Father faces 100 years for infant neglect

Story here. Contrast the attitudes shown with what mothers get for the same crime with the same circumstances. Another report with more detail found here. Note one piece of press commentary: Our View: Absolutely no business being a parent. I wonder if they would have written that way if the mother had gone to trial first and been convicted? This is a case to watch; we'll see what sentence the father gets vs. the treatment the mother gets. Excerpt:

'(Peoria) -- James Sargent has been found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder in connection to the death of his five-and-a-half-month-old son Benjamin last year.

A Peoria County Judge handed down the verdict Wednesday afternoon, immediately following the conclusion of a three day bench trial.

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Gender stereotypes present in study

For once, a reasonably fair article on dating abuse, from my alma mater, no less. Article here. Excerpt:

"Both psychological and physical abuse in dating relationships have been reported among high school and college students in the United States, with mental and physical health consequences similar to that of cohabiting adults. Whereas women are much more likely than men to be the victims of domestic violence, most studies on adolescents found that males experience rates of relationship abuse similar to or greater than that of females.
Females were significantly more favorable than were males about their partner on the positive scale. There was no gender difference on the sexual abuse scale. For the remaining seven abuse scales, males reported more abuse than females, for both non-physical and physical items. Fortunately, the overall levels of dating abuse we found were low, with the highest frequencies reported by a minority of the students."

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Courts father unfairness

Article here. Excerpt:

'The erratic treatment of Rod Refcio in Ontario family court is an extreme but powerful example of disturbing flaws that continue to plague Canada's spousal support system.

Two courts incredulously concluded Refcio's responsibility to his ex-wife extends to her twins; twins who were born well after the marriage ended and who were fathered by another man.

In 2006, Ontario Court Judge Thomas Granger ruled Refcio owed his ex-wife Katia $1,500 per month, for an indefinite period of time. For the payer of spousal support, the length of the order is crucial.

Without an end date, a person's life is on hold indefinitely, making a clean break from a former spouse impossible.'

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UK: The gender pay gap does not exist

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harriet Harman claims that women earn on average 22.6% less per hour than men and takes it for granted that this difference is the result of discrimination against women by men. And yet the Government's own figures support no such conclusion.
Quite simply the Government's emphasis on the gender pay gap of 22.6% is an abuse of official statistics. And to infer that the difference in the average hourly rate is the result of discrimination is an abuse of logic. When women without dependent children compete head to head with men in the same situation their hourly rate is higher. Most women today work throughout their 20s and find that success is the result of being good at something. Employers are looking for capable people whether male or female.

Women today don't need government quotas. They are doing fine on their own. They want to be judged on their merits, not patronised by the old generation of 1970s quota feminists like Harriet Harman.'

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Why women don't even get close to the 'glass ceiling' in the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women executives regularly get pushed off the career ladder in favour of men, a survey said yesterday.

'Invisible discrimination' means they have no chance of matching the success of male counterparts, it was claimed. In some industries it was found that only one in 14 women with the potential to reach the top actually did so.
Management consultancy DDI, which carried out the survey, said its evidence showed that most women never reach the 'glass ceiling' that is usually said to block their progress. Rather, the experts said, women slide down 'glass walls' before they even get near the top.
Yet inquiries launched by Labour over the past decade in an attempt to unmask prejudice among employers have failed to find evidence of any.
The consultancy advised women to make their ambitions clear from the start of their careers and to accept assignments abroad.

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Woman Actually Arrested For Domestic Violence

Story here. The rarest of the rare is this woman who was arrested for assaulting her live-in boyfriend. She was charged with violation of something called the Family Violence Act. And to top it off the male victim was not also arrested as is the standard operating procedures in DV incidents where the female is the prime aggressor. Excerpt:

'A Clayton County school board member was arrested last week on charges of simple battery after a dispute with her live-in boyfriend.

Trinia Garrett, 36, the District 7 representative, was arrested on April 21 on charges of violating the state’s family violence act.

According to Clayton Magistrate Court records, Garrett made “physical contact of an insulting and provoking nature” against Albert Stocken, 58, with whom she has lived for the past 18 months in Lake City.

Garrett allegedly started the altercation by arguing over a credit card charge of $85 at a local hotel. She grabbed a chain and pulled it from Stocken’s neck, according to court records.'

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New F4J activist arrested in UK

Via Jeremy S. from a New F4J mailing:

Richard West (of the New F4J) has been arrested in his home town of Ottery St Mary (Devon, England UK) and held at Heavitree Road Police Station, in Exeter. We believe that this has been after Richard continually trying to get hold of medical documents relating to his son and C.A.M.s (social services) Richard secured a bid in Court and the C.A.M.s team was told to hand the files over but continually and blatantly refused to co-operate. Even the mother of Richards son joined the request in seeing their OWN child's records!!

