Pneumonia more likely to kill older men than women

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON: Pneumonia is more likely to kill older men than women because of differing gender-based biological responses to the infection.

"Our study found that men with CAP (community-acquired pneumonia) were less likely to survive after an infection compared to women," said Sachin Yende, assistant professor in critical care medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (UPSM) and study co-author.

Data were gathered from the multi-centre Genetic and Inflammatory Markers of Sepsis (GenIMS) study.'

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E-tailers face gender-divide: 'Men Want It Fast, Women Want It All'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men want to complete the task and get on to the next task. Women want to experience the task. Guys, I know that sounds stupid, like forming a relationship with pain, but this is why women are good at taking care of you. Generally, they seem to be more thorough, which is why she’s never ready when you’re jingling your keys at the door and why you might survive getting stuck in a blizzard once you finally get out the door. (That’s a poor example. She’ll likely know there’s a blizzard coming and will protest leaving at all. Men believe they will defeat the blizzard. Women, I know this sounds stupid, but this is why men are good at killing mammoths, and why they’re good at protecting you. In the end, it’s all about taking down the beast.)'

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Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, says study

Article here. Excerpt:

'Washington, April 29 (IANS) Boys will be boys and girls will be girls, because gender specific personality traits develop along typical lines, according to a new study.
Not surprisingly, girls and boys differed in their sex-specific personality traits and their sex-typed activity interests in early adolescence, with girls showing higher levels of expressive traits (kindness and sensitivity) and interest in 'feminine' activities (arts and reading).

Boys showed higher levels of instrumental traits (independence and adventurousness) and interest in 'masculine' activities (sports and math).

Girls' typically feminine, expressive traits didn't change over time. Conversely, boys' sensitivity and warmth declined substantially across middle childhood but increased in later adolescence.'

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Marks On "Octomom" Son Spark Questions

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/ AP) The mother of the California octuplets has been questioned by police and child welfare officials after her 4-year-old autistic son showed up at school with a black eye and bite marks.

Nadya Suleman's attorney, Jeff Czech, says it's not clear if any action will be taken against the mother of 14 young children.
Police have said they've made several visits to Suleman's home in the past year to respond to complaints about lost, trapped or poorly cared for children, but, Kauffman points out, haven't removed any from the home.'

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UK: Women are 'imprisoned' by fight for equality, claims leading feminist

Article here. Erin Pizzey is one of the few, if possibly only, feminists who has stood up for the truth when it comes to DV. Nonetheless, I am weary of the constant stream of woe-is-me from feminists, if even they are saying "woe" over the abundance of successes they have claimed. Woe when they fail, woe when they succeed. When does the woe-is-me ever stop? Excerpt:

"Women have won the war for equality but it has left many of them imprisoned and exhausted, a pioneering feminist has claimed.

Campaigner Erin Pizzey, who founded the world's first refuge for battered women in 1971, claims the idea of women happily combining a career and a family has proved to be a myth.

The 70-year-old said women's 'freedom of choice' to have both has left them with less spare time than they had before.

But she added that many now did not understand what they had lost.

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Brazil man's penis severed by girlfriend

Story here. I guess she wouldn't have thought of just, er, reporting him to the police and let them investigate her claims? Excerpt:

'Police say a man in northeastern Brazil had his penis severed by his girlfriend who accused him of raping her daughter.

Police officer Fabio Gaudencio says 42-year-old Isaias Saturnino was sleeping at home last Friday when Maria da Silva used a kitchen knife to cut off his penis.

Gaudencio says Silva fled and remains at large.

Saturnino underwent reconstructive surgery and was in good condition on Monday, but is expected to stay at least two months in the hospital for observation.

Gaudencio says Silva's daughter accused Saturnino of raping her starting at age seven. She is teenager now. He hasn't been charged so far.

Gaudencio said Monday that Silva is expected to voluntarily turn herself in.'

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Australia: "Rudd gets tough on domestic violence"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced a new $41.5 million strategy to tackle domestic violence.

Research commissioned by the National Council to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children shows that violence against women costs Australia more than $13 billion a year.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures say one in three Australian women will suffer domestic violence and one in five will fall victim to a sexual assault.

Mr Rudd said the Government was working with the states and territories to make sure that a domestic violence order taken out in one state or territory is automatically registered across the country.
"We must work harder and smarter to tackle this challenge," Mr Rudd said.

"Our challenge is to change the attitudes of many Australian men, especially young men."

Mr Rudd will also take the report to tomorrow's COAG meeting in Hobart to work with the states on a national plan to reduce violence against women for release next year.'

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Thought police muscle up in Britain

Article here. Excerpt:

'BRITAIN appears to be evolving into the first modern soft totalitarian state. As a sometime teacher of political science and international law, I do not use the term totalitarian loosely.

There are no concentration camps or gulags but there are thought police with unprecedented powers to dictate ways of thinking and sniff out heresy, and there can be harsh punishments for dissent.

