Woman Doped Breast Milk for Attention, Police Say

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who was on probation for feeding her toddler son pain pills in California now faces felony assault charges for doping her infant daughter with a near-lethal dose of morphine in Oregon.

Police said Sara Rose Dillard, aka Sara Rose Lubin, drugged her 2-month-old daughter June 4 in an alleged attempt to get attention from the child's father.

The infant was immediately rushed to the critical care center at Doernbecher's Children's Hospital in Portland and survived.

But it took several weeks for officers to unravel Dillard's past and her previous conviction of Willful Cruelty to a Child under the last name of Lubin in Los Angeles. In the previous conviction, Dillard was also accused of creating a medical emergency to get the attention of her child's father.'

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New Jersey Mom Accused of Killing Daughter, Injuring Other Child

Story here. Excerpt:

'Police say a New Jersey woman killed her four-year-old daughter, attempted to kill her six-year-old daughter and then tried to kill herself during a brutal attack Sunday morning.

Morris County prosecutors say 33-year-old Jenny Erazo-Rodriguez faces charges of murder, attempted murder and endangering the welfare of a child. Bail is set at $1 million.

Morris Township police responded to the home Sunday and found a neighbor administering CPR to an unconscious 4-year-old girl on the lawn.

Another neighbor was caring for the girl's 6-year-old sister. Officials say she was conscious, but lethargic.'

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Ex-wife 'admits starting' Kuwait wedding party blaze that killed 43

Story here. Excerpt:

'A fire in a wedding party tent that killed 43 women and children in Kuwait was started deliberately by the ex-wife of the bridegroom, a Kuwaiti newspaper said today.

Al-Qabbas said that the 23-year-old former wife had admitted pouring petrol on the cotton tent and setting it on fire, furious at what she called her “bad treatment” by her former partner before their divorce. There was no official confirmation of the alleged confession.

Firefighters said that the blaze took less than three minutes to rip through the marquee, in which as many as 180 women and children were celebrating the wedding party. Many of those who died were killed in the stampede for the sole exit.'

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UK Guardian: 'The 2009 summer of hate'

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Canada: Woman claims alimony eligibility discrimination for being unmarried

Story here. Excerpt:

'Judgment came this week in the family law case of the year, in which a woman sued her former partner - a prominent billionaire - for $56,000 per month in alimony and $50 million. Her claim? Federal marriage law and Quebec family law discriminate against unmarried couples. A Quebec Superior Court judge has now ruled against her. The woman's lawyer says she will appeal.

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Mom allegedly drank before her 3 boys drowned

Story here. Excerpt:

'MORRILTON, Ark. — Authorities say the mother whose three young boys drowned when she drove into a central Arkansas lake had been drinking before the accident.

Conway County Sheriff Mike Smith said Friday that 26-year-old Amber Turley was arrested earlier that morning at her parent's house. She has been charged with felony endangerment in the April crash.

Prosecutor Tom Tatum says the alcohol was among several factors that resulted in the charges. It wasn't immediately clear whether Turley had an attorney. She has previously said the crash was an accident.

Smith acknowledged the emotions involved in bringing charges against the mother, but says he was acting on behalf of the children.

Turley has been released on $5,000 bond.'

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S. Africa: Boy forced to eat skin taken from his circumcised penis

Story here. Excerpt:

'Tradition is set to be pitted against the constitution in a landmark case around forced circumcision, which is due to go to trial on Monday.

But ahead of the start of proceedings, the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) has declared that its position on circumcision - forced or otherwise - would remain unchanged, regardless of what a court may order.

Bonani Yamani, now 21, was abducted from his home shortly before dawn on March 3, 2007. He was tied up, taken to the bush, circumcised against his will, then forced to eat the skin taken from his penis.

Circumcision is against Yamani's personal religious beliefs, and he subsequently asked traditional leaders for an apology and an undertaking that no one would in future be subjected to forced circumcision.

Instead, Eastern Cape Contralesa chairperson Chief Mwelo Nonkonyana was quoted as saying that those who refused traditional circumcision should be ostracised by the community.'

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Australia: Legal spotlight on male circumcision

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'The Law Reform Institute is reviewing the legalities of the procedure, after the Children's Commissioner found uncertainly over whether it can be legally performed on an infant male.

An issues paper has been prepared by a post-graduate student of the Law reform Institute, Warwick Marshall.

