Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2009-07-28 01:06
Story here. Excerpt:
'Kristin Ruggiero of East Kingston went to the media last year seeking help with an ongoing domestic violence case against her ex-husband.
Ruggiero told a television reporter she was so terrified of her ex-husband she couldn't sleep at night.
In an interview with the Exeter News-Letter, Ruggiero said he was posing as other people over the phone in an attempt to find out where she lived.
Now police allege that before she began her media campaign Ruggiero, 33, attempted to set up her ex-husband by sending a series of threatening text messages to herself from a cell phone she had falsely registered under his name.
According to the affidavit, police tracked where and when the phone was used. They discovered a call made in California was six-tenths of a mile from where Kristin Ruggiero was staying at the time.
Another call, placed from Nashville, Tenn., lined up with the date and time Kristin Ruggiero had flown into the city, the affidavit states.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-07-27 15:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'In what police describe as one of the most gruesome crimes against a child in recent memory, an infant boy was stabbed, decapitated and mutilated early Sunday.
His 33-year-old mother claimed responsibility, police said.
Otty Sanchez told police that she was “hearing voices” and that the devil made her kill Scott Wesley Buchholtz Sanchez, to whom she gave birth on June 30, San Antonio police spokesman Joe Rios said.
Sanchez used a steak knife to repeatedly stab the nearly 4-week-old baby, then decapitate and mutilate him, Rios said. A police source said the baby was skinned and gutted.
Sanchez then used the knife to stab herself in the chest and abdomen, police said.
Sanchez was detained and taken to University Hospital, where she remained in stable condition Sunday night. She was charged by proxy late Sunday with capital murder, which is punishable by the death penalty. Bond was set at $1 million.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2009-07-27 13:17
Very nice to see this. Article here. Excerpt:
'Ours is a world where female friendships are celebrated by Oprah and the Traveling Pants and bestsellers like "The Girls From Ames." ... But friendships between straight men and women wind up mangled by clichéd claptrap like "The Ugly Truth." Men are only interested in spreading their seed! Women are uptight prisses! And the only thing to do, of course, is to fall hopelessly in love.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2009-07-26 21:50
Story here. Excerpt:
'Ebony S. Mack was found not guilty Friday of killing a mother of four in a street-corner slaying that helped launch Rochester's Zero Tolerance anti-crime initiative.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:45
Story here. Excerpt:
'BROOKSVILLE - Fenol Francois has mixed feelings about the woman who tried to have him killed.
In court on Thursday, he pledged his love for his wife, then placed her on the same level as Osama Bin Laden.
He pleaded with Circuit Judge Jack Springstead to give Jacqucia Francois a hefty prison sentence.
"If you only give her four years, she will come after me again," Fenol Francois said in the thick Caribbean accent of his native Haiti.
At the prompting of Assistant State Attorney Rob Lewis, Fenol Francois described life after his wife was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit first-degree murder.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'Reported sex offenses by women increased tenfold from the '80s to the '90s, yet their prison time remains but a fraction of what men receive. A Kansas State professor found that, on average, male teachers faced up to 20 years in prison for sex abuse, while female teachers were handed probation, house arrest or a maximum of three years of jail time.
That's because the public—and judges—still can't imagine women as sexually aggressive.
"The speculation is that people are less likely to see the woman as a predator," says Vanderbilt law and psychology professor Chris Slobogin. "Also, there is perhaps the sexist assumption that boys who tend to be the victims of women aren't really victims, but in fact consented to the act and enjoyed it."'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:40
Story here. Excerpt:
'The Crown recommended eight to nine months in prison Monday for a 30-year-old female high school teacher from Burnaby, B.C., who admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old male student.
The relationship began with flirtatious emails and text messages and developed into highly sexualized phone calls from the teacher and, eventually, sex in her classroom after school one Friday. It was the student's first time having sex.