Last week Rich publicly made a statement to his local press, The Sidmouth Herald stating that the NHS, who are responsible for the C.A.M.s team, have till the end of the month to comply or he would "cause massive disruption by shutting down one of the country's major public infrastructures by the end of the month". (See here.)

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UK: Women-only clinic for addicts triples in size as cases soar

Story here. Excerpt:

'London's only treatment centre for women alcohol and drug addicts has tripled in size to cope with an increasing number of cases.

Hope House has moved from an eight-bedroom building in Maida Vale to a 23-bed centre in Clapham Common formerly used only by male addicts.

The centre treats women who have been through detox and offers them help to accustom themselves to the world after the first stages of rehab.'

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Survey: Swedish men becoming less manly

Article here. Excerpt:

'STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 29 (UPI) -- A survey suggests most Swedes believe the country's men were more masculine in the past than now.

The online survey of 1,003 people between the ages of 15 and 64, conducted by YouGov on a contract from MBT Shoes, found 51 percent of those polled -- including 58 percent of male respondents -- believe Swedish men were more masculine in the past, The Local reported Wednesday.

Nine percent of respondents said they believe Swedish men are more masculine than the males in other countries, while 19 percent said Swedish men are less masculine and a 65 percent majority said they believe Swedish men are on par with other countries.'

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'The End of Sisterhood'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The sisterhood of lawyers has never been more potent. In conference rooms and swanky restaurants, women across the ranks--senior partners and associates, general counsel, and staff attorneys--are brainstorming about what it takes for women to succeed in a profession that's still predominantly male. Over sushi, cosmos, and the occasional mani/pedi treatment, they are bonding, united in the mission for gender equality. The message is clear: Women are united, and they want their sisters to succeed.

But scratch the surface a bit deeper, and some members of the sorority tell another story: that women--particularly their immediate superiors--can be their worst tormentors. Fact is, despite the veneer of harmony and the decades of shared struggle, there's tension on the women's front. Talk to any group of women lawyers, and there will be plenty of war stories on the betrayals--real or perceived--that they have experienced at the hands of other women.'

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Women Become the Majority of Workers

Article here. Excerpt:

'First, women have the authenticity, humility, and relationship-building skills required to lead customer-centric organisations in the 21st century world, a point made by a reformed Alpha Male consultant and author, David Flett.

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'Don't be hypocrites, ladies - you like to ogle, too'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I can hear all the female whining already about the Lingerie Football League*. Please, ladies, spare me the hypocrisy.

You'll whine about female exploitation. How women are being "objectified." How men only care about their bodies and not their other wonderful assets. How men will only go to these games to ogle. How this new football league is only an excuse for men to go out and be lechers, that this football league is nothing more than a glorified strip club, minus the pole dancing.

Pretty profound stuff, huh? Please.

Fact is, women do exactly the same thing with men. But men don't whine about it.'

*Hyperlink added, for those of you who have never heard of it (like myself) until now.

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U.S. Representatives Hill and Murphy Introduce the 'Men and Families Health Care Act of 2009'

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, April 30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Men's Health Network applauds Representatives Barron Hill (D-IN) and Tim Murphy (R-PA) today for introducing H.R. 2115, the "Men and Families Health Care Act of 2009."

This bipartisan legislation would establish an Office of Men's Health within the Department of Health and Human Services for the purpose of improving the health of men and their families. This Office will mirror the existing Office of Women's Health, established in the early 1990s, which has improved the quality of life for women nationwide.

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U of New Mexico student writes 'Men need to let go of power, accept inferiority to women'

Article here.

'In response to Tuesday's article, "Study: Female professors earn less than males," I suggest our phallic powerhouse needs a slice of castration.

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Effects of Infidelity on Men vs. Women Surprise Researchers

Article here. Excerpt:

'How guilty would you feel if you cheated on your partner? The answer has a lot to do with the type of infidelity — and your gender.

Men feel guiltier following sexual infidelity, while women feel guiltier after emotional transgression, a new study finds.

The researchers had hypothesized the opposite. Men, they thought, would feel guiltier if they fell in love with someone else, as women place a high value on emotional loyalty and the resources it provides; similarly, because men's sex drive is considered to be more biologically hard-wired, it was assumed women would have more guilt knowing the pain that sexual infidelity would cause their partner.'

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