Al Roker: A Father's Promise

You may be interested in A Father's Promise by Al Roker on MSNBC. While this show correctly shows the importance of fathers to their children's well-being, it appears to blame fathers for being absent as well. Excerpt:

"More American boys and girls than ever are growing up without a father. It is a cultural issue that has emerged at the forefront of American politics. "A Father's Promise" explores this unsettling crisis. Coinciding with Black History Month, MSNBC will premiere "A Father's Promise" Sunday, Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. ET."

Sorry for the short lead time with this.

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India: Another feminist movement started based on entirely false data

These are entirely made up, concocted and twisted statistics that these Indian feminists are projecting to the world in order to beg for more and more millions from the taxpayers money of the western countries. Then of course, the money is used primarily to feed their own gigantic greed, and with whatever leftover money, to bribe the politicians into passing more and more anti-men laws, so that all men get so scared that they start to shy away from the institution of marriage itself. And quite obviously no one is worried about the ever increasing men facing domestic violence from their women partners! Here's the story: Ring the bell, stop domestic violence

'What do you do when the man next door is beating his wife? A) Close the windows and turn up the volume on the telly. B) Squirm but tell yourself it's no use interfering. It is simpler to not do anything and that is exactly what Mumbai resident Christina Lobo Jha did till a new initiative to end domestic violence gave her a third option - Ring the Bell or Bell Bajao.

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American wins fight to visit son in Brazil

Story here. Excerpt:

'BRASILIA, Brazil - An American who has waged a four-year custody battle for his son in Brazil reached an agreement Friday to visit the 8-year-old boy.

David Goldman reached the agreement during a five-hour mediation session. The custody battle started in 2004 after his wife took the boy to her native Brazil, according to Goldman.

U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, who traveled to Brazil with Goldman in an attempt to reunite him with his son, announced the agreement after attending the session, which was presided over by a high-ranking federal judge.
He said he has not seen his son since his former wife Bruna took the boy for a two-week vacation to her native Brazil in 2004 and never returned.

She later divorced Goldman in Brazil — a divorce he says is not valid in the United States — and married Rio de Janeiro lawyer Joao Paulo Lins e Silva. She died last year of complications from the birth of another child.'

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'Age of Testosterone comes to end in Iceland'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Iceland, ravaged throughout history by volcanic eruptions and natural catastrophes, is struggling with a man-made disaster so overwhelming that the women are taking over. It is, they say here, the end of the Age of Testosterone.

Next week a newly minted left-leaning Government led by Johanna Sigurdardottir will start to tackle the tough agenda of cleaning out the old-school-chum networks that have led Iceland to the verge of bankruptcy.

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Mens' Eye Protection Issues Revealed and What Women Can Do About it

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the blog you will find entertaining and informative solutions to help you or your company keep safety issues top on your list. It turns out that each post is written from a lighter side and some are written by a woman who challenges men to wear safety gear. Do not expect the standard OSHA lingo in her blog posts.
Here is just a sample of some her current statistics about eye protection:

90% of eye injuries could have been avoided.
The average time off work for an eye injury is 2 days.
Men make up over 80% of all eye injuries.

The Sassy Safety Glasses Queen goes on to write this reminder: "Ladies, there is a good chance your hubby is NOT wearing his safety glasses. My solution was to buy a hot looking pair of safety glasses (I prefer OCC and Wiley X safety glasses) and told my husband how good he looked wearing them. You better believe he wears them all the time. If only getting him to unload the dishwasher was that easy." '

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Obama on track to ensure equity for nation’s women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Noting that 19 million women are uninsured, Obama has pledged to repair the nation’s health care system, support research into women’s health, and fight cancer. He said he will support moves to invest in women-owned small businesses, strengthen laws against domestic violence and provide for women’s reproductive rights.
The president said he will protect Title IX, which ensures that female students and employees at all levels of education are not discriminated against, and help empower women to prevent HIV/AIDS. Women make up 45 percent of the workforce but hold only 12 percent of the science and engineering jobs. Therefore, Obama has said he will help increase jobs in science and engineering.'

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Massachusetts: Supreme Judicial Court sees possible bias in rape case

Article here. Excerpt:

'A sharply divided Supreme Judicial Court said yesterday that a 14-year-old boy accused of statutory rape may have been a victim of gender discrimination because authorities charged him and not the three underage girls with whom he allegedly had sex.

The case, which originated in Plymouth County, involved a high school freshman football player who is accused of engaging in various sex acts from August to October 2007 with three girls. Two were 12, and the other was 11.

