Boys to Men Raises $125,000

Article here. Excerpt:

'San Diego, CA (PRWEB) July 22, 2009 -- As many as 60 patrons of the Boys To Men Mentoring Network recently gathered in the La Jolla home of Nancy and Michael Kaehr to support the noble work being done around the world by the mentoring program known as Boys to Men. The evening was a huge success raising over $125,000.00 -- almost 33% of their annual budget.

Most Successful Fundraiser Ever

"After months of planning and the hard work of ten committed volunteers lead by committee chair Teresa Bertino, Boys To Men of San Diego pulled off its most successful fundraiser ever," said Joe Sigurdson, a Boys to Men founder. The dedicated team hosted five separate house parties, each designed to inform guests about the program. Attendees were approached by committee members to answer any questions about the program and to gauge their interest and level of commitment. Those who showed an interest in helping Boys to Men were invited to a formal party for a night of pampering and inspiration.'

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Australia: Girl event ‘can refuse men’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A girls night in Victoria will be legally able to refuse biological men from the event following a decision in that state this morning.

Pinkalicious organisers were this morning successful in their application for a women’s only event with the Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal (VACT).

Promoters applied to VCAT in May for an exemption from state equal opportunity laws to allow them to turn biological men away from the event.

Pinkalicious promoter Julie Mackenzie said it was a “historic”day for Melbourne’s lesbian community as the first enforced female-only event.'

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Ben Roethlisberger: Rape allegations are 'reckless and false'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger rejected the rape allegations levied against him by Andrea McNulty in a brief statement on Thursday.

"The allegations against me are reckless and false," Roethlisberger said at the Steelers' facility in Pittsburgh. He did not take any questions.

"I would never, ever force myself on a woman," Roethlisberger said.

McNulty filed a civil lawsuit against Roethlisberger in Nevada alleging the quarterback raped her at a casino following a golf tournament last year. She has not filed a criminal complaint, and Nevada police have not investigated the claims as a result.'

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Glenn Sacks and Ned Holstein on NPR re male DV victims

Segment title: "The Violence We Ignore". The segment page is here and the archived show's .mp3 file can be downloaded with this link. Segment blurb:

"Talk of the Nation, July 20, 2009 · Earlier this month, football star Steve McNair was shot dead by his girlfriend in an apparent murder-suicide. In a recent article for The Baltimore Sun, co-author Ned Holstein points out that many news sources failed to mention that this was a tragic case of domestic violence, in which the male was the victim. Holstein talks about his article, "The Violence We Ignore," and why cases of men victimized by their wives and girlfriends are often overlooked."

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Implicit criminal profiling

Article here. Excerpt:

"Social psychologists have shown that 'implicit' or 'unconscious' bias can effect what people perceive and do, even in people who consciously hold non-prejudiced attitudes. These associations or mental shortcuts include automatic or implicit associations between minorities, particularly African Americans, and crime.

Implicit bias might lead the officer to automatically perceive crime in the making when she observes two young Hispanic males driving in an all-white neighborhood or lead an officer to be “under-vigilant” with a female subject because he associates crime and violence with males."

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Family court injustices to men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Did you know that a family court can order a man to reimburse the government for the welfare money, falsely labeled "child support," that was paid to the mother of a child to whom he is not related? Did you know that, if he doesn't pay, a judge can sentence him to debtor's prison without ever letting him have a jury trial?

Did you know that debtor's prisons (putting men in prison because they can't pay a debt) were abolished in the United States before we abolished slavery, but that they exist today to punish men who are too poor to pay what is falsely called "child support"?
This system is morally and constitutionally wrong, yet all the authorities say the court orders were lawful.

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Forbes: "Ga. men, white workers hit hard by job loss"

Article here. Excerpt:

'ATLANTA -- Men, especially white ones, are bearing the brunt of job losses in Georgia, according to a state Department of Labor paper released Tuesday.

The paper dubbed the trend a "he-cession" and advocated efforts to channel men into female-dominated career fields like teaching.

The study examined the demographics of Georgians receiving unemployment insurance benefits between December 2007 and May 2009.

Officials found the number of men receiving benefits increased 160 percent during that period. White men saw a 211 percent increase during that time, the largest percentage increase among all ethnic groups, and one that put them ahead of black women on the list of claimants for the first time since the recession began, according to labor officials.'

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S. Africa: Woman sentenced to 3 years incarceration after false rape cry

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Atteridgeville woman was sentenced to three years' imprisonment after she falsely accused a man of rape, police said on Monday.

Police spokesman Inspector Daniel Mavimbela said the accused man had already spent eight months in custody after bail was denied.

The 25-year-old woman had falsely accused a 42-year-old man of rape after her uncle found she had had sex with the man.

During sentencing, Magistrate Pierre Laurens told the woman she had put the man through shame through her false accusation.

"You must be ashamed of yourself, the only sentence I can think for you is a prison sentence, you are sentenced to three years," said Laurens.'

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UK: False rape claim woman is jailed

Story here. Excerpt:

'A MUM who lied about being raped has been jailed for two years.

