Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2009-08-11 13:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'For decades, male-bashing has been deemed an amusing side show in the Battle of the Sexes. Some consider it funny when an advertisement depicts a man maimed by his girlfriend. Others will say an abused man simply had it coming. (Think former NFL star Steve McNair, shot four times in his sleep by a jealous girlfriend — but no one could bring themselves to call it "domestic violence.")
In recent years, gender supremacism has entered the mainstream of political discourse. Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas once declared, "I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have."
And consider Hillary Clinton's remark, "Research shows the presence of women raises the standards of ethical behavior and lowers corruption." Thank goodness we have ethical paragons like Hillary to show us out of the wilderness.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2009-08-11 12:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'Donald Tenn, the Sacramento father who traveled to Washington DC recently for a rally to confront President Obama on his "fathers need to step up" comments, will be in a Columbus, Ohio courtroom Monday morning on charges related to his 4 day protest on a 175' construction crane last year.
Tenn was a stay-at-home daddy until Shannon Phillips took their daughter to Illinois on what was described as a vacation three years ago. After her arrival Phillips announced that she had no intention of returning to California, or of allowing Madison to return. When Tenn reminded her that California law prevents parental move-aways Phillips filed her first of many false charges of domestic violence against Tenn.
At one point he had hope. One judge refused a restraining order and scolded Phillips for her antics. But after Tenn had one visit with Madison in Illinois Phillips renewed her campaign of false allegations.'
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Submitted by MaleOrderBride on Tue, 2009-08-11 10:11
Story here. Excerpt:
"A FEMALE teacher charged over alleged sexual liaisons with two schoolboys has faced a Ballarat court.
Michelle Dennis, in her early 30s, was charged last October with three counts of sexual penetration of a child aged under 16 and one count of committing an indecent act, the Herald Sun reports.
She was immediately suspended from teaching by the Victorian Department of Education.
The charges came just days after Ms Dennis was stood down from Ballarat High School after being charged with three counts of sexual penetration of another student, aged 17 or under."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2009-08-10 21:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rage. That’s what one gets to see in the eyes of harassed husbands and men’s rights activists in the city, who, outraged by laws, which they claim are unfair, are now getting ready to voice their protest on Independence Day this year.
“We are abstaining from Independence Day celebrations this year to protest the unfair laws that favour women,” says Suresh, the convenor of the Chennai Chapter of the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), an organisation fighting for men’s rights and family harmony under the aegis of the Save Indian Family movement.
Men’s groups across the country have been protesting gender-biased laws in general and the Domestic Violence Act and the 498A, in particular.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 21:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'We have become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misogyny that the barbaric treatment of women and girls has come to be more or less expected.
We profess to being shocked at one or another of these outlandish crimes, but the shock wears off quickly in an environment in which the rape, murder and humiliation of females is not only a staple of the news, but an important cornerstone of the nation’s entertainment.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 21:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A new study shows female managers are more than three times as likely as their male counterparts to underrate their bosses' opinions of their job performance.
"Women have imposed their own glass ceiling, and the question is why," said Scott Taylor, an assistant professor at the University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management who conducted the study.
Taylor said managers may need to learn better ways to communicate to female employees that they are valued. Women may need to learn how to better seek positive and critical feedback, he said.
Taylor says the findings could indicate why many women don't rise to head companies or why there is a wage disparity between men and women.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 21:14
Article here. Excerpt:
"Modern women are turning their husbands into 'male-female hybrids' by ordering them to do a rising number of domestic chores, a relationship counsellor claims.
Women increasingly used to being in charge in the workplace are adopting the same policy at home, telling their men to perform traditional housewives' tasks such as the laundry, vacuuming and ironing.
'Many of us are so focused, decisive and assertive, that the only role left for our husbands is one where they comply and let us take charge - traditionally feminine traits.
'But the irony is, we don't actually want men like that, and we end up eventually resenting them for not being more dominant and fearless.'"
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 20:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'...To say that it is a “culture-wide problem” because America is apparently just still so misogynistic is ridiculous and wrong. And feminists know that. Most men do not harbor secret fantasies of forcing women to have sex with them whether they want to or not, nor do most men dream about enacting violence against women. Yet it doesn’t keep feminists from labeling men this way.
