MND: 'A Letter to Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you take an honest look at the academic environment to which our boys are subjected, you will see that their masculinity itself is under attack with ideology that teaches them they are inherently flawed.

Christina Hoff Sommers documented this in her highly recommended book “The War Against Boys.” She writes, “The pedagogy is designed to valorize females, such as teaching history in a woman-centered way. Boys are to be inspired to revere Anita Hill and to “enjoy” quilting. At the same time, schools discourage activities that are natural and traditional to boys, such as playing ball together.”

She goes on to say, with sad but pinpoint accuracy, “Most parents have no idea what their children are facing in the gender-charged atmosphere of the public schools.”

What Sommers didn’t add to that but I will is the fact that most parents have no idea about this because they choose not to.'

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D.C. mother guilty of slaying four girls

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - A D.C. Superior Court judge found Banita Jacks guilty yesterday of killing her four daughters in a case that shook the nation for its cruelty.

Judge Frederick Weisberg convicted Jacks on four counts of felony murder of the girls, whose decomposed bodies were found inside their home in January 2008. Weisberg also found Jacks guilty of first-degree premeditated murder in the deaths of the three youngest girls -Tatianna Jacks, 11, N’Kiah Fogle, 6, and Aja Fogle, 5 - but acquitted her of premeditated murder in the killing of Brittany Jacks, 16. The mother also was found guilty on lesser charges, including child cruelty. She probably will spend the rest of her life in prison.

Weisberg said the case was “a very lonely assignment and one of the most challenging and difficult’’ he has had during his 32 years on the bench.'

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UK: Girls 13 Boys 0: Testing reveals gender gap in basic skills

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls are racing ahead of boys in a whole range of skills, from reading and writing to showing the ability to concentrate before they even start their first day of school. An analysis of the basic assessments carried out on every four-year-old before they start compulsory schooling shows a 20 percentage point gap already emerging in writing ability, with 74 per cent of girls able to use writing for a variety of purposes, compared with just 54 per cent of boys.

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S. Africa: Funds no longer for 'poor, white girls' only

Story here. Excerpt:

'A multimillion-rand educational trust bequeathed by the industrialist and politician Sir Charles George Smith - for the benefit of "European girls born of British/South African or Dutch/South African parents" - will now benefit young women of all races.

This is after the University of KwaZulu-Natal, which manages the trust, applied successfully to the High Court to amend Sir Charles's will, saying that the bequest was an "embarrassment" and could expose it to Equality Court proceedings.
"More than half of the students attending the university now cannot be classified as white. In addition, the university has policies that are non-discriminatory."'

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Domestic Violence 101: The personal vs. the political Part 3

Article here. Excerpt:

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'The Pattern of Fetal Ripping'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I do not want to frighten pregnant women into believing that this pattern shows that they should be afraid of other women, at least not more than pregnant women should be afraid of men. I do understand that the pattern of feminism has veered into such a paradigm that men are violent and women are not that Erin Pizzey and Susan Steinmetz were both marginalized and vilified by feminists for claiming that a particular type of violent crime—domestic violence—is not a male-caused crime, but one in which women can be guilty as often as men. Perhaps more discussion of fetal-ripping can help us open up the broader discussion about how all women who become violent criminals do so through choice, just like all men who become violent criminals, and this will help clear the air on the entire discussion of gender and violence.'

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Domestic violence knows no barrier

Story here. Excerpt:

'Carthage: How did a handsome, seemingly happily married and former all-star football player such as Steve McNair become a victim and statistic of domestic violence?

Many people would say McNair was not a victim, but someone who was in an extramarital relationship, a choice that resulted in deadly consequences. No matter how you want to view the situation, his death July 4 was ruled a homicide, allegedly committed by Saleh Kazemi, who then committed suicide. Both McNair and Kazemi are domestic violence victims.
Men are increasingly becoming victims of domestic violence in North Carolina... Of the 47 domestic violence victims so far this year in North Carolina, 13 are males. Of 103 victims in 2008, 20 were males, and in 2007 another 20 males were killed out of 86 murders.
Since they do not conform to the stereotypical male image, men often hide the fact that they are victims of domestic violence because they know they may become the brunt of jokes and ridicule.'

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Harriet Harman: you can’t trust men in power

Article here. Excerpt:

'HARRIET HARMAN has demanded that one of Labour’s two top posts should always be held by a woman — because she believes men cannot be trusted to run organisations on their own.

Labour’s deputy leader secretly tried to change party rules two years ago to ensure that it could never again be led by an all-male team, but she was foiled.

In an interview with The Sunday Times, Harman reiterates her belief in the principle and says her role as Gordon Brown’s second-in-command has changed for ever the way the party will be run.

