Student paper: 'Men have bodies too!'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week was Love Your Body Week, which focused on helping women with eating disorders. It's great that these days women can easily find help for their eating disorders when twenty years ago they may have found it more difficult while trying to obtain the perfect figure. However, my question is: What about the guys?

Guys seem to be left out when it comes to respecting and loving their bodies exactly how they are. We seem to think guys have a better self-esteem than women and therefore do not need any help.

Many women strive for the perfect figure and try to accomplish this unrealistic model look by eating less or not eating at all. Plastic surgery or tummy tucks (if one has the money), or even excessively working out to the point of exhaustion and unhealthiness. Don't guys do the same thing?'

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Mother accused of stabbing, strangling daughter, 2

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother has been accused of stabbing her 2-year-daughter with a scissors last night in Gardner and trying to strangle the child with an electrical cord, police said.

The mother, Susan Johnson, 38, allegedly stabbed the girl in the torso, head, and neck in a laundry room of an apartment building. The child was rushed to Heywood Hospital in Gardner and taken into custody of the Department of Children and Families.

When police arrived at the apartment building, a security guard had pinned Johnson to the floor of the laundry room, keeping her away from her bleeding daughter. Police arrested Johnson on charges that include attempted murder, armed assault with intent to murder, and assault and battery on a child with injury.'

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Men take lead at the unemployment line

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's a "he-cession" out there and, man, it's brutal.

Friday's government employment report is expected to bring bad news about job losses in a tough economy. The pain will be worse, however, for one sex more than the other.

To a much greater extent than in past recessions, men are bearing the brunt.

In December 2007, when the economy started tanking, unemployment ran nearly even at 5 percent for men and 4.8 percent for women. In February, that tally had shot up to 8.8 percent for men and 7.3 percent for women, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The 1.5-point spread is historic, and likely to widen as the overall numbers keep soaring, said Mark Perry, an economist at the University of Michigan in Flint: "I don't see it turning yet."'

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Nurse Charged With Injecting 10 Patients With Bleach, Killing 5

Story here. Excerpt:

'LUFKIN, Texas — A former nurse has been charged with injecting 10 patients with bleach — killing five of them — at a dialysis center in Lufkin.

Kimberly Saenz has been indicted by an Angelina County grand jury on one count of capital murder and five counts of aggravated assault.

She's charged with injecting bleach into the blood stream of her dialysis patients over a span of four weeks last April.

DaVita, which runs the clinic, says the indictments were a "painful reminder" of the deaths that unfolded last year.'

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Mother guilty of feeding cocaine to toddler

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 26-year-old mother has been convicted of steadily giving her toddler cocaine over 14 months, finally administering a near-lethal dose that left him brain-damaged.

"It's difficult to see what would motivate her to give him cocaine, possibly to stop his crying, or to get him to sleep, or to control him. Was it to punish him or to get back at the father?" Justice Tamarin Dunnet said yesterday.

The Scarborough woman, who cannot be named to protect the identity of her son, also intentionally fractured a number of her son's ribs over time and failed to take him to hospital for a broken forearm, the judge said.

Cocaine levels discovered in the 2-year-old in testing at Hospital for Sick Children were so high that if he were an adult, he would be in the top 5 per cent of users, an expert testified.'

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Teacher accused of letting cats starve to death claims fear of return to home

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOCA RATON - The Congress Middle School teacher accused of letting her two cats starve to death "was the victim of an abusive situation" and her Boca Raton apartment had become "a zone of danger that was real and significant," her attorney said Wednesday in the first statement released on her behalf.

"The State Attorney's Office has accused Ms. Allison Dinsmore of malicious acts that were committed with the intent to cause harm and suffering. This conclusion was not shared by the police agency initially assigned to investigate this matter," Dinsmore's attorney Jordan Lewin wrote in a statement.

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Murderer in jail for 11 years gets pregnant during day release from prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman jailed for life for the brutal murder of a pensioner has become pregnant during day release from an open prison.

Lisa Healey is expected to give birth in the next few days after secret sex sessions with her boyfriend.

The 26-year-old, who has served 11-years-of her sentence, will bring up her child up in a mother and baby unit of Askham Grange Prison near York.
Healey was 15 when she and her 14-year-old friend Sarah Davey killed widow Lily Lilley in Failsworth, near Oldham, Lancs in 1998.
'The Prison Service provides Mother and Baby Units for the benefit of the prisoners' babies who would otherwise have to be separated from their mothers.

'The primary consideration is the best interest of the children.'

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UK: Man cleared of rape after court shown 'phone footage'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A businessman has been cleared of raping a university student after jurors were shown footage of the sex session taken on a mobile phone.

Gary Taylor, 41, was accused of attacking the 27-year-old woman after turning up at her flat with cocaine and a bottle of red wine.

The woman, who can't be identified for legal reasons, told jurors that Mr Taylor forced her to perform a sex act on him and then raped her in her living room.

But during cross-examination she was shown footage Mr Taylor had taken on his mobile phone during the encounter on September 26, 2008.

