Hotel Trends: Where the boys aren't

Story here. Excerpt:

'Safety. Comfort. Luxurious bath products. The freedom to go padding down the hallway in jammies and slippers.

With selling points like these, hotel floors for women travellers - after being dismissed as old-fashioned, sexist and just plain insulting a quarter century ago - are making a comeback.

At the Crowne Plaza Bloomington in Minnesota, female travellers opting for the women-only floor enjoy fresh flowers, makeup mirrors and plush robes in their rooms as well as complimentary snacks and fashion magazines in a communal area. Following a strategy similar to the executive floor common to many luxury properties, access to this female enclave is by keycard only.
The Hamilton Crowne Plaza in Washington, D.C., takes catering to women a step further by offering the services of a bellman or security staff to walk nervous female guests to restaurants or other destinations in the vicinity of the hotel.'

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Village men step up to inspire 8th grade boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'For seven years, the girls disappeared to take part in “Girls to Women, Women to Girls,” a one-day conference in Snowmass Village that encouraged girls to explore beyond their limits by meeting professional women who introduce them to a variety of career choices. The program was launched by the Women’s Foundation of Colorado.

In 2006, the 8th grade boys no longer had to feel left out. Villager Sue Smedsted, who had been in charge of the Girls to Women program, was encouraged by the Aspen School District to provide a similar program for boys in the upper valley. Her husband, Jeff Tippett, became the organizer for “Boys to Men, Men to Boys.”'

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Female Texas Teacher, Coach Resigns After Allegedly Having Sex With Girl at School

Story here. Excerpt:

'A female Texas teacher and coach indicted on charges of having sex with a 15-year-old girl at her school has officially resigned, according to local media reports.

The charges, stemming from an alleged sexual relationship between 39-year-old Jennifer Lea Burton and one of her junior high school students, include three counts of sexual assault and three counts related to an improper relationship between student and educator, reported.

The purported sexual encounters between Burton, who was a teacher and coach at Orangefield Junior High, and the teen lasted from September to November of 2008, according to the indictment filed last week.'

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Christina Hoff Sommers: 'A threat to Title IX'

Article here. Excerpt:

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"Another Awkward Sex Talk: Respect and Violence"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It has never been easy for adults to deal with young teenagers honestly and sensibly on this subject, and it isn’t easy now. We live with an endless parade of hypersexualized images — and a constant soundtrack of adults lamenting children’s exposure to that endless parade. There’s increasing knowledge of dating violence, including well-publicized celebrity incidents. And there’s always a new movie to see about how adolescent boys are clueless, sex-obsessed goofballs.

Stir it all together, and you may get an official worldview in which boys are viewed as potential criminals and girls as potential victims.

William Pollack, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School who wrote “Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood” (Owl Books, 1999), argues that the way we talk to boys and young men about sex often stereotypes them and hurts their feelings.

“One boy said, ‘They treat us like we’re perpetrators — we have sexual needs but we also have other needs,’ ” Dr. Pollack told me.'

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"...never hire a male to watch your children"

The nymphotropic divert/excuse machine is in full swing now that an accused female child molester and murderer is in the dock. Latest outrage here. "Never hire a male to watch your children" is delievered at the very end of page 3 of the story. Excerpt:

'Police accusations this week that the woman charged with the murder of Sandra Cantu penetrated the Tracy, Calif., 8-year-old with a "foreign object" sent psychological chills up the spine of Americans.

The arrest of Melissa Huckaby, a 28-year-old mother and Sunday school teacher, on charges of kidnapping, rape and murder also sent up red flags for criminologists.

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From Feministing: Sexual assault against men should be called rape

Yes, you read that right. Post here. Excerpt:

"It seems like a reasonable question, to ask what the hell is wrong with Jimmy Kimmel. But the problem is, while not excusing his actions for a single second, that he has a whole culture (and audience) backing him up.

"In the majority of sexual assault cases, where a woman is the victim of a man's violence, rape apology is rooted primarily not in the denial that male violence exists, but in the denial that male violence means something and needs to be stopped. Conversely, in cases where a man is the victim of a woman's violence, rape apologism is strongly rooted in the denial that women's actions can count as violence at all -- and especially that their actions can count as sexual violence against men, who are routinely construed as incapable of being victims."

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Prosecutors to Seek Death Penalty in Casey Anthony Case

Story here. Excerpt:

'Prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty for Casey Anthony, a Florida woman accused of murdering her daughter, a spokeswoman for the state attorney's office said today.

In December, the state's attorney's office filed court papers indicating that prosecutors would not seek the death penalty in connection with the first-degree murder case.

In a notice of intent filed today, prosecutors said additional information has become available. The filing says that "sufficient aggravating circumstances exist to justify the imposition of the death penalty," according to the Orlando Sentinel.

