Ambrose: Only a woman for Supreme Court vacancy?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Supreme Court Justice David Souter is retiring, President Barack Obama will soon nominate a successor, and the cry is that it be a woman because, you know, it would be just dreadful otherwise.

Why, if Obama nominated a man, the next thing you know we would be back in the caves, yanking women by their hair, banging them on the head with clubs and forgetting every advance made against drooling, brute male oppressiveness.

Or maybe not. Some of us suspect that ours could very well continue to be a just, rights-respecting republic even if a highly qualified, capable male somehow sneaked past liberal watchfulness to fill Souter's vacancy. In our view, improvements in women's status would then shrink nary a millimeter.'

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Not for women only: Male victims of domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence happens to men, too. While statistics show that it is more common against women, nearly 8 percent of heterosexual men and more than 15 percent of gay men are assaulted by a date or intimate partner during their lives.

Domestic violence is also called intimate partner violence or abuse. It can occur in any relationship. A wife can abuse her husband. Same-sex partners can also be victims. This type of abuse often starts in milder forms when a couple is dating. It can continue into long-term relationships and marriages.

It's often difficult for victims of abuse to report their partner. As an abused man, you might also fear ridicule or disbelief. But domestic violence of any kind is not just personally devastating, it's also a crime.

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UK: Women only hear properly when gossiping or eavesdropping

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than two thirds of women admitted that a gossip with friends is the only time they are properly listening to what is being said.

The same percentage think they hear most intently when they are trying to eavesdrop on an argument taking place nearby.

Only half of men said they only hear properly when gossiping, while four in 10 admitted to listening closely to other people's conversations.

The poll of 2,000 people also found that more than one in five men reckon they always listen carefully to every word, and while less than one in five of women said the same.

Ladies are also most likely to switch off when listening to their work colleagues, with the average woman catching what they say just 64 per cent of the time.'

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UK: Court case threatens women-only cab firm

Story here. Excerpt:

'Its lurid pink cars and women drivers were launched to provide a safe and hassle-free service for women of all ages worried about getting into taxis driven by men.

But the women-only cab company Pink Ladies is being threatened with closure after its founders were taken to court this week by Warrington council in Cheshire and charged with operating an unlicensed private hire company.

The Warrington-based firm, which was launched four years ago, said it could close if the council won its case because if they registered under the taxi licensing system, sex discrimination laws would force its drivers to pick up male customers.

"We will fight this all the way to the high court," co-founder Andrea Winders said yesterday. "We are not a taxi service. We are a unique organisation. We do not fit within current legislation, therefore Warrington council has decided to issue court proceedings against us personally."

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UK: If women ruled the world...

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harriet Harman suggested last week that she might use her proposed Equalities Bill to get more women into positions of power in Britain's banks. The Bill will allow employers to practise "positive action", by choosing a female candidate over an equally well-qualified male. Since this is something that everyone is free to do already, without explicitly saying so, it sounds to me like legislation of the status quo. Feel free to employ a woman – or not, if you prefer.
Women are not chaste vessels of virtue, in matters of money or anything else. You only need to be one to know that. We may lack the testosterone surges that make little boys delight in smashing each other with sticks, but we are born – and remain – every bit as competitive, cruel and egotistical as them.

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NYTimes: "Women Bullying Women at Work"

The New York Times printed an article which speculates about the reasons why women often bully other women in the workplace.

'During this downturn, as stress levels rise, workplace researchers say, bullies are likely to sharpen their elbows and ratchet up their attacks.

It’s probably no surprise that most of these bullies are men, as a survey by the Workplace Bullying Institute, an advocacy group, makes clear. But a good 40 percent of bullies are women. And at least the male bullies take an egalitarian approach, mowing down men and women pretty much in equal measure. The women appear to prefer their own kind, choosing other women as targets more than 70 percent of the time.
Leadership specialists wonder, are women being "overly aggressive" because there are too few opportunities for advancement? Or is it stereotyping and women are only perceived as being overly aggressive? Is there a double standard at work?'

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Feminist quotations and definitions

Via Jeremy S. In case some you were still unaware of the depth of hate and intent of the other side take a good look at what you are all up against‏. Listing here. Excerpt:

'This brief collection is merely indicative.

"I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it." -- Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan

"All men are rapists and that's all they are" -- Marilyn French, Author, "The Women's Room"

"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, MS. Magazine Editor
FROM 'A Feminist Dictionary', ed. Kramarae and Treichler, Pandora Press, 1985

*MALE: ... represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants... the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female.

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Victims of restraining order abuse: contact Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly


Glenn Sacks of Fathers & Families has asked that victims of restraining orders based on a false allegation of domestic violence e-mail David Yas, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly publisher, and let him know about it.

If you are such a victim or know of one, please see to it that Mr. Yas finds out about it (in a polite way, of course). You can email him by clicking here. Glenn requests you "write a Letter to the Editor of the Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and send it to Henriette Campagne at Please keep the letters short and to the point."


