The Abortion Debate: What's the Role of Men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I support a woman's right to make that choice, but it still really hurt that she never consulted me beforehand. There were cruelties: around this time she took up with a "friend" of mine, and they were never honest with me about it or the chronology. They eventually married and had one child of which I know. I wish I could say I wish them well, but I am still bitter. Rationally, I know I am better off that I didn't marry such a cruel, selfish, and inconsiderate person. But it still hurts, even 16 years later.

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Missouri: New Legislation Is Giving Fathers More Rights In Child Support Cases

Story here.

'[Missouri State] Senator Jeff Smith [link added] along with members of the Fathers Support Center [link added] announced the changes in front of the Civil Courts Building. The changes include letting judges dealing with child support cases assign non violent fathers to educational, vocational , or job training instead of giving them a felony and sending them to jail.

The law also gives dads more rights in DNA testing.

"If a DNA test precludes the possibility that a man could be the father of a child he are she will be removed from future obligation and the birth certificate of a child will be modified until this law many men who they could show through DNA testing were not the father of the were ordered to continue paying hild support because there was no one else to pay and that's just not right. Sen. Jeff Smith (D) St. Louis

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Childless Men Jailed for Non-Payment of Child Support

Story here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO, July 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Frank Hatley spent the past year in Cook County jail in South Georgia for falling behind in child support payments. However, as the court was aware, he had no children according to court documents. A DNA test even confirmed that there was no chance he was the father.

Walter Sharpe, from Philadelphia, was forced to pay more than $12,000 in child support for another man's daughter. He spent two years in jail for falling behind in child support payments. Sharpe's Petitions filed for DNA testing were denied by the judge. However, the paternity order against him was finally overturned after the girl's mother failed to show up to a court hearing.

"Paternity Fraud victims need justice and our system is broken," comments Fathers' Rights Attorney Jeffery M. Leving, publisher of'

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Australia: Divorced dads fear rollback of parent laws

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE shared parenting laws that have given divorced fathers more time with their children will be rolled back because of the power of left-wing feminist women in Kevin Rudd's cabinet.

That is the view of men's groups that lobbied for the laws when the Howard government was in power, and who now fear "that 15 years of progress in getting fathers and children to spend time together is about to be undone".

"I met with (Attorney-General) Robert McClelland a few weeks ago, and it was clear to me that these laws are being rolled back," said Sue Price, of the Men's Rights Agency.

"They (the Rudd government) say they are reviewing the law, but basically the law will change because in the Labor government there are a number of women who are well and truly indoctrinated in a 1970s feminist movement background, and they do not value the role of men in society.

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Family Rights 101: Why is there a fathers rights movement?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers around the world are uniting for their human and civil right to parent their children, in what is sometimes called the fathers rights movement.

Equal parenting advocates like John Murtari of and Bev Morris, founder of the National Association of Noncustodial Moms ( are quick to point out that mothers are also victim to bad government policy, just in smaller numbers.

Statistics show that approximately 85% of children nationwide who are not living with both of their parents are in the sole custody of their mothers. Bill Sharp, an Illinois father who lost equal custody when the mother of his children refused to cooperate with court orders, overheard his family court judge saying, "The father should not be upset because this is how it ends up in 90 per cent of the cases."

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Young "feminist" has problem dating feminist man

I just laughed when I saw this. Excerpt:

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Low birthrate: It's men's fault

Read this debasing and misandrist article here. Excerpt:

'If we want to get a handle on why young people in western countries aren't reproducing, we should look at the men. When we do, the picture is not flattering.'

The article of course says nothing about the behavior of women. They are never culpable just the victim.

Please email the writer ( as I have done and in a respectful manner explain to him about divorce rates, gender pandering judiciary, domestic violence stats as it relates to the culpability of women.

Chivalrous males such as this and the women who feel that it their right to have it all need a wake up call.

When are we going to realize as a society that it takes two to tango and their is equal blame on both sides? I believe if that happens we will be on the way to a more equitable society. Just my opinion. Articles like this make my blood boil.