On Tuesday Jennifer Day, 34, was led sobbing from the dock after she was sentenced for perverting the course of justice at Basildon Crown Court.

Day, of Williamson Way, Corringham, made a tearful 999 call on January 8, 2008, claiming she had been raped at home by an ex-boyfriend.

The boyfriend, Andrew Saxby, was arrested at work and held in custody for around ten hours before police became suspicious about inconsistencies in Day’s story.

They confronted Day, who had met Mr Saxby on a dating website, and admitted she had made up the claim.'

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For Women, Circumcised Partner May Be Better Lover

Article here. Excerpt:

'Having a male sex partner who has been circumcised doesn't hurt a woman's sexual satisfaction -- and may improve it, according to a landmark study in Uganda.

Almost 40 percent of women in the study said that their sexual satisfaction improved when their male partner had been circumcised. Only a handful of women reported less satisfaction, while the rest reported no change, according to Dr. Godfrey Kigozi, of the Rakai Health Sciences Program.

Kigozi reported the findings at the fifth annual International AIDS Society conference on pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention of HIV.'

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American Thinker: Are Men Obsolete?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Being a lifelong liberal, I'd never heard anybody like Savage in my life. He yelled; he called people "vermin." He was unbridled masculinity, not the touchy feeling kind I was used to. And he totally accepted himself: his moods, passion, temper.

But what shocked me the most was his saying that men have become "feminized." I'd never been so offended. "Well, what's wrong with men being more feminine?" I shouted back at my radio. "Is there something wrong with femininity?" Men being way more in touch with their yin and less with their yang sounded good to me.
What a difference a year makes. Now I see Savage as a seer warning us of the dangers we were in for if men went the way of the dinosaur. I had thought taming men's animal nature was a win-win for everybody. Now I realize it was tampering with Mother Nature.

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Taiwan: More women-only gyms

Story here. Excerpt:

"MOVE over, guys, women-only gyms are getting bigger and better. Amore Fitness, which has 16 outlets islandwide, is planning to open a new 1,393 sq m fitness centre at City Square Mall at the end of the year.

Amore's founder and chief executive, Ms Jasmine Teo, says its gyms have 50,000 active members to date, with numbers 'constantly growing'.

Gyms like Amore not only have fitness regimes and classes tailored for a woman's physique, but also have less bulky fitness equipment and luxurious vanity areas where members can primp and preen after their workouts.
Ms Cordelia Fernandez, a junior-college teacher in her 30s, dropped 9kg in eight months after she joined womenonly gym Slender Shapes in 2002.

'The main advantage of women- only gyms is that there are no distractions,' she said. 'You can concentrate on working out without worrying about how your hair looks or if you have a visible panty line.'"

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Rising suicide numbers point to 'boys crisis'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The suicide rate among college-age men is increasing at an alarming rate, officials say, but even as schools work to head off the problem, counselors are baffled as to the cause.

"We don't know for certain," said Kristi Casey-Hart, a counselor at Dalton State College in Dalton, Ga. "I think that we put a lot of pressure on men."

While men overall commit suicide more often than women, the gender gap for suicide among young adults is staggering, according to a recent report published by the Boys Project out of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Among 20- to 24-year-olds, 20.7 suicides per 100,000 occur among males, compared with 3.5 per 100,000 among females, said Judith Kleinfeld, director of the Boys Project.

The ratio of suicide among male and females between the ages of 15 and 24 was 5 to 1, she said, and the male and female ratio for that same age range in 1933 was 1.56 to 1.'

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'Boys In Crisis' Seminar - July 22, 2009, in Tyler, TX

Announcement here.

'Parents and community members are invited to attend the "Boys in Crisis: Hear Our Cry" seminar from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Caldwell Auditorium. [link added]

The event, presented by Tyler ISD, will feature Dr. Paul Slocumb, an author and educator.

"He is coming to share research about the ways that boys learn and the best ways of making connections, building relationships and supporting them in their academic pursuits," said Kim Tunnell, director of curriculum and instruction at TISD.

"As we look at our data and trends within Tyler [link added], across the state and across the whole United States with dropout rates, we're missing the mark with addressing the needs of our boys. It's not that they're not capable. It's that we need to do a better job at meeting the needs of our boys."'

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Psychiatrist testifies that 'depressed mother' could not stop herself from killing her 3-YO

Story here.

'CENTREVILLE, Md. — A psychiatrist testified that a mother accused of the death of her 3-year-old daughter was so depressed she couldn't stop herself.

Defense witness Dr. David Williamson was one of three psychiatrists who testified Monday. Two others testified for the prosecution in Queen Anne's County Circuit Court in Centreville, saying Victoria Sparrow planned the killing weeks in advance.

The three testified at a hearing to determine if Sparrow was legally insane when she poisoned her daughter. Police say Sparrow killed her daughter, Laci, in December and then tried to kill herself with pills.

Sparrow has pleaded not criminally responsible by reason of insanity. Circuit Judge Thomas G. Ross will decide whether she was insane.'

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