Police: Teen stabs boyfriend over Pop Tarts

Story here. Excerpt:

'Lakeland, Florida -- Police have charged an 18-year-old girl with stabbing her boyfriend during an argument over a box of pop tarts.

Catherine Marie Colon was arrested at her residence on Lake Hollingsworth Rd, which she has shared with her boyfriend, Shawn Andrews, 19, for the past three months.

Police say when they arrived, she was cleaning up blood from the floor.

"Colon had moved out of the apartment and had returned to collect belongings when he and Colon began arguing over a box of 'Pop Tarts,'" according to police spokesman Jack Gillen. "At some point, Colon stabbed Andrews with a steak knife."'

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School: Female Teacher Took Girls To Strip Club

Story here.

'(AP) A school spokesman said a southwest Ohio teacher has resigned after acknowledging she accompanied four female students to a male strip club. Butler Tech school district spokesman Bill Solazzo said the 47-year-old teacher resigned Thursday.

He said the teacher told Edgewood High School administrators that the students, all cheerleaders, asked her to take them to the bar in February.

The teacher told school officials in an e-mail that she got permission from the parents of the 17- and 18-year-olds to bring them to the club.

The teacher taught marketing at the school and previously served as a coach for the district's eighth-grade cheerleaders.'

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Woman allegedly kills 9-YO daughter then stabs herself to cause a miscarriage

Story here. Excerpt:

'QUINCY, Mass. — A pregnant Massachusetts woman accused of killing her 9-year-old daughter, trying to strangle her 14-year-old daughter and stabbing herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child has been charged with one count of first-degree murder and one count of assault with intent to murder.

The Norfolk District Attorney's office said Friday that 38-year-old Fang Chi Xue was treated for self-inflicted stab wounds to the arms and abdomen at Boston Medical Center and will soon undergo a mental health evaluation. She was 7 1/2 months pregnant.'

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Hulk Hogan Comments Spark Mixed Reactions and Opinions

Hulk Hogan's "OJ Comment" as reported here sparked this news commentary in a Fox's "Kelly's Court" segment. I was surprised both by the report itself and the analysis. Worth watching, in both the video sense and the case sense. Article excerpt:

'Hulk Hogan said his comments to Rolling Stone magazine that he can "totally understand" O.J. Simpson -- the former football great found liable for the deaths of his wife and another man -- are being misunderstood.
Linda and Hulk Hogan enjoy happier times at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards in New York.

The pro wrestling legend said Wednesday that he "took the high road" and "didn't do the O.J. Simpson thing" despite the pain of his bitter divorce fight with wife Linda.

Hogan's lawyer said the quotes leaked to a gossip column have been taken out of context and the full article proves Hogan "never condones the O.J. situation." Video Watch Hogan claim he was misquoted.

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Stephen Baskerville scheduled for The Jim Bohannon Show on 4/17/09

Radio show page here. This show is syndicated on hundreds of radio stations across the US. Find a station in your listening area here.

Upcoming evening show page here.
Archived shows here.

Note: When I first posted this story about 30 mins. ago I thought this was a morning show only. (This will teach me to do more than just scan the page when it comes to these things.) On closer examination it was clear that this is a morning and evening show, and so I have corrected my post accordingly.

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What does Barack Obama Mean For Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama is clear about one thing: he goes to bat for women. That's aptly demonstrated by his immediate signing off on the White House Council on Women and Girls and on what I call his "Ledbetter Payback Act," in reference, of course, to the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which I believe is a promised payback to feminists and women for their vote.

He may also help men --- some men, at least — in an incidental way with such programs as the construction jobs he hopes to create with his plan to rebuild the infrastructure. (But judging by how feminists are getting most if not all of what they want from him, they may get from him the requirement that the infrastructure contractors hire mostly women because the construction business is already mostly men).

But other than the construction jobs, how, in the direct and selective manner in which Obama helps women, will he help men, especially black men, who need as much help as black women and more help than white women, who are, usually, the main beneficiaries of governments' gender-aid programs?'

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Responses to misandrist article on male/female prisoners‏

From Marc A.: MRA Joe Manthey of Petaluma, CA sent out this article in which misandrist professor Barbara Bloom manufactures a smoke-and-mirrors style "crisis" for female prisoners using the usual one-sided feminist hypocrisy. Most of what Barbara Bloom says about female inmates can also be said of male prisoners, but she misleadingly weaves those things in with a few statistical differences to propagate her myths. And she totally ignores the sentencing disparities that men already face. If you have a moment, please write to the editor at letters-at-pressdemocrat.com and copy Barbara Bloom at bloom-at-sonoma.edu. The letter I sent is below the excerpt as follows:

'We are facing a correctional crisis in California that is unparalleled in other states. With prisons at or above 200 percent of capacity and federal court intervention imminent, a hidden aspect of corrections is the plight of incarcerated women.

Relative to men, the number of women in state prison may seem small. But, at more than 11,000, female prisoners are a growing and significant population, currently the largest in any state. Additionally, there are almost as many women locked up in county jails. The net result is more than 22,000 women in custody.

Not only are women prisoners hidden, their pathways to prison are often neglected and not addressed. Additionally, women have different reasons for being in prison than men, different histories of abuse and addiction, different family roles and relationships, different health concerns and different motivations to change.'

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Teen Stabbed to Death by Woman in Wheelchair

Story here.

'LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles police say a 15-year-old girl was stabbed to death by a woman in a wheelchair possibly twice her age after the pair got into a fight over a man.