A spokeswoman for Jose Baez, Anthony's attorney, said in a statement, "This is not a death penalty case. We will do whatever is necessary to defend Casey Anthony from the state trying to take her life. We already have death-qualified defense lawyers on our team and are prepared for a vigorous defense."

Anthony, 22, has pleaded not guilty in the death of her daughter, Caylee. She is scheduled to go on trial in October.'

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Abuse excuse: how liberalism keeps women in their place

Article here. Excerpt:

'Liberals have become the unapologetic predators of women, gleefully playing on their fears and psychological vulnerabilities, all in the name of curbing domestic violence. Of course women's only hope lies in heavy-handed state intervention.

Before proceeding, I will warn you this column is filled with high-octane statements made by the willfully dishonest, the social schemers, and the patently unhinged. As you wade through the claims, keep in mind two facts.

First, all forms of violent crime have fallen dramatically in the past 30 years. The incidences of rape, intimate partner homicide, and non-fatal partner violence are now half what they were in 1980. We've made tremendous progress in the last three decades and everyone should be feeling a lot safer.

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Boston Globe Front Page Story Covers Fathers & Families’ Lawsuit

Via Glenn Sacks' newsletter. Article here. Excerpt:

"Joseph P. Kahn’s front page story Amid layoffs, child support pacts fraying: Stressed-out parents ask family court for help, relief (Boston Globe, 4/13/09) details the problems faced by child support obligors in the face a bad economy. It is not uncommon for decent, loving fathers like the Fathers & Families supporter quoted above to be punished or even thrown in jail simply because they can no longer earn enough money to pay the child support the family law system demands."

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Ex-astronaut seeks to have charges dropped

Ahhh, remember this one? Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. — A former astronaut accused of driving 1,000 miles to confront a romantic rival asked a judge Monday to dismiss the criminal charges against her because prosecutors failed to disclose evidence.

An attorney for Lisa Nowak filed a motion seeking sanctions against prosecutors and police officers. Attorney Don Lykkebak said they failed to turn over a report that raises questions about whether Nowak's rival, Colleen Shipman, was pepper-sprayed during the confrontation more than two years ago.

"The police made a mountain out of a molehill in this case and now we have learned there was never a molehill to start with," Lykkebak said in a statement.'

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UK Sun: More paternity rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the parents bond over their new baby, the scene is broken by the midwife carefully declaring that it's time for daddy to leave.

This is the scene in maternity wards up and down the UK.

86 per cent of men now attend the birth of their child, but in a large number of hospitals, as soon as visiting time is over dads are asked to leave.

Duncan Fisher, 47, director of, thinks that this practise needs to change.

Duncan says: "When my first child was born 12 years ago I was asked to leave at the end of visiting hours. I was completely baffled; I wasn't expecting to be told to leave at all.

"My wife wasn't too upset, so I quietly left."'

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State Child Custody Law: 50-50 Split?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kevin Yoachim of Hebrom spent Easter Sunday dinner with his two kids, both teens. But now, in the midst of divorce, he worries those dinners will be few and far in between.

"A lot of my friends have told me, you're going to have a really hard time getting custody," he said.

Two bills before state legislators would make child custody in Nebraska a 50-50 split, with some restrictions. LB423 would mandate a presumption that both parents are fit for joint legal and physical custody unless evidence proves otherwise.

LB589 states both parents should get equal custody unless there is a medical or legal reason why this should not happen.'

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Massachsetts: Suicide among men rose in 2007, breast cancer death rate at lowest level

Article here. Excerpt:

'Swampscott - Suicides among men in Massachusetts spiked by 28 percent in 2007, according to a Department of Public Health report issued Wednesday, April 8. The number of suicides among males rose to 159 in 2007 from 118 in 2006 and 153 in 2005. The increase occurred in white males between the ages of 25 and 44, according to the department, which said it would analyze the data to develop insights.

Suicides in women declined by 8 percent in 2007.

Meanwhile, death rates for cancer, heart disease, stroke and chronic respiratory diseases have declined between 13 and 31 percent between 2001 and 2007, according to the department. For women, the breast cancer death rate fell by 13 percent from 2006 to 2007, or “to their lowest level ever recorded.”'

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Opinion: Women can inflict domestic violence, too

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2000 the Department of Justice published a compendium of domestic violence review with the incredibly biased title: "U.S. Domestic Violence Against Women Study." This was a review study compiling many different looks at this issue, mostly published by academics using crime statistics.

It consistently showed that a lot of domestic violence is actually unprovoked attacks by women on their male partner. The numbers are consistently between 25 percent and 40 percent.

In this study, men were twice as likely to be the victim of a knife attack (cue Bobbit) and almost twice as likely to be injured by "an object thrown with intent to harm."

Many jurisdictions report at least 25 percent of issued restraining orders are served on women. My knee-jerk reaction when first reading this was that these women must have just been protecting themselves against the evil males. But that's not what the data show.'

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