Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-04-27 20:38
Story here. Excerpt:
'Women on campus will be able to buy cookies, brownies and other bakery items for 75 cents, while men will have to pay $1 if they want a bite at a campus bake sale, a member of the TCU Women's Network said.
Megan O'Brien, president of the TCU Women's Network and senior art history major, said the Women's Network and Women's Studies Program will be hosting a bake sale to illustrate the gap between women's and men's wages on Thursday.
O'Brien said women on average get paid 77 cents to every dollar earned by men. The bake sale will sell cookies, brownies, cake and vegan options, she said.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-04-27 20:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'All over the world, more men than women report a history of attempted suicide, with a gender ratio of 3:1, as revealed by many survey reports.
There is a lack of advocacy for men's rights and there are more social programs for women than for men indicating a gender bias favouring women.
Special government agencies for women's affairs have been set up recently in many nations with no corresponding agencies for men's affairs.
There is a general assumption of female innocence in sexual assault cases or sympathy for women, invariably there is a dismissal of female-on-male rape cases.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-04-27 20:26
Letter here. Excerpt:
'I personally believe that the Family Court system consistently and institutionally violates the Constitution’s Fifth and Fourteenth amendments, regarding due process and equal treatment under the law.
My reasoning: When petitioners come to Family Court and file for a protection from abuse order, but cannot afford their own legal representation, they are immediately referred to the Delaware Legal Aid Society where they can receive a highly skilled and impassioned attorney. The petitioner will also be granted one and sometimes two court advocates.
The respondent, whom I will refer to as the accused (remember innocent until proven guilty), has no such recourse. In fact if a respondent contacts the Delaware Legal Aid Society, he will be told point-blank that the organization only represents the petitioner.
So when the day of the hearing arrives, the petitioner’s legal machine is ready to conquer.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-04-27 20:23
Article here.
'COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—A former marshal with the Colorado Springs police department has filed a lawsuit against the city claiming he was discriminated against because he is a man.
Attorney Hollie Wieland said Friday that her client Philip McDonald received good evaluations but started having problems under a male supervisor who allegedly treated women better than men.
She says McDonald faced retaliation when he voiced concerns about what he thought were racist comments that a white female co-worker made to a black female co-worker, then was fired in 2007 over unfounded allegations that he left a courtroom unattended while court was in session.
Lori Miskel, a senior city attorney, says the city believes it acted appropriately. '
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2009-04-27 19:33
Truth again beats fiction with this story. No mention of what effect the revelation involved in this tale had on the one couple.
"A nice story, with surprising end:
In Stuttgart, Germany, a court judge must decide on a case of honorable intentions in a situation where a man hired his neighbor to get his wife pregnant.
It seems that Demetrius Soupolos, 29, and his former beauty queen wife, Traute, wanted a child badly, but Demetrius was told by a doctor that he was sterile.
So, Soupolos, after calming his wife’s protests, hired his neighbor, Frank Maus, 34, to impregnate her. Since Maus was already married and the father of two children, plus looked very much like Soupolos to boot, the plan seemed good.
Soupolos paid Maus $2,500 for the job and for three evenings a week for the next six months, Maus tried desperately, a total of 72 different times, to impregnate Traute.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2009-04-27 16:10
Campaign page here. Excerpt:
'Lifetime TV announced the launch of its new, father-bashing reality show Deadbeat Dads last week. To email and fax a letter to Lifetime Executives protesting this show, click here.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Deadbeat Dads, originally developed at Fox, follows National Child Support founder Jim Durham as he tracks down and confronts dads who don’t pay child support.” According to Reuters, Durham “functions as a sort of ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’ for tracking deadbeats…It’s ambush reality TV.” Durham will target fathers who are behind on their child support by “making their lives miserable — foreclosing on their house, repossessing their car. He will squeeze them.”
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Submitted by Broadsword on Mon, 2009-04-27 14:00
Article here.
"Requiring firms to reveal the "pay gap" between their male and female staff will help, not hinder, Britain's recovery from recession, Equalities Minister Harriet Harman insisted today.
"The economies of the future that will prosper are the ones which are not blinkered, held back by old-fashioned hierarchies, by a sense of women knowing their place, by overlooking the talents and abilities of people on the basis of the colour of their skin," she told reporters.
"When times are difficult, actually fairness is at a premium and it does not cost anything to be fair. It is part of helping the economy prosper for the future by tackling what its market failure because it is market failure to treat people unfairly for any reason.
"We don't see this as anti-competitiveness - it actually underpins competitiveness.
"Equality and opportunity underpins a meritocracy. This does not hold business back, this helps business."
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2009-04-26 17:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'If so, it's time to dial back your behavior. Why? Well, for starters, a fight with you means a full-volume freak-fest. Sometimes you'll destroy things; other times, you'll fight until you're too exhausted to bark anymore. Not good! "Your flare-ups tend to be so unpredictable, you're virtually begging your partner to bury his own anger," explains Jeff Palitz, a licensed marriage and family therapist. "The more stunts you pull, the more your spouse will pull away and ignore you."
