GCSE results: Boys bag top grades in maths

Article here. Excerpt:

'Boys have leapfrogged over girls in maths GCSE results, bagging more of the top grades for the first time since 1997 after the government scrapped coursework last year.

The remarkable two percentage point increase in the proportion of top grades awarded to boys for maths sparked a debate about whether girls and boys should be assessed differently after experts claimed that girls thrived in coursework tests while their male classmates did better at cramming for exams.

A 20-year trend of girls increasingly outperforming boys could begin to reverse next year because coursework is due to be scrapped for nearly all subjects following the move with maths this year. The decision to reduce coursework was made amid concerns of increasing plagiarism, but it now appears it will have a significant impact on the gender gap in education and could disadvantage girls.'

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UK: Women are better at ousting the boss than making money, academics say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women on the board can be bad for a company’s coffers but they waste no time in ousting male chief executives who are not up to the job.

The claims by two academics appear to support suggestions this week by Harriet Harman that “men cannot be trusted to run things on their own”. Labour’s deputy leader and Equality Minister has also hinted that the credit crisis could have been prevented if more women had been present on bank boards — the so-called Lehman Sisters effect.

Research in the Journal of Financial Economics found that while female board members behaved more like independent directors, this did not necessarily translate into bigger profits. It said that too much interference from directors could result in a loss of trust and lack of information-sharing, further reducing profitability.'

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'John schools' try to change attitudes about paid sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- The accused came from all walks of life: Retirees, dads and twentysomethings. An engineer, a business owner and an auto worker. A man in a wheelchair. Men in need of Spanish or Farsi translators.

All had tried to buy a prostitute's services and were caught by police. It was their first offense, and a county court referred them to a one-day program called the John School. It's a program run by volunteers and city officials in conjunction with Magdalene House, a nonprofit that works to get prostitutes off the streets.

School is led by former prostitutes, health experts, psychologists and law enforcement officers who talk to -- and at times berate -- the men about the risks of hiring a prostitute.

Prostitution is based on the law of supply and demand. The thinking is: Women won't stop selling sex until men stop buying.'

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Pitino lashes out about revived accusations

Story here. Excerpt:

'LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)—A seething Rick Pitino said he could stay on the sidelines no longer.

The Louisville men’s basketball coach said video aired Wednesday of a police interview with a woman at the heart of sex and extortion scandal surrounding Pitino revived a “total fabrication of the truth.” In it, Karen Cunagin Sypher accuses Pitino of sexually assaulting her, an allegation she brought to police after she was accused of trying to extort millions from the coach. Prosecutors did not pursue charges against Pitino.

Against his lawyer’s advice, Pitino said he felt he needed to speak out.

“Everything that’s been printed, everything that’s been reported, everything that’s been breaking in the news on the day Ted Kennedy died is 100 percent a lie, a lie,” Pitino said in a hastily called news conference. “All of this has been a lie, a total fabrication of the truth.”'

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UK: One in four boys fails writing test for seven-year-old pupils

Story here. Excerpt:

'Girls swept the board in national curriculum tests for seven-year-olds, beating boys in every paper – reading, writing, speaking and listening, maths and science.

The biggest gap was in writing, where one in four boys failed to reach the standard expected, compared with just 13 per cent of girls.

Overall, the results showed a one percentage point improvement in writing this year from 80 per cent to 81 per cent – but a one per cent slump in maths to 89 per cent. Reading, and speaking and listening, remained the same at 84 per cent and 87 per cent respectively – as did science at 89 per cent.

David Laws, the Liberal Democrats' education spokesman, described the decline in maths scores as "a blow to ministers who have been targeting resources in order to improve performance". He added: "The Government should be especially ashamed of the fact that one in four boys failed to master basic writing skills by this age."'

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'Single dads in recovery deserve equality'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let's face it: sometimes men make better single parents than women. Some researchers even believe that this is almost always true, as single men are better able to impart such things as empathy to their children than women (Father and Child Reunion). With all of the hooting and hollering for women's rights that has gone on over the last few decades, the time has come for the lack of consideration of the rights of men to be noticed and changed. Recovery is definitely one of these areas, at least in the city of Louisville, and single dads need to be afforded the same opportunities to parent as women.

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Study: Gender may not influence survival outcomes after coronary

Article here. Excerpt:

'Doctors have long known that women are nearly twice as likely as men to die in the first month after a heart attack. But a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked behind this statistic to discover that gender may not directly influence survival outcomes after a heart attack.
Among all the studies, women died at a 9.6 percent rate compared with a 5.3 percent rate for men in the first month after a heart attack. Yet the study pointed out key differences between men and women in these statistics.

Women were having heart attacks at an older age than the men. Women were also more likely to have diabetes, high blood pressure and heart failure while men were more likely to smoke, to have had a previous heart attack and have a previous bypass surgery.'

