Woman Guilty in Sex-Games Murder of French Businessman

Story here. Excerpt:

'GENEVA — A woman was convicted on Wednesday of murdering one of France's richest men by shooting him four times while he was dressed in a latex suit and tied up in a chair during a sex game.

A 12-member jury at Geneva's Court of Assizes found former mistress Cecile Brossard guilty of killing her lover Edouard Stern four years ago. Brossard, 40, admitted killing the banker but said it was because he enraged her by suggesting she was a $1 million prostitute.

The jury accepted the prosecutor's assertion that it was murder, which is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The sentence is expected Thursday.
"I am not a thief. I am not poisonous," she told the court. "I am just desperately in love with a man and I will be forever."'

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Child Support and the Passing of John Cole

Also via ACFC's recent update email. Link here. From the note:

'Two years ago this August in conjunction with the Family Preservation Festival in Washington DC, ACFC hosted an event at the National Press Club promoting Angelo Lobo's documentary Support: System Down. One member of the panel was John Cole who relayed his Virginia child support experience.

John's battle with cancer ended last week with his passing on June 11th. As you watch his video note the fact that even though John and his ex had reached an agreement over his support the state would not honor their agreement and continued to hound John, now literally to death....

John's story is preceded by comments of another Shared Parenting warrior who past last year minister Ron Smith. Thanks to William Wagener for posting this video.'

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Illinois Fathers - upcoming Father's Day events

Via ACFC's recent update email. Link here.

"We are meeting near you soon!

* June 19, 2009 - Springfield - Fatherless Day Rally in Springfield IL.
* July 18-19, 2009 - 2009 Family Preservation Rally, Washington DC

Come out and spend a little time with us."

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A girl's first hero

Article here. Excerpt:

'Hey, dads, what you sow now, your daughters will reap later.

How a woman feels about herself as a woman goes back to how dad treated his little girl, report experts.

"Behind every great woman, you will find her dad" -- that's if he was an engaged, present, involved dad, says Dr. Mary Jo Rapini.

"If dads are able to admire their daughters achievements, character and interests and not their looks, the daughter will grow up to be confident and self assured. She will choose men who treat her with the same admiration and respect as her dad did," adds Rapini, a psychotherapist and author.

According to Rapini, a dad has so much power over his daughter.

"If he gives her gifts and focuses on her looks he will raise a girl who is more materialistic and thinks love and affection comes in a gift box.'

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'Baby located after man drove off' - well, not exactly

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police are considering charging a Markham, Ont., woman with public mischief after she told police her infant son had been abducted in a parking lot by a stranger, when he had just been taken by her husband.

The woman and her husband made a trip to a Costco store near Highway 7 and Woodbine Avenue this morning and got into an argument in the store's parking lot. The man left in the car, with the couple's one-year-old son in the back seat.

The woman called police at 9:40 to report a carjacking and child abduction. She described the abductor as an Asian male in his early 20s with dark, black hair. What she didn't tell them was that he was her husband.'

"...after man drove off," reads the headline. How about "Woman faces charges of filing a false abduction report against her husband, motivated by desire to get back at him after they had a row in the parking lot"

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Japan panics about the rise of "grass-eating men"

Article here. Few other articles I have read point out the no-win situation men in modern societies face when it comes to place in society/gender roles. Men who do what they have been told to do since childhood about being less aggressive or ambitious, less motivated by sex-seeking in relationships, doing things that are less stressful than the traditional male roles require, etc., suddenly get criticized and minimized for it. However if they go back to being the way they were before in these areas, they will also get criticized and minimized. There's no winning for losing.

I can't blame these guys in Japan for taking a vastly different path than their fathers and grandfathers took. The result of doing so means a longer, healthier life and no worries about wives getting a divorce inside a day and taking off with the kids, a process that is, believe it or not, much easier for women to engage in in Japan than in the US, Canada, or Britain. Excerpt:

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FIU lab investigates the state of fatherhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'Family roles have changed substantially since the 1950s. Mom now works outside the home. And dad is expected to be more involved in raising the kids. But as parental roles and responsibilities become less defined, psychologists question: Are there essential characteristics of fathering versus mothering?

FIU’s Fatherhood Lab explores these issues and Psychology Professor Gordon Finley, who runs the lab, focuses specifically on how divorce impacts fathers and the development of their children. Finley has found that a father’s role is unique and far too often neglected by the family court system.

Using questionnaires and a retrospective technique in which he asked 1,989 young adults to think back on their relationship with their fathers, Finley found that children of divorce really miss their fathers. According to Finley, they are denied a relationship with them because of present-day family law and court practices.

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Huffington Post: If Men Got Pregnant, Would Abortion Be Legal?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Though abortion is controversial, few believe that women should be compelled to bear and be responsible for children who were conceived as a result of a criminal act, such as a sexual assault. Yet numerous courts have ruled that boys must be held responsible for the children they involuntarily fathered in their early teens as a result of a criminal act--statutory rape by an adult woman.

