Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2009-05-22 17:19
Story here. Excerpt:
'KIRKSVILLE — A Kirksville woman is facing eight counts of perjury stemming from rape allegations that resulted in two innocent men spending eight months in jail.
According to Adair County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Williams, Earlene Rogers, 18, was charged with lying to a grand jury four times over two separate depositions.
Last year, Rogers allegedly accused Glen Johnson, 35, and Timothy Rogers, 30, of rape and forcible sodomy.
The men, with bonds of $150-000, spent eight months in jail before they were released in February of this year.
Earlene Rogers is currently being held at the Adair County Jail on a $25,000 cash-only bond.
Johnson, a father of two, said he feels cheated by the time he lost with his children.
“I lost eight months of my life,” he said. “That’s eight months away from my kids. We missed a lot of holidays and functions we will never get back.”'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2009-05-22 17:16
A bit early, but a good article, here. Excerpt:
'For some tens of thousands of fathers, in your Canadian province alone, "Father's Day" is an especially bitter occasion. These are the men separated from their children by court order, many never to see them again. Each knows that his children have been subjected to vicious propaganda against him, that in many cases a child's own mother -- a woman the father once trusted enough to marry -- has turned the child's heart against him. (I know of many cases.)
It could be worse: for the father may have been replaced in his own household by a new man, or even a new woman. Someone who will never care for his children as he did, however badly he may have expressed it; who will at least be lacking the biological compulsion to look out for one's own flesh and blood.'
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Submitted by anthony on Fri, 2009-05-22 15:49
Story here.
'SEATTLE — Mary Kay Letourneau and her former sixth-grade student — the father of her two youngest children — are hosting a "Hot for Teacher" night at a Seattle nightclub. Letourneau, now 47, served 7 1/2 years in prison after she was convicted of raping Vili Fualaau, now 26. They were married four years ago this week.
The bar's owner said Letourneau has served her sentence, she's married her former student, and it's OK for them to have some fun on a Saturday night.
Mike Morris, owner of Fuel Sports Eats & Beats, said this is the third time Letourneau and Fualaau have hosted a "Hot for Teacher" night at the nightclub. The event begins at 9:30 p.m. Saturday.
The couple first met when Fualaau was in the second grade. Their relationship became sexual when he was 12 and she was a 34-year-old married mother of four.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-05-21 21:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Fast forward to 2009, and you find that women are now fully half of the American workforce. They earn 57 percent of bachelor's degrees, 59 percent of master's degrees, and half the doctorates. Females have achieved parity with males in law school and medical school and left their male counterparts in the dust in fields like veterinary medicine and psychology. Women serve as presidents of Harvard, MIT, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and many other leading research universities. Today American women are among the healthiest, freest, best-educated women in the world, and they score near the top on international surveys of happiness and life satisfaction.'
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Submitted by Michael on Thu, 2009-05-21 19:29
Story here.
'FEDERAL WAY, Wash., May 11 (UPI) -- A 14-year-old Federal Way, Wash., girl allegedly smothered her newborn baby to hide her pregnancy from her family, police records said.
The girl, pregnant by her 20-year-old boyfriend, gave birth at home while her mother was away, The Seattle Times reported Monday.
She then allegedly smothered the baby and called her mother to say she was bleeding heavily, police reports said. A family friend found the dead infant after the girl was taken to a hospital.
The girl, who was arrested April 9, the day the baby was born, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder in King County Juvenile Court.
Leonel Guzman-Jacobo, the girl's boyfriend, has been charged with second-degree child rape because the girl is younger than 16, the age of consent in Washington state. Guzman-Jacobo, who allegedly began having sex with the girl when she was 13, was not involved in the baby's death, police said.'
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Submitted by Michael on Thu, 2009-05-21 19:25
Story here. Excerpt:
'ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Police said Thursday that the mother of a 3-year-old boy found buried at a playground told investigators she suffocated him, had second thoughts and resuscitated him, then changed her mind and suffocated him again. Police Chief Ray Schultz said Tiffany Toribio, 23, told officers that she and her son, Tyruss "Ty" Toribio, were in Alvarado Park before dawn on May 13 and that she suffocated him while he was asleep.
She told detectives she had second thoughts and performed CPR on the boy, reviving him, but again reconsidered and placed her hand over his nose and mouth until he suffocated, Schultz said. She said she waited a few minutes before burying him in the playground, the chief said.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-05-21 18:25
Letter here. Excerpt:
'Your Monday editorial "Anti-Dad bias," is the first substantial challenge to the divorce industry by a major newspaper and deserves to be pursued much further. This abuse of power goes far beyond media bias. The child support machinery has been expanded and perverted from a means of providing for abandoned children into a huge federal subsidy of divorce and single-parent homes. It also distorts public policy and criminalizes innocent parents.
