Virginia Governor Sets Free 3 Sailors Convicted in Rape and Murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'RICHMOND, Va. — Gov. Tim Kaine on Thursday ordered the release of three sailors who were convicted in a 1997 murder and rape case that had become a national cause célèbre as an example of wrongful convictions based on coerced confessions.

The three, who with another sailor were known as the Norfolk Four, were charged in the rape and murder of the wife of a fellow sailor. But after someone else confessed to the crime and the men remained in prison, their plight attracted a long list of supporters, including former judges, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and even some of the jurors in their cases.

Citing “grave doubts” about the men’s complicity in the crimes, Governor Kaine issued a partial pardon to the three sailors — Derek Tice, Danial Williams and Joseph Dick Jr. — which reduced their life sentences to time served and permits them to leave prison in the coming days.'

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Bleacher Report: 'Attention Gold-Diggers: The False Rape Accusations Must Stop'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rape is one of those crimes that is so intimately disgusting and inhumanly unforgivable, the very accusation carries a somewhat sacred consequence—almost anyone who doubts the allegation risks the appearance of a malignant heart.

Nobody—NOBODY—would ever lie about being raped, so the mere suggestion of skepticism is dangerous.
Not only is the crime singularly evil, but it's extremely difficult to prove in the absence of physical injury. The prosecution and accuser should be afforded a good degree of latitude to explore the charge as well as a layman's presumption of honesty.
There seemed to be negligible risk of throwing innocent men in jail because nobody believed an innocent man would be charged with such a terrible crime.

Slowly, with each false accusation, these women are adding weight to the other side.

And woe to us all once the delicate balance is lost.'

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Low-T Syndrome: Another Word for Male Menopause

Article here. Excerpt:

'Andropause is a "term of convenience" in describing the complex symptoms in aging men with low testosterone levels, according to one study at the University of Toronto Department of Medicine.

Some studies show only 25 percent of all men with low testosterone levels ever experience symptoms such as Dan's, as well as bone loss and fracture, sleep disturbances and lethargy.

The very existence of andropause is contentious and large-scale studies on hormone treatment are only a decade old. Many say the underlying cause of some men's complaints are part of the normal aging process.'

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Australian university seeks candidates for "Womyn's Director" - women only need apply

A message from Returning Officer - MUGSU Elections
Nominations Open - 9.30am Monday 10th August 2009
Nominations Close - 4.30pm Friday 28th August 2009
Ballot Opens - 9.30am Monday 14th September 2009
Ballot Closes - 4.30pm Friday 18th September 2009

Nominations are sought for the following positions on the MUGSU Union
* President
* Education Vice President
* Off Campus Vice President (must be an Off Campus student)
* Treasurer/Secretary
* Media Director
* Activities Director
* Sport and Recreation Director
* Womyn's Director (must be female)
* Student Welfare Director
* Environment Director
* NUS Delegates x 3
* Staff representative (must be a Monash Gippsland Campus staff

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Author engages in communal blame for George Sodini's spree

Article here. Excerpt:

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Roethlisberger accuser allegedly bragged about sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'RENO, Nev. – The woman suing quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for alleged sexual assault has been accused of bragging about having consensual sex with him to a co-worker.

Angela Antonetti said the woman who made the rape claim "did not appear to be upset, stressed-out or nervous" about her time with the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback during a 2008 celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe, according to court documents filed late Friday.

Antonetti said her Harrah's hotel-casino co-worker "appeared happy and boastful," and later said she thought she might be pregnant from the encounter. Antonetti made the remarks in a sworn statement attached to a motion to move the case from Reno to Minden, Nev.'

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UK: 'Women aren’t equal to men - especially not the feminists'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is Harriet Harman’s misfortune that she is the sort of woman who gives feminism a bad name. Her intentions may be of the highest, her motives of the most disinterested, but when she holds forth from her political heights about rape, the superiority of her imaginary Lehman Sisters to Lehman Brothers and the impropriety of a mere man running the country without a woman at his side to restrain him, there are many who mutter to themselves that if this is feminism, it is barking.

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Sweden: Woman, 32, found guilty of raping woman, gets 'psychiatric care' from court

Story here. File this under the many ways that feminism serves not only to persecute men but also leave women unprotected from each other. Excerpt:

'A 32-year-old woman has been found guilty of the rape of another woman by the Gothenburg District Court.

The court ordered for the 32-year-old to be cared for at secure psychiatric institution after a psychological evaluation found that she suffers from a serious psychiatric disorder.
"Female sex offenders are extremely rare. In the last ten years four women have been convicted of rape in Sweden. Any cases that come under investigation deal almost exclusively with children who are close [to the perpetrator] or rapes that also involve a man," Kwarnmark told newspaper Göteborgs-Posten.'

"Psychiatric care"..."Female sex offenders are extremely rare." This is the result of feminism in action on a national policy-wide level. Maybe some people in policy and law-making positions in Sweden need to look at this.