"The biggest issue with the law, [is] that there's no particular bit of legislation that deals with male circumcision so the general, criminal and civil law applies."

"So charges such as assault and wounding, grievous bodily harm for example which you'd usually associate with fist fights, could apply to male circumcision," he said.'

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S. Africa: Bhisho team ‘traumatised’ by botched circumcisions

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'TRAUMATISED Bhisho officials believe that showing traditional surgeons the results of botched circumcisions may help prevent deaths among initiates.

The province’s health standing committee, led by ANC provincial Legislature member Mxolisi Dimaza, visited Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital and Mthatha General Hospital where injured initiates are being treated.

“I have never seen anything like this in my whole life … It was a bad sight indeed … gruesome. I did not sleep the whole night, but (stayed up) sobbing. We were really traumatised,” said Dimaza.

The multi-party committee embarked on the tour to find solutions following the deaths of 53 initiates this season.

Thirteen others suffered penile amputations, and about 40 young men are still being treated at the two hospitals.

“Apparently, some were taken very late to hospital and now doctors cannot do anything to help them. Their manhood is just falling off,” Dimaza said.'

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Feminist objections to stimulus content lead to strange funding priorities

Article here. Excerpt:

'...feminist leaders complained that rebuilding roads and bridges would employ working-class men, who have borne the brunt of the recession, rather than women or the “sexually diverse.” Unemployment is very high among transportation and construction workers, who are overwhelmingly male. The vast majority of people who have lost their jobs in the current recession are male — 82%. But the stimulus package is not aimed at helping them. In response to demands from feminist leaders, the Obama Administration rewrote the stimulus package to largely exclude them, as Christina Hoff Sommers has chronicled at length.

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Germany: Why Women’s Shelters Are Hotbeds of Misandry

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UK: Dad's clean-up mission for fathers' rights

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'A NO-NONSENSE Heathfield father is threatening to cause havoc in court in a bid to change the law.

Jason Sands, 37, is Sussex spokesman for New Fathers for Justice, a controversial group dedicated to campaigning for improved rights for fathers in the settlement of child custody.

The group have grabbed media attention by organising demonstrations around the country dressed as super-heroes and Mr Sands is currently working on his latest stunt, entitled Clean Up Family Law.

Dressed as Batman, Mr Sands is planning to attend law courts across the region carrying a cleaning in progress sign and a vacuum cleaner.

He warned: "I have asked around and they can't stop me entering. Once I'm in I'll plug it in and start cleaning."

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Protecting Fathers' Rights in Move-Away Petitions

Article here. Excerpt:

'California law has long favored awarding primary custody of children to mothers over fathers. This disturbing trend only has served to undervalue the important role fathers play in their children's lives and reinforce outdated gender stereotypes that mothers are best-suited for raising children.
Fathers contesting a move-away petition may be granted increased visitation time with their children or the court may even award custody, either temporarily or permanently, to the father if the mother follows through in her decision to move.

Generally, to win a change in custody, the father must be able to prove that the move is a detriment to the child. In the LaMusga case, the California Supreme Court held that the impact of a move on the child's relationship with the father is a relevant factor in determining whether the move is a detriment to the child and may justify a change in custody.'

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Dirty little secrets of domestic violence programs

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger cut funds to California domestic violence shelters recently stories of battered women and children filled the news. Oakland television station KTVU ran a story about "women and children," never once mentioning male victims. Like stations around the state, and around the country, CBS5 did the same.

News reports featured three dozen noisy people lining a street in Watsonville protesting budget cuts to the Walnut Avenue Women’s Center and Women’s Crisis Support~Defensa de Mujeres. We listened to female victims.

We heard about women's advocates and community leaders gathering in San Jose to protest a cut in funding for Asian Americans for Community Involvement in San Jose, Community Solutions in South Santa Clara County, Support Network for Battered Women in Sunnyvale and San Jose's Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence. And we listened to female victims.'

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Woman accused of making false rape accusation

Story here. Except:

'Magistrate Priya Beharry granted $60,000 bail to a woman accused of knowingly providing the police with false information that she had been raped.

It is alleged that on May 20 at Georgetown, Plachette Ross, a sales representative of 24 Prospect, East Bank Demerara, knowingly gave to Sergeant Cedrick Gravesande; a police officer, certain information namely that she was raped intending thereby to cause Gravesande to arrest the man.

She pleaded not guilty to the charge of giving false information when it was read to her on Friday in the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.'

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