'Real Housewife' Charged with Assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'One of the stars of reality TV show "The Real Housewives of New York" has been arrested after allegedly assaulting her boyfriend.

Kelly Killoren Bensimon, 40, one of six housewives featured in the hit series, was arrested last week and charged with misdemeanor assault after her lover Nicholas Stefanov accused her of punching him during an altercation on Tuesday.
Stefanov says in a statement to the New York Daily News, "What are you supposed to do when a girl is hitting you, just sit there like a punching bag? If I had hit her, I'd be sitting in a jail cell right now."'

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Binghamton University paper: Share some responsibility, women need condoms too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Imagine that a woman gets up in front of a group of other women and says that women don’t need men, men are stupid, men are useless and women don’t need men because women are better than that. That’s OK, she would be on “The View,” “Oprah” and everything in between. She would be a star. Now imagine the same scenario only it’s a man doing the talking and saying the same things — men don’t need women, men are smarter, better, blah blah blah. What would be the reaction? He wouldn’t be on “The View” anytime soon, that’s for sure. But the outrage would definitely be memorable. Women are allowed to call themselves better than men and they are considered strong and confident, but a man says he is better than a woman and he’s a pig.'

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L.A. County Jail Overcrowding: Women serve just 10% of their sentence while men serve 70%

Article here. Excerpt:

'Roughly 32,000 women pass through the women’s jail system annually at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, Bobb reported. It is a modern 1990s jail facility with cells built around a small central area that houses about 2,200 inmates daily.
Because of jail overcrowding, most women serve just 10% of their sentences -- compared to slightly less than 70% for men. Overcrowding has forced the department to immediately release "any inmate whose sentence is less than 180 days," Bobb wrote.'

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THE MO'KELLY REPORT: The 'Other' Side of Domestic Violence Coin

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yes, violence against men is the “other side,” the less talked about side and often the more controversial side of domestic violence. The prevailing question is “At what point is a man ‘allowed’ to use force in the defense of himself?” Let this story be a perfect example of how to handle oneself.

The boyfriend was cut in the cheek but nowhere in any published report has Mo’Kelly found any mention of him striking her back.

Good for him. No…GREAT for him.

This is another teachable moment my African-American brothers. Really take a closer look here.

For his trouble and good sense…she’s the one in jail, not him. He is enjoying his freedom and she will languish in jail until their court date, whenever that may finally be. If he hits her (self-defense or not), they both are likely arrested and it then devolves into a situation of her word against his, her injuries versus his.

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UK: Male suicide tops mental health bill

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tackling the staggeringly high level of suicides among young men was top of the agenda at a conference on men’s mental health in Calcot yesterday.

Suicide is one of the biggest killers of young men, who are four times more likely to commit suicide than young women, and every minute there are two deaths by suicide in Britain.

In the past six years, 6,729 men aged between 15 and 34 have killed themselves in the UK.

Key speakers stressed the importance of raising awareness of the signs of depression in young men and highlighted a training programme for therapists at the Charlie Waller Institute at The University of Reading, which aims to help reduce the numbers of young men taking their own lives.'

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Teachers in sex scandal to undergo evaluations

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOUNTIFUL — Two teachers charged with rape in a junior high school sex scandal will be undergoing mental health evaluations, their attorneys told the Deseret News.

Both women are accused of having a sexual relationship with the same boy, beginning when he was 13.

"We want to get all the information," said Sean Druyon, the lawyer for Linda Neff. "When you look at this at first blush, here's a 40-something-year-old woman, here's a 13-year-old, almost 14-year-old boy, 'What was she thinking? She must be a pedophile.' That's not always the case."
"I think there's some psychological issues," he said Tuesday. "The kid is clearly a victim, but I think these ladies were somewhat vulnerable."'

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Australia: New project to help men prevent disease launched

Article here. Excerpt:

'A NEW project has been launched to cut the death rate in men from preventable illnesses.

Steve Trumble of the The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners said: "With lung cancer for every 100 women who die, 174 men will die.

"It is similar with emphysema and asthma.

"With suicides, 78 per cent of deaths are men and 75 per cent of transport accidents deaths are men rather than women," Associate Professor Trumble said.

"Cirrhosis of the liver, alcohol-related illnesses and skin cancers are more common in men.'

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Canada: More women doctors needed

Article here. Excerpt:

'OTTAWA -- Increasing the number of women doctors might be the right prescription for a healthier population, two Canadian researchers argue in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association.

