UK Guardian: "Women's refuges told they must admit men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Charities for battered women have been threatened with the loss of their funding unless they help male victims of domestic violence, under new equality laws.

Women's Aid, the domestic violence charity whose patrons include the prime minister's wife, Sarah Brown, says its female-only services are essential to reassure battered women and children that they will be safe. However, some local authorities are demanding that services such as counselling and outreach be opened to both sexes.

Fiona Mactaggart, the former Home Office minister, said some refuge services had lost grants or contracts in what she said was an "unintended consequence" of changes in equality law.

"There are some local authorities who interpret equalities to mean that a refuge has to provide for men, not only for women," said Mactaggart, co-chair of the women's parliamentary Labour party, a grouping of female MPs. "There are some stupidnesses developing in the system that nobody intended."

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Fathers 4 Justice (USA) April 6th 2009 Action Alert

It is time for the united front of Fathers-4-Justice and all of its supporters to inform Prosecuting Attorney, Ron O'Brian, and his staff that we do not agree with his “Nifong” type application of the law in the cases, “ Ohio vs. Paul Fisher” aka Superman and “ Ohio vs. Donald Tenn” aka Spiderman.

It has been asked that you call (614) 462-3555 and ask for Ron O'Brian between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM eastern time. If he is unavailable, leave a message and request a return call.

As always, be polite and courteous. With the volume of calls expected, you will most likely be talking to over-worked secretaries, please be considerate.

Our message is simple:

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Your tax dollars at work: "Feminist Research Education Development and Action Centre"

Via Jeremy S.:

Take a look at what stands between your Canadian brothers and truth, justice and equality. And just imagine, all of this is funded by the taxpayer. So we pay for our own feminist propaganda to be used against us. And this is just one organization. Look at the 'More Information' links. And we have nothing to counter it. From the 'About' page:

'* What is FREDA?
FREDA is one of five violence research centres across the country that were established in 1992 through a five year grant from Health Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Since its inception, the Centre's mandate has been to facilitate and conduct research on violence against women and children, in order to raise awareness and effect policy.

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Mother who dumped baby wins appeal

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who abandoned her baby in a railway station toilet cubicle has walked free from court after successfully arguing that sending her to jail was too strict a sentence.

Lisa Randall, 26, left her eight-month-old son in a cubicle at Bristol Temple Meads station. On Monday, Torquay Magistrates sentenced her to four months in prison for abandoning her child in a way which was likely to cause him "unnecessary suffering".

But yesterday at Exeter Crown Court, her defence argued she felt "threatened and intimidated" in prison and was afraid of the reaction from other inmates if they found out why she was jailed.'

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Children harmed by sole custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'Family court judges are misguidedly harming children by granting sole custody to one parent – usually the mother – in bitter divorce battles, says a comprehensive new report.

Too many children are being "robbed of the love of one parent" by a legal system that is out of touch with the needs of children and treats them like property to be won or lost, says Edward Kruk, an expert on child custody issues.

"The system is set up to polarize parents, to make them enemies, to set up fights over custody and exacerbate conflict rather than reduce it," says Kruk, an associate professor of social work at the University of British Columbia, whose three-year study is now in the hands of Canada's justice minister.'

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India: A serial misuser of dowry law gets arrested

Finally a women gets arrested but after she has blackmailed and extorted 10 men. Story here and here. Please note that this businessman brought this to light by hiring private detectives and had lost his finger due to violence by his wife. She earned 20 million rupess this way, a huge sum that can take of at least 5 people for life. I find it most obnoxious that 10 husbands earlier rewarded her for her behaviour instead of fighting it out. Excerpt:

'A 32-year-old woman and her parents were arrested on Saturday by the Sion police for allegedly cheating a city businessmen over the last 18 years.

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Double standard?

Article here. Excerpt:

"In the past year, a dozen women have been in Valley courtrooms on charges of sexually abusing minors. They range in age from 20 to 40; their victims from 12 to 17. Each woman was at least five years older than the boy or girl.

Local prosecutors and counselors aren't sure what to make of the apparent increase, but they see interesting differences between male and female offenders - in the nature of the cases, in the severity of punishment and, especially, in the way the abusers and their victims are viewed by the people around them.

"There's an enormous public perception problem," said Jean Fisher, who prosecutes sex abuse cases for Ada County. "If the boy's under 14, people might say 'poor little fellow,' but with a 16- or 17-year-old boy, you're more likely to hear, 'Oh, man, he got lucky!'"

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Call it an education crisis

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Mundt heard a radio interview with author Leonard Sax, an expert in the different ways boys and girls develop, he suspected Duluth was part of a bigger problem — a “worldwide problem,” he said in a meeting with the News Tribune editorial board.

Sax and others argue that children are being pressured at an earlier age to read, that the part of a boy’s brain that grasps words and letters doesn’t develop as quickly as in girls, that boys are growing frustrated with books as a result and disengaging from school. More boys are being given mood- or behavior-altering medications, and, by high school, the argument goes, they care more about video games than class work. As adults, they return home to live with their parents.'