Officer Karen Rayner says officers recieved several reports of the incident Wednesday afternoon on a street in South Los Angeles.

Rayner says "it sounds like it was a donnybrook of a lot of people fighting."

The victim was taken to a hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Rayner says the suspect is about 30 years old. Police did not immediately say what charges she faced.'

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Tax Tea-Party Ignorant of Feminist Pork

“‘What does, ‘End Feminist Pork’ mean,’” was the first question I heard at the Tax Tea-Party I attended yesterday? The question came from the wife of a retired LAPD officer I knew. I explained what it meant, but little did I know I would be asked the same question more than 20 times throughout the afternoon and evening. At one point, I had just finished explaining, when another person came up to me and asked the same question.

If America doesn’t wise up soon to all the "feminist pork" that’s ripping taxpayers off, and destroying the social fabric of society, for many more males it may soon be the end of their world.

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HBO declares "Women's Studies" major

Story here. Excerpt:

'Here's one to file under "TV shows we never saw coming": Reuters is reporting that HBO and "Daily Show"/"Colbert Report" executive producer Ben Karlin is developing a new comedy series called "Women's Studies." Julie White will likely star as "a onetime famous author who, after a tumultuous period as a feminist It Girl, is now a professor at a small liberal arts college in the Northeast." White is also on board as a producer.
And, let's face it: Academia (and, yes, that includes women's studies), with its departmental pettiness and Ivory Tower elitism, is ripe for some good-natured ribbing. Can you just see it now? Of course, we'll have to have the frat guy who signs up for a women's studies course to meet chicks. And let's not leave out the T.A. who speaks Judith Butler as a first language. Is an episode that pits the sex-positives against the sex-negatives too much to hope for?'

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Montreal dad eager for reunion with young daughter found in Vancouver

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Montreal father says news that his daughter has been found safe in Vancouver more than two years after her disappearance is like "a gift from God." Frank Gonis said police told him Friday they had located his daughter, Ashley Gonis, 10, at a SkyTrain station in the neighbourhood of East Vancouver.
"The police called me on Friday early in the morning and it was like, I don’t know, a gift from God. It's amazing that she’s safe," he said.

Ashley disappeared in January 2007, along with Gonis's ex-wife, after a parental dispute that he says ended with him being awarded sole custody of the girl.

When she surfaced on Friday, police said Ashley told them she had run away from an "abusive situation at home" in B.C. and walked for hours before making a 911 call.'

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Toronto Woman Plotted the Murder of Her Lover's Boyfriend, Court Told

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ashleigh Pechaluk hated her female lover's long-time boyfriend, whom she saw as an obstacle to their relationship, and that's why they formed a plan to kill him with an axe, a prosecutor says.

The 24-year-old woman and her lover, Nicola Puddicombe, carried out the plan to murder Dennis Hoy, 36, while he lay sleeping in a Queensway apartment on Oct. 27, 2006, assistant Crown attorney Tom Lissaman told a jury today at the opening of Pechaluk's first-degree murder trial.

"He was bludgeoned to death as he lay naked and asleep in his girlfriend's bed," Lissaman said.

Puddicombe, 36, who will be tried after this trial ends, stood to gain $250,000 as the sole beneficiary of Hoy's life insurance and pension policies, Lissaman alleged.'

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India: Candle Light March for Fathers' Rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF) and Children’s Rights Initiative for Shared Parenting (CRISP), NGOs working towards the cause of Family Harmony, Gender Equality and Child Rights announces a “Candle Light March” in condolescence of the unfortunate demise of Mr. Syed Makhdoom, who committed suicide on 5th April 2009 after he was no longer able to bear the domestic violence being done on him by his wife and in-laws as they trapped him in false dowry harassment cases and separated him from his child. His suicide came to light on the 9th April 2009 after his landlord grew suspicious.

In a bone-chilling, 8 minute video that he recorded of himself on his mobile, minutes before he committed suicide, Syed Makhdoom expressed the pain that he underwent in an insensitive society and before an insensitive judiciary that trivialized his pain, never understood a father’s feelings and did not grant him visitation to his child which is the natural and biological right of both the child and the father.

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Letter To Editor: 'Women are also guilty'

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Ms C Springer, your Editor, from her chair in the newsroom asserts for my instruction that “domestic violence exists in all races, classes and in every sector of society.”

What she seems unwilling to conceive of, or incapable of conceding is that domestic violence exists in all “sexes/genders.” To make it clear, women are also guilty. This is the point of my letters. This is what, as idea, she finds offensive. Ms Springer needs a triumphant victim (woman) on one side and a diabolised victor (also essentially victim) on the other. That this position that I have expressed represents “an outmoded and bigoted” attitude contributing to perpetuating the problem is how Ms Springer responds to the threat to extending her all-embracing domestic violence victim categories to include men.'

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Examiner: Some feel we need PSAs for male victims of domestic violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'I have a friend who believes that Rihanna should have been charged in the incident in which she was hurt because she admitted hitting Chris Brown first and that Brown would’ve been acting in self-defense if Rihanna had been a man. I disagree about Rihanna needing to be charged because I find it doubtful that her blows hurt Brown, but this brings to light an entire can of worms about men as victims of domestic violence. I do not doubt that men in homosexual relationships are sometimes abused by their partners, and I am sure that there are some men who are harmed by their female partners. But is this really an issue that requires public service announcements and research and attention? I have heard of plans for some such PSAs in the near future. There are claims that men are victims almost as often as women and that women abuse the use of restraining orders.'

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