MSN asks "Do Women Make Better Managers?" - and you know the answer already

Article here. Excerpt:

'Before getting to the point of this provocative headline, here's a disclaimer: Prepare to consider widely accepted generalizations.

Translated, that means, "Included in this article are some sweeping statements presented as general truths but based on limited or incomplete evidence."

But let me add this: Remember, too, that being equal does not mean being the same. Now, let's proceed.
For owners of small and midsized businesses, being able to keep staffers and stakeholders enthusiastic may be the key factor in building success. "You want to delegate outcomes, not tasks," says consultant Siegel. "You must have the ability to let go. Women can do that better than men because their self-esteem is multifaceted," he says. "Men's self-esteem is based on what they do, it's uni-dimensional."

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UK: Male domestic abuse doubles in four years

Article here. Excerpt:

'FIFE* councillors will be briefed today about the experience of men in the Kingdom who have been domestically abused.

Organised by Fife Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Working Group, the briefing, to be held in the Touch Community Centre, will relate the difficulty men have in finding support for themselves and their children.

The group’s Freedom of Information request to Fife Constabulary show that the number of reported incidents of domestically abused men has more than doubled in the last four years, from 213 to 463.

This is in line with Scotland-wide police statistics which show males on the receiving end in one of eight reported incidents – although government research has shown that men are much less likely to report being victims of domestic abuse.'

*Fife is a council (ie, a county) in Scotland.

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Report asserts sports fans "linked to sexism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The homophobic jock might be more than just a stereotype, says a new study that links sports zealots with attitudes about gender and sexuality.
University women's and gender studies professor Elizabeth Reis said she's not surprised by the findings.

"It seems to me that what connects these things is hypermasculinity and susceptibility to peer pressure and irrationality," she wrote in an e-mail.

Reis said that being a sports fan probably does not make a person sexist and homophobic, nor are all homophobes and sexists apt to watch men's basketball and football.'

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Substitute teacher gets probation for sex with teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW PORT RICHEY — Lisa Marinelli, a former Pasco County substitute teacher, pleaded guilty Friday to having a sexual relationship with a student last year but avoided any time behind bars.
Instead, prosecutors and her defense attorney agreed to a stringent probationary sentence that includes a year of house arrest and no contact with children under 18 without supervision.

The married mother of two also will have to register as a sex offender...
Marinelli joined a dubious list of educators accused in recent years of having inappropriate relationships with students.

Their sentences have varied widely.

Former Hillsborough County middle school teacher Debra Lafave, convicted in 2005 of having sex with a 14-year-old student, was given three years of house arrest, followed by probation. She was let off house arrest early.

Michael Aaron Black, the former band director at Pasco Middle School in Dade City, is spending 22 years in prison for having a sexual relationship with a seventh-grader.'

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Teacher Accused Of 'Sex' With Boy, 14

Story here. Excerpt:

'JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A 34-year-old woman was arrested Monday after a 14-year-old boy said he had several sexual encounters with his science teacher.

According to the arrest report, Jennifer Collier had sex with the boy in her SUV Friday night after agreeing to take him home after a field trip from James Weldon Johnson Middle School.

The report says the boy showed police several e-mails from Collier to the victim that demonstrated their inappropriate relationship.

When arrested, investigators said Collier claimed to have a "mother-type relationship" with the boy who had come to her to talk about problems he was having in his home life. She then requested an attorney.'

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False allegations could bring four years in jail to female student

Story here.

'HOUGHTON -- The 19-year-old Michigan Tech student, who according to police filed a false sexual assault report last month, faces up to four years in prison if convicted.

According to court documents, Jennifer Renee Stigers lives in a residence hall on campus.

Stigers was arrested on Monday by MTU Public Safety after she took back allegations that an assault happened in a campus parking lot on March 23.

Judge Mark Wisti continued bond, ten percent of $10,000, which Prosecutor Mike Makkinen didn't object to.

A preliminary exam is scheduled in district court on May 4.'

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Iceland's Women Reach for Power

Article here. Excerpt:

'Iceland's women are blaming men for the financial crisis that has brought the country to its knees, They are now looking for a female solution to clean up the mess. Caretaker Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir is heading into this weekend's election with good chances of winning.
At Audur, there's a simple recipe for success. "We've brought greater female values into the financial world," says Halla. The company isn't interested in investments that quickly generate high yields. Instead, they focus on sustainable investments in projects that make as much sense socially and environmentally as they do for the investors themselves. The women call their business maxim "emotional capital," or "profit with principles." But is that a recipe that can be enough to get Iceland out of its current mess?'

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US News blogger asks: "Do Women Have a Competitive Advantage Over Men?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'And, if so, why do men still earn a dollar for every 77 pennies women earn? Why are men’s small businesses larger than women’s small businesses?

It shouldn’t be like this.