What I think it boils down to is that feminists no longer have anything to fight for. And so, a movement that once was dedicated to fighting for equality between sexes has now resorted to slandering all men as angry, violent, women-haters in order to further their own feminist agenda. George Sodini is a sick, evil man who I hope rots in hell for what he’s done. And while I don’t think feminists are evil, they should still be ashamed of themselves for exploiting a tragedy of this nature in order to continue to smear men.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 19:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Nevada woman who in a civil lawsuit accused Ben Roethlisberger of sexually assaulting her last year boasted to a co-worker at that time of having consensual sex with the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback and said she hoped he had impregnated her, according to a sworn affidavit filed in court in Washoe County, Nev., late Friday.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 19:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'RICHMOND, Va. — Gov. Tim Kaine on Thursday ordered the release of three sailors who were convicted in a 1997 murder and rape case that had become a national cause célèbre as an example of wrongful convictions based on coerced confessions.
The three, who with another sailor were known as the Norfolk Four, were charged in the rape and murder of the wife of a fellow sailor. But after someone else confessed to the crime and the men remained in prison, their plight attracted a long list of supporters, including former judges, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and even some of the jurors in their cases.
Citing “grave doubts” about the men’s complicity in the crimes, Governor Kaine issued a partial pardon to the three sailors — Derek Tice, Danial Williams and Joseph Dick Jr. — which reduced their life sentences to time served and permits them to leave prison in the coming days.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 19:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rape is one of those crimes that is so intimately disgusting and inhumanly unforgivable, the very accusation carries a somewhat sacred consequence—almost anyone who doubts the allegation risks the appearance of a malignant heart.
Nobody—NOBODY—would ever lie about being raped, so the mere suggestion of skepticism is dangerous.
Not only is the crime singularly evil, but it's extremely difficult to prove in the absence of physical injury. The prosecution and accuser should be afforded a good degree of latitude to explore the charge as well as a layman's presumption of honesty.
There seemed to be negligible risk of throwing innocent men in jail because nobody believed an innocent man would be charged with such a terrible crime.
Slowly, with each false accusation, these women are adding weight to the other side.
And woe to us all once the delicate balance is lost.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2009-08-10 17:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Andropause is a "term of convenience" in describing the complex symptoms in aging men with low testosterone levels, according to one study at the University of Toronto Department of Medicine.
Some studies show only 25 percent of all men with low testosterone levels ever experience symptoms such as Dan's, as well as bone loss and fracture, sleep disturbances and lethargy.
The very existence of andropause is contentious and large-scale studies on hormone treatment are only a decade old. Many say the underlying cause of some men's complaints are part of the normal aging process.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Mon, 2009-08-10 08:22
A message from Returning Officer - MUGSU Elections
Nominations Open - 9.30am Monday 10th August 2009
Nominations Close - 4.30pm Friday 28th August 2009
Ballot Opens - 9.30am Monday 14th September 2009
Ballot Closes - 4.30pm Friday 18th September 2009
Nominations are sought for the following positions on the MUGSU Union
* President
* Education Vice President
* Off Campus Vice President (must be an Off Campus student)
* Treasurer/Secretary
* Media Director
* Activities Director
* Sport and Recreation Director
* Womyn's Director (must be female)
* Student Welfare Director
* Environment Director
* NUS Delegates x 3
* Staff representative (must be a Monash Gippsland Campus staff
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-08-09 19:38
Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2009-08-09 19:35
Story here. Excerpt:
'RENO, Nev. – The woman suing quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for alleged sexual assault has been accused of bragging about having consensual sex with him to a co-worker.
Angela Antonetti said the woman who made the rape claim "did not appear to be upset, stressed-out or nervous" about her time with the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback during a 2008 celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe, according to court documents filed late Friday.
Antonetti said her Harrah's hotel-casino co-worker "appeared happy and boastful," and later said she thought she might be pregnant from the encounter. Antonetti made the remarks in a sworn statement attached to a motion to move the case from Reno to Minden, Nev.'
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