Taking direct aim at doctors and data suggesting women physicians don't work as hard as men, Queen's University family medicine specialist Dr. Susan Phillips and undergrad Emily Austin conclude not only do females pull their weight, "the feminization of medicine is good for health outcomes."
On average, women doctors do work fewer hours than men. Canada's 2007 National Physician Survey found that among all physician specialties, men put in an average 53.8 hours a week whereas women worked 47.5 hours.

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California Club in Former Women-Only Club Space Closes

Article here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ROSA, CA -- Body Zone Fitness, which took over the space formerly occupied by Body Central, closed its doors last week, according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. Body Central was the women-only club that closed a few months after a judge ruled in a lawsuit that it must admit men as members.
In 2003, a Santa Rosa man, Phillip Kottle, filed a complaint that he was denied a membership to Body Central because of his gender. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) said that Body Central violated California’s civil rights law barring businesses from discriminating based on sex, race or religion.

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Australia: Woman 'killed man who complained about dog'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A SYDNEY woman stabbed a man to death after he complained about her barking dog, telling him "not to speak to her dog like that", the NSW Supreme Court has been told.

Joseph Durrant, 47, was stabbed from behind after becoming involved in a late night argument about his neighbour's barking dog in Phyllis Street, Mt Pritchard, in Sydney's west.
Durrant then became involved in a physical struggle with Ms Whitmore, her brother Frederick Reyon Whitmore and her partner Steven Spiro Sotiropoulos, and was fatally stabbed.

Mr Whitmore and Mr Sotiropoulos are facing a joint trial in the NSW Supreme Court at which they have pleaded not guilty to his murder.
In his opening address today, crown prosecutor Chris Maxwell QC told the jury that Ms Whitmore had threatened to stab Durrant moments before the attack and had been seen brandishing a knife by Adam Duncan, who was attending a party next door.

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Obama Creates White House Women's Council

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama will sign an executive order tomorrow to establish a White House Council on Women and Girls, according to an administration official familiar with the move.

The Council will be chaired by Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser and personal friend to the president, and the day-to-day operations will be run Tina Tchen, who is currently director of the White House Office of Public Liaison and was a major fundraiser for Obama during the campaign.

"The mission of the Council will be to provide a coordinated federal response to the challenges confronted by women and girls to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies consider how their policies and programs impact women and families," reads a memo describing the move and obtained by The Fix.'

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UK: Recruiting black and women-only firefighters 'wrong' - minister

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fire Minister Sadiq Khan has ruled out a ban on white men at brigade recruitment days despite new local diversity targets being drawn up.

On a visit to Bristol he insisted that while it was vital to boost the number of female and ethnic minorities firefighters he fears the tactic employed last year by the Avon service could fuel resentment.

Officials barred white men from four of the five recruitment days held locally sparking outrage.

But Mr Khan told the Bristol Post: "The best people for the jobs should get the jobs. I don't want a situation where people are resentful.'

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PEO grants women-only educational assistance

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Saturday, in the Kaplan Auditorium of the Henderson County Main Library, there was a fellowship of women. The Philanthropic Education Organization hosted an education fair to introduce women of all ages to the various loans, scholarships and grants the organization offers for women trying to go to school.

“We have the heart and the means to help women achieve their educational goals,” said Pauline Wickens, organizer with the state’s chapter of PEO. “What we don’t always have is visibility or accessibility to those who could benefit from our services.”'

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Women's shelter has kennels for pets

Story here. Excerpt:

'LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) - A local state district judge is believed to be the first in the state to utilize a new provision in the law that allows a protective order for an abused woman to be extended to the family pets. The new legal tool is expected to save not just pets but human lives too.

For many pets are truly members of the family. Statistics show women who are victims of abuse sometimes stay in abusive situations rather than leave beloved pets. But a change in the law allows orders to protect women to now include their pets.
The women's shelter has kennels for pets of women who seek protection there. They hope other attorneys and judges will also utilize the change in the law to protect abuse victims and their pets. Says Zilbert, "Lives will be saved both four legged and human because of the fact that protection of the pets is no longer a reason for a woman who's being abused to stay with the abuser."'

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Kill my ex: Woman's murder list for her lover

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN pleaded guilty to murder yesterday as court documents revealed she gave her lover written instructions on how to kill her ex-boyfriend and dispose of his body.

"Wipe him out of existence, go somewhere two hours out, burn his body," one note read.

The Herald can reveal for the first time the events leading to the death of David Harrison, 23, who was stabbed to death in the garage of a rented Muswellbrook house in 2007.

The Victorian man's body was discovered in July 2007 in a shallow grave at Greta, bearing 35 injuries, mainly stab wounds.'

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