Let President Obama know: We want a Supreme Court Justice for equal rights

Let President Obama know that his nominee for the Supreme Court should be someone who understands equal rights is not a one-sided issue. Men's rights should not be left by the wayside.

You can contact the administration here.

I sent the following letter.

Mr. President,

One of the reasons I voted for you is I believe you are a wise, far-sighted individual with a firm grasp on what progress really entails. I urge you to strongly consider a Supreme Court Justice who is similarly far-sighted in the area of civil rights, specifically in the area of gender fairness. The women’s rights movement has achieved a great deal of progress toward gender equality in the law, in the workplace, and socially. However, we should not discount the equal importance of men’s rights.

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UK: Court rules taxi driver falsely accused of rape can receive compensation in legal first

Article here. Excerpt:

'A taxi driver falsely accused of rape could receive a five-figure compensation payout after winning a landmark victory.

Clive Bishop, 49, says his life was ruined after a drunken 17-year-old passenger claimed he attacked her.

Kirsty Palmer later admitted she made up the allegations and was jailed for ten months for perverting the course of justice.

When he applied for compensation, Mr Bishop described how months of living under a cloud of 'slurs and lies' had caused him enormous suffering.

But the foster carer was twice refused a payout by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority on the grounds he had not come to physical harm.'

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UK: Outrage at Curb on White Men Becoming PCs

Article here. Excerpt:

'BRITAIN’S second largest police force has been accused of discriminating against white men by setting itself targets to recruit and promote more black and female officers.

West Midlands police chiefs have pledged to increase the proportion of new recruits from “black or minority ethnic” groups to 12 per cent and women to 42 per cent.
The force has been warned it is walking into a potentially illegal and costly minefield of political correctness.

Former West Midlands police superintendent and city councillor John Mellor described the move as a terrible mistake.'

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Biased circucision story on Australian 'Sunday Night' show

Just an alert, in case you're not already aware, that the Channel 7 Australia program 'Sunday Night' is about to air an incredibly biased segment promoting infant circumcision, 6:30 pm tomorrow night.

You can view a preview of the story here. Just scroll down and click on 'Play video' next to 'Sunday Night preview'.

It appears that the entire segment is going to be based around Brian Morris (http://www.circinfo.net/) and Terry Russell (http://www.circumcision.com.au/), with a few token opponents of circumcision tossed in and portrayed as outliers. And of course, there is the promise in the advertising that circum-fetishists will get to see at least one baby boy spread-eagled and cut.

It is perhaps noteworthy that journalist/presenter Mike Munro promoted similar rubbish in his previous channel 9 roles on 'A Current Affair' and '60 Minutes'.

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What’s wrong with the Paycheck “Fairness” Act?

Below I have described my preliminary objections to the current form of the “Paycheck Fairness Act 2009” (see full text here). The Act was passed by the House January 6, 2009, with a 256-163 vote. It is expected the bill will go to the Senate floor for a vote. Below are excerpts from the Act followed by my comments in bold.



To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.

This Act may be cited as the ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’.
I do not believe this description is appropriate for the following reasons:

1) The Act claims that “in many instances” wage disparities are the result of intentional discrimination. Wage disparities may occur due to other factors including individual free choice.

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Playboy Mansion party violates Unruh Civil Rights Act in California

I wanted to bring to your attention a party being thrown Saturday, May 23, 2009, at the Playboy Mansion. They are currently charging $450 for women and $675 for men. This appears to be a clear violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act in California, which protects against discrimination based on gender.

The California Supreme Court has ruled that the Unruh Civil Rights Act outlaws sex-based prices at bars (ladies' nights): offering women a discount on drinks, but not offering the same discount to males. In Koire v Metro Car Wash, 40 Cal 3d24, 219 Cal Rptr 133(1985), the court held that such discounts constituted sex stereotyping prohibited by this Act.

You can find the full text of the Act here, reading in part:

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Should all boys be circumcised?

Article here. I don't know about you guys, but I found the picture a bit disturbing. Excerpt:

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Wendy McElroy On Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'A disconcerting issue has hit the political radar: male circumcision. Is it a medical procedure or child abuse?

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Commentary on current case of woman fleeing with son to avoid chemotherapy

Article here. Excerpt:

'For most parents, the moment they first hold their newborns, they realize what lengths they might go to in order to protect their child. From fighting off lions to jumping in front of speeding cars, parents would be willing to battle any demon that they had to for the sake of their child's safety. Daniel Hauser's parents are no different. His mother genuinely believes that the chemotherapy treatments that might save his life could also destroy him.

