Former Deputy Wants Men To Help End Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Inside a lecture hall at UNC Charlotte, professor Joe Marinello teaches criminal justice students. His passion is understanding and ending domestic violence.

"Domestic violence is a social cancer,” he said.

He said it's a disease that's slowly killing society, and for too long women have led the movement alone to try to stop it.

“Men have to come out of the shadows and admit that we are the primary perpetrators against women, children, and other men,” he said.
Marinello is also reaching out to teach boys and girls in middle and high schools about respect in relationships. He said he wants to plant the seeds for change that men should be protectors and not controllers.'

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Hospital Builds $360 Million Dollar Women's Unit Equiped With Robotics And Day Spa Services

Story here. Excerpt:

'The all-women's unit is one of many innovations revealed Wednesday by Detroit-based Henry Ford at a preview of its new Oakland County hospital, an expansive 300-bed structure set to open March 15. The stone and brick building is attached to the existing medical center Henry Ford opened in 1975. The new hospital has a ground-floor retail area with small-town style storefronts and a look more in line with the feel of a northern Michigan lodge than a sterile medical building.

Along with its cozy resort-style look and all-private patient rooms, the hospital will have robot-assisted surgery, a one-stop care center to treat seniors with neurological illnesses, and a wellness center with day spa services and personal health coaches.

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'The Female Persuasion '

Article here. Excerpt:

'We size up men for their potential and then attempt to train and transform them into our ideal image. We pretend to be offended by their masculine presentations and open assertions regarding sex. We turn on the charm and the tears at will and are determined to make the men in our lives responsible for our life experiences and happiness. We hold the power of sex and wield it to trap them and at a moment that suits us, transform it into a tool of punishment and torture for any lack of patronization. Are those mixed messages and abuses of power conducive to the success and happiness we seek?

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Boston Globe: Where have all the 'real' men gone?

Editorial here. Excerpt:

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UK: Teenage girls have overtaken boys as the new gross-out merchants

Article here. Excerpt:

'They have entirely missed the point. Did you spot the age of the protagonist? Teenage, right? And she's female. And those two things qualify her as a member of the new gross-out generation. It is true that teenage boys, and the teenage boy in every man, have long had a monopoly on disgust. From the Earl of Rochester to Philip Roth, the boys have loved the shock of the “eww!” Our daughters may be made of sugar and spice, but it is not for them that the notorious apple pie scene in American Pie was made. Horrible Histories, the gross-out children's books, are marketed for boys.

Teenage girls are applauded for overtaking their male classmates on most officially gradeable targets. With their typical thoroughness, they now excel in this previously exclusively male skill too: the ability to make a joke about a wet sock, and, for an A*, laugh about it while snorting milk through the nose.'

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"When it comes to reading, girls rule"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many parents and educators do not realize that, on average, girls are better readers than boys. In every age group, boys have been scoring lower than girls on U.S. Department of Education reading tests for more than 30 years.

The longer boys are in school, the wider the reading gender gap becomes.
According to NAEP, males who have made it through 12 years of school have significantly poorer reading skills than their female peers. Among white males of college-educated parents, 23 percent scored “below basic” in reading, compared to 7 percent of their female peers. Among Hispanic males of college-educated parents, 34 percent scored “below basic” in reading, compared to 19 percent of their female peers. Among black males of college-educated parents, 44 percent scored “below basic” in reading, compared to 33 percent of their female peers.'

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Cops: Woman Traded 2 Kids For A Bird, $175

Story here. Excerpt:

'(AP) A Louisiana woman is accused of trading two young children in her care for a pet cockatoo and $175 cash from a couple who had been trying for years to have their own child, authorities said Thursday.

Donna Greenwell, 53, a long-haul trucker with an arrest record from Pitkin, is charged with aggravated kidnapping, along with would-be adoptive parents Paul J. Romero, 46, and Brandy Lynn Romero, 27, of Evangeline Parish.
The transaction for the 5-year-old boy and the 4-year-old girl was negotiated by phone after Greenwell spotted a flier posted at a livestock barn selling a cockatoo for $1,500 and called the Romeros on Feb. 18, Dupre said.'

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Deadliest jobs in America

Slideshow here. See if you can spot any women in the pictures.

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Giving parents equal parenting time by law

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the third time in 22 years, Washington state is leading the nation in family law reform. This time, the report is called the Residential Time Summary Report prepared by the state Office of the Administrator for the Courts. This is a first-in-the-nation compilation of post-divorce breakdown of parenting time for children, mothers and fathers. The numbers are collected case-by-case and county-by-county.

