Newsweek: 'Bringing Up Baby in the Big House'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Megan Fox: " are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."

Article here. Excerpt:

'“I have no question in my mind about being bisexual.

“But I'm also a hypocrite.

“I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man.”'

As I said in my previous post on her earlier comments about how she "hates men", boycott this woman. Do not do anything that may lend to her cash-flow. She is a misandrist of the worst kind and is at the same time making her living off of men.

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CLASP Issues Devastating Critique of Private Child Support Collectors’ Abuses

Article here. Excerpt:

'“[P]rivate collection agencies often fail to deliver any genuine services. Instead, they strip income from low and moderate-income families that could have been spent on housing, childcare, clothing and school expenses, or saved for their children’s education. They trap custodial parents in perpetual contracts.

“They also exploit the child support indebtedness of low and moderate-income non-custodial parents through the use of predatory and abusive tactics that increase their debt levels and often destroy their credit histories and interfere with parenting relationships.

“A number of private child support companies bring to the table a history of consumer complaints, bar association ethics complaints, and litigation filed against them.”'

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'Deadbeat Dads’ protest update

Update from Glenn Sacks' newsletter here. Excerpt:

'Two weeks ago we launched a protest campaign against Lifetime’s Deadbeat Dads.

Lifetime has received over 5,000 calls, letters, and faxes from our supporters, and our protest garnered press attention and the endorsements of nearly 200 mental health, family law and medical professionals, and other prominent citizens. We also drew support from the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), which advocates for low income families.

This campaign was an early, preemptive strike–if the show does air, it won’t be for several months. We have made our point, and have decided to suspend the campaign against Deadbeat Dads. We will continue to monitor the situation, and if in the future we have good reason to believe that Lifetime will be going ahead with the show, we will renew our efforts. The campaign web page will remain up, as will all relevant information concerning the campaign.

Thanks to all of you who participated.'

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Victim Of False Rape Claim Eligible For Monetary Compensation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man falsely accused of rape has been told he has grounds for compensation.

A tribunal in Taunton ruled Clive Bishop, of Walton, Somerset, can apply for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).

In 2007, Mr Bishop was falsely accused of rape by a woman who made up the allegation. She was given a 10-month prison sentence as a result.'

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Shattering rampant abuse myths

Article here. Excerpt:

'Imagine a world where ideology takes the place of truth and laws are rooted in dubious factoids from nowhere. That pretty much sums up the fact-challenged, hysteria-mongering domestic violence industry that is propped up by $1 billion of federal money each year.

Industry ideologues are loathe to admit the fact, but they truly believe the cause of partner abuse is patriarchal oppression. Not convinced? Just take it on the authority of feminist Gloria Steinem who once made this randy claim, "The patriarchy requires violence or the subliminal threat of violence in order to maintain itself."

In her now-famous PBS interview, Steinem expounded on her conspiracy-laced worldview: "It starts with the slippery slope of the supposition [of] gender that sexual relations between men and women are dominant-passive... And then it goes all the way up the scale to beatings, torture, [and] murder."

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Number Of Unwed Moms In U.S. Rising

Story here. Excerpt:

'(AP) The percentage of births to unmarried women in the United States has been rising sharply, but it's way behind Northern European countries, a new U.S. report on births shows.

Iceland is the leader with 6 in 10 births occurring among unmarried women. About half of all births in Sweden and Norway are to unwed moms, while in the U.S., it's about 40 percent.

France, Denmark and the United Kingdom also have higher percentages than the United States, according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.'

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New Student Organization at U of Chicago: “Men In Power'

Contact: Steve Saltarelli


Male Advocacy Group—Only of Its Kind in America—Provides Pre-Professional and Social Opportunities to All; Angers Some

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Gender-bending chemical timebomb fear for boys' fertility

Article here. Excerpt:

"Chemicals in food, cosmetics and cleaning products are 'feminising' unborn boys and raising their risk of cancer and infertility later in life, an expert warns today.

Professor Richard Sharpe, one of Britain's leading reproductive biologists, says everyday substances are linked to soaring rates of birth defects and testicular cancer, and to falling sperm counts.