Because when it comes to running anything—a family, a business, a country—women possess extraordinary leadership qualities. We’re more intuitive, more patient, and we tend to share more, which makes us better at motivating. We’re tenacious and we’re great problem solvers (if only because we’ve always had to make do with less). Even more important, we excel at doing many things at once.
(For men: Look up once in a while to notice what’s going on around you, and help!)'

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Mystery donor keeps giving to woman-run colleges

Story here. Excerpt:

'The mystery college donor has struck again — this time at Binghamton University in New York, whose financial aid office phone started ringing off the hook as word of an anonymous $6 million contribution spread across campus.

Binghamton is the latest of at least a dozen universities to receive donations totaling more than $60 million in recent weeks. The gifts have arrived with the same, highly unusual stipulation: not only must the donor must remain anonymous, but not even the college can know who it is or try to find out.

The recipient colleges seem to have almost nothing in common except this: so far, all are led by women.'

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Woman intentionally hits man with minivan, throwing him off freeway ramp

Story here. Excerpt:

'A San Jose woman intentionally struck a man on a freeway connector ramp, catapulting him over a guardrail 50 feet above the ground, according to police.

The unidentified man landed in a parking lot below the ramp and is now in a coma.

Damariz Michi, 21, is expected to be arraigned Thursday on charges of attempted murder and hit-and-run resulting in permanent serious injury or death, according to Amy Cornell, a spokeswoman for the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office. Michi faces a maximum sentence of 17 years, eight months in prison if convicted as charged, Cornell said.

The man had been in Michi's minivan before the incident, according to police, who are not disclosing the nature of the relationship between the two. Because the investigation is ongoing, police would not disclose the man's age, only to say he is a San Jose resident.'

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Police: Mom ordered daughters out, drove off

Story here. Excerpt:

'WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. - Usually, it's an empty threat: "If you kids don't stop fighting, I'm going to stop this car right now and leave you here!" But a mother from an upper-crust New York suburb went through with it, ordering her battling 10- and 12-year-old daughters out of her car in White Plains' business district and driving off, police said Tuesday.

A judge on Wednesday modified a temporary order of protection against 45-year-old Madlyn Primoff and her two daughters. Her lawyer, Vincent Briccetti, said Primoff is no longer barred from living or talking with her children.

Primoff, a partner in a Manhattan law firm, pleaded not guilty to a charge of endangering a child on Monday.

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Canada: Woman seeks fourth trial in murder case

Video report here. She has gotten three trials and has been convicted twice of the same murder. Still, she is a female and is photogenic, so despite the two convictions and the imprisonment of the only boy involved in the gang-murder of a teenage girl (the mob that attacked her was otherwise made up of girls - wonder what happened to them in all this?), the Canadian Supreme Court needs to be polled for its opinion for what would have been an open and shut case if the primary agent in this assault and murder had been the boy.

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Woman pleads guilty to drugging, dismembering boyfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'MONTESANO, Wash. (AP) - A Grayland woman who drugged her boyfriend and dismembered his remains has pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.

Sherry Hamm entered the plea Monday and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 22 in Montesano. Grays Harbor County Prosecutor Stu Menafee told KXRO she faces 22 years in prison.

Prosecutors say the 59-year-old woman put an overdose of Xanax pills in a drink she gave 62-year-old Ken Hutchinson, her boyfriend of 30 years. She cut up his body and left the remains wrapped in plastic under their trailer in Grayland.'

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Texas Man Settles Discrimination Lawsuit Against Hooters Restaurant Chain

Story here. Excerpt

'A Texas man has reportedly settled a class action lawsuit against Hooters for refusing to hire men as food servers.

Nikolai Grushevski filed a complaint against Hooters of America in January alleging its Corpus Christi franchisee would not hire him as a waiter because the position was being limited to females by an employer "who merely wishes to exploit female sexuality as a marketing tool to attract customers and insure profitability."

Hooters argued a “bona-fide occupational qualification” defense, which applies when the “essence of the business operation would be undermined if the business eliminated its discriminatory policy,” according to

“If we lose this go around, you can next expect hairy-legged guys in the Rockettes to line up and male models in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue." Hooters' vice president of marketing said, according to'

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Major Media Opportunity on National TV Show—Is This You?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently the Boston Globe ran a front page story on a Fathers & Families‘ member who was jailed for child support because his income in the Real Estate industry dropped dramatically and he was unable to pay his child support. The story also covers our highly-publicized lawsuit against the new, higher Massachusetts child support guidelines.

Fathers & Families was contacted by a major national TV show which is doing a story on the problems with the child support system and is looking for child support obligors to be on the show.

The network is specifically interested in individuals with the following scenarios:

1) Your income has declined significantly over the past year but you have been unable to get courts to modify your child support obligations. (You could be in any state)

2) Your child support has been raised under the new Massachusetts guidelines. (Massachusetts only)

This information will not be shared with anyone except the TV producer. Please do not respond unless you are willing to be publicly identified on national television.'

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