"Why men in ads are dumb, goofy or completely inept "

Article here. Excerpt:

'Silly men. You can't take them anywhere.

If they're not messing up your house, running into glass doors or trying in vain to outsmart an air freshener, you'll find them eating the inedible or falling down for no reason whatsoever.

At least, that's what some advertisers would have you believe. More and more marketers are trying to tap into the overwhelming buying power of wives and mothers at the expense of their other halves. Dads are dumb, boyfriends are bumbling and husbands are utterly hopeless as brands strive to relate to women by showing men as especially goofy or incompetent.

"They're applying that same formula every time you see an ad," said Deborah Adams, senior vice-president of Harbinger Communications, a consultancy firm that focuses on marketing to women. She's seen the trend rise over the years. "It's not just advertising, it's in pop culture, depicting men in a very narrow, stereotypical view."'

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Marc Rudov: 'Obama’s Misandry Cineplex'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Team Obama is, perhaps, the most-misandrist bunch ever running American government. Few are familiar with the term misandry: hatred of men. Ask your friends; you’ll get blank stares — because misandry is both accepted and acceptable in our culture, as TV sitcoms and commercials prove by endlessly featuring moronic husbands and fathers.

Employing the anti-male projections of Vice President Joe Biden and almost-confirmed US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sototmayor, as well as his own, President Barack Obama is operating a veritable misandry cineplex at the White House.
Misandry exists in the streets, in entertainment, and in baseless and unconstitutional public policies, laws, and adjudications. But, to appear macho, men shrug it off. Don’t forget: Crystal Gail Mangum, the woman who falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape, still walks this earth with impunity and freedom.'

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Female Teacher Pleads Guilty to Rape of Middle School Student

Story here.

'A 27-year-old teacher pled guilty today to raping her 14-year-old student this past spring. Melissa Weber was a social studies teacher at M.S. 8, a middle school in Jamaica, Queens. According to the Queens D.A., the two had sexual intercourse in a second-floor classroom seven separate occasions between April and May. The D.A.'s office says that the two had intercourse between 3 and 6 p.m., which was during after-school hours, when other students remain on campus for activities.

The situation came to light when the boy's mother, who is a member of the PTA, was told that the teacher was engaging in an inappropriate relationship with her son. She checked her son's cell phone and found hundreds of text messages between Weber and the boy, including one in which Weber told him to "erase your phone.'"

Weber pled guilty to statutory rape, or rape in the second degree. She will have to register as sex offender and lose her teaching license.'

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High school teachers arrested for 'having sex with' boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two female Jay High School teachers were arrested today on charges that they had sex in their homes with teenage boys in 2007.

Ashley Elenea Burkett, 31, and April Burford Watson, 33, both of Jay, were arrested Thursday afternoon, charged with having sexual relationships with minors. Both were released on $50,000 bond each after being booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail on three counts each of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, a second degree felony. Both were released on GPS monitors.'

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Mother spared jail in false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A young Shropshire mother-of-three, who falsely claimed she had been raped by her partner, has been spared a jail term.

Kirsty Smith, 23, was given a suspended prison sentence yesterday after the court heard she had been involved in an abusive relationship.

Judge Robin Onions told Smith that custody was the normal sentence for this type of offence which undermined the cause of true rape victims.
In June, Smith, of Meadow Road, Newport, had admitted perverting the course of justice by making a false allegation of rape against Shane Chetwood in January last year when she was six months pregnant.

At Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday, Smith was given 52 weeks in jail, suspended for two years, placed on supervision for a year and ordered to complete 150 hours unpaid work in the community.'

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Aberdeen woman made false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'AN ABERDEEN woman who sparked a major police investigation after she falsely accused her former partner of rape today apologised.

Elizabeth Christie, 30, told a detective at Aberdeen’s Grampian Police Headquarters she had been raped by Angus Reid, known as Greig.

Mr Greig was investigated and ordered to appear at a preliminary hearing at the High Court in Aberdeen.

But the accusations against him were not true.

Christie admitted making the false claims when she appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

Christie today said she made the allegation after suffering a nervous breakdown.

She also said it was a “cry for help” to her family who she said don’t speak to her.'

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Domestic violence cuts both ways in Australia

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sydney - It's the emancipation of women: they drink and drive more than they used to, they get sent to prison more and, it seems, they batter their partners more. Women have always been perpetrators of domestic violence as well as victims. Figures from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research in Western Australia, the country's biggest state, show a 159-per-cent rise in women before the courts over the past eight years on charges stemming from violent arguments in the home.
"It's much harder for a man to actually admit that his wife is beating him up," she said. "They seem to regard it as a shameful issue. And a lot of police actually say to men 'What did you do to make your wife hit you?' or 'Can't you handle your missus?'"'

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UK: Labour imposes women-only lists in half seats left by retiring MPs

Story here. Excerpt:

'Labour has imposed women-only shortlists on more than half of its seats left vacant by retiring MPs, an analysis by The Times shows.

Figures released by the party yesterday show that 24 of the 44 selections in seats won by Labour at the 2005 election are restricted to women. The proportion is expected to increase as dozens more Labour MPs quit before the next election.