Tame-your-temper tricks:
The key is to delay your explosions. The next time you fight, take a walk, suggests Palitz. Once you've gotten a little more oxygen flow to your brain, you can approach the topic logically (like, Okay, maybe he doesn't want another wife...he just said my closet was messy). Another approach? Try opening up (about your family, your sex life, how you'd like to spend your joint money) when you two are actually getting along, Palitz says. He's much more likely to hear you when you aren't screaming.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2009-04-26 17:38
Story here.
'LUFKIN, Texas - A former nurse has pleaded not guilty to murdering five patients and injuring five others with bleach injections at a Texas dialysis clinic.
The Lufkin Daily News reports that 35-year-old Kimberly Saenz remains free on $500,000 bond after her Friday arraignment.
She's charged with five counts each of capital murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The indictment alleges she injected 10 patients with bleach last April at the Lufkin DaVita Dialysis clinic and that five of them died.
Federal records show 34 patients were taken by ambulance from the clinic that month, more than three times the March total.
DaVita fired Saenz a day after temporarily closing the clinic.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-04-26 16:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'We often hear and read about men brutalizing women and it is a national disgrace that so many women live their lives in terror. I've written many times about the battering situations I came across as a police officer in NYC.
But, there's another type of battering I've witnessed, albeit not nearly as often; women brutalizing men. While working a tour in Brooklyn one night, my partner and I were summoned to an apartment to handle an assault in progress. When we arrived and climbed a few flights of stairs, we heard moaning sounds coming from behind an open door of one of the rooms. Other occupants of the building were standing outside their apartments yelling advice to us about the incident. "Be careful officer, she's crazy!" one woman hollered, jabbing her finger in the direction of the open door.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-04-26 16:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'Thank heaven for a good man indeed, that's a laugh. You would think that most women would really clamour for a good man's love, rush to be with a really nice guy, race to snag a gentleman, but alas, that is often so far from the truth.
Statistics have shown that many women don't really want nice guys - those knights in shining armour - and as the song says, "Nice guys only win in the movies", plus the French, who are reputed to know all about romance, also say, "Women marry gentlemen and fool around with rogues." So in any language it's "No nice guys, please." Nice guys seem to finish last on many occasions, and even the responses to my article on 'How to Handle a Woman' attests to that, as you'll see.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-04-26 16:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'It makes sense for more and more families, said Scott Coltrane, a University of Oregon sociologist who studies the role of fathers. In the months since Hammond lost his job, the work force trend toward 50-50 parity between males and females has accelerated, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Experts interpret that as indicating that more men have been laid off than women, freeing them for greater parenting duties.
Even before the recession, fathers were taking a larger role in family responsibilities as dual-income families became more the norm, Coltrane said.
And more stay-at-home fathers. The number jumped by almost 50 percent from 2003 to 2006, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures. Even so, there were still more than 30 stay-at-home mothers for every father after that growth.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-04-26 16:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'The other pillar of the court’s anti-affirmative argument – and it cropped up again in the New Haven case – is that qualified white males are getting kicked to the curb and are losing ground to unqualified blacks, minorities and women. That myth has been repeatedly debunked. According to census figures, if every unemployed black worker in the country were to displace a white worker, only a tiny fraction of whites would be affected. Furthermore, affirmative action pertains only to job-qualified applicants, so the actual percentage of affected whites would be minuscule. In New Haven, the number of firefighters allegedly affected was 20. The main sources of job loss among white workers have to do with factory relocations and labor contracting outside the United States, computerization and automation, and corporate downsizing.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-04-26 16:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'Throughout May, Bridge Community Health Clinic will offer well-woman checkups for $25. The checkups include a pap smear to screen for cervical cancer, a pelvic exam, a breast exam and blood pressure check, said Sarah Jaeger, a physician assistant at the clinic.
The exams do not include mammograms, but the clinic works with Aspirus Women's Health to see if Bridge Clinic patients qualify for free mammograms, said Laura Scudiere, Bridge Community Health Clinic's executive director.
"With the economy and people being laid off, I think it's really going to resonate with people this year," Scudiere said. Some women only visit the clinic in May.
Screenings have caught precancerous conditions among some patients, Jaeger said. The clinic works with the state's Wisconsin Well Woman program to help offset costs for follow-up care.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-04-26 16:26
Story here. Excerpt:
'One of the annual rites of spring kicked off inside the Salina Bicentennial Center Thursday afternoon. Salina Media Group's "For Women Only" show did not disappoint.
A large crowd was already in the parking lot, ready to file in, as the doors opened at 4:30.
With nearly 50 vendors and booths, this year's edition featured something for everyone*, including great prizes.
Prize's [sic] ranged from $20 gift certificates to prizes worth hundreds of dollars. Riddle's Jewelry gave away the grand prize, a $1,500 diamond pendant.'
*Everyone except men. Or children.
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