daughter for the death.

An Onondaga County jury found Stacey Castor, 41, guilty of second-degree murder in the poisoning death of her husband, David, in August 2005. She was also found guilty of attempted second-degree murder for trying to kill daughter Ashley Wallace, then 20, with an overdose of drugs and vodka in September 2007.

"If there is a ceiling in terms of evil, she (Castor) is at the ceiling," District Attorney William Fitzpatrick.
The death of Wallace's first husband had been ruled a heart attack, but after the exhumation, authorities also ruled the death a homicide caused by ingesting ethylene glycol, a toxic chemical found in antifreeze.

Castor has not been charged in Wallace's death, but prosecutors used evidence surrounding it to build their case against her. Keller said he would challenge the judge's decision to allow the evidence about Wallace's death.'

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UK Guardian: 'Sexist feminism'

Article here. Excerpt:

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NY Times: As Layoffs Surge, Women May Pass Men in Job Force

Article here. Excerpt:

'With the recession on the brink of becoming the longest in the postwar era, a milestone may be at hand: Women are poised to surpass men on the nation’s payrolls, taking the majority for the first time in American history.

The reason has less to do with gender equality than with where the ax is falling.

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RADAR ALERT: Economic Stimulus Bill Funds Ineffective DV Programs. Call The Senate Now!

Did you know that the Economic Stimulus plan under debate in the Senate allocates 400 million dollars to fund ineffective domestic violence programs?1

The Senate may vote on the Economic Stimulus plan at any moment. So stop whatever you're doing and take a few minutes to call these three key Senators on the stimulus bill right now:

Senator Phone State Party
Sen. Ben Nelson 202-224-6551 NE D
Sen. Susan Collins 202-224-2523 ME R
Sen. Arlen Specter 202-224-4254 PA R

Tell the Senators:

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Rights group calls to ban Czech castration law

Article here. Apparently this has been going on in the Czech Republic for decades, without evidence that it's effective. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- The Czech Republic's practice of surgically castrating convicted sex offenders is "invasive, irreversible and mutilating" and should stop immediately, the Council of Europe's Anti-Torture Committee said in a report made public Thursday.

The central European country castrated at least 94 prisoners in the 10 years up to April 2008, when investigators from the Council of Europe, a human-rights forum, visited the Czech Republic.

The Council of Europe condemned the practice as "degrading."

The procedure is being performed even on first-time, non-violent offenders, such as exhibitionists, its investigation revealed.

Prisoners have to request castration under Czech law, but many fear they will be jailed for life if they do not, the investigation found.

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UK: Sperm is a man's property, judge rules in landmark case

Article here. Excerpt:

"Six cancer patients whose sperm samples were lost by the NHS have won their claim for damages in a landmark judgement which establishes the legal principle that a man's semen is his own property.

The case, which could cost the NHS hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation, is expected to lead to a review of the law relating to ownership of human body parts.

In yesterday's judgment the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, the most senior judge in England and Wales, rejected the notion that sperm held by North Bristol NHS Trust had the same legal status as a discarded toenail or hair cut at a barber's shop.

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Canada: A gold digger without a leg to stand on

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Montreal woman is suing her former lover -- the father of her three children--for spousal support, even though the two of them were never legally married and Quebec law does not grant so-called "common law" spouses any entitlement to alimony or property equalization.

The man is reportedly a billionaire. The woman is seeking a $50-million lump sum, plus $56,000 monthly. She already receives $35,000 monthly in child support, plus the use of a $2.4-million house and several servants.

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Husband charged with a crime(s) even after accident admitted by police

Story here. A husband accidentally kills wife while cleaning firearm. The police acknowledge that the incident was an accident. The incident was covered in the press as a sad accident with the husband displaying remorse. However, nonetheless, he will be arraigned on charges Thursday afternoon for the accidental killing. Notice how the article towards the end turns in to an advertisement for taking gun safety courses.

How many women kills their husbands on purpose, then claim domestic violence or depression and are never brought up on charges? Excerpt:

'A 21-year-old newlywed is facing a homicide charge in the shooting death of his wife. Sources tell Channel 6 News Joshua Beasley will be arraigned at 2 p.m. Friday on a negligent homicide charge.

Prosecutor Joe Kelly of the Lancaster County Attorney's Office would not explain what led prosecutors to bring charges and said they were still deciding exactly what charge or charges Beasley might face.

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Woman chased, attacked husband with knife, gets sent for psychiatric treatment

Story here. When a wife is mortally attacking the husband, all 'explaining' and 'counseling' comes into effect... But if its the other way round, even if its only alleged and no one but the alleging woman knows the truth, no one ever thinks of any counseling for the man; he just has to be punished as hard as possible. And they say its the man's world! Excerpt:

'SUSSEX, N.B. — A woman appeared in court Wednesday to face charges after RCMP officers had to use a Taser to disarm her on Tuesday.

At the time she allegedly chased her husband around a barber shop with a knife.
"The (officers) made verbal and physical efforts to control the situation, but it became obvious that the female was out of control and she was posing a real threat to the (officers) so they had no choice but to use the Taser," Tremblay said.

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Sadly, killer moms are not uncommon

Letter to the editor here.

'The horrific killing by Penny Boudreau of her 12-year-old daughter, looking into the child's eyes while strangling her, should make us both shudder and consider. While this cold-blooded killing is extreme by any standard, a large sample study of child deaths in the United States showed that mothers were involved 60% of the time and acted alone as the perpetrator in one-third of the killings.

Despite this, governments have ministries for women and children and universities have faculties of women and children -- all designed to further the myth that the greatest risk to children comes from men, and specifically fathers. The research statistics suggest otherwise.'

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Men Shouldn't Be Overlooked as Victims of Partner Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'In addressing intimate partner violence, the focus is usually on women who are physically battered by husbands or boyfriends. However, women sometimes hurt their partners as well.

Women are doing virtually everything these days that men are—working as doctors, lawyers, and rocket scientists; flying helicopters in combat; riding horses in the Kentucky Derby. And physically assaulting their spouses or partners.

In fact, when it comes to nonreciprocal violence between intimate partners, women are more often the perpetrators.'

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Exactly How Are Men Superior?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I love my sons—they’re funny, sweet, and full of surprises. But I don’t understand how a species incapable of feeding themselves—much less hitting the toilet—ever came to rule the planet.

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