Woman makes "documentary" on circumcision

Article here. More of a propaganda piece in favor of it, actually. Excerpt:

'You try to avoid getting overtly political in the film. But I have seen people compare circumcision to female genital mutilation.

I absolutely think that it's offensive to women to think that there's any parallel here. Of course, they both involve genitals but are done for very different reasons, and I ran away as far as I could from anything to do with female circumcision, which has to be stopped. It's not comparable. But what does interest me is why the movement against male circumcision needs to be so extreme? They have such a valid point, but they come off as such extremists.'

One of the anti-circumcision activists you interview even gets you arrested while you are filming him. They come across in your film as really, really loony.

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RADAR ALERT: Want a Good Laugh? Check Out the SAFE Act!

What if you knew a bill had been introduced in Congress in which most of the findings were misleading, outdated, or simply false? Welcome to wonderful, wacky world of HR 739, the Security and Financial Empowerment Act (SAFE).

The bill contains 53 different claims. Only 4 of those claims can be verified as accurate, current, and truthful. As for the remaining 49 claims, whoever dreamed up this stuff has an incredible sense of humor!

The following bold-faced quotes come straight from the SAFE Act findings. They are followed by the actual facts. So get ready for some side-splitting humor:

  1. "Violence against women has been reported to be the leading cause of physical injury to women." Here's what the website of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows:
    • Under the graph the DHHS states, "All of the leading causes of injury in 2006 were unintentional." But domestic violence is an intentional cause of injury. In other words, DV is not even on the list of leading causes of injury.
  2. "According to recent Government estimates, approximately 987,400 rapes occur annually in the United States". Here's what the FBI really says:
    • "In 2007, the estimated number of forcible rapes (90,427) decreased 2.5 percent from the 2006 estimate." So the SAFE number is off by about 900,000. We'll just call it a rounding error.
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Women and Sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Imagine if Sonoma County’s new 5th District supervisor had told a reporter that he was glad he was elected because he has “long believed that men offer a unique voice to government as rational and protective beings and because of the way we approach conflict and communications.”

Just think of the outrage, charges of being a male chauvinistic pig and calls for his resignation.

However, when the new 3rd District supervisor, Shirlee Zane, was quoted in The Press Democrat saying she has “long believed that women do offer a unique voice to government as caregivers and the way we approach conflict and communications,” there was no outrage; no one called her a female chauvinistic pig or called for her resignation.'

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UK: False rape claim victim's relief

Story here. Excerpt:

'A millionaire businessman has spoken of his relief after he was cleared of carrying out a violent sex attack.

Anthony Atherton, 51, was accused of attacking a 49-year-old woman in the kitchen of his home in Victoria Road, Bolton last August.

A jury at Leeds Crown Court took an hour to acquit Mr Atherton of attempted rape, sexual assault, assault by penetration, making a threat to kill and false imprisonment.

He claimed the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, set him up.
He said: "I'm grateful after eight months of hell to be vindicated."

His solicitor Paul Schofield said: "From the very onset Mr Atherton firmly denied all these allegations.

"He claimed that this case was a malicious complaint and a 'set up'. The verdicts, the speed with which they were returned, and the order for costs, all vindicate him completely.'

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'Women Build' -- female-only building program

Story here. Excerpt:

'And then she joined Women Build, the organization's female-only building program. This is where we are on a spring day, on a site with nine other female volunteers ranging in age from 19 to their 60s, and in experience from licensed contractors and former engineers to women who have yet to make friends with a power drill.

The latter would be me. And when I confess this to Baron, she wastes no time teaching me how to use hers.

There's a reason her tools are spray-painted pink, and it's not just to demonstrate her girl power. On the many construction sites she's worked on with men, tools tend to stray. This way, at least she doesn't lose hers.'

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UK: Fathers for Justice campaigner posts nappies to Prime Minister Gordon Brown

Story here. Excerpt:

'A HEATHFIELD man dressed up as Batman to post nappies to Gordon Brown.

The New Fathers for Justice member who did not want to be named, hopes the prime minister will take notice of members' campaign to fight for the rights of fathers denied access to their children.

He took part in a nationwide campaign in the form of the superhero to ask him to stop disposing of dads in society.'

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Misquote report on recent article

Please note that the quote from Anastasia de Waal of Civitas in the Daily Mail re women and the glass ceiling was a misquote and has since been corrected to: 'Don't be afraid to take the family with you,' the report said.

However, Anastasia de Waal of the Civitas think-tank said: 'It's not so much invisible discrimination in this case, as 'imaginary' discrimination because it's the parenting responsibilities gap which is the main issue.

'In this context it's less about a gender pay gap per se, but about a childcare gap and that is not necessarily a matter for employers.

'Women do not put themselves forward for promotion or they are not able to work long hours because they are bringing up children. The reasons for that are complex.'