Nikolai Bukharin claimed one of the Bolshevik Revolution's principal tasks was "to alter people's actual psychology". Britain is not Bolshevik, but a campaign to alter people's psychology and create a new Homo britannicus is under way without even a fig leaf of disguise.

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He's Dead, She Walks - DV's Double Standard‏

Action alert here. Excerpt:

'This past week in Canada a young man, Adam Cunningham, lost his life as a result of domestic violence apparently perpetrated by his wife. At the time of the initial incident she was charged with assault. Now that Adam is dead the Crown prosecutor declines to charge her further with manslaughter or homicide, and has told the family the assualt charges may be dropped as well, since the victim - who was also the only witness - has died.

See the news video here. (caution, the wounds are graphic)

Note in the obituary the comment that the wife will miss him. We can only imagine what that might mean.'

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Packing party benefits women soldiers

Story here. Men apparently don't need magazines or toiletries like women do. Anyway, would we ever see an article entitled "Packing party benefits male soldiers"? Not anytime soon. Excerpt:

'One hundred care packages are on their way to be received by 100 black female soldiers stationed at sea and in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait.

The care packages were filled from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday in the C.C. Baird Center at Galilee Baptist Church then transported to be processed for shipping as part of the 16th Sister Soldier Packing Party. Hosted by Sistahs BookClubbing, the event was in support of the Sister Soldiers Project, which has donated more than 1,200 care packages since 2006 to black women deployed in such places as Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Canada: "Middle-class" prostitution by teen girls a growing problem - but guess who has to be taught to behave?

Article here. Excerpt:

'It sounds like an overblown cautionary tale for parents, but teen prostitution is an emerging middle-class phenomenon, says journalist and documentary filmmaker Sharlene Azam in her new book Oral Sex Is the New Goodnight Kiss (which is accompanied by a DVD).

One prostitution ring saw more than 15 girls aged 12 to 16 from several Edmonton middle and high schools offering their bodies to older men who gambled in a townhouse; another involved 15-year-old high-school girls charging college guys $20 for oral sex in Kelowna, B.C. In Surrey, B.C., pimps recruited 12-year-olds at their local mall.
The author argues that father absenteeism, ineffectual sexual education classes, Internet porn and a hypersexual, "poisonous culture" that promises status through the accumulation of luxury goods are to blame.
How do the guys fit in?

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UK: "Wanted: single men to serve on the fostering front line"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his baggy jeans, he studies his fingernails to avoid making eye contact. He is evidently not keen to talk much, but what he does say is testament to how much Graham has turned his life around.
“Some young men say that they cannot relate to women because they have been abused by, or in major conflict with, them. In these cases the best option may be to live in an all-male household..."
But men prepared to work with children are in short supply. Research by the charity Action for Children has found that many are not coming forward because they fear being labelled paedophiles —a fear borne out by the results of a survey by the charity last year, in which 40 per cent of respondents said that single men should be banned from adopting. In addition, some people still see caring as “women’s work”.

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Teacher Accused Of 'Sex' With Godson Out On Bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHULA VISTA, Calif. -- A defense motion regarding questioning of the alleged victim forced the postponement Wednesday of a preliminary hearing for a South Bay elementary school teacher accused of having sex with her underage godson, who was also one of her students.

Carmina Erica Lopez, 33, is charged with eight counts of committing a lewd act on a child. She was arrested in January, when allegations of her alleged four-year sexual relationship with the victim came to light.

Prosecutor Leonard Trinh said he expects to add more charges when the defendant's preliminary hearing gets under way May 6 at the South Bay Courthouse.'

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Rich South teacher pleads innocent to 'sex' with student

Story here. Excerpt:

'Former Rich South High School teacher Sarah Tolzien pleaded innocent today in Cook County Circuit Court in Markham to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old male student.

Tolzien, 24, of Arlington Heights, is facing eight counts of criminal sexual assault and 24 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

Tolzien, who also coached the boys varsity cross country team at the Richton Park school, resigned from the school Dec. 2.

The sexual activity between Tolzien and the boy, a member of the cross country team, occurred in Matteson while she gave him rides home Nov. 14 and Nov. 17, according to police.'

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Vermont Legislature Considering Drivers License Bill Requiring Only Men To Register For Selective Service

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Legislature is considering a bill that would automatically register young men with the Selective Service when they go for their driver's licenses. It would be a way to avert the trouble young men fall into when they forget to register.

The Selective Service is the agency that administers the draft, which does not exist at present (and has not since 1973). For people of a certain age, who remember the role the Selective Service played in their lives in the 1960s, the whole topic inspires a complicated mixture of feelings, many of them uncomfortable.
In the meantime, young men are required to sign up for a draft that does not at the moment exist. As long as that is the case, they ought to be helped to do so in a convenient way. Using the driver's license process links the yearning for privilege of driving a car with the perhaps less-yearned obligation to serve. It seems like a reasonable bargain.'

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