RADAR ALERT: How Much Taxpayer Money is Enough for Domestic Violence Programs?

Congress currently spends approx. $1 billion (!) annually on domestic violence programs(1), and the recent economic stimulus bill just added another $325 million.(2) Yet, while the rest of the nation is forced to cut back during these difficult economic times, advocates are asking Congress for even more – over a quarter billion more dollars every year!(3) Although this analysis considers only Federal funding, be aware that these programs also receive sizeable private donations as well as state and local funding.

Congressonal spending this year works out to approximately $2,948 per female domestic violence victim. The demand for a funding increase amounts to an additional $623 per female domestic violence victim every year.(4) Since domestic violence service providers offer neglibible help to male victims, services for male victims are not included in these calcualtions.(5)

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Uganda: Female Condom - the Ignored Option for Women Against HIV

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kampala — ASK anyone if they have ever seen a condom and the answer will be 'yes'. Unfortunately, that answer only refers to a male condom. Few people, including women have seen a female condom despite its introduction as an alternative HIV/AIDS prevention method, 10 years ago.

The Government imported 1.5 million female condoms in 1999 but halted their distribution due to insufficient demand*.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) is re-introducing them. However, critics say the ministry has not learnt lessons from its past mistakes, as people still hardly know anything about these condoms.'


*Emphasis added

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"Women-only lunch has guy fed up"

Commentary here. Excerpt:

'Q. I’m a 50-year-old man who works as a department director at a large international corporation. My supervisor is a vice president, and she oversees about 20 people, split evenly between men and women.

Last week she sent an e-mail to the women in the department, inviting them to an all-expenses-paid “extended lunch” that would include manicures. She advised them that if the men asked where they were going, to say they had an off-site meeting.

Some female co-workers forwarded me the e-mail. I was appalled by the exclusion of men. Since the department has both professional men and women, the supervisor should have offered everyone a free lunch in the conference room rather than pull such a biased stunt.'

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Immediate parole for woman who made false rape charge

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Meadville woman facing a maximum of two years in jail and a $5,000 fine was granted an immediate parole and ordered to pay a $150 fine Monday after pleading guilty to a charge of making a false report to law enforcement.

“I’m very sorry for what I did,” Jacqueline Owens, 21, of 473 Arch St., told Judge Anthony Vardaro before he handed down the sentence during an afternoon session in Crawford County Court of Common Pleas. “All I’m trying to do is make my life better.”
“She had been raped,” Rowden explained to the judge before the sentencing took place. “When she reported it, she reported it as burglary-rape,” he continued. “It was more acquaintance rape. She had invited him in.”'

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Police find MTU rape report to be false

Story here.

'HOUGHTON -- Police say the alleged sexual assault that took place on the Michigan Tech campus last month was false.

After a three-week investigation, the woman who said she was sexually assaulted March 23 in the library parking lot has told police the assault did not take place.

The woman is a Michigan Tech student.

The Houghton County Prosecutor's Office is reviewing the case to determine if charges will be filed against the student.

This is the second false rape report in Houghton in the past three weeks.'

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USA Today article gives "mental health" pass to female child molesters

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women have been arrested this month in connection with two shocking child molestation incidents — one that ended in murder. The cases, which surfaced last week, are particularly notable because both are so unusual, experts say.

For one thing, only about 5% of adults who molest minors are women, says David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire. A common scenario is the "Mrs. Robinson" variety — an older woman having sex with a teenage boy who often feels some mutual attraction, he says.

A woman who would kidnap, rape and kill a little girl is more likely a psychotic than a true pedophile, says Frederick Berlin, a psychiatrist and founder of the Sexual Disorders Clinic at Johns Hopkins University. He says the delusions of this kind of murderer may be like those of Andrea Yates, who killed her own children.'

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"SW Idaho seeing more women charged with sex abuse"

Article here. Excerpt:

'BOISE, Idaho – From a Boise psychology teacher accused of having sex with a teen student to a Caldwell guardian who bore her ward's child, the Treasure Valley has seen a flurry of sex-abuse cases with female defendants.

Canyon County is prosecuting two women charged with molesting minors, and a third was sent to prison in February. In Ada County, two women have been charged with sexually abusing youths since December, the same month two others were convicted of similar crimes.

In the past year, a dozen women have been in Valley courtrooms on charges of sexually abusing minors. They range in age from 20 to 40; their victims from 12 to 17. Each woman was at least five years older than the boy or girl.'

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Innocent Marine freed after 9 years in prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'OCEANSIDE, Calif. — After more than nine years locked up in prison, fighting to overturn his 1999 rape conviction, Sgt. Brian W. Foster finally won his freedom in February.

But the battle to restore his military rank, pay, career and life is just beginning.

A decade ago, while serving as a military police officer at Camp Pendleton, Calif., Foster told his company commander that he would refuse nonjudicial punishment over allegations made by his estranged wife accusing him of raping her in 1995 and assaulting her from 1994 to 1998. Her rape claim surfaced amid a bitter divorce and custody fight over their two young sons.'