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UK: Hunt for girl gang over unprovoked attack

Story here. Excerpt:

"Police are hunting a group of women they believe are responsible for an attack on a man during a night out.

Today detectives released CCTV footage showing six female suspects, all believed to be in their twenties.

The 38-year-old, who was left with a broken ankle and stiletto-shaped wound on his head, had been on a night out with his girlfriend at the time of the unprovoked assault in Liverpool."

The fairer sex, my big fat hairy butt!

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RADAR ALERT: Another DV Myth: DV Situations and Danger To Police

Last week the mayor of Milwaukee was injured while intervening between a drunk man and his daughter's grandmother.1

ABC's Milwaukee affiliate, WISN, followed up with a story that asserted, "domestic violence situations are, by far, the number one reason that police officers are wounded on duty," and quoting "domestic violence experts" to back up this bit of received wisdom.2

There's just one problem with this claim – researchers who studied this very question3 found it wasn't true. They found that domestic disturbance ranked fourth in the ratio of assaults to calls or service, but only fifth in the ratio of injuries to calls for service. In other words, he rate of injury from domestic disturbance calls was lower than the rate from four other types of calls.

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Conscious TV - On Parental Alienation

Also via Jeremy S.:

Personally I still absolutely do not believe or accept that parental alienation is "gender neutral". I think that this is simply a position of convenience and 'politically correct' expediency and that Parental Alienation is still overwhelmingly rooted in female action. However this TV appearance and presentation by Dorcy Russel on the subject itself is very encouraging.

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Purple Heart's Final Beat - A Soldier Suicide Story

Via Jeremy S.: This is must-see.

"A cry for help from SecondClassCitizen.org, dedicated to an old friend.

This story is far too true, and far too common. Soldiers returning from war, only to be oppressed by the same system they swore allegiance to protect. This film chronicles the last day in the life of one soldier - or many - as countless veterans every month end their lives in desperation."

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Linda Bollea Sues Hulk Hogan for Her Harley, Wants Him in Prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'Linda Bollea Sues Hulk Hogan for Her Harley, Wants Him in Prison

Just a few weeks ago, Hulk Hogan and the mother of his children Linda Bollea finally reached an undisclosed divorce settlement that they were both satisfied with, and Pop Tarts was assured Bollea was particularly delighted with her prominent payout. But is the former pro wrestler not living up to his legal word and giving his ex the agreed-to goods?
Consequently, Bollea is not only demanding her money and motorcycle, but now wants him to cover all the transport and attorney fees she has incurred, and if he still refuses to comply, has filed a request to have Hulk "incarcerated."
A rep for Hogan told Tarts that the "Hogan Knows Best" star has done no wrong and is "absolutely complying with the terms of the marital settlement agreement."

"Linda will receive everything she is entitled to under the agreement as soon as it is available to give to her," the rep said.'

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YouTube video on "new device to assist circumcising babies"

This is a reprehensible and disgusting YouTube video of a new circumcision device. I'm somewhat embarrassed to even submit it. However, I think 'shock value' might sometimes be a necessary tool. I can't even think of a descriptive excerpt.

Plastibell Infant Circumcision Surgical Procedure

Ed.: It's so disturbing you have to log in and confirm your birth date. I looked at the video poster's user page and it does not seem to me he or she is advocating for circumcision, but simply supplying video information about it. (In fact the text for the user entry was taken from Wikipedia and is decidedly anti-circ in its tone). Videos may well be the best way to get people to make up their own minds and once the evidence is seen, well, I have a feeling I can guess what new opinion will be formed.

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Atlanta report: Circumcision no AIDS protection for gay men

Article here. Excerpt:

'ATLANTA - Circumcision, which has helped prevent AIDS among heterosexual men in Africa, doesn't help protect gay men from the virus, according to the largest U.S. study to look at the question.
Circumcision "is not considered beneficial" in stopping the spread of HIV through gay sex, said Dr. Peter Kilmarx, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, the CDC is still considering recommending it for other groups, including baby boys and high-risk heterosexual men.

UNAIDS ... promote[s] circumcision ...as an important strategy for reducing the spread of the AIDS virus. There hasn't been the same kind of push for circumcision in the [US].
"...It's possible the government won't make recommendations but instead will promote an education campaign for parents about the procedure's potential benefits and risks, he added.

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Huffington Post: Male Circumcision and the HIV/AIDS Myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'We now know that penile cancer is only slightly more prevalent in the uncircumcised, and routine circumcision is not the best way to go about preventing it, just as routine double mastectomy in women who are done with breastfeeding (and thus have no remaining physiological need for their breasts) is not a good approach to preventing breast cancer -- which is much more common than penile cancer. We also know that the human papilloma virus (HPV), which also causes genital warts, is the most important risk factor for cancer of the penis -- and genital warts are more easily contracted by circumcised men. Moreover, penile cancer is much less prevalent in countries like Denmark, where circumcision is uncommon, compared to the United States, where between 50-60% of males are circumcised.'

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