For example, in 2004 a Michigan appeals court ruled that a man who had conceived a child with an adult when he was 14 must pay her child support. Though the court acknowledged that the sex act which produced the child would have been a crime under state law, they decided that the case should be resolved "without regard to the fault of either of the parents."

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Sotomayor defends her membership in elite all-women's club

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON – Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor is defending her membership in an elite all-women's club, telling senators the group doesn't discriminate unfairly by gender and involves men in many of its activities.

Her explanation came in a letter submitted Monday evening to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which also included copies of several rulings, briefs and speeches the judge had not previously given the panel.

GOP senators had requested the material and questioned Sotomayor's membership in the Belizean Grove, a group of prominent professional women, because federal judges are bound by a code that says they shouldn't join any organization that discriminates by race, sex, religion, or nationality.'

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Canada: Presumed joint custody law introduced

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mr. Maurice Vellacott introduced a Private Member’s Bill this morning that would require a presumption of equal parenting. This is a BILL, not a MOTION. It’s # is C-422. Don’t refer to it as M-483 if contacting others such as politicians or media about this bill because M-483 as an equal parenting measure was terminated with the last election call, as most of you already know, so nobody will know what you are talking about if you refer to it incorrectly. Mr. Vellacott’s introductory statement in introducing this bill this morning...'

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Infanticide Case Mesmerizes France

Story here. Excerpt:

'PARIS, June 15 -- When South Korean authorities announced in 2006 that they had found the bodies of two newborns in the home freezer of a French expatriate couple, the first reaction among friends and family was disbelief.

Véronique Courjault, 41, on the surface a devoted mother of two sons, and her husband, Jean-Louis, 42, a shy engineer specializing in diesel motors, at first said they had nothing to do with the macabre discovery. But from a murder trial underway for the past 10 days in Tours, 100 miles southwest of Paris, a grisly truth has emerged. The courtroom version of how the couple lived has fascinated France and left many people in shock and wonder.

Véronique Courjault, by her own admission, smothered the two babies after giving birth to them secretly in Seoul, the first in 2002 and the second in 2003. She also has acknowledged killing a newborn and burning the body in her garden after a first secret pregnancy in 1999, before the couple left France.

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Action Alert: Dear Abby Changes Column in Response to Our Protest

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dear Abby’s June 12 column concerned a mother of five who, according to her sister, has “has full custody and receives child support every month from her ex-husband. The problem is, she has been spending that money on her boyfriends instead of her children. Because of it, they have been homeless twice, and it may happen again.”

Dear Abby’s response implied that if the mother isn’t taking care of her children properly, putting them in foster care is an equally viable option as placement with their father.

In response, we launched a Fathers & Families Protest via the Fathers & Families Action Squad, and Dear Abby was bombarded with letters protesting the wording of the column.

In response, Dear Abby has clarified her views, changing the column to specifically recommend the father as first option for the children. The column was promptly changed in the on-line editions of the hundreds of newspapers where her column is published.'

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UK: Number of teenagers not in work or school rises to 10.3%

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of teenagers out of school and out of work has risen dramatically, fuelled by unemployment rates not seen since the early 1990s.

The proportion of 16- to 18-year-olds not in education, employment or training increased from 9.7% at the end of 2007 to 10.3% at the end of 2008. "This is due to reduced employment amongst young people not in education or training," government statisticians said.

Young men are the worst affected with twice the rate of 16-year-old boys not in work or school than girls. In total there are more than 208,000 teenagers not in training or employment - more than one in ten of the total.'

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CNN: Dad feels cheated on Father's Day booty

Article here. Excerpt:

'(Parenting.com) -- One Mother's Day, I bought my wife what she had wanted for years -- a weeping cherry tree -- and I threw in a bird bath, so that when the tree matures, our feathered friends can happily splash and drink under its loving protection.

For Father's Day, my wife gave me some boxer shorts and a tiny reading light, so I can flip through a book in bed without disturbing her.

My wife is the first to admit it: For her, and for many people, Father's Day is an afterthought, a holiday just a few steps above the one that celebrates the groundhog and that other one that promotes trees.

If Mom's Day and Dad's Day were in a prize fight, we all know which holiday would wind up lying in the corner of the ring, knocked-out teeth on the mat, dazed head stuck in a bucket.'

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Sarah Palin hopes men like David Letterman 'evolve'

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is accepting comedian David Letterman's apology over the controversial joke directed at her daughter, but says she hopes "men who 'joke' about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve."

"Letterman certainly has the right to 'joke' about whatever he wants to, and thankfully we have the right to express our reaction," Palin said in a statement. "And this is all thanks to our U.S. Military women and men putting their lives on the line for us to secure America's Right to Free Speech – in this case, may that right be used to promote equality and respect."

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