A bad day for female violence

In today's news section on the front page of Australia's NineMSN, their top 4 stories of the day included 3 stories about female violence:

Court Claim: "Wife admitted to chopping up husband" - Police say wife blasted husband to death with a shotgun, took his body out the back (obviously not a small woman) and chopped him up before hiding bits around the state. Lets see what she gets, my prediction 6 years, out in 3.

Disfigured - Nightclub glassing victim acquitted - A Ms Goldrick admitted pulling a woman to the floor and punching her in the mouth after herself being punched in the mouth, victim a Ms Kelley was also glassed in the face leaving her blind in one eye and scarred for life. Goldrick was acquitted as there was some doubt about where the glass injury came from. I did think that punching someone in the mouth was illegal, obviously not, as she walked free.

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Scotland: Businessman suffers brain damage after assault over false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A PROMINENT businessman suffered devastating brain injuries in a vicious attack after he was wrongly suspected of raping one of his workers, a court heard yesterday.

John Chalmers, 47, has had to "learn everything again" and step down from a senior role in his family's bakery in Aberdeen – which holds the Royal Warrant – because of the assault.

He had become friends with a woman less than half his age, who's brother mistakenly believed Mr Chalmers had sexually assaulted her.

On Christmas Day, 2007, Steven Macleod, 28, struck Mr Chalmers a blow to the head with a length of wood and repeatedly punched him, causing a fractured skull and internal bleeding. Without prompt medical treatment, he might well have died.'

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Trying to avoid trouble is a ridiculous reason to cry 'rape'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Do teen girls really believe it's easier to claim false rape to their parents and police than to face the consequences of their own dumb actions?

For the second time in less than six months, a south suburban teen has acknowledged lying about a sexual assault to avoid punishment.

In the most recent case, 19-year-old Heather Krueger, of Tinley Park, told police last week that she was attacked while on her way home from the South Side Irish St. Patrick's Day Parade. The assault, she said, happened in the 80th Avenue Metra parking lot in Tinley Park.

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Why Are More Women Confessing to Infidelity?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an October 2008 study, researchers from the University of Washington explored the recent increase in infidelity, and the changing makeup of the participants. A greater number of older men and younger women have reported being unfaithful than in earlier studies. However, historically, gauging responses in scientific studies of sensitive issues such as sexual behavior has proven to be a flawed science.

According to The New York Times, which cites the University of Washington’s research, the number of young women who report engaging in extramarital sex is not much lower than that of men. The study reports that 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women under the age of 35 have cheated on their spouses, up from 15 percent and 12 percent respectively.'

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UK Telegraph: 'Men in the classroom'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The news that more than a quarter of England's primary schools do not have a single male teacher might not seem very alarming: in recent years we have come to think of this area of teaching as the preserve of women. In fact, the statistic is testament to a mighty failure of our education system, and one that needs to be put right as soon as possible.

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Michelle Obama Hosts Female ‘Firsts’

Story here. Excerpt:

'It felt like a high school prom at the White House Thursday night…minus the teenage boys and the spiked punch.

Michelle Obama hosted 110 high-school junior and senior girls from eleven Washington-area schools for dinner and music in the East Room. Sheryl Crow and Alicia Keys performed.

Obama assembled the group in honor of Women’s History Month. She told the group of girls to use the night for networking and to “poke and prod” the successful women in the room “to figure out how they got where they are.”'

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MND: Obama Women’s Council Tells its First Lie

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Maidens of Mendacity are at it again, only this time they're speaking from the bully pulpit that President Obama himself established. A couple weeks ago President Obama established the White House Council on Women and Girls. During the March 11 ceremony, Obama explained, "It's not enough to only have individual women's offices at different agencies, or only have one office in the White House."

The very next morning the Office's director, Valerie Jarrett, went on NPR Morning Edition. This is what Jarrett had to say: "Domestic violence is still a major issue, not just for women but also for girls."
Each year an estimated 600 Americans are struck by lightning - that's according to the National Weather Service. And each year fewer than 1,500 Americans - men and women - are murdered by their intimate partners.'

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Inherent Sexism in Child Abandonment Cases Linked to Feminist Abortion Theory

Article here. Excerpt:

'As far as I can tell in the first case the abandoner was a man and the second it was a woman and women have emotions that effect their judgment and culpability. Of course the fact that the woman would have been lawfully permitted to kill her child only a short time before abandoning it has nothing to do with the difference in treatment.

