View Point: Stop Avoiding the Issue of Failing Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Interestingly, however, there's something all these groups studiously avoid talking about. These U.S. education numbers look bad primarily because the schools are failing boys. For the most part, those awful high school graduation numbers are driven by boys, not girls (32 percent of boys drop out, compared to 25 percent of girls). And the lackluster college graduation rates are due primarily to men floundering in college (men earn about 42 percent of four-year degrees). Given that men are far more likely to major in math and science – a special worry for the technical industries -- the chamber should be particularly concerned about men falling behind.

But the gender angle never gets mentioned. Popular, well-thought-out solutions, which include strengthening the high school curriculum, building better after-school programs and making college more affordable, skirt the obvious solution of reaching out to failing boys specifically. As for MDRC's 15-point plan – gender didn't get a mention.'

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Author Equates Domestic Violence With Torture While Ignoring Male Victims

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: Woman assaults gov't official, no arrest or charges pending

Story here. Excerpt:

'An anti-Heathrow protester has sloshed green custard into Business Secretary Lord Mandelson's face as he arrived at the Government's low carbon economy summit.

Leila Deen, an activist from campaign group Plane Stupid, covered the politician's face in pea-green goo as he got out of his ministerial car.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said no complaint had been received on the matter.'

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The Times of India wants to slap men

The sexist anti-male 'Times of India' is running a poll asking what man should be slapped. Please condemn them on their site by abusing them to your heart's contents. It's on the main page and a direct link is given.


Ed. note: The link to the poll does not seem to be on the front page anymore. Perhaps they replaced it after getting complaints or just plain thinking better of it. Still, it looks like it had been there for some amount of time, as the link above is valid.

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Teen gets probation in videotaped beating

Story here. Excerpt:

'BARTOW, Fla. - One of five Florida teens accused of beating a cheerleader classmate in a videotape seen widely on the Internet received a year of probation.

Brittany Mayes also was ordered Thursday to pay $1,752 to the victim’s family. The 18-year-old was one of five girls who pleaded guilty to battery in connection with the March 2008 attack.
The victim’s father claimed the teens were motivated by plans to produce a video that would become popular on a video-sharing Web site. But the mother of one girl said the victim provoked the other teens by insulting them on a social networking site.'

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UK: Woman Bites Off Boyfriend's Tongue During Kiss

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Tyneside woman deliberately bit off her boyfriend's tongue during a drunken birthday kiss, a court has heard.

Tracy Davies, 40, bit a third of Mark Coghill's tongue off, Newcastle Crown Court was told.
They returned to Mr Coghill's home but Ms Davies grew upset because she wanted a baby but was not yet pregnant.

As Mr Coghill moved to comfort her, she asked him to kiss her, the court heard.

Julian Smith, prosecuting, said: "He did so and within a few seconds, she bit down hard on his tongue.
After the attack Ms Davies called an ambulance and paramedics then alerted police.

Mr Smith added: "She told police, 'We have had a domestic. I have bitten his tongue off. Here it is'."

He added that Ms Davies was surprised when police arrested her, telling officers: "You're joking".'

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Official review finds a catalogue failings by Social Workers

Article here. Excerpt:

'The father of murdered baby Aaron Gilbert has accused social services of not doing enough to save his son.

Aaron was subjected to a torrent of abuse from Andrew Lloyd, aged 23, who had moved in with Aaron's mother Rebecca Lewis after starting a relationship with her.

He pleaded guilty to murdering the 13-month-old and 21-year-old Lewis was found guilty of familial murder for allowing the abuse to continue.

Now Aaron's father Gareth Gilbert has said more should have been done to protect his son.

Sharon Hurlow, a cousin of Lewis, called social services on two occasions before Lloyd inflicted the fatal injuries to Aaron on May 5 last year.'

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Office on ‘gender’ proposed for UN

Article here. Excerpt:

'At a forum hosted by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs in New York this week, a former top United Nations (UN) official criticized the UN’s “deplorable” record on women and the “the hypocrisy within the UN” on gender. In a presentation entitled “The United Nations and Gender: Has Anything Gone Right?,” Stephen Lewis promoted a radical overhaul of the United Nations, starting with a the creation of a new, billion dollar gender office.

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Clinton intervenes in US-Brazil custody case

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has intervened in an international custody dispute over an 8-year-old boy, saying Wednesday she is pushing Brazil to return him to his father in New Jersey.

The boy, whose Brazilian mother died last year, is being raised by his stepfather, a lawyer in Rio de Janeiro.
Goldman's wife, Bruna, took the boy on a vacation to Brazil in 2004 and never returned to the United States. She divorced him, remarried and died last year after giving birth.