“I don’t agree with all-male leaderships,” she said. “Men cannot be left to run things on their own. I think it’s a thoroughly bad thing to have a men-only leadership.”'

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Men's Health SA Media Watch Report‏

From Greg Andersen via email: In November 2007, I was contracted by Men’s Health SA (at that time the South Australian Men’s Health Alliance - SAMHA) to conduct a one-day-a-week Media Watch role on behalf of SAMHA and its collaborative partners, the Men’s Health Information & Resource Centre and the Australasian Men’s Health Forum. This role was to involve the critique, analysis and, when appropriate, challenging of mass media statements and commentary and other forms of institutional, academic and government literature and media that:

  • depicted men or boys or masculinity in an unfair, negative or disparaging way
  • were misleading, inaccurate, or prejudicial towards men and boys
  • detracted from a general positive affirmation of men, boys, and masculinity
  • undermined the endeavour to approach men and boy’s health and issues in an intelligent, respectful, positive, equitable and constructive way.

I have just put together a report on my Media Watch role over the past 18 months which you might find interesting or useful. It can be downloaded from:

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'How could a mother eat her own baby?': Answer: It's her baby-daddy's fault

Article here. Keep your barf-bucket handy. Excerpt:

'The case of Otty Sanchez is shocking and gruesome. But it's also a cautionary tale about how we treat new mothers
How is it that Buchholz has known Sanchez for six years, lived with her, and had a baby with her, as the AP reports, but professes to be unaware until last week that she had been diagnosed as schizophrenic?

Since Buchholz himself is schizophrenic, currently on a six-drug daily regimen, this does not seem like something Sanchez would be too embarrassed to share with him. Maybe she did mention it, but he forgot? Or perhaps he was in denial, dismissing her behavior as "baby blues" or simple "bitchiness"?'

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North Augusta Woman Arrested After Trying To Kill Her Kids

Story here. Excerpt:

'North Augusta, SC—29-year-old Melissa Sawyers will not see her children, Thursday night.

Jamie Corbett, friend: “She’s somebody who was crying out for help, and this was her last cry for help.“

North Augusta Public Safety Officers say, Monday night, Sawyers put her 7-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter into her car, then ran a garden hose from the tail pipe, into the car. Sawyers got inside and started driving.
Corbett: “She’s been struggling a little bit in her life, and situations people can’t handle certain situations and unfortunately this is how it ended up.“'

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Woman accused of beating legally blind man

Story here. Excerpt:

'WEBSTER — A woman allegedly assaulted and beat her legally blind neighbor, for whom she had been organizing mail and finances.

Annette L. Gray, 48, of 112 Main St., Apt. 1, is charged with armed assault in a dwelling, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (blunt object) and permitting injury to an elder/disabled.

She pleaded not guilty yesterday in front of Judge Robert G. Harbour in Dudley District Court. She released on $2,500 cash bail and was ordered to stay away from the alleged victim. A pretrial hearing is slated for Sept. 3.
Shortly aftter midnight yesterday, police went to Matte’s Hardware on Main Street on the report of a man screaming for help. The man is legally blind and receives Social Security disability, police said.'

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Woman Accused Of Branding Foster Son, 9

Story here. Excerpt:

'Investigators said that earlier this month, Jocelyn Louis, 72, heated up a potato masher and used it to burn the boy on his arms and legs. Police said the foster mother did not stop even after the first series of burns.

"He goes back to his bedroom, starts to cry. She comes back and says, 'I'm not finished with you yet,' and does it again," said Midwest City Police Chief Brandon Clabes.

Police in Midwest City are awaiting arrest warrants on Louis before they take her into custody.'

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Woman accused of stabbing boyfriend

Story here.

'A city woman is accused of stabbing her boyfriend in the hand during a spat, causing minor injury, police said.

Marta Griffin, 36, of 7 Fairmount St., was arrested shortly after the incident, which took place around 11:20 a.m. Tuesday, police said. She faces felony, domestic violence charges of first-degree assault and criminal threatening.

Her boyfriend was treated at the scene by medical personnel, police said.'

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Woman Accused of Sex with Minor

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Santa Barbara woman has been arrested on 11 felony counts of sexual misconduct with a minor--a boy who was friends with her son.

Genise Schu, 47, has allegedly had a roughly seven-year sexual relationship with the now-20-year-old victim, according to authorities.

The relationship began when the alleged victim was 13 years old and would spend the night at the home of one of his classmates, her son. At some point, allegedly, she showed him pornography while others were sleeping, and eventually orally copulated the boy and had sexual intercourse at least twice. Since then the two have allegedly had consensual sex hundreds of times during the relationship, according to a declaration from Santa Barbara police officer Corina Terrence.'

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