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UK: Why boys are now the true victims of discrimination

Article here, in the "Femail" section, no less. Excerpt:

'As the mother of an only child, a son, I do not think I am exaggerating in saying that I detected something akin to sympathy when we announced that we had a boy.
Answering counter-claims that the introduction of GCSE and the continued relatively poor performance of boys is just a coincidence, the study points out that in research by the Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development, where more than 13,000 15-year-olds sat what might be termed 'traditional' tests, girls scored better in reading, while boys achieved more correct answers in maths and science.

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UK: 'Statistical gender bending'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Harriet Harman's office is in trouble with the statistics watchdog again.

After ticking off the equality minister in June for using a figure which "risks giving a misleading quantification of the gender pay gap", the UK Statistics Authority is more than a little perturbed that a quango based in her office - the Women and Work Commission - went ahead and published the figure again just a few weeks later. The number was quoted across the British media - including the BBC.

The figure in question is 22.6 - the percentage that Ms Harman's department likes to suggest is the difference between the earnings of men and women. But the head of the UK Statistics Authority, Sir Michael Scholar, told the Government Equalities Office on 11 June that the figure should not be used, because to do so "may undermine public trust in official statistics".

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Husband of Wrong-Way Crash Driver Probed

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/AP) Authorities are investigating the husband of the woman who was driving a minivan the wrong way on a parkway just north of New York City when it hit an SUV head-on late last month, killing herself and seven others, sources say.

Diane Schuler, 36, is dead, along with her 2-year-old daughter, three nieces aged 5, 7 and 8 and three men in the SUV. Her 5-year-old son survived the fiery crash.

CBS station WCBS-TV in New York says it's learned that Daniel Schuler "is himself now being investigated by Suffolk County (Long Island, site of the Schuler family home) Child Protective Services" who want to know "how much Schuler knew about his wife's drinking and marijuana use the day of the crash."'

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Woman Sets Fire to Man's Genitals

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Greek woman set fire to a British man's genitals at a club after he allegedly made sexual advances on her.

The unidentified woman is being praised by her hometown in Crete for what she did and for also turning herself in to police immediately after the alleged incident. She has been charged with causing bodily injury and endangering private property, according to the Telegraph.

Police said that the incident took place at a club in the Greek resort town of Malia. The British man, who police have also not yet identified, allegedly took off his pants there and waved his genitals at a number of girls. He is then said to have "forcefully fondled" the Greek woman and asked her to hold his genitals.

The woman asked the man to stop harassing her, police said, and when he didn't, she poured Sabucco, a liquor that resembles Greek ouzo, on his private area.

When the man continued his advances, police said that's when the woman set fire to his genitals using a lighter.'

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Husband starts divorce proceedings after foiled 'Hitman For Hire' plot

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOYNTON BEACH, FL -- While Dalia Dippolito was able to go home to her family’s home, still in the sweat pants she was wearing while arrested, her husband Michael has avoided his house.

Trying to stay away from the media long enough to figure things out for himself.

“He remains in a state of shock. You’re here this has become a national story, said attorney Jason Brody.

Michael spoke with his divorce attorney hours after his wife’s caught on camera performance where police said her husband was dead.

And to no ones surprise, he’s already begun the process of divorcing the woman who police say paid a hitman to have her husband murdered.'

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Woman's work is never done – as profitably as man's

Article here. Excerpt:

"In an unhappy moment for the politically correct, the academics claim that their research shows that having more women in the boardroom can have "a negative effect on financial performance".

While companies with more women on their boards tend to have better corporate governance, they are less profitable and have a smaller market capitalisation, according to the paper.

Dr Daniel Ferreira, from LSE's Department of Management said: "This is a complicated picture. Our research shows that women directors are doing their jobs very well. But a tough board, with more monitoring, may not always be a good thing. Indeed, we see that increased monitoring can be counter-productive in well-governed companies."

The research comes just days after, Harriet Harman, Labour's deputy leader, repeated a quote about "Lehman Sisters, not Lehman Brothers" to warn that the lack of women in senior business roles was one of the reasons for the financial crisis.

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'Are we a ‘Fatherless’ Society?'

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Research also shows that children with absent fathers are significantly more likely to drop out of high school (National Principals’ Association Report on the State of High Schools), and that children in single parent families are less likely than students living in intact families parents to have parents involved in their schools.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, children in father-absent homes are five times more likely to be poor. Additionally, when fathers are absent or uninvolved, mothers often experience more financial and emotional stresses, which may decrease their ability to parent effectively and lead to increased child abuse and neglect.

A father’s presence in the home can help protect his children from maltreatment. While many fathers also perpetrate child abuse, research shows that the rates of child maltreatment (neglect, physical and sexual abuse), among single-parent families is almost double the rate among two-parent families (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).'

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