"Does CA Need a Commission on the Status of Women? "

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2009 women are clearly full contributors to society. Ms.Wiberg, even, acknowledged substantial progress since 1965, noting that more than half of law students are now women. Would there ever come a time, however, when the Commission itself might be unnecessary?

“I would like to hope that at some time there would not be a need for this commission,” Ms. Wiberg said. Alas, that would not be any time soon because there is still a need to see issues “through a gender lens,” and the Commission, in her view, serves “a valuable function.”

To adapt a feminist slogan, California needs a Commission on the Status of Women like a fish needs a bicycle. I fail to understand how it’s a valuable function to portray women as a caste of permanent victims and essentially helpless without a government bureaucracy to speak for them. I don’t see much value in linking women’s achievements to the helping hand of Big Brother. Further, I know from experience that the kind of government health care the Commission wants will not help women.'

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Mom Accused of Trying to Duct Tape, Kidnap Daughter's Boyfriend

Story here.

'ADELANTO, Calif. — Authorities arrested a woman for allegedly trying to kidnap her daughter's boyfriend and haul him away to Northern California. A sheriff's spokeswoman said Tuesday that two women went to the young man's home on Saturday afternoon and tried to tie him up with duct tape.

The victim told authorities the women said they were taking him to get him away from one of the women's 21-year-old daughter. Authorities said both women were arrested on suspicion of attempted kidnapping.

Officials said the girlfriend was later arrested for investigation of dissuading a witness and extortion for allegedly trying to get her boyfriend to recant his statements on the kidnapping to authorities.'

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Texas Mother Charged With Feeding Her Child Feces

Story here. Bet she cops the old Munchausen-by-Proxy Defense. We'll see if it works for her. Excerpt:

'AUSTIN, Texas — A woman in Texas has been accused of repeatedly smearing human waste on her 3-year-old daughter's intravenous feeding line, potentially causing life-threatening infections.

Emily Beth McDonald, 23, of Austin, was charged with felony injury to a child. She faces up to life in prison if convicted.

According to an arrest affidavit, a surveillance video at Dell Children's Medical Center captured McDonald on Sunday placing feces from a soiled diaper on the cap of a tube with a direct link to her child's bloodstream.

According to the affidavit, police interviewed McDonald, who allegedly confessed and said she knew that her actions could make the child severely ill and possibly even kill her. No motive was disclosed.

McDonald was released on a $100,000 bond Wednesday.

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Male Rape Suspect Beaten, Mob Not Charged

Story here. Excerpt:

Personally, I by no means condone rape, especially of a child. However, at the time of the beating, he was only labeled a "person of interest." He is now in hospital suffering from head injuries. Why is the mob not being charged? What precedent does this set? If I'm falsely accused of rape, does that mean my entire neighborhood can swing at me with baseball bats and get off? Excerpt:

'A mob of furious neighbors of an 11-year-old girl raped on her way to school in Philadelphia won't be charged for beating a man wanted for questioning in the case.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey said Thursday that no charges will be filed against the group of about a dozen residents of the city's West Kensington section who attacked 26-year-old Jose Carrasquillo.

Carrasquillo hasn't been charged with rape but was arrested on an unrelated warrant. Ramsey said investigators have forensic evidence and witness identification placing him at the scene of Monday's attack.'

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Passing exams could be child's play for boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'Leading academics and policymakers have pondered long and hard about the problem of how to overcome the poor performance of boys at school.

Now it seems, according to new research published today, the answer may be quite simple – just get them to play more games and the exam passes could take care of themselves.

A study of 508 independent schools by the Independent Schools Council (ISC) reveals for the first time that there is a strong link between the amount of voluntary activities such as chess and cricket undertaken by children and their exam performance. Pupils in the top-performing schools for GCSE results took part, on average, in 50 per cent more activities than those schools at the bottom of the performance ladder. In addition, the research found, the difference in performance was more marked in boys-only schools.'

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The "Impaled Ex-husband" knife-holder resurfaces

I wasn't expecting to see it at thinkgeek.com, but here it is. Trying to get the disaffected female market? No excuse. I'll be ordering my novelty Star Trek phasers and Dr. Who sonic screwdrivers from some other merchant. You can contact them at webmonster-at-thinkgeek.com or here.

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Brazilian judge suspends order to reunite boy, American father

Story here. Excerpt:

'RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (CNN) -- A Brazilian supreme court judge on Tuesday suspended a lower court's order that would have given custody of a 9-year-old boy to the U.S. Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, where he was to be reunited with his American father.

Judge Marco Aurelio argued against taking Sean Richard Goldman from what has been his home for almost five years to the United States "in an abrupt manner."

Doing so, he wrote in his order published on the court's Web site, could subject the boy to psychological harm.'

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Men in Power reflects larger rights movement

Letter here. Excerpt:

'I was so happy to read about the student group “Men in Power” in the Chicago Tribune. Groups like this are part of a growing, global men’s rights movement that advocates for equal treatment of men in areas such as child custody, domestic violence policies, reproductive rights, criminal sentencing, public health policies, paternity laws, the draft, dating expectations, and more.

