Carle Place woman pleads guilty to killing boyfriend while drunk

Story here. Excerpt:

'Just as jury selection in her trial was set to begin in Riverhead, Jesenia Vega admitted in court that she dragged her boyfriend to death as she drove away from a party, attorneys said Monday.
Suffolk prosecutors said Vega had spent the night of July 21, 2007, drinking beer and tequila at a Centereach block party when she tried to leave in her sport utility vehicle.

Her boyfriend, Louis Wiederer, 26, tried to stop her, warning Vega she was too drunk to drive, prosecutors said.
Vega's lawyer gave a different account of how the night unfolded, saying she was attempting to flee abuse.

Vega decided to leave the party after Wiederer threatened, berated, then physically attacked her, McCann said.
Reached at her Westbury home, Wiederer's mother, Barbara Dempsey, 47, acknowledged that her son's relationship with Vega was volatile, and she recalled seeing physical abuse on both sides. "Those two together created violence," she said.'

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Drunken Woman Attacks Husband With Garden Hoe

Story here. Excerpt:

'THURSTON COUNTY, Wash. -- A 50-year-old woman is in the Thurston County Jail Wednesday morning after allegedly trying to kill her estranged husband with a garden hoe.

Investigators with the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office told KIRO-TV that Tina Nystrom had apparently been drinking when she went to her estranged husband’s home near Lacey.

Police said the woman asked to see the couple’s children, but her husband refused because she was intoxicated.

When the man went into the bathroom, his wife tried to break in the door. When he came out of the bathroom he was struck on the head with a garden hoe.
"She admitted striking him. In fact, she told us she intended to kill him," said Jim Chamberlain of the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office.'

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Top ten men's health myths

Article here. Excerpt:

"2. Men don't use health services as much as women

WHO SAYS? Everyone; this myth is repeated so often you’d assume it’s gospel. Your other half will delight in using it as a stick with which to beat you all the way to your GP’s door.

HOW WRONG IS IT? It’s a distortion of the truth.

GIVE ME THE FACTS Women do use health services more than men, but that’s because they have more reason to. As a bloke, you’d get funny looks if you booked for a smear, ante-natal check, Pill prescription and so on. True, you’re the proud owner of a prostate and pant-tackle that the girls don’t have. But these are easily trumped by lady’s problems involving breasts and gynaecology. Now do the maths: subtract from female health service use the strictly girlie stuff, then do the same for men. You’ll find that at least 60 per cent of the apparent male v female difference in doctor door-stepping vanishes."

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Kathleen Parker: Bring the Boys Along

Article here Excerpt:

'With a flick of his pen, President Obama finally laid to rest Freud's most famous question and iterated one of man's hardest-learned lessons: Women want what women want.

And the wise man sayeth: "Yes, dear."

Thus it came to pass that the president created the White House Council on Women and Girls to ensure that all Cabinet-level agencies consider how their policies affect women and families. Presumably, men and boys may expect to benefit from what is helpful to women and girls. We shall see.
Where's the White House Council on Men and Boys? Okay, let men fend for themselves. But boys really do need our attention, not only for themselves but also for the girls who will be their wives (we hope) someday. We do still hope that boys and girls grow up to marry, don't we? Preferably before procreating?

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"The real question is for Chris Brown" (or "masculinity is intimately tied to violence")

Article here. Excerpt:

'How do we teach boys to be men? How do we respond to these first incidents of violence in order to prevent escalating incidents in the future? What is our commitment to educating teens about healthy relationships? What values do we perpetuate in our media, music and marketing? What are we willing to do to keep repeat perpetrators of domestic abuse contained before they kill their partners and/or children or move from one victim to another?

In America, masculinity is intimately tied to violence, and the sooner a boy learns that, the easier his passage through adolescence to manhood. Just listen to the names classmates and teammates call boys when they choose not to embrace violence: “sissy,” “girl,” “fag,” “homo” — and worse. Homophobia and violence against women and girls are intricately linked. The quickest way for a boy to prove his masculinity and thereby avoid being bullied is to be violent against someone weaker.'

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A new school at the Boys Ranch

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch dedicated the Donald Ralph Cooke School March 13. The school features eight classrooms with one designated as a computer lab. The school was funded through the generous gift of Mrs. Donald Ralph Cooke in memory of her late husband.

The education program at the Boys Ranch encompasses three different curriculum streams. Students who are on track maintain their current education program. For those who are behind in their education a personalized program is designed for each student and one on one attention is provided due to the small class sizes. Youth who are significantly behind in school and close to graduation participate in courses to prepare them for the Graduate Equivalency Degree (GED.)'

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Setting feminism back, one page at a time

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ladies, settling for less? Can’t figure out why the selfish, egomaniacal, mentally, emotionally and/or physically abusive, jobless, carless, jealous, bootie-callin’ gambling addict only gives you a half-assed “sorry” when he doesn’t call? With the extreme popularity of the film, “He’s Just Not That Into You” comes a terribly useless resurgence of the bestselling book of the same title by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo who examine all the different ways in which men show you that they don’t like you.