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Why the Graduation Crisis in our Cities Affects All Americans

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the United States battles several threats including an economic crisis and a possible public health pandemic, it’s important to remember that we are experiencing a “silent epidemic” that poses the greatest threat to our long-term economic strength and even our national security.

Today only about half (53%) of the young people in our nation’s 50 largest cities graduate from high school, and in the time it takes to read this, another U.S. teenager will have dropped out. In fact, 1.2 million students drop out annually. That’s 7,000 each school day, one every 26 seconds. The statistics are even more startling for students of color—less than half graduate on time.

We see the real depth of this disparity when we compare urban schools with their suburban counterparts. On average, suburban schools report graduation rates that are 18 percentage points higher.'

I posted the following comment; we'll see if it gets published:

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UK: Harriet "Harperson" Harman: I'll put women in charge of banks

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harriet Harman wants to use controversial new equality laws to pack the boards of nationalised banks with women.Labour's deputy leader is determined to boost the proportion of female workers in the financial sector and end what she calls 'pay discrimination' in the City.
She said last night that legal powers championed by her to discriminate in favour of minorities could help achieve her ambition. Some women MPs have claimed that the 'testosterone-fuelled' financial meltdown could have been avoided if there had been more women in decision-making positions.
'Sometimes we have to take scary methods in order to achieve worthwhile results,' she told a mainly female audience.

'It is about saying, "because you are a woman I'm going to put you in this promotion".'

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Office of Men's Health proposal makes government news - please contact your rep and voice support

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 1991, Congress created the Office on Women’s Health within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). But don’t men face health issues, too? Yes they do, and U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA, 18th), has introduced a bill that would address men’s health by establishing the HHS Office of Men’s Health.

According to Rep. Murphy, his “Men and Families Health Care Act of 2009” (H.R. 2115), would raise the public’s awareness of health problems affecting men, and ways to detect and prevent them. ...“For too long the health needs of men have gone unaddressed. This bill will help men’s health take its rightful place in our federal government’s healthcare priorities.”'

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"Missing feminists"

From Jeremy S., an oldie but a goodie entitled "Missing feminists". First I have ever seen it so it's new to me. :) I think you'll enjoy it. Essay here. Excerpt:

'A few years ago a guy had to be on guard when randomly chatting with a woman in this town. Conversations frequently erupted into gender-political disputes without warning. You'd be treated to a whole report on the ways in which you were to blame for oppressing women, through pornography and lipstick and breast implants and stuff.

It seems to happen less often now. Some say the world has dumbed down, but if we've traded shrill ideology for dumbness, I'll take that deal.
Once, at a party, a bunch of girls on a sofa 20 feet away were giggling at a friend and me. We hadn't met. They were laughing because one proposed our castration. The girl now works at the CBC.

I rang up Jeffrey Asher to ask whatever happened to the golden era of the gender war...

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Finally! DV Against a man addressed in a "Dear Abby" column

I have to give credit to Dear Abby for featuring a man being abused by his wife and encouraging him to seek help. Column here. Excerpt:

'DEAR ABBY: My wife thinks it's funny when she hits me. The other day I was splitting some wood and decided to take a break. I began driving golf balls into the field. She came out, grabbed the club out of my hands and whacked me in the leg with it. When I asked her why, she said, "Get back to work!" and started laughing. I was left with a large welt and a big bruise.
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Why are you afraid to speak your mind? Are you afraid she'll hit you again? Your wife has a sadistic sense of humor and enjoys seeing you in pain. Unless you draw the line, she will cause you serious injury.

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BBC News Magazine asks: "Are there women paedophiles?"

Article here. Excerpt:

"Over the years we've had lots of men abused by mothers, sisters, aunties and baby sitters," says Mr Bevan.

"It's hard enough for adult men to admit abuse but to admit to abuse by a woman is even harder because it challenges their masculinity, it challenges their sexuality."

Women can commit a wide range of sexual offences, he says, including rape. And their victims commonly experience sexual confusion and a fear of intimacy. Anger can manifest itself as violence towards a wife or girlfriend in later life."
"Experts agree that women commit only a fraction of child sexual abuse but so much is hidden that it's difficult to be accurate. An influential study in the US in the 1980s suggested 20% of all offences against boys and 5% against girls were by women."

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"The human side of a man-hating feminist"

Famous misandrist Marilyn French is dead. Here is an amusing attempt to defend her in the Times of London. Excerpt:

'Yet she was human, and not unloving: her anger against patriarchy was mingled with a real pity for the “dumb, grey, mute” men equally trapped by stereotype and expectation. And so they are - or were, although the softening of the modern male ideal in Western society should please her: the gentle fathers, woman-friendly employers, emotionally open gay men. From interviews I have read I am not sure that, as her life drew to its end, she saw or accepted the rate of change in such men, even as a minority. But she was an intellectual and academic historian, and knew that centuries of culture do not evaporate overnight.

Her vision, skewed and rhetorically extreme though it is, still has its uses. The Women's Room is not a book I'd pick up again, but Beyond Power still has things to say to a generation about to plunge into a nasty recession in which the weakest (often the ones with the wombs) will be shoved to the wall.'

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