Women to Stand Trial for Genital Gluing

Story here. Check out the picture of a man with lipstick on his collar. Excerpt:

'(AP) A man whose penis was glued to his stomach testified Tuesday that a motel tryst with a girlfriend involving a bondage fantasy turned painful and humiliating after his wife, a second girlfriend and another woman burst into the room and harassed him because of his cheating ways.

The 37-year-old Fond du Lac man told Calumet County Circuit Court Judge Timothy Van Akkeren that during the July 30 ordeal, which lasted about 30 minutes, he was punched in the face twice. The woman he had gone to the motel to meet, Therese Ziemann, super glued his penis to his stomach while at least two of the other women watched, the man said.
Sewell's attorney, Nila Robinson, said she would seek to have the charge against her client dismissed because of a lack of evidence.
She called the man dishonest, a liar and a con man. He tricked the women he called his girlfriends by telling them he loved them and wanted futures with them, Robinson said.'

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Melanie Phillips: Catastrophe looms due to social and familial breakdown

Article here. Excerpt:

'Once again, Britain is recoiling from the sickening spectacle of childhood innocence being turned into its monstrous antithesis.

Two young brothers aged ten and 11 from Edlington, South Yorkshire, subjected two other little boys aged nine and 11 to sadistic attack and torture, leaving one fighting for his life.
People call these boys 'evil' because such absence of feeling is inhuman. But they are not evil. They are children.

We are all born with the capacity for both good and bad. Everything depends on whether the immature child is raised in a way that develops the good and discourages the bad, or whether something goes wrong with that process.

Their mother, who has seven sons by three fathers, is an alcoholic and drug addict who left them to forage from rubbish bins and fed them cannabis to keep them quiet; their father is a drunken brute, who regularly beat them and forced them to watch violent horror films.

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UK: Mother stabbed daughters in their sleep after shopping trip, court told

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother stabbed her two teenage daughters to death in their beds in an attempt to destroy her former husband’s life, a court was told yesterday.

Rekha Kumari-Baker, 41, carried out a frenzied attack on Davina Baker, 16, and Jasmine Baker, 13, after “softening them up” on a shopping trip, Cambridge Crown Court heard.

There had been contention between Ms Kumari-Baker, 41, and her former husband David Baker, 44, about the care and custody of the girls, John Farmer for the prosecution, said.

The sisters were attacked in their mother’s home in Stretham, near Ely, Cambridgeshire, in the early hours of June 13, 2007. She stabbed Davina 39 times and launched a similar assault on Jasmine, the court was told.'

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False report charged in alleged Peachtree City sexual assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'False report charges have been issued against the woman who alleged a sexual assault on a Peachtree City golf cart path.

On Aug. 27, officers of the Peachtree City Police Department responded to the Piedmont/Fayette Community Hospital to investigate an incident involving a female victim reporting that she was sexually assaulted on the multi-use path system, according to Captain Rosanna Dove, public information officer.

The victim reported that at approximately 5:30 a.m., while she was running on the multi-use path adjacent to Lake Kedron and the cul-de-sac of Samiel Point and Larkins Landing, a white male approached her from behind and then forced her to the ground. The suspect was said by the woman to have sexually assaulted her and fled the scene.

Follow-up investigations revealed that the complainant falsely reported the sexual assault.'

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Title IX exploits women’s athletics, hinders men’s

Article here. Excerpt:

'The most common, and most often dismissed, argument against Title IX is that it has led to the destruction of many men’s athletic teams. Hundreds of men’s wrestling, gymnastics and tennis teams have been cut from D-I athletics programs around the country in order to allow universities to meet Title IX proportionality requirements, according to 60 Minutes. While this should be cause for concern for those who claim to support equality in college athletics, it is often dismissed as unimportant or blamed on football.

There are many Title IX supporters who claim that if universities would spend less on football, they would be able to have as many wrestlers and male gymnasts as they wanted. This is a ridiculous argument, however, in a country that is built on the tradition of college football.

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'Quote Of The Day': What is 'Feminism'?

Page here. If you'd like to post comments, there's no registration required.

'Feminism is the theory that men and women are equal in every respect--except for those in which women are superior. The trick is to interpret every social indicator as though it demonstrates arbitrary male privilege or genuine female superiority.

For example, when studies show that girls perform less well than boys at advanced math, it is due to systemic discrimination in favor of boys; but when the same studies show that boys’ under-performance in the language arts is four times as great as that of girls in math, well that is due to girls’ innate superiority.'

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MND: Six Levels of Feminist Critics

Article here. Excerpt:

'In fact, I started playing around with different ways that you can be critical of feminism, and came up with Six Different Levels of Feminist Critics

1.At this level you have no criticism towards feminism and believe that feminism is spot-on. You are a feminist yourself and possibly self-identify with a particular branch of the movement.

2.Some mild criticism starts appearing. You find it important that masculinity studies within the feminist framework are carried out, since you believe that patriarchy hurts men too. Many liberal men and cultural creatives can be found in this category.