The government adviser's report published today is the most detailed yet into the threat posed to baby boys by chemicals that block the action of the male sex hormone testosterone, or mimic the female sex hormone oestrogen.
Doctors are concerned about rising levels of birth defects, with 7 per cent of British boys born with partially descended testes and seven in 1000 with malformed genitals.

The latest estimates indicate that one in six men in the UK has a low sperm count and will struggle to father a child.

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False DV story leads to officer's death while liar remains remorseless

Disturbing story out of Vegas about the death of a police officer in a car accident who was responding to a false domestic violence call from a 14 year old girl. The girl shows no remorse for her actions. Excerpt:

'Karen stopped her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm going to tell you something," Karen said. "You know that night, with you and your father? That night that you had called is the night that police officer died because he was coming to your phone call. But we're going to stop at that."

Her daughter blinked.

"I'm hungry. Did you eat my doughnut?"'

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New York plans to charge homeless for shelter space

From Jeremy S.: Today I can guarantee an uptick in DV and Child Abuse allegations, specifically in New York .

Pulling out a 1997 New York law, Homeless shelters are going to start charging the homeless parts of their incomes in order to live in homeless shelters.

Domestic violence shelters do not do this!

Document EVERYTHING, if you are on rocky ground in your relationship...if you are about to lose your home, if you have an abusive partner/ could be a target for false allegations...but not in the normal 80 percent range now. I expect that reports of Domestic Violence will surge, over four hundred percent or more during this time of economic crisis, in any place where homeless people are being charged parts of their income in order to live in a homeless shelter. Excerpt:

'The Bloomberg administration has quietly begun charging rent to homeless families who live in publicly run shelters but have income from jobs.

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Ignoramus parents harming child/parent relationships

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Lately I have been getting quite a few emails from parents (mostly fathers of course) who are asking what to do about their ex’s not complying with parenting plan final orders, such as; not allowing full visitation, not allowing phone calls, etc.

Some of these parents are telling me they are going to their local courthouses and asking for help or contacting certain court officials seeking help only to be told, “sorry, can’t help ya”.

Well, they are not blowing smoke in your face, they can’t help you nor do they want to help you. Most attorneys won’t help you either nor really want to get involved, unless of course you throw thousands of dollars down on the table first. Even then they will grab your money and put it in their bank account and slowly forget about you. Why should they be concerned, it’s not their life or their children they are fighting for.'

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Woman fakes rape, burglary

Story here. Excerpt:

'STOCKTON, Ala. -- A Baldwin County woman duct-taped her 2-year-old son and herself in an effort to make it look like her house had been burglarized and she had been raped, according to the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office.

The woman later confessed that it was all a lie, and she was arrested, Sheriff's spokesman Maj. Anthony Lowery said.

The woman, identified as Tonya Yolanda McRae, 27, called for help Thursday morning.

She told deputies that someone broke into her Stockton home and raped her.

Lowery said several aspects of her statement led deputies to suspect that her story was untrue.

After a rape test came back negative, Lowery said, McRae admitted that she made the story up.'

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Report of rape along jogging trail turns out to be false

Story here. Excerpt:

'A report about a rape along a jogging trail in an unincorporated part of Santa Ana was found to be false today after investigators interviewed the woman for the third time, authorities said.

Authorities with the Orange County Sheriff's Department were preparing to release a sketch Thursday of a man described by the woman to investigators. But during the third interview of the woman Thursday, investigators found that the report had been falsified, said Jim Amormino spokesman for the Sheriff's Department.

"She made it up," he said.'

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UK: Girl faked town centre rape story

Story here.

'AN 18-year-old girl who claimed she had been dragged into a town centre alley and raped, made up the story, it has been revealed.

Detectives say the complaint was false and is no longer being investigated.

The girl could face prosecution for wasting police time.

She claimed she had been dragged into the alley off Bradshawgate at around 2.30am after a night out on Saturday, May 2.

Police launched a hunt for her attacker and cordoned off the area. They also appealed to a mystery "Good Samaritan" to come forward. The girl claimed he had disturbed the rapist, and then escorted her home.

Police reviewed CCTV cameras in the area and found no sign of the incident taking place.'

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