UK: Maybe men are now the underdog sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'So is it good news or bad news that more women than men are going to university? The feminist approach is obvious: if it wasn't a problem when men outnumbered women in higher education, why should it be when it's the other way round?
Of course, you can have too much of a good thing, but I just don't believe people like Caroline Flint when they talk, as she did in a Sunday newspaper, about what a burden it is being female – and, sotto voce, good-looking – in the male-dominated world of politics. I bet she would not like it if we didn't look twice at her because she was in a majority of females, among commentators as well as MPs.
By rights this should put feminism out of business. But it won't. It would take too much of a shift in our prejudices to see boys as the problem, disadvantaged sex. Perhaps that's because it doesn't suit either men or women to do so.'

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Newborn dies, mother found dead in crawl space; woman charged

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- A 28-year-old Oregon woman has been charged with murder after the body of a new mother was found in the crawl space of her home.

Rescue crews first went to Korena Roberts' home in Washington County on Friday in response to a call of a newborn in distress. They found Roberts' boyfriend unsuccessfully trying to revive the baby using first-aid techniques.

Roberts told deputies the baby was hers, the county sheriff's office said. Medics noticed a lot of blood at the home, and sent Roberts and the baby to a hospital.

"Doctors at the hospital were not able to revive the baby," said Sgt. David Thompson of the Washington County Sheriff's Office in a news release. "They also discovered that Ms. Roberts had not delivered a child at anytime in the recent past."
An autopsy will now determine how the baby was delivered, and whether he died before or after birth, Thompson said.

The outcome could result in another murder charge for Roberts, deputies said.'

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"How feminism has made men’s lives safer — and women’s more dangerous"

Read this for your daily dose of bizarre-o-writings from the Land of Feminist Bloggers. Excerpt:

'Feminism, real or imagined, has long been praised and blamed for a whole pile of societal developments, crises and trends. But it has emerged recently in unlikely quarters: as a major factor in the "intimate" murders of women and as a saving grace in the lives of abusive men. In a devastating twist, feminism, while improving women’s lives in many obvious ways, may also have made their lives more dangerous. At the same time, by offering escape and support to battered women, it has saved the lives of abusive men.

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UK: GCSEs blamed for boys not going to university

Story here. Excerpt:

'Tens of thousands of boys who ought to be capable of succeeding at university never make it because of school exams, according to a report today.

The Higher Education Policy Institute report suggests that GCSEs, introduced in 1988 in place of O-levels, appear to favour girls because of the style of teaching, content and types of question. The exams are the "most likely cause" of an achievement gap between the sexes that starts at school but carries on into adulthood, it concludes. The result is that men are less likely to go to university and less likely to do well when they get there.

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Cambridge celebrates men’s health month

Story here. Excerpt:

'Cambridge — The Cambridge Public Health Department and community partners will host a series of events in June to celebrate Men’s Health Month.

“American men are experiencing a silent health crisis,” said Claude-Alix Jacob, the city’s chief public health officer and director of the public health department. Jacob said men have higher rates of death than women for heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and HIV/AIDS. They are also more likely than women to die in a car crash, commit suicide, or suffer a fatal workplace injury.

“Despite the grim statistics, the good news is that men can take some simple actions — like eating better, exercising more, and making routine visits to the doctor — that can help improve their health,” Jacob said.'

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Who is fighting for men's rights?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This family law system is a joke. It should have been called the Flawed Family Law System. In my opinion, this is a predatory system in which women use the divorce laws as a legalized vehicle for harassment against men. What gives me the right to have total power and control over his life until our children are no longer considered "children of marriage?"
I have been in touch with several men's groups in Canada and I am a proud member of Fathers 4 Justice Canada. I have read literally hundreds of e-mails from men reaching their hands out of the gutters of life to simply come up to a living standard that you and your other female activists would call hell on earth.

Where are the politicians? They fund women's rights groups but what about men's rights? This abuse of justice against men in Canada and around the world makes a mockery of everyone. How sad for our children.

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Ex-teacher arrested twice on sex charges involving teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'Wilmington, N.C. — A former teacher in New Hanover and Pitt counties was arrested Thursday on sex charges involving a 15-year-old boy for the second time in two weeks.

According an arrest report, a police officer caught Jessica Bailey Wishnask, 27, having "intimate contact" with the boy in a 2003 Pontiac Grand Am parked at 200 N. Fifth St. in Wilmington at 3:49 a.m. May 23.

The officer arrested Wishnask and charged her with taking indecent liberties with a minor. Wishnask, who has addresses listed in Leland in New Hanover County and Oak City in Martin County, was released under a $40,000 secured bond.'

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Brooklyn: Ridge Road woman arrested for false rape report... et al.

Story here. Excerpt:

'FALSIFICATION, RIDGE ROAD: A 45-year-old Ridge Road woman faces charges for filing a false police report after she told officers May 28 that an acquaintance raped her in her apartment. The woman was taken to Fairview Hospital where she later admitted that no attack occurred. Police interviewed the man who said the woman offered him sex in exchange for drugs and alcohol.

