George Jonas: When men are passé, who covers the support payments?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Large, hairy, smelly --and obsolete

British scientists reported this week that they’re close to creating artificial sperm. Needless to say, the news is getting everyone very excited. If true, it will be possible to do away completely with that vestigial gender — I hesitate to call it “sex” — known as “men.”

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Tori Amos: What I know about men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Violence and seduction are a ticking bomb. I think it goes back to the powerlessness some men feel. They feel so emasculated that they get angry or seek attention from a place that they shouldn't. For a man to get off on a woman screaming, the wires have got crossed somewhere. When you're dealing with men with real power they only want you if you're willing. It's about the dance between the male and female. Real power is about exchange, not subordination. For some people a powerful man is a bully. He's powerful because he scares people. And I would say that's not a powerful man - that's an intimidating man, a man who uses intimidation tactics. A powerful man is a man that knows who he is and doesn't need to manipulate people to get what he wants.'

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"Men have lost the 'battle of the sexes' . . . because the opponent cheats"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Gentlemen, it is now obvious that the much ballyhooed "battle of the sexes" was over even before it had begun, and our side never fired a shot. It is incumbent on men to raise the white flag of surrender, but we mustn't feel bad because we never had a chance -- we are far too chivalrous, and our opponents fight dirty. To use a baseball analogy, their tactics are akin to moving the outfield wall in 100 feet every time they come to bat, then moving it back when our team comes up. You see, women won the battle with an amazingly simple, yet frighteningly ingenious, strategy: they merely declared their superiority to men in every facet of life, and that was enough to send our side into retreat.
But even pointing out these facts and suggesting that there is any inequity favoring women will be met with disgusted eye rolling on the part of the opposition. That's one of their formidable weapons that helped them win the "battle of the sexes" before a single shot was fired.'

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Names needed for petition for Geoffrey Hibbert

Mr. Hibbert was 'Batman' during a protest conducted by the New F4J. A YouTube video about his arrest is here.

He is scheduled to be sentenced next week. A petition for his release is here. His attorney has asked that people sign the petition and spread the word.

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UK: Father arrested and held in cells for playing football in park with his children without council permission

Story here. Excerpt:

'A father was arrested and held in a cell for five hours for playing football with his children in a park without permission from the council.

Darren Chapman, 42, was taken into custody after the family game, which was in defiance of town hall orders.

Council rules state that players must undergo a criminal records check, pay for insurance and apply for formal permission for the game.'

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Idaho Babysitter Accused of Having Sex With 14-Year-Old

Story here.

'POST FALLS, Idaho — An Idaho woman face charges that she had sex with a 14-year-old boy that she was hired to watch in August 2007.

KXLY-TV reported Tuesday that 28-year-old Summer Nelson, of Post Falls, was charged Monday with four counts of lewd conduct with a child.

Court records say Nelson was a friend of the boy's mother. Police say the abuse was reported in December 2008, after the boy's mother grew suspicious of Nelson's attention toward the boy.

Investigators say Nelson told the boy's siblings that she was in love with their brother. Detectives say Nelson and the boy had at least four sexual encounters.

Nelson remains held in Kootenai County Jail on $50,000 bond. It was not immediately known whether she had a lawyer.'

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Male-only reproduction

Check this out. It appears that two men (gay or not) will be able in the next future to have their own offspring, without resorting to female eggs. Great news from my point of view, each MRA should support gay rights, because it will enable men to have their own families, without interacting with women and risking to experience a nasty divorce and discrimination in the courts. Combined with artificial wombs (that will come by the end of the twenty-first century), it will free men from this kind of oppression. What do you all think? Excerpt:

'Everybody is now focusing on the British research forecasting male-free reproduction. The team at the University of Newcastle has achieved proto-sperms from human female bone marrow cells.
A Brazilian team led by Dr Irina Kerkis of the Butantan Institute in Sao Paulo seems to have achieved both sperm and eggs from cultures of male mouse embryonic stem cells, as detailed in their study published in the journal Cloning and Stem Cells.

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Shriver to host Couric, Shakira, superstars at "Super Bowl" women's conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'California First Lady Maria Shriver has done it again, wrangled a crowd of the world's top entertainers, political insiders and star speakers to her annual Women's Conference -- among them, hero pilot "Sully" Sullenberger, rock stars Shakira and Alicia Keys, Virgin airlines mogul Richard Branson, cousin Caroline Kennedy, CBS anchor Katie Couric, race car driver Danica Patrick, and political wives Elizabeth Edwards and Cindy Helmsley McCain.
*NBC's "Meet the Press" host David Gregory will moderate a panel starring key Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Shriver herself on "the role of an increasingly women's nation,' Shriver said.
"They've asked me to bring it to Mexico, India, England,'' she said. "Gloria Steinem said we should put it in all 50 states.'

