Female employee charged with stealing thousands from NH feminist clinic

Story here.

'A Manchester, N.H., woman is accused of stealing thousands of dollars from the Concord Feminist Health Center, where she was finance manager.

Police say 55-year-old Janet Curtin surrendered Tuesday on theft charges.

Investigators say Curtin is believed to have stolen about $26,000 from March 2004 to June of 2006, while she worked at the clinic.'

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Lay off men, Lessing tells feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The novelist Doris Lessing yesterday claimed that men were the new silent victims in the sex war, "continually demeaned and insulted" by women without a whimper of protest.

Lessing, who became a feminist icon with the books The Grass is Singing and The Golden Notebook, said a "lazy and insidious" culture had taken hold within feminism that revelled in flailing men.

Young boys were being weighed down with guilt about the crimes of their sex, she told the Edinburgh book festival, while energy which could be used to get proper child care was being dissipated in the pointless humiliation of men.

"I find myself increasingly shocked at the unthinking and automatic rubbishing of men which is now so part of our culture that it is hardly even noticed," the 81-year-old Persian-born writer said yesterday.'

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Woman accused in deaths of husband, kids gets bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'SAGUENAY, Que. — A Quebec woman charged with killing her three children and helping her husband to kill himself was granted bail under strict conditions by a judge on Monday.

Cathie Gauthier faces three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of her three children — 12-year-old Joelle, seven-year-old Marc-Ange, and four-year-old Louis-Philippe.

She also faces one count of aiding her husband Marc Laliberte, 46, to commit suicide in what Quebec provincial police have alleged was a murder-suicide pact.

The details of Gauthier’s bail hearing cannot be reported because the Quebec Superior Court judge hearing the case granted a defence request for a publication ban.'

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'70s radical Sara Jane Olson released from prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'Jon Opsahl said he doesn't think domestic-terrorist-turned-housewife Sara Jane Olson served nearly enough time for his mother's murder, but he's relieved the saga ended with Olson's Tuesday release from prison.

Olson, a member of the self-styled revolutionary Symbionese Liberation Army -- perhaps best known for kidnapping Patricia Hearst -- was released from a California prison after serving seven years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said.
Her sentence stems from her involvement in the 1975 attempted bombings of two police cars and the slaying of Myrna Opsahl during a bank robbery that same year.
"Enough with the BS that she was unfairly targeted by law enforcement for her youthful indiscretions -- she is a criminal," Weber said in a Monday statement.

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Outrageous... Father in Parenting Magazine Pic with Dart Through his Forehead

Magazine: Parenting School Years Magazine
Issue: February, 2009
Pages: 94 - 100.
Article URL: http://www.parenting.com/article/Mom/Relationships/Mad-at-Dad

Author: Martha Brockenbrough
Authors web site: http://www.marthabee.com/

I received my issue of Parenting Magazine today and was I mad over the article “Mad about Dad.” Check the web site (above) to see a picture of a smiling dad on a dart board. After several “misses” (holes in the picture) the final shot lands right in the middle of his forehead.

The picture in the magazine was so big it covered not just one page, it overflowed onto the second. Other photos in the magazine article included:
Husband and wife on a boat with devil horns, beard and tail sketched over the man.
Voodoo doll with pins stuck all over including one stuck in his juggler vein, another stuck in his forehead, another in his heart, etc.

I don’t need to get into the content of the article. The photos were enough.

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Glenn Sacks: 2 Action Alerts, Fathers & Families Supporters Help Move Comparable Parenting Bill Forward

Maine town gripped by "new witch hunt" - false rape allegations and summary arrests

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 1690's New England was gripped by the Witch Hunt Hysteria which destroyed the lives of countless innocent people and their families solely by the false testimony of their accusers and the misconduct of their prosecutors.

Today, over 300 years later, a new insidious Rape Hysteria grips a small community in Maine's Bar Harbor region, and again, countless lives are being ruined solely by false testimony of their accusers and the misconduct of their prosecutors.

Numerous men have been arrested and jailed in Ellsworth Maine, often solely because of someone's accusations. Some of the accused men spend many months in jail until they are finally tried on the flimsiest or even fabricated evidence. Virtually every man who is accused gets arrested, charged, and has his life publicly ruined.

The accusers are sometimes young, mentally or emotionally impaired, girlfriends, occasional sex partners, and even wives in bitter custody battles with their husbands.

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Marine free after conviction tossed out

Story here. Excerpt:

'After spending a decade behind bars, a former Camp Pendleton Marine is now a free man because a military appeals court ruled that “a muddled, hearsay-based case” caused his spousal-rape conviction.

But anyone who thinks Brian Foster is bitter would be wrong. As Foster left the prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on Feb. 20, he picked up his sergeant stripes and spoke candidly with his superiors.