FELONY ASSAULT, WESTBROOK DRIVE: A 23-year-old Westbrook Drive woman faces felony assault charges after she sliced her boyfriend on the chin with a two-inch knife. The woman told police that her boyfriend had assaulted her and she used the knife in self defense. But investigators found no evidence to substantiate her claim. The boyfriend, a 24-year-old man, said the two were arguing over whether or not the woman would attend the Cleveland Cavaliers game that night. '

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ABC's Cokie Roberts Agrees With Sotomayor: Women Are Better

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cokie Roberts appeared on Friday's "Good Morning America" and agreed with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's 1994 comment that a wise woman would come to a better conclusion than a man. Roberts, cheered, "Of course, I would agree with her that they're better." Fellow ABC journalist Sam Donaldson empathized that if the judge made a mistake, "it was a Joe Biden problem. She blurted out the truth."
DIANE SAWYER: All right. Our thanks to you, Jan. A discussion to have around the breakfast table. And so, we're bringing in our two favorites, ABC's Cokie Roberts and Sam Donaldson, for just this discussion. Okay, Cokie. She didn't say women are different in making decisions. She said better. Can she get away with that?

COKIE ROBERTS: Well, she's having to backtrack on it. Of course, I would agree with her that they're better.

DAVID MUIR: Here we go.

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UK: Girls will take up 70 per cent of university places, says new study

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite the mounting evidence of inequality, ministers and education quangos are doing little to address the problem because they are afraid of being accused of favouring boys, according to a major report by the Higher Education Policy Instititue.

Nearly half of young women, 49.2 per cent, are now enrolled in university, compared to just 37.8 per cent of men aged 17 to 30. The figure for white boys from deprived backgrounds is just 6.4 per cent. In 2008, 47,000 more women than men were accepted on to degree courses, up from 28,000 more in 2005.
The gender inequality in university participation now is greater than the reverse inequality over 30 years ago, " said Bahram Bekhradnia, director of the institute and co-author of the report. "But there is a mindset generally that girls are the disadvantaged group not boys. While this might still be true of society as a whole, it is emphatically no longer true in higher education."

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Out-of-work bachelors struggle in dating game

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men have been hit much harder than women by this recession. Close to 80 percent of the job losses since December 2007 were jobs held by men, according to economics expert Mark J. Perry, who analyzed Bureau of Labor Statistics data. April unemployment was a seasonally adjusted 10 percent for men and 7.6 percent for women.

For some guys, unemployment is the last thing they want to reveal to a potential date. Even if men aren't expected to pay for a date, they feel pressure from women who are looking for someone who is financially stable.

"A lot of men are very careful not to say, 'I'm unemployed,'" said Pepper Schwartz, chief relationship expert at "They say, 'I'm working on this project. I'm taking a sabbatical from work' or 'You heard of GM declaring bankruptcy? I worked there.' They find ways to make it sound like it's not permanent."'

Relatedly: Women are victors in ‘mancession’

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New User Accounts Temporarily Disabled

I need to temporarily disable the creation of new user accounts on MANN until I find time to fully resolve the spam problem we've been having recently. This may take up to a week to fix, so bear with me. Thanks!

Update 6/13: In the meantime if you would like to create a user account you can send us an email at with a requested username and we can create your account manually. Do not send us a requested password - we will generate one for you manually and you can change it after you log in for the first time.

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Police: Woman Moved, Left Son Behind

Story here. Excerpt:

'NORCROSS, Ga. -- A Norcross mother is accused of leaving her 7-year-old son alone for more than two weeks.

Police said Precious Walker, 23, packed up and moved from Smyrna to Norcross on May 4 without the boy. Police charged her with child neglect.

Walker told CBS Atlanta on Thursday that it did not happen.

"All of it just lies, all of it just lies. I'm just trying to get my lawyer and sue whomever I can sue," Walker said.'

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Sotomayor's Questionnaire Delivered to Senate

Report here. Excerpt:

'The White House delivered Judge Sonia Sotomayor's questionnaire to the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday as her nomination to the Supreme Court continued to trigger a larger debate about gender and the judicial process.

And as committee members parse through the 173-pages of documentation, controversy swirls surrounding past comments made by the federal appellate judge relating to gender and ethnicity.
These newly revealed comments appear as part of a recurring theme in Sotomayor's speech-giving history and only fuel the debatSandra Day O'Connor, the court's first woman justice, didn't believe it did.
"I can't see, on the issues that we address at the court, that a wise old woman is going to decide a case differently than a wise old man," O'Connor said.

But Sotomayor has specifically said she doesn't agree with O'Connor and that women, because of their experiences, are better.

"Better," Sotomayor said in that same 1994 speech, "will mean a more compassionate and caring conclusion."'

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Female Teacher Incarcerated for Rape Still Getting Paid

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Former teacher Charlene Schmitz is behind bars in a federal detention center in Tallahassee, Florida, serving 10 years for using texts and instant messages to seduce a 14-year-old student.

She has been fired from her job as a reading teacher at the high school in Leroy, Alabama.

But she is still collecting a paycheck.

Schmitz is appealing her federal conviction -- and her firing. State charges filed in connection with the case are pending. Under the law in Alabama, she is still entitled to her $51,000-a-year salary while she appeals her firing.

School officials are not happy that they now have to pay both Schmitz and her replacement. But her attorney says they must obey the law.

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