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Programs empower women affected by economic abuse

Story here. Racking up debt without a partner's knowledge? We all know that's something a wife has never done. On a personal note, this is something that happened to me by an ex-girlfriend. She was fond of using my credit card for shopping sprees on Amazon. Excerpt:

'Economic abuse can involve an abuser preventing a person from getting a job. Or cashing the family's income tax refund check and spending the money before paying bills. Or degrading someone by saying he or she is too stupid to manage a checking account. Or harassing a partner at work via phone calls, text messages or e-mail so frequent that the person loses a job.

These are some other forms of economic abuse:

• Taking money, credit cards or property from a partner without permission.

• Racking up debt without a partner's knowledge.

• Being forced by a partner to hand over paychecks.

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NY Times interview with Justice Ginsburg: A man must do 'more than carry out the garbage'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Q: In the 1980s, you wrote about how while the sphere for women has widened to include more work, men haven’t taken on as much domestic responsibility. Do you think that things are beginning to change?

JUSTICE GINSBURG: That’s going to take time, changing that kind of culture. But looking at my own family, my daughter Jane teaches at Columbia, she travels all over the world, and she has the most outstanding supportive husband who certainly carries his fair share of the load. Although their division of labor is different than mine and my husband’s, because my daughter is a super cook.

Q: Can courts play a role in changing that culture?

JUSTICE GINSBURG: The Legislature can make the change, can facilitate the change, as laws like the Family Medical Leave Act do. But it’s not something a court can decree. A court can’t tell the man, You’ve got to do more than carry out the garbage.'

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North Wales fathers fight for their rights as equal parents

Article here. Excerpt:

'DIVORCED and separated fathers say they are being excluded from their children’s lives.

A study by Families Need Fathers revealed almost 80% of dads in North Wales are not adequately informed and involved by their child’s teachers following a break-up with their partner.

The organisation said most dads are not aware of their rights, and appealed for schools to get up to date with custody laws.

One Rhuddlan father, who wished to remain anonymous, said he had not been made aware of parents evenings, concerts or seen his daughter’s school report in over two years.

The 43-year-old, whose child is educated outside Denbighshire in neighbouring Conwy county, said: “It’s not so much the fault of school staff as it is the system, because dads are just an afterthought in general when it comes to parenting.'

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McNair murder: Police admit shooter was girlfriend

Story here. Excerpt:

'NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Police confirmed Wednesday that ex-NFL star Steve McNair's 20-year-old girlfriend killed him before turning the gun on herself.

They said they may never know what was going through Sahel Kazemi's mind when she shot McNair in his condominium early Saturday, but interviews with friends led detectives to conclude she was becoming increasingly distraught over events in her life, including financial problems. Police said she also suspected McNair was seeing another woman.

Police earlier had labeled McNair's death a homicide, but awaited further tests and investigation before saying for sure what happened.

At one point, Kazemi told an associate that her "personal life was all screwed up," Police Chief Ronal Serpas said. She had mounting debts and had been unable to sell her car. Her roommate was moving, which would have doubled her rent.'


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Canada: FRA ordered to pay $20,000 punishment for challenging court

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Ontario Superior Court judge has ordered a crusading fathers'-rights activist to pay $20,000 to the federal government as punishment for mounting an ill-founded challenge to federal child-support payment guidelines.

Mr. Justice Alan C.R. Whitten ruled that Lucien Khodeir's negligence lawsuit amounted to a delaying tactic designed to forestall him having to pay support orders of $1,230 - including arrears - for Mr. Khodeir's 12- and 14-year-old children.

Several weeks ago, Judge Whitten dismissed the lawsuit after a brief hearing.
However, Mr. Khodeir said in an interview that the cost ruling is another example of judges shutting the courtroom doors to self-represented litigants who display the audacity to attack a sacred legal shibboleth such as the child-support guidelines.

Mr. Khodeir said that he is in debt "up to my eyeballs," but he will not be deterred from his campaign to overturn guidelines that he regards as unfair, arbitrary and discriminatory toward men.'

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Standish Woman Charged With Assaulting Husband

Story here.

'STANDISH (NEWS CENTER) -- More than two months after Jeffrey Dolloff suffered serious head injuries in an assault at his home, his wife has been arrested.

State police arrested Linda Dolloff, 47, Wednesday afternoon. She is charged with two counts of attempted murder, two counts of elevated aggravated assault and one count of filing a false report. The charges stem from the beating of her husband inside their home Easter morning.

Linda Dolloff was treated for a gunshot wound to the abdomen after the incident. She is being held at the Cumberland County jail.'

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"Furry" woman accused of sexually assaulting teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'FORT COLLINS, Colo. - A Fort Collins mother is under arrest accused of sexually assaulting a teenage boy she met through a common interest in "furry" gatherings. Furries are people who dress in animal costumes and get together to socialize.

According to the arrest affidavit, 45-year-old Richael Michels was considered to be a role model for the 16-year-old boy, but allegedly was having sex with him the entire time.

The initial tip apparently came from her husband, who was upset about her growing interest in Furries.

Brandon De Vito runs 25th Hour Anime shop and says most of his friends are Furries. He says they adopt animal personas and make costumes called "fur suits." De Vito says the Furry lifestyle is not about sex at all. He says Furries are harmless, gentle, good-natured people who like to get together to share their common interest.'

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