Opponents of this movement tend to reactively look only at gender disparities at the top of society (government, CEOs) while overlooking the bottom, where men account for 80 to 90 percent of homeless adults, work-related deaths, prisoners, and suicide deaths, as well as 99 percent of combat deaths and the majority of dropouts and special education students. Men also die younger and more often than women for the 10 leading causes of death.'

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WeMen asks "Why men hate other men so much?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ever since I started taking active participation in men's issues and related media coverage, one question has stalked my mind like anything, "Why men hate other men so much?" The reason I ask this question is because surprisingly enough I have found stiff resistance from men about men's rights rather than women. Women, have been generally found to be understanding of the problem and empathizing barring a few radical male haters whom I anyways do not consider as women. They are just some non-males born to hate males.

Although I have talked about men's inability to communicate and men being unable to connect to their experiential domain earlier, today I will be talking about why men hate other men so much?

The counter argument to this can be, even women have more jealousies amongst themselves and this comes from the natural physiological behavioral pattern that "Opposites Attract, Likes Distract". However, there is a difference between dislike and hatred. When in hatred, you basically use your power against the hated to unleash your hatred. Currently this is happening with men.'

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RADAR ALERT: VAWA Loophole Creates Epidemic of Immigration Fraud

In his May 27, 2009 story "Former Agent Calls Sham Marriages 'Epidemic,'" CBS4 (Denver) investigator Brian Maass interviewed John Sampson, a former immigration investigator who "says he is seeing an 'epidemic' of fraudulent marriages where foreign women marry American men, then claim domestic violence to escape the marriage and legally remain in the U.S." Since January 2009, when Sampson set up a private business in Aurora, Colorado, he's been contacted by 200 men who say they were falsely accused of domestic violence by foreign women seeking green cards, which, under the Violence Against Women Act, they can get by simply claiming abuse.

According to Sampson, "What happens is they enter into a one-sided sham marriage to defraud an American citizen into believing they love him. And once they get in, they allege domestic violence to get themselves out of the sham marriage and to throw off suspicion this was a sham marriage to begin with."

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"Eliminate" the California Commission on the Status of Women

Scrolling down this California government-funded web site's main page reveals an urgent message from the taxpayer funded, California Commission on the Status of Women:

"OPPOSE ELIMINATION OF THE CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN - The California Commission on the Status of Women is on the Budget Conference Committee’s agenda TODAY to be considered for elimination."

These people are using hard earned tax dollars to plead for more tax dollars to further what are (in many cases) misandrist endeavors.

Here is one reader's response to their request:
End Feminist Pork

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MANN is no place for spam

Recently people who have registered within the last week or so have been leaving links to various web sites that sell things like pre-written college essays, money-making ventures, etc. These posts have been edited to eliminate these links and the registrants banned from making further posts. Others posts that had no comments even remotely germane to MRA issues or the posted article, but only hyperlinks to software sites, for example, have been deleted and the users banned.

MANN is no place for spam. If you start spamming, I will ban you immediately.

Thank you and enjoy your lack of spam.

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UK: It's academic: university women are beating men at almost everything

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women outperform men in almost every single aspect of higher education, according to research published today.

The number of women at university began to exceed the number of men for the first time 16 years ago.

However, for years there were still academics claiming that men had "more where it mattered", ie at elite Russell Group universities – the group which represents 20 of the UK's leading research institutions including Oxford and Cambridge.

One study published in 2005, Class Rifts Eclipsed by Sex Divide, said: "Many women are studying in lower-status universities... the university continues to be a space where class privilege is maintained and women's participation is limited to the bottom of a hierarchical continuum."'

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University of Winnipeg introduces men's studies

Story here. Excerpt:

'WINNIPEG — The University of Winnipeg is introducing a course in men's studies — an examination of masculinity, boys, men and popular culture.

U of W says men's studies emerged as early as the 1970s, filling a gap left by women's studies that had not dealt with what academics call the gendered construction of masculinity, and masculinity's complex relation to power.

"When Women's Studies became Women's and Gender Studies several years ago, we incorporated perspectives from men's studies into our courses, but this is the first time we have devoted a course specifically to the area," said Prof. Pauline Greenhill, who's teaching the course next winter.'

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Ireland: Woman accused of killing lover gets bail

Story here. Excerpt:

'A POLISH woman accused of murdering her lover in their Co Tyrone home was yesterday granted bail to stay at a shelter in Belfast.

Aneta Sadowska (36), is alleged to have used different knives to stab Marek Sewern (37), through the heart and stomach a day after their son was christened.

Mr Sewern, also a Polish national, was also beaten over the head with a blunt object – possibly an ashtray or frying pan – following a drinking session at the couple’s flat in Omagh last December, according to prosecutors. The court was told that Ms Sadowska, with an address at Rathronan House, Hospital Road, in the town, formed a relationship with the victim after splitting with her husband.'

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