'Shattering Myths: Men, Boys, and Mental Health' - Eighth Annual Conference Announced

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it is estimated that 6 million American men will be diagnosed with depressive disorder in any given year and many have suffered silently. Four times as many men as women commit suicide. These critical issues and others will be the subject of "Shattering Myths: Men, Boys, and Mental Health," the Eighth Annual Community Mental Health Conference presented by the Naomi Ruth Cohen Institute of Mental Health Education at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.'

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DA: Rape may be alleged in Calif. girl's slaying

Story here. Excerpt:

'SAN FRANCISCO — Prosecutors said Monday they may include rape and molestation allegations in their murder charge against the woman suspected of killing an 8-year-old Northern California girl and putting her body in a suitcase.

Melissa Huckaby, a 28-year-old Sunday school teacher, was arrested Friday on suspicion of kidnapping and murdering Sandra Cantu.

Formal charges have not yet been filed, but San Joaquin County Deputy District Attorney Robert Himmelblau told The Associated Press that a murder charge against Huckaby could include the special circumstances of rape with a foreign object, lewd and lascivious conduct with a child and murder in the course of a kidnapping.

A conviction on any of the special circumstances would make Huckaby eligible for the death penalty or life in prison without parole, Himmelblau said. The district attorney's office has not determined whether it will seek the death penalty, he said.'

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Macabre Dance of Family Law‏

From an ACFC e-mail:

This just in from ACFC Advisor Dr. Jayne Major about the phenomenal success of her presentation on parental alienation at a recent Canadian Symposium on Parental Alienation. It seems the Canadians are ahead of most of the American legal profession on this issue. Many Canadian judges get it and have ruled appropriately to contain the disturbed parent...at least there have been some landmark cases. Go to http://www.cspas.ca/ and read about them.

Also read a summary of her presentation, The Macabre Dance of Family Law, which describes a three Tier mediation protocol for reform of family court practices. It begins with a presumption of 50-50 shared parenting to "level the playing field" and thus make real mediation possible, as opposed to the inherently inflammatory "winner-take-all" sole custody model that all too often is the spark that ignites conflict that then explodes out of control in our currently dysfunctional family law system.

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Boys in US jails sentenced to life without parole

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- It began as horseplay, with two teenage stepbrothers chasing each other with blow guns and darts. But it soon escalated when one of the boys grabbed a knife.

The older teen, Michael Barton, 17, was dead by the time he reached the hospital, stabbed twice.The younger boy, Quantel Lotts, 14, would eventually become one of Missouri's youngest lifers.

Lotts was sentenced in Missouri's St. Francois County Circuit Court in 2002 to life in prison without parole for first-degree murder in his stepbrother's stabbing death.
Lotts is one of at least 73 U.S. inmates -- most of them minorities -- who were sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison for crimes committed when they were 13 or 14, according to the Equal Justice Initiative, a nonprofit organization in Alabama that defends indigent defendants and prisoners.
At the time of the crime, Tammy Lotts said she left her children for several days with her husband to get high on crack cocaine.'

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Quebec dad sued by daughter after grounding loses his appeal

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Quebec father who was taken to court by his 12-year-old daughter after he grounded her in June 2008 has lost his appeal.

Quebec Superior Court rejected the Gatineau father's appeal of a lower court ruling that said his punishment was too severe for the wrongs he said his daughter committed.

The father is "flabbergasted," his lawyer Kim Beaudoin told CBC News.

In its ruling, issued Monday, the province's court of appeal declared the girl was caught up in a "very rare" set of circumstances, and her father didn't have sufficient grounds to contest the court's earlier decision.

The family's legal wrangling started with a dispute over the girl's internet use.

She had been living with her father after her parents split up when he grounded her in 2008 for defying his order to stay off the internet. The father caught her chatting on websites he had blocked, and alleged his daughter was posting "inappropriate pictures" of herself online.'

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Father Sues Northwest Side School Over Rape Of Son

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO -- The father of a 15-year-old boy has filed a negligence lawsuit against a Northwest Side school for troubled youth after a female teacher allegedly drank and had sex with his son on several occasions.

Linda Pithyou, 29, of 3723 W. Devon Ave., was formally charged March 13 with two counts of criminal sexual assault and four counts of aggravated sexual abuse, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Tandra Simonton said.

The boy’s father filed the suit Friday in Cook County Circuit Court against Lawrence Hall Youth Services, where the alleged abuse occurred. The boy and his father are listed a John Doe and Richard Doe in the suit.

Pithyou, a teacher at Lawrence Hall, allegedly drank alcohol, smoked marijuana and engaged in oral sex and sexual intercourse with the boy approximately four times a week at various locations in a car, occasionally with her 16-month-old son in the back seat, according to prosecutors and the suit.'

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Real Housewives Star "Devastated" Over Assault Case

Story here. Excerpt:

Real Housewives of New York City newcomer Kelly Killoren Bensimon faced a judge this morning for allegedly assaulting her ex, Nick Stefanov.

The reality star, 40, was arrested earlier this month for reportedly punching her 30-year-old beau in the face, causing lacerations below his left eye and "substantial pain," according to the complaint he filed with police. She could face up to a year in jail if convicted.

I can't believe the guy went to the police," Hayes told New York's Daily News. "It is very, very mean-spirited. It's not like she's in his apartment. He's in her apartment."