Amazingly, 46 percent of children of divorce, statewide, are ordered to spend a minimum of 35 percent parenting time with their biological fathers. Parenting time is broken down by large percentages, and meaningful shared parenting starts in the range of 30-35 percent. This is about 300 percent better results than anyone could have expected from the time the Parenting Act was first approved. If there ever was any doubt, Washington state is now an official shared-parenting state for families impacted by parental separation.'

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Upcoming Screenings of "Indoctrinate U"


First, we're happy to announce that "Indoctrinate U" has been accepted by the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival!

In accepting the film, the festival's reviewers wrote:

"Well-edited, good looking titles, technically pulled together well so there's no major problems that distract you from looking at it. Content: About the problems of political correctness on college campuses today and how they often impinge on professors and students' individual rights of expression. Great story and content with plenty of examples to draw from, mostly talking head interviews with archival footage cut in, well-shot film that could
easily play on PBS or something along those lines. A wry, hard hitting documentary about the effect of the campus culture wars on individual rights, diversity of opinion, and the life of the mind in American higher education. Very professionally made. Great subject matter, we found it very interesting."

The film will be shown at the festival on Tuesday, March 24th at 6:00PM at the Village East Cinema at 2nd Avenue and 12th Street.

For tickets and other information, visit:

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US Family Court Reform Alliance

US Family Court Reform Alliance is current accepting applications from other Family Court Reform related websites and Blog operators to establish a presents on our forums using their group name.

We will provide you will a category of forums on our Forum Home Page dedicated to your group name, which will be Moderated by a member(s) of your group, in addition to site administrators, and a site Super Moderator, in accordance with our website "Forum Rules". Additionally, your group will be allowed to take full advantage of the many state of the art features out platform offers such as: Private Messaging, Email, Social Groups, a Dedicated Calendar for your group, our Blog feature, and finally the many general forums we offer for all groups and individuals to socialize, learn, become familiar with each other, and make life long friends.

We offer this service completely FREE OF CHARGE.

For additional info go to or visit the forums at:

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Newsweek: Laid-off men are lazy wife-beating slobs

Article here. I think the writer omits a few cliches and negative stereotypes about men, but not many. Of course, there's hope here to--if a writer this bad can keep a job, anyone can.


"Let's start with the myth of the new diaper daddies. The American Time Use Survey shows that in fact laid-off men tend to do less—not more—housework, eating up their extra hours snacking, sleeping and channel surfing (which might be why the Cartoon Network, whose audience has grown by 10 percent during the downturn, is now running more ads for refrigerator repair school). Unemployed women, in contrast, spend twice as much time taking care of children and doing chores. Nor do former working stiffs necessarily reconnect with their families: following alcoholics and drug addicts, they're the most likely demographic to beat their female partners."

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Domestic Violence Videos you, or the public, won't usually see

Via Jeremy S.: In collaboration with the professional filmmakers at Kaeco Productions and Derringer Productions and Post, we have produced a full curriculum series of 13 video vignettes specifically designed for counseling female abusers.

Nonviolent Alternatives
View a sample of one of our videos on YouTube. "I produced 13 videos that are just like Duluth videos except they are women who are abusive. We took a large collection of child protective services reports and police report narratives documenting abusive women, then we grouped them into similiar behavior patters. Then we narrowed the group to a top 13 and wrote scripts for the videos. We would have done more but I only had enough money to produce 13. There is a sample of one of the videos on our website at Terry A. Moore, Program Director

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Dr. Amy: Are fathers optional?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In other words, more than 1/4 of white children, 1/2 of Hispanic children, and almost 3/4 of black children were born to mothers who did not feel that marriage was necessary. Since marriage reflects the commitment of mother and father to stay together permanently, it means that a large proportion of women chose to give birth without taking steps to make sure that the father would live with his child and be a permanent presence in his or her life.
However, as the birth statistics demonstrate, the problem is not simply one of abandonment. Women are actively conceiving and bearing children in the knowledge that their fathers will almost certainly not be living with them throughout childhood. Simply put, women are behaving as if fathers are optional.'

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Ireland: Working women almost certainly caused the credit crunch

Article here. Excerpt:

'Of course there will always be a place in the world of business for exceptional women. Women also have an important role to play in jobs that are too demeaning for men, like teaching. But the general employment of women is another matter. Indeed, working women almost certainly caused the credit crunch by bringing a second income into the average household, pushing property prices up to unsustainable levels.

Whether working women actually caused the credit crunch is now a moot point. The point is that removing women from the workforce would mitigate its effects.

Consider the issue of unemployment. There were 221,301 men on the live register last month and just under one million women in work.

Surely at least half these women have a partner who is earning? Surely at least half would be happier at home? One half of one half is a quarter and one quarter of a million is roughly 221,301. I think we can all see where this argument is going.'

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