“I told (them) I was happy to be back in the Marine Corps and that I'll go anywhere and do anything the Marine Corps wants me to,” Foster, 35, said during a phone interview yesterday from Belton, Mo. “I said I love my country and I love the Marine Corps and that unfortunately, these things happen in a free country.”'

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Courts ill-equipped to handle parental alienation

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Toronto lawyer Brian Ludmer speaks about the suffering caused by parental alienation, the words come from his head and his heart.

He's seen the devastation of a mother's orchestrated campaign to make her children hate their father, or how a dad can use a 4-year-old as a weapon against his mother in the ugly aftermath of divorce.

Ludmer is, by training, a corporate lawyer. But he's being "swamped" by desperate parents looking for help reconnecting with their children. "Experts in this field will tell you that they've never met a lawyer who understands this the way that I do," says Ludmer.

That's because he's also lived it.

"Parental alienation is a plague. It's rampant out there," says Ludmer, 48, who declined to talk about his own case for fear of upsetting his children. "This stuff has been going on for a hundred years. It's just that now it has a name."'

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"Indoctinate U" reviewed by CNN's Lou Dobbs

Interview here. CNN's Lou Dobbs gave a ringing endorsement of Indoctrinate U on last night's show. Saying the film was "terrific" Dobbs added, "I can't recommend it highly enough." He closed by recommending that viewers "get this documentary. It's extraordinary."

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Washington, DC HIV infection rate at 3% -- black men have it the worst

Article here. Excerpt:

'At least 3 percent of District residents have HIV or AIDS, a total that far surpasses the 1 percent threshold that constitutes a "generalized and severe" epidemic, according to a report scheduled to be released by health officials tomorrow.
"Our rates are higher than West Africa," said Shannon L. Hader, director of the District's HIV/AIDS Administration, who once led the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's work in Zimbabwe. "They're on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya."
...Black men, with an infection rate of nearly 7 percent, carry the weight of the disease, according to the report, which also underscores that the District's HIV and AIDS population is aging. Almost 1 in 10 residents between the ages of 40 and 49 has the virus.'

Wonder if, like in San Mateo County, the free HIV testing and other services bound to emerge after this report will also only allow women and girls through the door.

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RADAR ALERT: Tell Rep. Poe: The SAFE Act Could Bankrupt America

In introducing H.R. 739, the SAFE ("Security and Financial Empowerment"), Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) and Ted Poe (R-TX), claim the law is needed to combat workplace discrimination against victims of domestic violence. A 1998 General Accounting Office study, however, casts doubt on whether workplace discrimination is really a problem. The GAO reported, "we cannot conclude that being a victim of domestic violence changes the likelihood that a woman will work."

Furthermore, section 303 of the bill says: "An employer shall not fail to hire, refuse to hire, discharge, or harass" a person who claims to be a victim of partner abuse. Thus, the SAFE Act would require employers to provide lifetime job security to alleged victims of abuse. According to an analysis released by RADAR today, the employment entitlement will cost companies $28.8 billion a year. See our analysis here (.pdf file).

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American Taliban part one: School boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 1991, the prestigious, but goofy, American Association of University Women (AAUW) made a startling declaration: ‘Most girls emerge from adolescence with a poor self image.’ Researchers, all female, informed the body politic that the primary culprit here was the public school system in America. No one seemed to notice that at the time this assertion was loosed upon us that 85% of all public school teachers were women.

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Woman charged in stabbing of ex-boyfriend and his sister

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAWRENCE - Police arrested a Lawrence woman early yesterday and charged her with stabbing her ex-boyfriend and his sister.

Rosemary Nieves, 24, of 125 Jackson St., was charged with two counts of assault by means of a dangerous weapon.
Nieves said Edwin Rodriguez walked to the porch and kicked in her bedroom window after she told him it was not a good time to remove things from the apartment.

At that point, Nieves said, she grabbed her car keys and opened up a two-and-a-half-inch metal folding knife and stabbed Edwin several times in the forearm, Officer Todd Allard wrote in his report.'

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Media trashes breadwinning-dads with Parenting Magazine’s ‘Mad at Dad’ Survey

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Alarming percentages of moms are angry at dads on a regular basis.“ “Hell hath no fury like a mommy scorned.“ “Moms are angry about dad’s role.“

These are some of the headlines which greeted Parenting Magazine’s new “Mad at Dad” survey which found that 31% of mothers get “little or no help” with childcare and 46% of mothers “get irate with their husbands once a week or more.” The New York Times called the survey “disturbing,” while a Washington Post columnist announced that mothers are “literally killing themselves.”

Mothers who are dissatisfied might want to examine their own behavior as well as that of their husbands. Studies reported in the Journal of Family Psychology in June, 2008 and the Journal of Marriage and the Family in 1999 show that mothers are generally the gatekeepers of fathers’ involvement with their kids. If she criticizes or insists that any way that isn’t her way is wrong, dad will often withdraw. But if she stands aside and lets him parent, he usually does.

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