UK: More women than men now in high-status jobs

Article here. And as usual, the claim is that women are underpaid relative to men, while also merely mentioning the fact that men tend to do the more dirty and dangerous jobs in society. Excerpt:

'Women are now in the majority when it comes to high status jobs - but men are still being paid far more for doing the same work, according to new research.

A study by Cambrige University, which found that more women than men are now employed as doctors, architects and lawyers, attributes the shift to improvements in education and a changing attitude to what is 'women's work'.

In the past, women were more likely than men to be in manual occupation, but as these types of jobs have declined, it is predominantly women who have moved into white-collar positions, according to the report authors.
The study, which also examined pay in 10 European countries, found that despite the elevation in job standards, women are still lagging behind in the salary stakes.

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RADAR ALERT: Where's Your Money Being Spent?

In this tough economic recession, states have to decide how to balance budgets and where to cut costs. Facing California's largest budget deficit ever, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to cut unnecessary state expenses, or at least expenses that haven't proved the money was making a difference.

A report issued by RADAR Services, "Are Abuse Shelters Helping the True Victims of Domestic Violence?"1, reveals some disturbing facts about the country's 1,600 abuse shelters. Based on research studies, reviews of shelter websites, and interviews with former shelter residents and staff, the report reveals that only one in 10 persons are in domestic violence shelters because of they are victims of battering.

Gov. Schwarzenegger apparently felt politically safe cutting all state funding to domestic violence programs in the state of California. The federal government openly admits that the shelters it funds give no data at all on what they do, how they do it, who they provide services to, what those services are, who they reject, etc. They also have established no criteria by which to judge whether they actually reduced domestic violence or not.2,3

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St. Louis chess club to host all-girls chess camp

Article here. Excerpt:

'ST. LOUIS, August 5, 2009 -- The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis, site of the 2009 U.S. Chess Championship last May and the upcoming U.S. Women's Chess Championship in October, will host the 10th United States Chess School from August 11 through 15 at its world-class facility at 4657 Maryland Avenue in the Central West End.

The U.S. Chess School, which is sponsored by Dr. Jim Roberts in conjunction with AF4C (America's Foundation for Chess), is devoted to developing the strongest young players in the country. Started in 2006, this 10th edition is the first exclusively for female players. Previous camps have been held in Kentucky, New York, Arizona, New Jersey and California.

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Expert: What can be done to help boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'ORONO - Boys go to college at a lower rate than girls. It's become a state and national trend, said a professor at the College of Education at the University of Maine.

"Lots of task forces are getting together to explore different reasons," said Rumford native Rich Kent, an assistant professor of literacy.

Kent serves on the Maine Gender Task Force which is exploring why girls are outperforming boys. The group will give its recommendations in June.

One reason boys' aspirations have fallen could be that boys learn better from hands-on lessons. Boys say they'd "rather be doing stuff" than sitting in English class, Kent said. However, he stressed it's important not to label all girls as compliant, all boys as antsy.

While the task force works on answers, teachers can help by not always assigning reading and writing materials. Some reading and essays could be decided according to students' interests. "I grew up in Rumford in love with ski racing," Kent said. He rarely if ever was assigned to read or write about skiing.'

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Malaysia: Teacher makes boy smoke 42 cigarettes as punishment

Story here. Excerpt:

'KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A Malaysian teacher forced a student to smoke 42 cigarettes for four hours as punishment after a cigarette and lighter were found in his locker, a news report said Thursday.

A school official confirmed that the English teacher subjected the student to the unusual punishment, but said the teenager was made to smoke fewer than 42 sticks. He declined to elaborate.

He said the teacher was upset when she found her model student, Mohamad Alif Arifin, had a cigarette and lighter in his locker in the school in the northern island of Langkawi.
He said it was up to the state's education department to take action against the teacher.'

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UK: Worrying trend will hit boys’ education

Article here. Excerpt:

'The problem is most acute at primary level, where fewer than one in six is male. In an era when so many youngsters, sadly, do not have a father living in the home this is particularly depressing and worrying. In schools as a whole throughout Wales, women teachers outnumber men by three to one.

The question must be asked what effect the climate of suspicion which has hung in recent year over jobs which bring men and children together has had.

How many perfectly decent, honourable men have decided the prospect of a teaching career with its incipient risk of being wrongfully accused of something is simply a risk not worth taking?'

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Carey Roberts: Feminists endowed with a superiority complex

Article here. Excerpt:

'For decades, male-bashing has been deemed an amusing side show in the Battle of the Sexes. Some consider it funny when an advertisement depicts a man maimed by his girlfriend. Others will say an abused man simply had it coming. (Think former NFL star Steve McNair, shot four times in his sleep by a jealous girlfriend — but no one could bring themselves to call it "domestic violence.")

In recent years, gender supremacism has entered the mainstream of political discourse. Former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas once declared, "I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have."