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Male US Navy officer files sexual harassment complaint against female reporter

Story here. Excerpt:

'FishbowlDC Exclusive: US Navy Commander Jeffrey D. Gordon has filed a sexual harassment complaint against the Miami Herald's Carol Rosenberg.

FishbowlDC obtained a copy of the July 22, 2009 letter addressed to Miami Herald Senior VP and Executive Editor Anders Gyllenhaal. In the complaint, Gordon calls for a "thorough investigation" to put an end to Rosenberg's "appalling behavior" that includes comments about the Commander's sexual orientation.

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"Are more women OK with watching porn?"

Next time a woman tells you or implies that adult movies are viewed only by men, or almost only by men, send her this. (Among other things, the author, Violet Blue, is a respected sex-advice columnist with the San Francisco Chronicle.) Excerpt:

'In the first three months of 2007, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, approximately one in three visitors to adult entertainment Web sites was female; during the same period, nearly 13 million American women were checking out porn online at least once each month.

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"Dads On the Air" site re-launch announcement

The Dads On the Air Program is going from strength to strength- and this week the website has relaunched with a new updated design and new features.

Come and check us out. The design is now much cleaner and less cluttered and the site itself much more pleasant to use.

The more modern design makes it easier to read and navigate around. The pages have a friendlier URL structure, for example the backgrounder is at and the bookstore is at

As well, the full weekly show flyers are now available for all shows new and old, not just a summary of each week's guests. Just click the show title on the Home page or the "Click to read more..." link on the Archives page.

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New portal site is here. Not surprisingly, it has a corporate sponsor with the same name.

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Govt Help Needed Figuring Out Masculinity, Femininity

Article here. Excerpt:

'The new Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s legislation is intended to add to society’s confusion about men and women and proper sexual behavior.

According to CNS News, it requires the Department of Health to develop “standards of measuring gender”…apparently because a quick look between a person’s legs is too difficult.

"HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is required by the proposed law — The Affordable Health Choices Act,which was voted out of committee on July 15 — to create a database within one year of the law’s enactment that will include detailed information about those who sign up for government-run or supported health care programs, including their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language and disabilities.

The proposed law states that the database can use the Office of Management and Budget “standards for race and ethnicity measures.”

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College wrestling's predicaments: One possible way out

Article here. Excerpt:

'Earlier this week, we explored some of the predicaments that college wrestling is dealing with right now -- programs being cut because of the recession, and/or as a way colleges attempt to comply with Title IX, the 1972 federal legislation that ensures equal opportunities for men and women in educational institutions receiving government aid.

It's all too easy for many in the college wrestling community to look at these challenges and respond with a "There's nothin' I can do about it" hopelessness or a "As long as my program's still in business, I really don't care" arrogance.

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Lee Nessel: Is it time to revise Title IX?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ah, equity. You can write a law and force it, but there still will be someone who feels they are on the short end, someone who will say, "This equity is not fair to me."

Is it time to revisit and revise Title IX?
I have met and known men who lost their life's dream when teams were cut and opportunities shrank for them to participate in sports. To them, Title IX is unfair. I couldn't agree more.
But the question remains, without Title IX, can the power structure in high school and intercollegiate athletics be trusted to ensure women continue to get a fair shake? If so, do away with it. If not, consider amending it. Or else we live with it, as unfair as it appears to some.

But since none of us can see into the future, it appears Title IX is here to stay.'

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Deirdre Reilly: Parenting has changed, but little boys haven’t

Article here. Excerpt:

'Little boys haven’t changed, even if the way we parent has. They still love bugs and dirt and a glorious ride down a steep hill alone, full-speed, on a wicked three-speed bike. They still have a wildness that is beautiful to watch; when they shoot an arrow straight or skip a stone with all their might at the ocean and then wonder where it went, or play an air guitar with abandon with a best friend. And they need to be left alone once in awhile to be just … free.

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