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Canada: "Economic stimulus" - for women, anyway

From Jeremy S.: An analysis of the advantage given to women by the federally-funded Industrial Training Authority (ITA) in Canada.

A Tale of Two Tradesmen Tradespersons

For a woman who is currently unemployed (or under-employed), and is considering one of the piping trades (plumbing, steam fitting, sprinkler fitting or welding), the ITA will pay for the following:

Six-Week Exploratory Course
Daycare (weekly): $200/child
Transportation (weekly): $23
Lunches (weekly): $50
Shop Clothing (coveralls): Free
Safety Gear (boots, gloves, glasses): Free
School Supplies: Free
Tuition: Free

Four-Month Specialization Course
Daycare (monthly): $800/child
Transportation (monthly): $90
Shop Clothing (coveralls): Free
Safety Gear (boots, gloves, glasses): Free
School Supplies: Free
Tuition: Free

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Men bear the brunt of US jobs lost

Article here. Excerpt:

'The US recession has opened up the biggest gap between male and female unemployment rates since records began in 1948, as men bear the brunt of the economy’s contraction.

Men have lost almost 80 per cent of the 5.1m jobs that have gone in the US since the recession started, pushing the male unemployment rate to 8.8 per cent. The female jobless rate has hit 7 per cent.

This is a dramatic reversal of the trend over the past few years, where the rates of male and female unemployment barely differed, at about 5 per cent. It also means that women could soon overtake men as the majority of the US labour force.'

The author has to end of course with the usual sop to modern feminist mythology with: "Since women earn on average 20 per cent less than men, that is putting extra strain on many households," with no mention of course of the reasons behind it.

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Man-to-Man: Time for some fathering

Article here. Excerpt:

'The last couple generations of men are disconnected from their masculinity. They are feminized. That means they have been influenced primarily by women — and men who had little sense of themselves as men — and have grown up to see the world through their mothers’ eyes. As a result, these men continue to seek out other women, rather than men, when they need help with their emotional worlds.

What these men need is to be introduced to something they so desperately needed when they were boys. These men need to be fathered. And it’s not too late.

No matter how old you are, you can benefit from the support of other good men. Seek out a men’s group, reach out to buddies, reconnect with the men in your family, or find a male counselor who can give you the masculine energy and guidance you need.'

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Public Skeptical Woman Killed, Raped California Girl

Story here. Excerpt:

'TRACY, Calif. — Callers have inundated the phone lines of Tracy police, saying it can't be. Veteran homicide and sex-crime researchers say they cannot recall a case quite like it. Even the investigators themselves looked at the evidence and initially said "no way."

A woman was accused not only of killing someone else's child, but of raping her.
Tracy police Sgt. Tony Sheneman said dozens of callers a day have insisted that Huckaby could not have acted alone, that no mother would rape another's child, that the scenario was too improbable to be true. The case is so striking that police initially shared the public's reaction.
When investigators were first looking at this they went 'Huh, no way... Who did she work with?"' Sheneman said. "We got that info and said 'there's no way, that doesn't happen."
When they do commit sex crimes, women often are acting as accomplices to men, and their victims tend to be teenagers, said David Finkelhor, director of the University of New Hampshire Crimes against Children Research Center.'

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Custody Battle "Beyond Tragic"

Although my heart goes out to the three boys in this story, there is something about this article that doesn't smell right. It's as though the writer is subtly and carefully trying to undermine the concept of Parental Alienation Syndrome:

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"Who Should Pay for the Date?"

Article here. After objecting to the double-standard, the author resigns himself after a series of rationalizations. Cognitive dissonance in its fullest glory.

I recall in the 1970s that one of the reasons feminists gave for "allowing" men to continue to pay for sex indirectly through dinner dates was that since women couldn't make as much as men in the same lines of work due to sexism, it made sense for men to pay for dates (ie, sex) since they could and women couldn't. Now that in so many places the script is flipped, a new set of rationalizations is used. The net result, as with the circumcision issue, is set up to be the same: men get the shaft.

Wouldn't it be nice to see an article written by a feminist stating categorically that as long as a woman is making more (in many cases now, much more) than the man she is on a date with, that it should be expected that she pick up the tab? Wouldn't it be nice if it were as prominently displayed as ones like this?

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Angry Woman Taped Dog To Fridge And Assaults Boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/AP) Police say a Colorado woman wrapped her boyfriend's dog in packing tape and stuck the animal upside down to a refrigerator because he wouldn't get rid of it.

Abby Toll was arrested Tuesday after police say she got into a fight with her boyfriend. She was charged with felony cruelty, drug possession and other counts and is free on $12,500 bond. She has declined to comment.

Police say Toll, 20, used packing tape to bind the legs, snout and tail of Beck's dog, Rex, a Japanese breed called a Shiba Inu. She told police she stuck the dog to the refrigerator because she was angry Beck wanted to keep it.

Toll also is accused of slapping Beck and throwing a vase and soda bottle at him. In addition, police say they found a trace amount of heroin in her possession at the jail, reports CBS-4 in Denver.'

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