As a person who has researched the abortion issue extensively I have noted that what passes for sexism and misogyny is frequently embraced and even promoted by certain quarters to promote the ideals of those who claim to be favour of women. They will condemn statements like the above quote in popular theological writings of the past as patronising and insulting yet when there are benefits to women from being treated as full rational agents they seem quite willing to buy into this line of thought as long as it enables women to avoid criticism.'

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Albany woman sentenced to 25 years to life for murder plot

Story here.

'ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - An Albany woman who conspired with her boyfriend to kill her husband has been sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

Tammara McCoy was found guilty of second-degree murder and conspiracy for the death of Tyrone McCoy in November 2007.

Prosecutors say Johnson was dating 32-year-old Tammara McCoy when her estranged husband came into thousands of dollars, and they plotted to kill him and escape with his money. Tammara McCoy drove her husband to her Albany apartment and then Johnson shot him in the head.

McCoy was sentenced Thursday. Johnson was found guilty in November. He's currently serving 28 and a half years to life in prison for murder, conspiracy, criminal possession of a weapon.'

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"Father and president"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Jay Fagan, a professor of social work at Temple University who has done studies on fathers, said that children who are living in households where their fathers are not present are much more likely to be living in poverty.

They are more likely to fall victim to substance abuse and child abuse. They're also at risk for emotional and behavioral problems. They're more likely to have problems at school, and they're at greater risk of delinquency and teen pregnancy.

Linda Nielsen, a professor of educational and adolescent psychology at Wake Forest University, views fatherlessness not as a family values issue, but as a "huge economic issue."

From high dropout rates, which lead to unemployment and under-employment, to low emotional health, so much of what is costing taxpayers money can be linked to children "not getting enough fathering," she maintained.'

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Australia: Female judge 'let sex teacher off lightly'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A victim support group is disappointed with the non-custodial sentence imposed on a Melbourne teacher over a relationship she had with a 15-year-old student.

Nazira Rafei has been convicted of committing indecent acts with a child after she performed sexual acts with the boy on two occasions last year.

The court heard the boy initially pursued the teacher and they engaged in a sexual act in the back of her car during last year's teacher strike.

But Noel McNamara of the Crime Victims Support Association says the sentence is too lenient and points to female bias as a possible factor.

"I think they seem to be mainly in most cases female judges who hand down these sentences and think that it is okay for female teachers to interfere with young boys," he said.

"We don't know what the end result is going to be with this lad."
Rafei will be placed on the sexual offenders register and she has also been ordered to do 150 hours of community work.'

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Journalist to discuss boys at education seminar

Article here. Excerpt:

'Veteran investigative journalist Peg Tyre will be the keynote speaker at the Mississippi Association of Partners in Education's upcoming state seminar.
Tyre, former senior writer at Newsweek, is author of “The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at School and What Parents and Educators Must Do.”

Tyre will explore issues related to boys' academic performance and why a disproportionate number of boys are high school dropouts. The state seminar also includes the Governor's Awards luncheon and training opportunities for education professionals.'

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UK Times: "School is better without boys"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Getting the best for girls has always been a vexed issue. Do they do better in single-sex schools or when taught alongside boys? In recent years single-sex schools have been tarred as old-fashioned and antiquated, a throwback to the Victorian era, but a report published last week looks like the last word on the issue: girls really do do better in single-sex schools.

The study, by The Good Schools Guide, followed 700,000 girls and found that those who sat GCSEs in single-sex state schools all did better than could have been predicted by their scores at the end of primary school.'

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Office of Women and Girls Head Makes One-Sided Claims on NPR

Via email from RADAR: Valerie Jarrett, who heads up Pres. Obama’s newly-formed Office on Women and Girls, recently said: “Domestic violence is still a major issue, not just for women but also for girls.” – NPR Morning Edition, March 12, 2009

Jarrett’s one-sided claim is disturbing because the Office on Women and Girls will attract extensive media attention in the next 4+ years, and could set the stage for even more anti-family DV laws.

Can you help us get the word out to stop the "Ms.-Information"? Complaints can be made here.

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"All men should take responsibility for violence"

The letter is here. Excerpt:

'Does anyone doubt Muruwet Tuncer won't be the last?

Calling these acts domestic violence is a convenient way to downplay and push aside this crime. Why not call it what it really is: male violence against women and children?
To all the men in this city who hold women in high esteem and would never think about acting violently against them, I would ask: What are you doing about male violence? Are you raising your sons so they will not act in a violent way? It seems to me that when you allow other men to act violently and take no responsibility for their actions, you are tarnished with the same brush. More succinctly, if you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.'

To submit a response to the Hamilton Spectator, go here.

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