Canada: Prostitution: What if we only criminalized the men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Q. You say men are the root of the problem, and in seeking a "moment of bliss," they deepen the misery of the women they pay for sex.

A. These men never ask how she is, how did she get here, is she being forced. They don't look into her eyes beyond the veneer of gaudy makeup, stiletto heels and cheap clothes. They just want to get their rocks off. When money changes hands, it's the ultimate conscience pacifier. They don't have to deal with guilt.

Q. If johns are charged, as you recommend, how would women be protected?

A. I strongly believe the vast majority of women are victims and shouldn't be charged or picked up in vice raids. You should pick up the men. They are demanding it, doing whatever they want. Sweden decriminalized the women and criminalized the men. They know it is a human-rights violation, that you'll never have equality and dignity and respect for women as long as this is allowed. Sweden is a beacon. The number of prostituted women has been reduced by half. Norway just introduced legalisation in January.'

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Country waits to see how Obama enforces Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'Educators and high school and college officials are watching to see how the Obama administration will oversee the enforcement of the gender-discrimination law. Many agree he will at least maintain the enforcement level of Title IX, but how far his administration goes remains to be seen.

In March, Obama signed an order creating a White House Council on Women and Girls and spoke strongly in support of Title IX. Obama said he was establishing the council not just to continue equal opportunities for women, such as in sports, but to enhance them.
On Title IX's 36th birthday last June, Obama said he would strengthen Title IX enforcement at the Department of Education and direct the department to help schools take the initiative in fulfilling their Title IX obligations. He supports the High School Sports Information Collection Act, which directs schools to make information on equality in athletic programs publicly available, as it is at the college level. '

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Classy Dads: D.O.G.S. program involves men in school life

Article here. Excerpt:

'Altogether, 80 fathers, stepfathers and other men in the students' lives were there one night last week. Counting students and other family members, the total came to about 150. Once everyone was settled in the library, the people at Bolton delivered the message that they want the men to keep coming back.

"Your children need you to be here," said Doreen Sorensen, the principal.

Guidance counselor Rinita Williams and others at Bolton are working to organize a chapter of a national group known as Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students), a school program sponsored by the National Center for Fathering.

The idea is to get fathers and father figures into schools to eat lunch with students, help them with projects and greet them in the halls. Having men around a school can have a positive overall effect on behavior, Williams said.'

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'Where the boys aren't'

Article here. When you look at the picture you'll see a young man wearing a pink t-shirt stating: 'Women's Health Matters'. I wonder if he realizes he'll die approximately 4 years earlier then a female of the same age. Excerpt:

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Woman charged with kidnapping kindergartener

Story here.

'Rockville police have charged a woman with kidnapping a kindergartener at an elementary school.

Police say 39-year-old Xuhua Huang and her husband went to Lakewood Elementary School on Tuesday to pick up their sick daughter.

But police say Huang didn't think her daughter was being treated well and decided to leave with a different child "to make someone else feel the way she did."

Police said that a school volunteer heard the boy ask Huang who she was and where she was taking him and followed them to the parking lot. Huang's husband yelled at her to let the boy go and the boy ran back to the volunteer.

Huang is charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment and second-degree assault.'

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Limerick woman jailed after husband stabbed

Story here. Excerpt:

'LIMERICK — A Limerick woman remains in York County Jail this week on charges of aggravated assault and violating conditions of release following the stabbing of her husband last Friday.

York County Sheriff's deputies responded to a 2 a.m. call from Washington Street in Limerick on April 17 for the report of a subject suffering from several stab wounds.

Upon arrival they found Scott Gammon, 38, of Limerick, with four stab wounds to his upper torso. Gammon was conscious and alert and told deputies that his wife, Nancy Gammon, 49, had stabbed him. Scott had fled and had gone to a friend's house nearby.'

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Ashland woman will serve only 90 days for stabbing ex-husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Ashland woman, originally charged with attempting to murder her ex-husband, will serve 90 days in jail for stabbing him last year.

Marilyn Alice Gale, 60, pleaded guilty today in Jackson County Circuit Court to third-degree assault and first-degree burglary. The sentence imposed by Judge Ray White includes five years of supervised probation, and Gale must comply with a list of conditions that includes having no contact with the victim, Alan Gale.

She also must continue with mental health treatment. Gale will receive credit for time served after her May 2008 arrest, but could end up serving up to three years in prison on the assault charge if she violates any of her probation conditions, White said.'

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Woman faces new charge in alleged plot to kill ex

Story here. Excerpt:

'ASPEN, Colo. (AP) - A Denver woman faces another felony in her alleged plot to have her ex-husband, a Pitkin County prosecutor, killed.

The Jefferson County district attorney's office this week filed a count of solicitation of second-degree murder against 36-year-old Elinor Dvir.

Dvir already was facing felony counts of solicitation of first-degree murder and solicitation of first-degree assault. She is jailed on $100,000 bond.

District attorney's spokeswoman Pam Russell says the latest charge was filed after prosecutors looked at the evidence "from more than one angle." She declined to elaborate.

Dvir was arrested March 15 after investigators say she offered an undercover police officer $2,000 to kill her ex-husband, Richard Nedlin. Court records say the two are in a custody dispute.'