"I don't even know if I qualify him as lover. How about a jilted moron?" he continued to Extra.
"If he doesn't show up from now until then, they'll dismiss the case. It's not a real case," Hayes told Extra. "He just wants to make her life uncomfortable."

"I'm devastated my girls and I have to go through something like this," Bensimon told the Daily News. "They don't need to be exposed to something like this.

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Akron police say woman stabbed husband

Story here.

'Police arrested an Akron woman Wednesday night after she allegedly stabbed her husband during an argument.

Tanika Kirk, 33, of Crestview Avenue, was charged with felonious assault, domestic violence and obstructing official business after she used a kitchen knife to stab her husband, Marcus Kirk, 22, in the back and his side, police said.

Officers said the suspect lied to them about the incident.

The victim was taken to the hospital and treated for what police said are not life-threatening injuries.'

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Ceremony planned to observe Child Abuse Prevention Month

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children & Families estimated that in 2006, four children died each day as a result of maltreatment. More than 1,500 children died that year out of the 905,000 who were confirmed victims of maltreatment. More than three-quarters (78 percent) of children who were killed were younger than 4 years of age; 12 percent were 4-7 years of age; 5 percent were 8-11 years of age; and 5 percent were 12-17 years of age.
• Six in ten (61 percent) alleged perpetrators of child maltreatment were mother or father figures, with the majority being mother figures (39 percent). Other relatives comprised 14 percent of alleged perpetrators. Paramours of the caretaking parent or other non-related adults accounted for 16 percent of all cases.'

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Police busy looking for men while female perp walked away

From Jeremy S.: Remember all this: Girl Missing, Homes of 2 Men Searched? They even towed the cars of the two suspect men and wasted valuable time and resources looking for a male suspect. Maybe even two. This is what they got: Calif. Sunday school teacher booked in child death. Excerpt:

'TRACY, Calif. -A California Sunday school teacher was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and killing an 8-year-old girl whose body was stuffed into a suitcase found in an irrigation pond.

Melissa Huckaby, 28, was arrested at 11:55 p.m., about five hours after she drove herself to the station at the request of police, according to Tracy Police Sgt. Tony Sheneman.

"She gave enough information to us during the course of the interview that probable cause was there to arrest her," said Sheneman.

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Student paper: "On grammar: It's not violence against women but violence by men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The patriarchy works in mysterious ways in society, from the big things like women getting paid 75 cents on the dollar to how we construct our language. In public discourse on violence, especially in journalism, men are often left out of the equation altogether, as if the violence women are subjected to is without a male perpetrator.

By using the passive voice when writing news stories, the blame is shifted from the men commiting this violence to the women targeted. We talk about violence against women instead of violence by men. By situating the terms of the discourse like this, we are ignoring that men are the ones raping and abusing women. Instead, women are continually portrayed as victims at the hands of a vague male entity. We should be talking about it as men being violent toward their girlfriends, wives, friends and family and working to eradicate this violence.

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Oprah defends record of South African school

Story here. Excerpt:

"Last month, four students were expelled and three others suspended. South African media at the time said they were accused of trying to force students into relationships and to engage in sexual contact.

Winfrey herself hasn't given details of the misconduct. But she said in the newspaper interview that it was 'insulting' that the family of one of the expelled girls had complained to the press even though she had been warned before about her behavior.
'The majority of girls are thriving, really fulfilling the dream and vision I had,' Winfrey told the newspaper. 'They really have exceeded any expectations I had for them.'

'In spite of everything that's happened, what keeps me inspired and hopeful is the heart of every girl, because they are wonderful, they are magnificent.'"

I truly wonder whether or not Oprah would've said that if the students were *boys* -- just a thought.

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College Student Alert: Beware of One-Party Classrooms

Article here. Excerpt:

'Horowitz documented 150 college courses at 12 elite universities, from Columbia in New York to the University of California at Santa Cruz, which he calls "the worst school in America" and whose highest ranking professors are the Communist lesbians Angela Davis and Bettina Aptheker. Other institutions along the way include Duke, Penn State, the University of Colorado, and the University of Southern California.

Horowitz quotes directly from the syllabus of each course he critiques, lists assigned readings, and reports on the credentials and background of the instructor paid to teach the course. The most offensive departments are women's studies, black studies, and peace studies.

These so-called academic departments teach students to hate America, to believe that women, blacks, and all minorities are the victims of oppression and racism, and that America is a land of injustice that needs drastic change in our social structure. The universities teach William Ayers-style "social justice," which is the template for a socialist political agenda.'

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Canada: "Fathers 'reduced to ATM status' by the courts ..."

Letter to National Post here.

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F4J USA Action-Results Update‏

Via an F4J USA Alert:

From Donald Tenn aka Spiderman:

The response from the hundreds of telephone calls and e-mails from F4J members and supporters was nothing less than phenomena. I would like to say "THANK YOU" to you all. The TEAMwork used to pull this off was fantastic. Fathers-4-Justice members and supporters can achieve anything when we UNITE!

It was conveyed to my attorney that the support from F4J members and supporters was overwhelming for the prosecutor’s office. It is this support that may have been instrumental in the rescheduling of our jury trial.

That's right: THE JURY TRIAL for both Paul and Donald has been rescheduled!

So save some energy for the NEXT round. More updates will come as the events progress.

Media contact:
Brian Holladay

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