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UK: Soldier stigmatized as "more likely to be violent" because of his gender and occupation

Article here. Excerpt:

"Sitting in his mother-in-law's living room, Matthew Dean's eyes widened in shock as he listened to what his social worker was telling him.

Because he was a man and a soldier - accustomed to fighting for Britain in war-torn countries - he was, they said, more likely to be of a violent disposition, and therefore more capable of abusing his baby son, Louie.
t is a sad and worrying saga - and one that seems to be becoming all too familiar - of overzealous social workers acting on a flimsy diagnosis and ultimately tearing an innocent family apart.

Their agony ended last November when Portsmouth High Court decided that they should be reunited with Louie - by now 15 months old and a healthy little boy - and, finally, left alone.'

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NOW Press Release: Lawmakers Must Rethink Violence Against Women as a Hate Crime

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Given the history of violence against women we cannot deny that women are in a class by themselves, discriminated against, hated, used, disrespected and abused. Any form of violence against women is a hate crime, including "domestic violence." In a 1998 article titled "Rethinking Violence Against Women as Hate Crimes" by Ann Noel she states "domestic violence is often viewed as an individual dispute between a man and a woman, or the pathological problem of a particular man. Yet domestic violence reveals deep historical, cultural and legal roots to subordinate women. Men who assault their wives are living up to cherished Western cultural prescriptions -- aggressiveness, male dominance, and female subordination and they are using physical force as a means to enforce that dominance. Taking these crimes out of the realm of the individual and into the collective realm requires looking at how our society sanctions men's control of women."

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Women's Center now open to men, families

Article here. Excerpt:

'VINELAND -- The city's women's health center will now lend a hand to more than just women and expectant mothers.

The Vineland Women's Health Center expanded its services this month to include primary care and family services to men and women of all age groups.

The Brewster Road facility, formerly known as Vineland OBGYN, was originally a private practice specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. After pairing with nonprofit group Community Health Care Inc. last June, the practice now offers a wider range of care and serves patients with private insurance, no insurance, or low income.'

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Motorcycle dealer to host party for women only

Story here. Excerpt:

'To help, Cole Harley-Davidson in Bluefield will host a free, women-only Harley-Davidson Garage Party event at their dealership, 1804 Bland St., Friday from 6 to 9 p.m.

The party provides an inviting environment for women to learn more about motorcycling and to meet other women who are interested in riding, Davidson said.

“Party guests can expect activities that will be both entertaining and informational with topics including a review of the basic motorcycle controls, how to customize a motorcycle’s ergonomics and how to choose proper riding gear,” she said.'

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World Net Daily: "Selective feminism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'But feminists are selective in their advocacy. They hate femininity (which they see as weakness) and loath women who choose traditional roles (try voicing support of housewives in any college women's studies course and see what happens). Stay-at-home moms are seen as traitors to the Cause.
Modern feminism has become little more than collective whining from women who never are, and never can be, satisfied until … I dunno, they have world domination or something.
Feminists do not just want equal opportunity, which already exists. They want equal outcome – equal numbers of men and women in all fields, most especially the male-dominated, high-paying fields such as engineering, mathematics and the physical sciences. (I don't see them clamoring for equal representation in such dangerous fields as mining, logging, taxi driving, or even farming.) No, only a high status career – as defined by feminists – will do, thank you.'

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CS Monitor asks: "What if women ran the world?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'San Francisco - It is getting harder to escape the sense that most of the trouble in the world – whether it's coming out of the Senate, a mortgage lender, or a tank turret – can be traced to one overriding problem: too many men steering. Had our economic, domestic, and foreign policy been more informed by women, we might be enjoying a safer ride.

Doubt it? Here's a test. Would any of the women you admire have set up a healthcare system as byzantine, costly, and underperforming as America's? Or a financial system where mortgage lenders don't have to care about being paid back? Or a bailout that spends $1 trillion in public money to subsidize the purchase of junk debt from the same geniuses that generated it?

It may be time for guys to hand over the keys, ask for directions, and sit (quietly, please) in the back seat for a while.'

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"Mother hit hard in custody case"

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Toronto judge has taken the drastic step of finding a mother of three in contempt of court for flagrantly violating court orders during her relentless campaign to alienate her children from their father.

The woman, known as K.D., lost custody of her daughters in January, but this latest ruling takes the case to a new level, with the 42-year-old chiropodist finding herself on the losing side of a power struggle with the court.

The mother intentionally acted against the best interests of her children by cutting off telephone calls and visits with their father and walking out of counselling sessions, Justice Faye McWatt said in a decision released earlier but withheld from publication until today so K.D., who is self-represented, could read it first.

She has been ordered to pay $35,000 in penalties and legal costs to her ex-husband, 56, a vascular surgeon known as A.L., who was also granted permission to take the girls to a U.S. therapy program designed to undo damage caused by parents who poison children against another parent.'

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