He's Dead, She Walks - DV's Double Standard‏

Action alert here. Excerpt:

'This past week in Canada a young man, Adam Cunningham, lost his life as a result of domestic violence apparently perpetrated by his wife. At the time of the initial incident she was charged with assault. Now that Adam is dead the Crown prosecutor declines to charge her further with manslaughter or homicide, and has told the family the assualt charges may be dropped as well, since the victim - who was also the only witness - has died.

See the news video here. (caution, the wounds are graphic)

Note in the obituary the comment that the wife will miss him. We can only imagine what that might mean.'

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Packing party benefits women soldiers

Story here. Men apparently don't need magazines or toiletries like women do. Anyway, would we ever see an article entitled "Packing party benefits male soldiers"? Not anytime soon. Excerpt:

'One hundred care packages are on their way to be received by 100 black female soldiers stationed at sea and in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait.

The care packages were filled from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday in the C.C. Baird Center at Galilee Baptist Church then transported to be processed for shipping as part of the 16th Sister Soldier Packing Party. Hosted by Sistahs BookClubbing, the event was in support of the Sister Soldiers Project, which has donated more than 1,200 care packages since 2006 to black women deployed in such places as Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Canada: "Middle-class" prostitution by teen girls a growing problem - but guess who has to be taught to behave?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It sounds like an overblown cautionary tale for parents, but teen prostitution is an emerging middle-class phenomenon, says journalist and documentary filmmaker Sharlene Azam in her new book Oral Sex Is the New Goodnight Kiss (which is accompanied by a DVD).

One prostitution ring saw more than 15 girls aged 12 to 16 from several Edmonton middle and high schools offering their bodies to older men who gambled in a townhouse; another involved 15-year-old high-school girls charging college guys $20 for oral sex in Kelowna, B.C. In Surrey, B.C., pimps recruited 12-year-olds at their local mall.
The author argues that father absenteeism, ineffectual sexual education classes, Internet porn and a hypersexual, "poisonous culture" that promises status through the accumulation of luxury goods are to blame.
How do the guys fit in?

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UK: "Wanted: single men to serve on the fostering front line"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his baggy jeans, he studies his fingernails to avoid making eye contact. He is evidently not keen to talk much, but what he does say is testament to how much Graham has turned his life around.
“Some young men say that they cannot relate to women because they have been abused by, or in major conflict with, them. In these cases the best option may be to live in an all-male household..."
But men prepared to work with children are in short supply. Research by the charity Action for Children has found that many are not coming forward because they fear being labelled paedophiles —a fear borne out by the results of a survey by the charity last year, in which 40 per cent of respondents said that single men should be banned from adopting. In addition, some people still see caring as “women’s work”.

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Teacher Accused Of 'Sex' With Godson Out On Bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHULA VISTA, Calif. -- A defense motion regarding questioning of the alleged victim forced the postponement Wednesday of a preliminary hearing for a South Bay elementary school teacher accused of having sex with her underage godson, who was also one of her students.

Carmina Erica Lopez, 33, is charged with eight counts of committing a lewd act on a child. She was arrested in January, when allegations of her alleged four-year sexual relationship with the victim came to light.

Prosecutor Leonard Trinh said he expects to add more charges when the defendant's preliminary hearing gets under way May 6 at the South Bay Courthouse.'

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Rich South teacher pleads innocent to 'sex' with student

Story here. Excerpt:

'Former Rich South High School teacher Sarah Tolzien pleaded innocent today in Cook County Circuit Court in Markham to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old male student.

Tolzien, 24, of Arlington Heights, is facing eight counts of criminal sexual assault and 24 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

Tolzien, who also coached the boys varsity cross country team at the Richton Park school, resigned from the school Dec. 2.

The sexual activity between Tolzien and the boy, a member of the cross country team, occurred in Matteson while she gave him rides home Nov. 14 and Nov. 17, according to police.'

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Vermont Legislature Considering Drivers License Bill Requiring Only Men To Register For Selective Service

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Legislature is considering a bill that would automatically register young men with the Selective Service when they go for their driver's licenses. It would be a way to avert the trouble young men fall into when they forget to register.

The Selective Service is the agency that administers the draft, which does not exist at present (and has not since 1973). For people of a certain age, who remember the role the Selective Service played in their lives in the 1960s, the whole topic inspires a complicated mixture of feelings, many of them uncomfortable.
In the meantime, young men are required to sign up for a draft that does not at the moment exist. As long as that is the case, they ought to be helped to do so in a convenient way. Using the driver's license process links the yearning for privilege of driving a car with the perhaps less-yearned obligation to serve. It seems like a reasonable bargain.'

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Canada: Prostitution: What if we only criminalized the men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Q. You say men are the root of the problem, and in seeking a "moment of bliss," they deepen the misery of the women they pay for sex.

A. These men never ask how she is, how did she get here, is she being forced. They don't look into her eyes beyond the veneer of gaudy makeup, stiletto heels and cheap clothes. They just want to get their rocks off. When money changes hands, it's the ultimate conscience pacifier. They don't have to deal with guilt.