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Domestic abuse bill brings men's rights to light

Article here. Excerpt:

'A bill proposing to increase fees in order to support domestic violence service agencies was heard Wednesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. If passed, the bill would designate a percentage of funds specifically for organizations that provide domestic abuse services for military members and veterans.
Opponents of the bill voiced concerns the current funding for domestic abuse services has done little to prevent abuse. Many of the men who testified also thought the proposed legislation would promote a misconception that men cannot be victims of abuse.

According to Dr. Charles Corry, president of the Equal Justice Foundation, domestic violence cases have nearly doubled over the last decade, meanwhile the state's population has grown by just 23 percent during this same time period. Corry maintains this disproportionate increase proves current funding is not being used effectively.

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Obama Is First Feminist President, Panelists Say

Article here. Excerpt:

'( – Panelists at a feminist conference have made it clear that they believe Barack Obama is the first feminist president.
Smeal wrote that Ms. “wanted to capture both the national and feminist mood of high expectations and hope as the 44th president of the United States takes the oath of office.”

She said when she met Obama, “He immediately offered, ‘I am a feminist.’”
Other topics covered by panelists included the injection of feminism into popular culture and organizing the next generation of feminists.

Organizations taking part in the conference included the National Organization for Women, Feministe, National Council of Negro Women, American Association of University Women and VivirLatino.'

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Roe vs. Wade and the Rights of the Father

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the topic I have chosen here, “Roe vs. Wade and the Rights of the Father” may sound interesting, actually there is nothing to write about. There are no such rights.

A father can’t stop an abortion if he wants his child, nor can he insist upon an abortion if he doesn’t want his child.

This situation should trouble everyone, not from a religious point of view, not from a personal choice point of view, but rather from an Equal Rights point of view.
So where are all these well-reasoned arguments when it comes to a father and his unborn child? Why do people who have Equal Protection claims at the ready on other issues suddenly suffer constitutional amnesia when abortion is mentioned?

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Fathers' rights vs. gender bias

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers everyday are being denied equal rights regarding their children in custody cases. Gender bias should be eliminated from family law and future legislation. BOTH biological parents should be responsible for the emotional well-being of their children, as well as assuming financial responsibility.

Child support orders should be reasonable--realistically reflect the cost of the basic needs of the child as well as the responsibilities of both parents in a shared parenting plan. When parents are given equal rights, equal responsibility follows; when parents have equal access to their children, and support levels are reasonable and reflect true cost of raising a child, parents will comply with court orders. When equity is created in our laws, the conflicts inherent in divorce situations dissolve and that in the end is the greatest gift that anyone could possibly bestow on children.'

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Anti-male Cheerios commercial taken to task on Fox

Video clip here. Marc Rudov debates Bill O'Reilly over the content of this and similar ads. O'Reilly sides with feminists of course.

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United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'MEXICO CITY, February 3, 2009 ( - A leader in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has declared that the breakdown of traditional families, far from being a “crisis,” is actually a triumph for human rights.

Speaking at a colloquium held last month at Colegio Mexico in Mexico City, UNFPA representative Arie Hoekman denounced the idea that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births represent a social crisis, claiming that they represent instead the triumph of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”

"In the eyes of conservative forces, these changes mean that the family is in crisis," he said. "In crisis? More than a crisis, we are in the presence of a weakening of the patriarchal structure, as a result of the disappearance of the economic base that sustains it and because of the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights."'

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Never, ever break up a 'chick fight'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most Canadian boys are taught from a young age not to hit girls and protect a female or weaker boy if they are threatened.

After sitting through two of the court proceedings that followed the so-called midway mauling" at Lee Park last spring, I'm convinced we should put just as much weight on the not kicking someone when they're down" rule.

Devin Marshall, 13, tried to do the right thing May 10, 2008 while attending a midway carnival at Lee Park. He made an effort to convince a teenage girl to leave a female friend of his alone.

I'm assuming he thought his friend couldn't defend herself against the other girl.

But this particular young lady wasn't much afraid of Marshall and she definitely didn't take kindly to him calling her a prostitute.

He was kicked in the groin and took a few punches to the kisser for his troubles. And when he defended himself from further assault, wrestling her to the ground for his own protection, she yelled for help.

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Madonna syndrome: I should have ditched feminism for love, children and baking

Article here. Excerpt:

"I never thought I would be saying this, but being a free woman isn't all it's cracked up to be. Is that the rustle of taffeta I hear as the suffragettes turn in their graves? Possibly. My mother was a hippy who kept a pile of (dusty) books by Germaine Greer and Erica Jong by her bed (like every good feminist, she didn't see why she should do all the cleaning). She imbued me with the great values of choice, equality and sexual liberation. I fought with my older brother and won; at university I beat the rugby lads at drinking games. I was not to be messed with.

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