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Obamas to appear in Oct 2009 issues of Men`s Health and Women`s Health

Article here. If Obama is so concerned with men's health, why is there no federal office dedicated to men's health? Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama speak candidly about health and fitness priorities for the country and their family in exclusive interviews that will appear in the October 2009 issues of Men`s Health and Women`s Health, respectively. The October issues hit newsstands on Tuesday, September 15.

President Obama, who appears on the cover of Men`s Health for a second time, turned to the publication to speak directly to the 12 million Men`s Health readers at a critical juncture in the health care debate. The President, himself a prototypical Men`s Health guy, explains how health care changes will affect American men and their families. President Obama previously appeared on the cover of the November 2008 issue of Men`s Health, which was on newsstands when he was elected.'

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Sam's Club sponsoring women- and girls-only business conference

Story here. No boys allowed! Excerpt:

The Women Presidents' Organization (WPO) knows the importance of financial security and is coordinating its third annual Financial Literacy Event for young women. The financial literacy program, Thrive Time, gives highly successful women CEOs, who own and operate multimillion dollar businesses, the opportunity to teach future leaders the importance of financial education and how it can impact their personal and professional lives. The participating WPO members are entrepreneurs who have grown their businesses to the multimillion dollar level and have a vested interest in the growth and success of women in business.

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The Justice of Pay Discrimination

Article here. Excerpt:

'First of all, it is exceedingly rare to find two people who are doing precisely the same work. Perhaps only two workers doing the same job at the same rate on the same assembly line would qualify. Two secretaries in an office, who in theory probably have the same duties, might still find that one of them ends up typing twice as many letters as the other. And this second secretary may in turn do three times as much filing as the first. One might take half again as many phone calls as the other yet do so in the same amount of time because she is able to get to the nub of the conversation more quickly. Even in the plumbing example I cited at the outset, the two toilets were different models, so plumber number two may have had an easier time of it or found cheaper parts than plumber number one. Productivity, proficiency, and even a certain amount of chance play huge roles in determining exactly what, and how much, work each person does. It is next to impossible to say that any two people have done “equal” work.

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Women's group to start violence-prevention program at local high school

Article here. I suspect absurd violence statistics are used to demonize the school boys. Excerpt:

'The Bonsall Women's Group is planning to start a dating and domestic abuse awareness program at Fallbrook Union High School.

The program, called Love is Not Abuse, would teach students about domestic and dating abuse. The program was developed by Liz Claiborne Inc., a clothing design and distribution company.
Fallbrook Union High School District Assistant Superintendent Jim Yahr said Thursday he has spoken with La Barge and that he's interested in looking over the materials to see if the program can be integrated into ninth-grade health classes, which currently include some discussion of date rape issues and how to maintain a healthy, respectful relationship.'

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Male-positive "Mr. Opportunity" Commercial by Honda

I wanted to point out a male-positive commercial by Honda called "Mr. Opportunity". This has been running for the past few years, but I find it's a much better portrayal of a man than a lot of commercials out there.

You may or may not remember the Super Bowl commercials back in 2004, one of which was a Honda Pilot commercial "Run With the Wolves" in which a woman is married to a man who was "raised by wolves." It showed the husband looking all disheveled while licking a plate like a dog, drinking straight from the water cooler at work, and chasing a Frisbee (thrown by his son) into a stream. The commercial is here.

I posted about it at Mensactivism.org shortly after it aired. There was a letter writing campaign that followed this ad, and it would be nice to think that Honda's new Mr. Opportunity ads came about as a result of this protest.

Just to show that activism sometimes can work for us.

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India: The Missing Parent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two fathers fighting for child custody rights got the thumbs up from the Supreme Court last week. On Friday, a mother had to withdraw a petition trying to thwart a father’s legal quest for more time with his daughter. The apex court had weighed in on his side, directing the divorced couple to settle it out of court.

On the same day, in another case, where a father has been estranged from his son for two years, the Supreme Court directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to step in. The CBI has been given six weeks to find the mother who has gone absconding with her son. The apex court felt compelled to take this step since its repeated directions to state police departments on the matter had come to naught.'

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The truth about male victims of domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's time to leave the male bashers, or female abuse deniers out of the picture. Not all men are abusers, and not all women are innocent, or unlikely to commit abuse.

Jan Brown spent years researching domestic violence and interviewing men who fit the definition of abuse. She discovered that there were very few options for male victims.

So she set out to make it right. In October of 2002, she founded the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women (DAHMW), a non-profit organization created to help men who have been victims of domestic violence. The unique aspect is that this organization is not only for abused men, but abused women as well.'

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Psychologist demolishes anti-shared parenting claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'This article by Peter Tromp who is a Dutch child and educational psychologist, is, for my money, the best, most comprehensive argument for equally shared parenting in existence. In one piece, he lays out the overwhelming case for equally shared parenting along with a good bibliography in support.

As an exercise, first read Tromp's piece and then read the paper by NAWL, the Canadian women's law association which opposes equally shared parenting. Compare the two. Tromp's evidence is voluminous, comprehensive and compelling. The NAWL paper relies on misinformation and anti-father bias to see it through. Comparing the two is like comparing Tolstoy to a comic book.

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