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Woman Who Choked Cowell’s Ex Was Getting Revenge For Abdul

Story here. Excerpt:

'As Rock Daily reported yesterday, American Idol judge Simon Cowell’s ex-girlfriend Terri Seymour was assaulted following Tuesday night’s performance show. Now the 33-year-old woman who choked Seymour is speaking to Radar Online from jail — and reveals the motive behind her attack was revenge for Paula Abdul.

Janice Thibodeaux tells Radar Online, “I wasn’t cool with Simon Cowell choking Paula Abdul on the show last week and with her crying-out ‘help’ as he did so,” referring to Cowell mock-attacking Abdul during judging. ”Nobody said anything about that so I wanted to confront him about it because that is not appropriate behavior, is it?” Thibodeaux also claimed she was a former security guard at AI and bought a ticket to attend the Tuesday showdown between Adam Lambert and Kris Allen. When she saw Seymour in the crowd, Thibodeaux decided to confront her instead of Cowell.'

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Sandra Cantu Murder Suspect Faces New Charges of Secretly Poisoning Man, Little Girl

Story here. Excerpt:

'he California Sunday school teacher accused in the shocking kidnap, rape and murder of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu is now being accused of secretly poisoning two people, including another little girl.

Melissa Huckaby, 28, will be in court in Tracy, Calif., Friday on additional charges filed alleging that she gave "a harmful substance" to a 7-year-old girl in January and an adult man in March, according to the complaint.

The little girl, identified only as Jane M. Doe, has since recovered from the Jan. 17 alleged poisoning. The man, Daniel Plowman, hasn't been located, according to the complaint filed Thursday.'


Ed. note: Michael originally this URL to the story, but I felt that the Fox story had more relevant details, so I took liberties.

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UK: Mother jailed as horrific baby abuse case closed

Story here. Excerpt:

'LONDON, England (CNN) -- The British mother of a child who died after being brutally abused has been jailed indefinitely.

The child's -- originally known as Baby P --horrifying death caused a furor in Britain, with the media, public and politicians united in demanding to know how his terrible injuries were missed by social workers, police and medical staff.

Judge Stephen Kramer also Friday jailed the 27-year-old mum's boyfriend for life with a minimum of 12 years and their lodger, Jason Owen, 37, indefinitely but with a minimum of three years, the British Press Association reported. The boyfriend, 32, was also convicted of raping a two-year-old girl.'

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Montco teacher charged in sex case

Story here. Excerpt:

'Heather Lynne Zeo reportedly ignored an important message from her Christian upbringing: Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Police said yesterday that Zeo, 37, a married math teacher from North Penn High School in Lansdale, admitted to having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student last month. She allegedly also left sexually explicit Internet and phone messages for another student earlier in the school year.
Zeo, a Christian singer who has released two CDs - "Light as a Feather" in 2003 and "Musically Math" in 2008 - contacted the boys on Facebook, one earlier in the school year and the other last month, according to the affidavit of probable cause.

The teen who police say had sex with Zeo told police that he had received and accepted a friend request from Zeo on Facebook and that throughout the affair they would communicate on the site at night about the sex acts that they were going to perform with one another, the affidavit said.'

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Kirksville woman indicted for making false rape claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'KIRKSVILLE — A Kirksville woman is facing eight counts of perjury stemming from rape allegations that resulted in two innocent men spending eight months in jail.

According to Adair County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Williams, Earlene Rogers, 18, was charged with lying to a grand jury four times over two separate depositions.

Last year, Rogers allegedly accused Glen Johnson, 35, and Timothy Rogers, 30, of rape and forcible sodomy.

The men, with bonds of $150-000, spent eight months in jail before they were released in February of this year.

Earlene Rogers is currently being held at the Adair County Jail on a $25,000 cash-only bond.
Johnson, a father of two, said he feels cheated by the time he lost with his children.

“I lost eight months of my life,” he said. “That’s eight months away from my kids. We missed a lot of holidays and functions we will never get back.”'

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For some, Father's Day is a sad and bitter occasion

A bit early, but a good article, here. Excerpt:

'For some tens of thousands of fathers, in your Canadian province alone, "Father's Day" is an especially bitter occasion. These are the men separated from their children by court order, many never to see them again. Each knows that his children have been subjected to vicious propaganda against him, that in many cases a child's own mother -- a woman the father once trusted enough to marry -- has turned the child's heart against him. (I know of many cases.)

It could be worse: for the father may have been replaced in his own household by a new man, or even a new woman. Someone who will never care for his children as he did, however badly he may have expressed it; who will at least be lacking the biological compulsion to look out for one's own flesh and blood.'

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