Goldman has said he was denied visitation for years.

Clinton said Goldman's case is an example of a problem around the world. She said there were nearly 50 U.S. children in similar situations in Brazil who should be returned to the U.S. — and more around the world.'

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Women Previously Charged With Castration Sentenced To Ridiculously Lenient Sentence

Article here. I really regret to inform everybody that the infamous Rebecca Dawson, who used her fingernails to tear the scrotum of a co-worker, received an unbelievably lenient sentence for her crime. Excerpt:

'A Harnett County woman pleaded guilty Monday to assault in the castration of a man at a Christmas party two years ago.

Rebecca Dawson, 36, pleaded guilty to assault inflicting serious injury, a misdemeanor. She had been charged with malicious castration, a felony.
Dawson received a 75-day suspended jail sentence and was placed on 18 months of supervised probation. She was ordered not to drink alcohol while on probation, and she must complete an anger management course.'

So I guess the obvious question is if this were the case of a man tearing off part of a woman's private parts, would he get this lenient a sentence? He'd probably never see the light of day again.

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"If I Thought Like A Girl"

Hello everybody. These are the lyrics to my latest hip hop song. I figured you might like it. I was inspired to write this after having to listen to Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" one too many times.

I want to make it clear to all the female members of the site that the girls I'm refering to in this song are actually the opportunistic women that we MRAs try to steer clear of. I am well aware that not all women are like the ones I describe in this song. I just figured there are so many songs which stereotype all guys as cheaters, it would be refreshing to encounter a song from a guy's point of view.


Since I don't look like a man from a magazine
I'll never be another cog in your machine
I'll never be the guy that you place by your side
Just to cover insecurity and make you feel pride
I'll never ever be able to compete with
Your idea of a perfect guy, it doesn't exist
And I must say it is rather sexist
To judge the other gender on how much they spendin'

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"Daddy Bread"

Daddy Bread. Excerpt:

"He used to make it only when the snow was flying, usually on his days off from his job as a registered nurse.
Now that I’m a parent with my own little ones to feed, I marvel at how amazingly integral that bread was to my growing up years. No matter what else was going on in life, Daddy Bread made me feel safe and cared about. It was almost like an extension of my strong, capable and loving father himself."

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Overt racism: Fine if you're female

Story here.

'NIAGARA FALLS—Two days after a man was sentenced to probation and community service for putting up a sign as a “joke” in a public works garage that said “whites only” on a drinking fountain, city police were called to a home in the 600 block of 25th Street on Sunday to investigate another racially charged sign.

This one was clearly no joke.

No charges were filed Sunday, but police told the woman she must take down the handwritten sign on a fence on her property saying, “I rent three bedrooms [at her address to] white people Niagara Falls.”

The 53-year-old woman told police she put up the sign after someone tried to break into her house and added, “I can do what I want. I live in America,” according to a police report.

Police said they received complaints and she must take the sign down. An officer at the scene said the woman agreed to take down the sign under protest. The officer said the woman already had seven more signs she was planning to hang up.'

Man gets arrested, woman gets... told to stop. And then nothing else happens.

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Australia: Dad jailed over card

Story reported here. Excerpt:

"A MELBOURNE father of three has been jailed for sending a birthday card to his daughter.

The man ``Mick'' -- who cannot be identified for legal reasons -- was locked up in a suburban police station for seven nights and spent another in the tough Melbourne Custody Centre. He says he was surrounded by drug addicts and people charged with violent offences during his ordeal last month.

Mick claims he is a victim of a family law system that is biased against fathers. ``I was jailed for nine days and eight nights for sending my 11-year-old daughter a birthday card,'' he said. ``Apparently I broke an intervention order. It's ludicrous and it breaks your heart.''

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RADAR ALERT: Like Tall-Tales and Fairy Tales? Then You'll Love the SAFE Act!

Recently Rep. Ted Poe and Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard introduced the Security and Financial Empowerment (SAFE) Act. Normally you'd expect a bill to be based on well-accepted facts and good research. But the Findings of this bill include tall-tales at best, and fairytales at worst.

Here are some of the bill's goofiest Findings:

  • FINDING: Violence against women has been reported to be the leading cause of physical injury to women."

    FACT: Family violence researcher Richard Gelles had this to say about this Finding: "Unfortunately, as good a sound bite as it is, the statement is simply not true." The Centers for Disease Control reports that in 2006 (the most recent year that data is available) all of the leading causes of injury to women were unintentional. Intentional injury to women accounted for only 1.4% of injury-related Emergency Department visits. (See chart)

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