Q. If johns are charged, as you recommend, how would women be protected?

A. I strongly believe the vast majority of women are victims and shouldn't be charged or picked up in vice raids. You should pick up the men. They are demanding it, doing whatever they want. Sweden decriminalized the women and criminalized the men. They know it is a human-rights violation, that you'll never have equality and dignity and respect for women as long as this is allowed. Sweden is a beacon. The number of prostituted women has been reduced by half. Norway just introduced legalisation in January.'

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Country waits to see how Obama enforces Title IX

Article here. Excerpt:

'Educators and high school and college officials are watching to see how the Obama administration will oversee the enforcement of the gender-discrimination law. Many agree he will at least maintain the enforcement level of Title IX, but how far his administration goes remains to be seen.

In March, Obama signed an order creating a White House Council on Women and Girls and spoke strongly in support of Title IX. Obama said he was establishing the council not just to continue equal opportunities for women, such as in sports, but to enhance them.
On Title IX's 36th birthday last June, Obama said he would strengthen Title IX enforcement at the Department of Education and direct the department to help schools take the initiative in fulfilling their Title IX obligations. He supports the High School Sports Information Collection Act, which directs schools to make information on equality in athletic programs publicly available, as it is at the college level. '

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Classy Dads: D.O.G.S. program involves men in school life

Article here. Excerpt:

'Altogether, 80 fathers, stepfathers and other men in the students' lives were there one night last week. Counting students and other family members, the total came to about 150. Once everyone was settled in the library, the people at Bolton delivered the message that they want the men to keep coming back.

"Your children need you to be here," said Doreen Sorensen, the principal.

Guidance counselor Rinita Williams and others at Bolton are working to organize a chapter of a national group known as Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students), a school program sponsored by the National Center for Fathering.

The idea is to get fathers and father figures into schools to eat lunch with students, help them with projects and greet them in the halls. Having men around a school can have a positive overall effect on behavior, Williams said.'

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'Where the boys aren't'

Article here. When you look at the picture you'll see a young man wearing a pink t-shirt stating: 'Women's Health Matters'. I wonder if he realizes he'll die approximately 4 years earlier then a female of the same age. Excerpt:

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Woman charged with kidnapping kindergartener

Story here.

'Rockville police have charged a woman with kidnapping a kindergartener at an elementary school.

Police say 39-year-old Xuhua Huang and her husband went to Lakewood Elementary School on Tuesday to pick up their sick daughter.

But police say Huang didn't think her daughter was being treated well and decided to leave with a different child "to make someone else feel the way she did."

Police said that a school volunteer heard the boy ask Huang who she was and where she was taking him and followed them to the parking lot. Huang's husband yelled at her to let the boy go and the boy ran back to the volunteer.

Huang is charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment and second-degree assault.'

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Limerick woman jailed after husband stabbed

Story here. Excerpt:

'LIMERICK — A Limerick woman remains in York County Jail this week on charges of aggravated assault and violating conditions of release following the stabbing of her husband last Friday.

York County Sheriff's deputies responded to a 2 a.m. call from Washington Street in Limerick on April 17 for the report of a subject suffering from several stab wounds.

Upon arrival they found Scott Gammon, 38, of Limerick, with four stab wounds to his upper torso. Gammon was conscious and alert and told deputies that his wife, Nancy Gammon, 49, had stabbed him. Scott had fled and had gone to a friend's house nearby.'

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Ashland woman will serve only 90 days for stabbing ex-husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Ashland woman, originally charged with attempting to murder her ex-husband, will serve 90 days in jail for stabbing him last year.

Marilyn Alice Gale, 60, pleaded guilty today in Jackson County Circuit Court to third-degree assault and first-degree burglary. The sentence imposed by Judge Ray White includes five years of supervised probation, and Gale must comply with a list of conditions that includes having no contact with the victim, Alan Gale.

She also must continue with mental health treatment. Gale will receive credit for time served after her May 2008 arrest, but could end up serving up to three years in prison on the assault charge if she violates any of her probation conditions, White said.'

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Woman faces new charge in alleged plot to kill ex

Story here. Excerpt:

'ASPEN, Colo. (AP) - A Denver woman faces another felony in her alleged plot to have her ex-husband, a Pitkin County prosecutor, killed.

The Jefferson County district attorney's office this week filed a count of solicitation of second-degree murder against 36-year-old Elinor Dvir.

Dvir already was facing felony counts of solicitation of first-degree murder and solicitation of first-degree assault. She is jailed on $100,000 bond.

District attorney's spokeswoman Pam Russell says the latest charge was filed after prosecutors looked at the evidence "from more than one angle." She declined to elaborate.

Dvir was arrested March 15 after investigators say she offered an undercover police officer $2,000 to kill her ex-husband, Richard Nedlin. Court records say the two are in a custody dispute.'

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