And consider Hillary Clinton's remark, "Research shows the presence of women raises the standards of ethical behavior and lowers corruption." Thank goodness we have ethical paragons like Hillary to show us out of the wilderness.'

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Abducted child's father faces prison for peaceful protest

Story here. Excerpt:

'Donald Tenn, the Sacramento father who traveled to Washington DC recently for a rally to confront President Obama on his "fathers need to step up" comments, will be in a Columbus, Ohio courtroom Monday morning on charges related to his 4 day protest on a 175' construction crane last year.

Tenn was a stay-at-home daddy until Shannon Phillips took their daughter to Illinois on what was described as a vacation three years ago. After her arrival Phillips announced that she had no intention of returning to California, or of allowing Madison to return. When Tenn reminded her that California law prevents parental move-aways Phillips filed her first of many false charges of domestic violence against Tenn.

At one point he had hope. One judge refused a restraining order and scolded Phillips for her antics. But after Tenn had one visit with Madison in Illinois Phillips renewed her campaign of false allegations.'

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Ballarat teacher on multiple sex charges

Story here. Excerpt:

"A FEMALE teacher charged over alleged sexual liaisons with two schoolboys has faced a Ballarat court.

Michelle Dennis, in her early 30s, was charged last October with three counts of sexual penetration of a child aged under 16 and one count of committing an indecent act, the Herald Sun reports.

She was immediately suspended from teaching by the Victorian Department of Education.

The charges came just days after Ms Dennis was stood down from Ballarat High School after being charged with three counts of sexual penetration of another student, aged 17 or under."

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India: Boys fight for freedom!

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rage. That’s what one gets to see in the eyes of harassed husbands and men’s rights activists in the city, who, outraged by laws, which they claim are unfair, are now getting ready to voice their protest on Independence Day this year.

“We are abstaining from Independence Day celebrations this year to protest the unfair laws that favour women,” says Suresh, the convenor of the Chennai Chapter of the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), an organisation fighting for men’s rights and family harmony under the aegis of the Save Indian Family movement.

Men’s groups across the country have been protesting gender-biased laws in general and the Domestic Violence Act and the 498A, in particular.'

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NY Times Op-Ed: 'Women at Risk'

Article here. Excerpt:

'We have become so accustomed to living in a society saturated with misogyny that the barbaric treatment of women and girls has come to be more or less expected.

We profess to being shocked at one or another of these outlandish crimes, but the shock wears off quickly in an environment in which the rape, murder and humiliation of females is not only a staple of the news, but an important cornerstone of the nation’s entertainment.

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Study: Women underrate bosses' opinion of them

Article here. Excerpt:

'ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A new study shows female managers are more than three times as likely as their male counterparts to underrate their bosses' opinions of their job performance.
"Women have imposed their own glass ceiling, and the question is why," said Scott Taylor, an assistant professor at the University of New Mexico Anderson School of Management who conducted the study.
Taylor said managers may need to learn better ways to communicate to female employees that they are valued. Women may need to learn how to better seek positive and critical feedback, he said.

Taylor says the findings could indicate why many women don't rise to head companies or why there is a wage disparity between men and women.'

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UK: The men transforming into female hybrids

Article here. Excerpt:

"Modern women are turning their husbands into 'male-female hybrids' by ordering them to do a rising number of domestic chores, a relationship counsellor claims.

Women increasingly used to being in charge in the workplace are adopting the same policy at home, telling their men to perform traditional housewives' tasks such as the laundry, vacuuming and ironing.
'Many of us are so focused, decisive and assertive, that the only role left for our husbands is one where they comply and let us take charge - traditionally feminine traits.

'But the irony is, we don't actually want men like that, and we end up eventually resenting them for not being more dominant and fearless.'"

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Feminists blame "Culture of Misogyny" for gym killer

Article here. Excerpt:

'...To say that it is a “culture-wide problem” because America is apparently just still so misogynistic is ridiculous and wrong. And feminists know that. Most men do not harbor secret fantasies of forcing women to have sex with them whether they want to or not, nor do most men dream about enacting violence against women. Yet it doesn’t keep feminists from labeling men this way.

What I think it boils down to is that feminists no longer have anything to fight for. And so, a movement that once was dedicated to fighting for equality between sexes has now resorted to slandering all men as angry, violent, women-haters in order to further their own feminist agenda. George Sodini is a sick, evil man who I hope rots in hell for what he’s done. And while I don’t think feminists are evil, they should still be ashamed of themselves for exploiting a tragedy of this nature in order to continue to smear men.'

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Woman's affidavit supports Roethlisberger's denial of sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Nevada woman who in a civil lawsuit accused Ben Roethlisberger of sexually assaulting her last year boasted to a co-worker at that time of having consensual sex with the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback and said she hoped he had impregnated her, according to a sworn affidavit filed in court in Washoe County, Nev., late Friday.

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