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US births break record; 40 pct out-of-wedlock

Story here. Excerpt:

'The birth rate rose slightly for women of all ages, and births to unwed mothers reached an all-time high of about 40 percent, continuing a trend that started years ago. More than three-quarters of these women were 20 or older.

For a variety of reasons, it's become more acceptable for women to have babies without a husband, said Duke University's S. Philip Morgan, a leading fertility researcher.
Cultural attitudes may be a more likely explanation. Morgan noted the pregnancy of Bristol Palin, the unmarried teen daughter of former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The young woman had a baby boy in December, and plans for a wedding with the father, Levi Johnston, were scrapped.

"She's the poster child for what you do when you get pregnant now," Morgan said.'

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The rise of the anchorwomen

Article here. Originally found on Fark. Excerpt:

"Young women can look more mature than men of the same age. The fact is that the average woman coming out of school, if you dress her up and put makeup on, she looks like an adult. The average guy coming out of school looks like he's coming out of puberty. It's not discrimination. It's biology."

Do they ever stop humiliating the male gender? This is so tiresome.

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Filipina who accused Marine of rape recants

Story here. Excerpt:

'MANILA, Philippines - A Filipino woman who accused a U.S. Marine of rape has altered her testimony and emigrated to the United States, saying she was no longer certain that a crime took place, a lawyer said Wednesday.

The case has strained U.S.-Philippine military relations amid calls for the scrapping of a pact allowing U.S. troops to train Filipino soldiers, and has become a rallying point for anti-American protests.
The turnabout has shocked her supporters, including lawyer Evalyn Ursua, who said her client terminated her services this week then moved to the U.S. to start a new life and was no longer willing to talk.

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez said the affidavit may not be admitted as new evidence because it should have been introduced during the 2006 trial.

"I am not happy with her because her accusations divided the nation, then she turns her back on everything," he said.'

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"Men are women's 'issue'"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A council on men and boys would promote stable marriage as the best avenue to improve the lives and living conditions of America's women and families. A council on men and boys would address the crisis in American manhood that results in the scourge of infidelity, divorce, lack of commitment and fatherhood with multiple partners.

A council on men and boys would seek to eliminate the objectification of women in the media. It would battle our hypersexual culture by fighting against the “hook-up” mentality that defines the way in which young men view young women. And most importantly, it would stamp out the violence against women that emanates from men's widespread exposure and growing addiction to pornography.
Believe me, I'm not man-bashing. Rather, I think the feminist agenda is a false promise. A council on women and girls that seeks to infuse feminism across the government propels us further from real solutions. Our government just isn't man enough to fix what's wrong.'

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Female employee charged with stealing thousands from NH feminist clinic

Story here.

'A Manchester, N.H., woman is accused of stealing thousands of dollars from the Concord Feminist Health Center, where she was finance manager.

Police say 55-year-old Janet Curtin surrendered Tuesday on theft charges.

Investigators say Curtin is believed to have stolen about $26,000 from March 2004 to June of 2006, while she worked at the clinic.'

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Lay off men, Lessing tells feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'The novelist Doris Lessing yesterday claimed that men were the new silent victims in the sex war, "continually demeaned and insulted" by women without a whimper of protest.

Lessing, who became a feminist icon with the books The Grass is Singing and The Golden Notebook, said a "lazy and insidious" culture had taken hold within feminism that revelled in flailing men.

Young boys were being weighed down with guilt about the crimes of their sex, she told the Edinburgh book festival, while energy which could be used to get proper child care was being dissipated in the pointless humiliation of men.

"I find myself increasingly shocked at the unthinking and automatic rubbishing of men which is now so part of our culture that it is hardly even noticed," the 81-year-old Persian-born writer said yesterday.'

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Woman accused in deaths of husband, kids gets bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'SAGUENAY, Que. — A Quebec woman charged with killing her three children and helping her husband to kill himself was granted bail under strict conditions by a judge on Monday.

Cathie Gauthier faces three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of her three children — 12-year-old Joelle, seven-year-old Marc-Ange, and four-year-old Louis-Philippe.

She also faces one count of aiding her husband Marc Laliberte, 46, to commit suicide in what Quebec provincial police have alleged was a murder-suicide pact.

The details of Gauthier’s bail hearing cannot be reported because the Quebec Superior Court judge hearing the case granted a defence request for a publication ban.'

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'70s radical Sara Jane Olson released from prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'Jon Opsahl said he doesn't think domestic-terrorist-turned-housewife Sara Jane Olson served nearly enough time for his mother's murder, but he's relieved the saga ended with Olson's Tuesday release from prison.

Olson, a member of the self-styled revolutionary Symbionese Liberation Army -- perhaps best known for kidnapping Patricia Hearst -- was released from a California prison after serving seven years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said.
Her sentence stems from her involvement in the 1975 attempted bombings of two police cars and the slaying of Myrna Opsahl during a bank robbery that same year.
"Enough with the BS that she was unfairly targeted by law enforcement for her youthful indiscretions -- she is a criminal," Weber said in a Monday statement.

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