Party officials complain that Harriet Harman is rigidly enforcing a policy that women should be fielded in half of winnable seats in each area. It means that local parties in areas where there are few sitting women Labour MPs are given little choice over selection as the party’s high command tries to meet the quota.

Ms Harman, Labour’s deputy leader, sits on a sub-committee of the National Executive Committee, which decides whether to allow an open selection or impose women-only shortlists. It is supposed to decide each seat case by case but is pushing through an increasing number of such contests.'

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Harry Potter’s Magic: Getting Boys To Read More

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’m not alone in this view. An entire conference was held on the subject recently at Shenandoah University, where children’s authors and illustrators met with about 300 teachers and librarians for advice on getting boys to read more, says a recent piece in Education Week. The gender gap is well-documented in national achievement-testing data showing boys trailing girls in reading skills by a significant margin. (The ad slogan for James Patterson’s and Ned Rust’s new young adult novel “Daniel X: Watch the Skies” is “OMG! My son is reading!” )

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John Abberley: Outdated feminist views are harming Harriet's reputation

Article here. Excerpt:

'AFTER a week with Harriet Harman in charge at Downing Street, I shudder to think what would happen if this arch-feminist was the real Prime Minister.

In a few days she has turned her guns on men in a way which not only reflects her obsession with sexual politics but suggests she is aiming to indoctrinate young children with her anti-male prejudices.

What else can you say when Ms Harman, pictured, comes up with the crackpot idea that lessons on the evils of wife-beating should be given to pupils at primary school?

Her central plank seems to be that men abuse women almost institutionally. We are a nation of wife-beaters and potential rapists. There could be one living next door to you.'

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NOW calls for every vacant seat on the Supreme Court to be filled by a woman until there are at least four

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women have every reason to be outraged about gender disparity on the Supreme Court. When Sotomayor joins Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court this fall, women will occupy a whopping 22 percent of the bench. Sixteen years passed between the confirmations of Ginsburg and Sotomayor, and three men were elevated to the high court during that time. At that unacceptable rate, it could take decades, maybe even centuries, to achieve a gender balanced court. There's no excuse to wait for equality: NOW calls for every open seat on the Supreme Court to be filled by a woman until there are four, if not five women justices.'

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Mom in MySpace case can use Web again

Story here. Excerpt:

'ST. LOUIS - A Missouri mother who was tried on accusations she was involved in a MySpace hoax directed at a 13-year-old girl who committed suicide has been told she can use the Internet again.

The lawyer for Lori Drew says she has been offered a job that requires her to use a computer and the Internet. A federal judge in California on Thursday modified Drew's bail so she can.

Drew was convicted last fall in the case where she was accused of illegally accessing a computer to harass a neighborhood teenager, Megan Meier. U.S. District Judge George Wu tentatively threw out convictions against Drew in July.'

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Dalia Dipolito enjoys nymphotropic welcome home

Story here. Why is she NOT in jail? Why are her neighbors sympathetic with her? Why do they think "he had it coming"? Answer: She's a girl! Excerpt:

'A judge has ordered Dailia Dipolito to stay at her parents house in the Boynton Beach Community of Nautica. By late Thursday night things finally quieted down. But that was not the case earlier Thursday when Dipolito arrived.
"I think it's pretty sad. It's really is pretty sad. You know when you think about it. But I think there's a lot more behind it that nobody knows about", said neighbor Jack Lynch.

Another neighbor, Barbara Lombardo tols us, "Hopefully she comes out O.K. With it. But she should have just divorced her husband, I don't know."

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Experts: Women are drinking more, DUIs are up

And we all know whose fault it is! Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK – It seemed too horrendous even to imagine. But the case of the mother who caused a deadly wrong-way crash while drunk and stoned is part of a disturbing trend: Women in the U.S. are drinking more, and drunken-driving arrests among women are rising rapidly while falling among men.

And some of those women, as in the New York case, are getting behind the wheel with kids in the back.

Men still drink more than women and are responsible for more drunken-driving cases. But the gap is narrowing, and among the reasons cited are that women are feeling greater pressures at work and home, they are driving more, and they are behaving more recklessly.

"Younger women feel more empowered, more equal to men, and have been beginning to exhibit the same uninhibited behaviors as men," said Chris Cochran of the California Office of Traffic Safety.'

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Senate confirms Sotomayor for Supreme Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON – The Senate confirmed Sonia Sotomayor Thursday as the first Hispanic justice on the Supreme Court. The vote was 68-31 for Sotomayor, President Barack Obama's first high court nominee. She becomes the 111th justice and just the third woman to serve.

Democrats praised the 55-year-old Sotomayor as a mainstream moderate. But most Republicans voted against her, saying she'd bring personal bias and a liberal agenda to the bench.
The Republicans said that they might disagree with some of her rulings, statements or views, but that she was well-qualified to serve on the nation's highest court.
Like Democrats, many of them called Sotomayor's background inspirational. The daughter of Puerto Rican parents, she was raised in a South Bronx housing project, then educated in the Ivy League before rising to the highest legal echelons.'

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