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Woman accused of killing FBI agent requests visits with her children

Article here. Excerpt:

'Christina Korbe has asked a federal court judge to authorize visits with her children.

Ms. Korbe, who has been in jail since Nov. 19, when she was charged in the shooting death of an FBI agent at her Indiana Township home, is being held in the Cambria County Prison.

John Elash, one of her defense attorneys, said Ms. Korbe has not had a contact with her children, ages 5 and 10, since she and her husband were arrested after a drug raid at their home.

In addition to the homicide charge, Ms. Korbe, 40, has been indicted on charges of conspiracy to distribute cocaine, possession of cocaine and crack, assault with a dangerous weapon, aiding and abetting and using a firearm during a crime of violence.'

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Woman found not guilty of stabbing husband & father through insanity

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Beech Island woman who seemed to mentally snap and stab her husband and father has been found not guilty by reason of insanity.

Angela Glass admitted to stabbing her husband and pleaded guilty to assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. She had originally been charged with assault and battery with intent to kill.

On April 17, 2006 Aiken County Sheriff's Office responded to a Beech Island address, they saw Glass' husband and father with knife wounds. When they found Glass, she told officers "I stabbed him."

During subsequent evaluations and interviews, Glass was believed to have been hearing voices, seeing visions, she talked about being god, then changed to being Satan, according to testimony. She also hallucinated about being pregnant.

Both the husband and father refused to press charges stating that they knew their daughter/wife was not in a right state of mind.'

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CBS News: "Government's Gender Pay Gap Shrinking"

Article here. Excerpt:

'(AP) Women working in the federal government still earn less than their male counterparts, but the pay gap is shrinking.

The difference between average annual salary for men and women in the federal work force declined from 19 cents to 11 cents on the dollar between 1998 and 2007, according to a draft report from the Government Accountability Office.
All but 7 cents of the gap can be accounted for by differences in measurable factors, such as differences in education levels and the type of jobs men and women had, the report said. The gap narrowed the more men and women shared characteristics, including the jobs held, levels of experience and education.'

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Equalism blog "Pendulum Effect" interviews available

Justin Trottier was kind enough to interview yours truly for his on-line Equalism web site, Justin is also the exec. director of the Center for Inquiry, Toronto chapter. The interview can be found here.

Regarding the introduction on the podcast page though, I just want to point out that I didn't help organize the 2007 Boys and the Boy Crisis Conference, since by then I had relocated from the area, but I was involved in organizing the previous two MR conferences. MANN's own Tom G. was the organizer of the 2007 conference and he was one heck of a one-man band at it, too.

I also want to encourage people to listen to the archived interviews as well, as there is a lot of good commentary and insight available in all of them.

As for my interview, well, I'll be signing mp3's in the lobby. ;)

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Police investigate stabbing by woman

A remarkable short story in the Ottawa Citizen. Notice the lack of gender designation in the headline.

'OTTAWA — Gatineau police are looking for an 18-year-old woman after an altercation between two women in Buckingham Monday night sent one woman to the hospital with non-life threatening stab wounds.

At around 7 p.m., an altercation broke out between two 18-year-old women at the corner of Rue Jean-XXIII and Rue des Pins.

One of the women sustained multiple stab wounds to her face, chest, hand and leg. She tried to escape, police said, and ran into a house on Rue des Pins, before going to the hospital with a friend.

Police were informed of the stabbing at about 10:25 p.m., said Const. Isabelle Poirier.

The suspect, also an 18-year-old Gatineau woman, is known to the victim. No arrest has yet been made.

The investigation continues.'

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The American Fertility Association Blog declares "Men Lie"

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'Nothing makes me happier than seeing a man thoroughly enjoying himself. So I was very happy last night, watching Richard Grazi having a ball, talking with a room full of young women at our most recent Manicures & Martinis event in Brooklyn. His take home message? Men lie.

Did you know that? I had my suspicions, but still….Dr. Grazi confirmed it last night. Yup. Men lie. Why did that little tidbit come up at an infertility prevention event? Hmmmm. Have you ever heard of STD’s?

Oh yeah. One of the key points of the Manicures & Martinis events is a simple one – if you are not currently trying to get pregnant, use a condom. You would be surprised how many women don’t. And the reasons why they don’t got knocked out of the water by Dr. G. over and over again last night. He told them straight – married men lie too. And no man really likes to wear a condom, he said. It feels like wearing surgical gloves when you’re playing the piano.'

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Virginia Apgar, M.D.

A friend pointed this out to me. A woman who got where she went all without trumpeting her victimhood/femaleness at every turn as either a pro or con to all her efforts! She did it all without the help of feminists' whining and bullying, and without doing that herself, too! Imagine that!

If a woman needs hero to look up to, an example of an independent woman who doesn't let her sex be a factor in all her decisions, let her look to Dr. Apgar. Excerpt:

'In 1953, she introduced the first test, called the Apgar score, to assess the health of newborn babies. It is administered one minute and five minutes after birth, and sometimes also at 10 minutes.

While Apgar was frequently the "first woman" or "only woman" in a department, to serve in a position, or win an accolade, she avoided the organized women's movement, proclaiming that "women are liberated from the time they leave the womb".

Apgar never married, and died on August 7, 1974, at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center.'

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