The student's face turned red in B.C. provincial court in Vancouver on Monday as the act was described and the Crown revealed it was the teacher herself who told other male students they "did it" and called his performance disappointing. It was the other male students who told authorities.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:36
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:34
Article here. Excerpt:
'First-grader Cyrus Mends parks himself on an exercise ball and tackles a Sudoku puzzle to help hone his math skills. He calls his teacher "Mr. Mealey" and his classmates by Mr., too. And he's a proud member of "Mealey's Men," made up of three teams that compete to demonstrate the best behavior and the best academic performance.
Tom Mealey's classroom at Carver Elementary School in Maplewood is a bit different from other elementary classrooms. The most obvious distinction? There are no girls.
Mealey is one of many educators tackling what some call a silent epidemic. By almost every achievement measure, boys in Minnesota and across the nation are falling behind their female peers.
Boys' reading and writing test scores continue to lag behind girls', while girls have caught up to boys in math. Check out the names of the top graduates at your local high school — chances are an overwhelming majority are girls. Girls are more likely than boys to get a high school diploma in four years, and they outnumber guys 3 to 2 on Minnesota's college campuses.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'I support a woman's right to make that choice, but it still really hurt that she never consulted me beforehand. There were cruelties: around this time she took up with a "friend" of mine, and they were never honest with me about it or the chronology. They eventually married and had one child of which I know. I wish I could say I wish them well, but I am still bitter. Rationally, I know I am better off that I didn't marry such a cruel, selfish, and inconsiderate person. But it still hurts, even 16 years later.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:26
Story here.
'[Missouri State] Senator Jeff Smith [link added] along with members of the Fathers Support Center [link added] announced the changes in front of the Civil Courts Building. The changes include letting judges dealing with child support cases assign non violent fathers to educational, vocational , or job training instead of giving them a felony and sending them to jail.
The law also gives dads more rights in DNA testing.
"If a DNA test precludes the possibility that a man could be the father of a child he are she will be removed from future obligation and the birth certificate of a child will be modified until this law many men who they could show through DNA testing were not the father of the were ordered to continue paying hild support because there was no one else to pay and that's just not right. Sen. Jeff Smith (D) St. Louis
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:24
Story here. Excerpt:
'CHICAGO, July 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Frank Hatley spent the past year in Cook County jail in South Georgia for falling behind in child support payments. However, as the court was aware, he had no children according to court documents. A DNA test even confirmed that there was no chance he was the father.
Walter Sharpe, from Philadelphia, was forced to pay more than $12,000 in child support for another man's daughter. He spent two years in jail for falling behind in child support payments. Sharpe's Petitions filed for DNA testing were denied by the judge. However, the paternity order against him was finally overturned after the girl's mother failed to show up to a court hearing.
"Paternity Fraud victims need justice and our system is broken," comments Fathers' Rights Attorney Jeffery M. Leving, publisher of'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'THE shared parenting laws that have given divorced fathers more time with their children will be rolled back because of the power of left-wing feminist women in Kevin Rudd's cabinet.
That is the view of men's groups that lobbied for the laws when the Howard government was in power, and who now fear "that 15 years of progress in getting fathers and children to spend time together is about to be undone".
"I met with (Attorney-General) Robert McClelland a few weeks ago, and it was clear to me that these laws are being rolled back," said Sue Price, of the Men's Rights Agency.
"They (the Rudd government) say they are reviewing the law, but basically the law will change because in the Labor government there are a number of women who are well and truly indoctrinated in a 1970s feminist movement background, and they do not value the role of men in society.
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-07-26 13:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Fathers around the world are uniting for their human and civil right to parent their children, in what is sometimes called the fathers rights movement.
Equal parenting advocates like John Murtari of and Bev Morris, founder of the National Association of Noncustodial Moms ( are quick to point out that mothers are also victim to bad government policy, just in smaller numbers.
Statistics show that approximately 85% of children nationwide who are not living with both of their parents are in the sole custody of their mothers. Bill Sharp, an Illinois father who lost equal custody when the mother of his children refused to cooperate with court orders, overheard his family court judge saying, "The father should not be upset because this is how it ends up in 90 per cent of the cases."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2009-07-25 17:50
I just laughed when I saw this. Excerpt:
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