Mr Taylor's barrister Karen Holt said the footage showed the woman 'actively' performing a sex act on him.
The prosecution offered no evidence following advice from the judge.

Mr Taylor, who runs a multimedia company, was cleared of four charges of rape and walked free from court.'

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Single mother subjected adopted boy to years of cruelty

Story here. Excerpt:

'A single woman who was chosen to adopt a boy subjected him to four years of beatings and abuse.

She spat at him, locked him in a laundry cupboard for hours without food or water, and once pushed his face into a plate of hot spaghetti.

The adoption was one of the first by a single mother after social workers and adoption agencies began looking for single parents and gay couples to adopt, in some cases in preference to married couples.

The 43-year-old woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had never lived in a long-term relationship or been married when social workers decided she was suitable to adopt.

Yesterday she was given a conditional discharge after admitting child cruelty.'

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Using kids as weapons

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last weekend, I attended the Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS), Canada's first international conference on a form of child abuse that can be as bad as, or even worse than, sexual and physical abuse.

For the "show, don't tell" version of what the presentations added up to, read A Kidnapped Mind (Dundurn Press, 2006), by former model and journalist Pamela Richardson, who spoke at the symposium. Richardson wrote the book after her 16-year-old son, Dash Hart, neither drunk nor drugged, threw himself off Vancouver's Granville Street Bridge on New Year's Day, 2001.

Although Richardson was unaware there was such a syndrome until well into a 12-year custody ordeal as a "target parent," her detailed chronicle of a remorseless campaign to "disappear" her from Dash's life by his narcissistic father is the human face behind the evils described in the PAS literature.'

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India: 'Baazigar syndrome' on the rise

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some men want to get back at their wives so desperately they don't care if they destroy themselves in the process. A men's rights activist names the condition after a Shah Rukh Khan film, reports Savie Karnel.
The squabble ended when he killed her and surrendered before the police. He said he'd had enough of her demands for money to lead a lavish life.

This may be an extreme case, but men trying to avenge their wives, whatever the cost, is on the rise, according to a men's rights foundation.
Some are angry to be at the receiving end of dowry harassment cases when they haven't taken any dowry. So, they file counter cases saying giving dowry is a crime. They urge that the wife's family also be arrested.
"It was not so before. We suggest to people who come to us to not get entangled in legal hassles and waste their time... But they all seem to want revenge and don't bother what happens to their lives," she said.'apR27Q

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RADAR ALERT: Party Hearty-- Spend National Tea Party Day Protesting VAWA

April 15th, tax day, is slated to be National Tea Party Day. Throughout the country, citizens will be protest the unprecedented level of federal spending will gather in front of their city halls.

Among the grievances listed at are that the federal government is "spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying" and that members of Congress "consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to help get themselves re-elected."

RADAR shares the tea partiers' displeasure over out-of-control spending and pork. Included in the so-called economic stimulus bill of 2009 is $325 million earmarked specifically for ineffective domestic violence programs. Ineffective, that is, at preventing domestic violence. They have been very effective at contributing to the deaths of women and children, breaking up families, and creating incentives for false allegations while whittling away at the traditional due process protections previously provided to the accused.

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Free At Last: The Exoneration of Alan Beaman

Story here. Excerpt:

'In 1994, Alan Beaman was convicted of the murder of his ex-girlfriend and spent 13 years in prison for the crime.

Through the work of the Center on Wrongful Convictions at the Northwestern University School of Law, the Illinois Supreme Court reversed the conviction last May, citing the weakness of the evidence against Beaman.

A panel of those involved in the effort to clear Beaman's name recently reunited at the law school to discuss their experiences with the case.'

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History has been 'feminised', says prominent UK professor

Article here. Excerpt:

'In an interview with the Radio Times, out today, Dr Starkey said: "One of the great problems has been that Henry, in a sense, has been absorbed by his wives. Which is bizarre.

"But it's what you expect from feminised history, the fact that so many of the writers who write about this are women and so much of their audience is a female audience. Unhappy marriages are big box office."
Dr Starkey went further, by saying that modern attempts to paint many women in history as "power players" was to falsify the facts.

He said: "If you are to do a proper history of Europe before the last five minutes, it is a history of white males because they were the power players, and to pretend anything else is to falsify."

For example, while he considered Elizabeth I to be a great monarch, "the way she is presented as some sort of female icon is ludicrous".'

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O no, not again! Oprah's school rocked by second sex scandal in 2 years

Story here. This school that was set up by Oprah just for girls to prove that women and girls left in their own environment are better than men. This my friends, is proof that women are not the better sex. They are behind closed walls away from male influence and yet, they sexually harass and molest/rape each other. I will remember that next time I have to go to a sexual harassment class for work! Women ARE and CAN BE predators! This time, NO MEN can be blamed! Excerpt:

'Oprah Winfrey's elite boarding school for girls in South Africa has been rocked by its second sex scandal in fewer than two years.

Seven students were suspended last week for sexually harassing their schoolmates, the "Afrikaans on Sunday" newspaper reported.

One 15-year-old was accused of preying on another pupil and forcing other girls to lie to investigators about it, the paper reported.

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