Ostensibly created to recover welfare costs, child support enforcement on the federal level has failed and now costs taxpayers more than $3 billion annually. More seriously, it pays mothers to divorce or forgo marriage, thus creating the very problem it is supposed to alleviate.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-05-21 16:13
Article here. As always when the source is "", take it with a grain of salt. Excerpt:
'The itch to shop has long been known to overwhelm some people, either because of simple materialism or to compensate for emotional problems. Many researchers liken it to addiction, and some think it has been a growing problem in the modern consumerism society.
The problem is likely not confined to women. A 2006 study in the United States found 6 percent of women have it so bad they are labeled compulsive buyers, but so are 5.5 percent of men.
Problem is, the splurges don't always have the intended effect.
About 25 percent of the women surveyed said shopping sprees in the week prior to being surveyed left them with feelings of regret, guilt or shame.
Sounds a lot like other addictions, Pine said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-05-21 16:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'HE hidden plight of battered husbands – often a taboo subject – was the topic of heated discussion at Fife Council on Thursday.
Councillors heard the bizarre tale of one man who had been almost strangled because he wouldn’t take his wife to her favourite nightclub.
Male domestic abuse was raised by Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay Tory councillor Dave Dempsey who was upset by what he heard at a meeting he attended with a local campaign group.
Mr Dempsey emphasised that by highlighting the issue of male victims it did not diminish in any way the major problem of women who are abused.
However, he said he was “angered” after hearing evidence of men who suffered violence and was concerned Fife’s services were not currently designed to help them.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-05-21 16:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'On 19th May, the Supreme Court of India remarked that husbands ought to "Bow down before your wife's 'diktat'".
A vacation bench of justices Markandeya Katju and Deepak Verma observed, "Bibi joh boltee hai woh sunno (listen to whatever your wife says), as otherwise it could land you in trouble. Because if you do not listen to her, you will suffer the consequences."
The bench further said that a husband has to accept the suggestion of a wife irrespective of the fact whether it is sensible or not."
Being a founding member of a prominent men's rights organization observing the way men are treated, these views by the Supreme Court are hardly surprising to me. This attitude has been prevalent in almost all courts since many years and it is for the first time that the Supreme Court has said this formally, even in jest.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-05-21 15:52
Blog here. Unlike the story posted yesterday about the web site the Columbus city government wants to make the landing zone for accusations of rape or other sexual assault, this blog pulls its information from news reports. It looks like it would be a good resource for keeping track of female perpetrators of child abuse.
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Submitted by patriotsofamerica on Thu, 2009-05-21 14:55
Story here. Again explain to me how women are more nurturing and less violent than men? Excerpt:
'MEMPHIS, TN (WMC-TV) - Memphis police are searching for a shoplifting suspect who used a tiny baby as a weapon against a security guard during an escape attempt Wednesday.
The incident happened early Wednesday afternoon at Wal-Mart on Austin Peay in Raleigh, where police say a woman was caught shoplifting. While attempting to escape, the woman hurled her two-month old nephew at a security guard. The infant, seated in a carrier, fell onto the concrete floor.
The suspect then threw the baby at a good samaritan who tried to tend to the infant.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-05-21 00:03
Story here. Excerpt:
'OELWEIN - Oelwein High School will be offering a newly-sanctioned boys’ varsity sport following approval granted by the Board of Education at its May meeting Monday night.
The board unanimously approved the local sanctioning of boys’ bowling as a varsity sport beginning with the 2009-2010 school year.
The action by the board comes after the Iowa High School Athletic Association granted approval within the past month to sanction boys’ bowling as an official Iowa high school sport.'
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Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2009-05-21 00:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'GERMAINE Greer's provocative essay On Rage, which fuelled heated debate about male violence in indigenous communities, was a revelation for Ben Quilty. "Others say that On Rage is less about masculinity and more about indigenous culture," says Quilty, a young, white Australian from a suburban background.
"Feminism did happen, and then the whole thing with gender studies and women's studies," he says. "But back at university, I was the only man in a course studying it, even though it made more sense that, post-feminism, men should be studying it.
"That's what should happen after feminism, that men should rediscover themselves, but there's no way men were able to have any input.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-05-20 23:21