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Blount Schools host national conference on how boys, girls learn

Article here. Excerpt:

'Blount County Schools hosted a national conference this week in which an American psychologist and family physician provided teachers with powerful new information about gender differences that could improve student performance.
"Do not ever assume all girls are one way and all boys are one way. That's a false assumption," said Dr. Leonard Sax, author of "Why Gender Matters," prefacing his speech.

Sax then talked about the differences in typical male and female visual systems. "Everything about sex-difference visual systems we know from the last eight years -- mostly the last four to five years," he said, noting researchers used to only study men.

"The assumption until eight or nine years ago was apparently that females were just shorter males who menstruate," Sax joked. Researchers have learned a typical man's brain is wired differently from girls to make boys more interested in movement.'

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Men, unemployment, and the future of boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'The unemployment ax is falling hard on men - many are in jobs that don't require education beyond high school; this will transcend the current economic crisis due to the combined effects of technology and globalization.

Obama and Congress face millions of angry and disillusioned unemployed young men.

For every 100 women enrolled in college in the U.S., 77 men are. And this trend is continuing to worsen. In regard to bachelor degrees, it's 10-0/63. In regard to associate (community colleges), it's 10-0/67.

For every 100 women ages 18-21 in prison, 1,430 men are. For every 100 young women, ages 20-24 who commit suicide, 624 young men will.
...Last month Obama created the White House Council for Women and Girls. Right there in the White House.

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Business Week: Men Bearing the Brunt of Layoffs

Article here. Excerpt:

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California Family Fitness sued over women-only areas

Story here. Excerpt:

'California Family Fitness is being sued for alleged gender discrimination for operating workout areas and one club dedicated to women.
For years California regulators and courts have squashed women-only poker tournaments, sex-based discounts at car washes and bars, and other promotions that favor one gender over another. Rotary Clubs, for one, were forced to accept women members after a court decision two decades ago.

Fitness centers locally and nationally — particularly express gyms such as Curves — have long marketed themselves to one gender. Eight states specifically allow for single-gender health clubs, according to the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association. But California isn’t one of them. An effort to pass such a law in the Golden State failed in 2005.'

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Illinois Governor shortens sentence of woman who killed kids

Story here. Excerpt:

'SPRINGFIELD, Ill. - Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has commuted the sentence of a woman experts believe was suffering from a postpartum psychosis when she killed her two young children more than two decades ago.

Quinn on Friday commuted Debra Lynn Gindorf's life sentence to 48 years. That likely means she's eligible for immediate release on parole because she's served 24 years and can qualify for day-for-day good-conduct time, her lawyer said.

Gindorf, 45, of Zion was found guilty but mentally ill in the 1985 slayings of her children, 23-month-old Christina and 3-month-old Jason.

Experts conceded she was a depressed and battered wife but couldn't agree what was wrong with her. She and her supporters now believe she had postpartum depression when she attempted to kill herself, then decided to kill her children as well.'

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UK: With friends like Harman, women don’t need enemies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now Harman has succeeded in driving through her cherished equality proposals, which in the name of equality will make it possible to discriminate against individuals on grounds of sex or race. If Hattie has her way, the Equality Bill she unveiled last week will make it legal for employers to discriminate against white men in favour of white women and black people. This horribly muddled thinking gives meaning to the misogynist’s phrase “feminine logic”.
Here we have a spectacle that is about as bad for women as it gets. Female politicians, many promoted above their ability, seek to promote another woman above her democratic entitlement and against their own principles and meanwhile legislate to promote working women over men. With supporters like Harman and her crew, we women do not need enemies.'

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Carey Roberts: White House Council on Men and Boys: the right thing to do

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week a letter was sent to President Obama, urging him to establish a White House Council on Men and Boys. The plea came from Alpha Phi Alpha, a fraternity boasting a membership of 200,000 African-American men: http://apa1906.net/PressNewsDetails.php?newsID=90&newsCat=Press%20Release

The APA letter highlights a report by the Schott Foundation for Public Education that found only 26% of black male students in New York City graduate from high school. Nationally, only 22% of Black men who enter college end up getting their degree.
Surely both Barack and Michelle desire that their daughters will one day be courted by marriage-able men. If we're going to have a White House on Women and Girls, it's only fair that we extend the same courtesy to men and boys.

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UK: Male teachers desert primaries

Article here. Excerpt:

'Almost 40% of primary schools now have no male teachers on their staff. New figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show 1,238 of the state’s 3,248 national schools have an all-female line-up in the classroom.

The revelation means that the Department of Education’s expensive efforts to attract men into primary school teaching have been a failure so far. Many children are now educated exclusively by women as the teaching profession becomes increasingly feminised.
Matt Hume, principal of St Joseph’s boys’ school in Terenure, Dublin, which bucks the trend by having a staff of 40% men and 60% women, said it is important for boys to have male teachers as role models, particularly in areas where they may not have otherpositive male role models in their lives. “Another problem is that if boys don’t see male teachers in schools, they’re unlikely to pursue a career in teaching themselves,” he said.

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