Maine Rape Hysteria update

The main website that has majority of the info on this case is here. This YouTube video is very compelling in this matter. Excerpt:

'In 1690's New England was gripped by the Witch Hunt Hysteria which destroyed the lives of countless innocent people and their families solely by the false testimony of their accusers and the misconduct of their prosecutors.

Today, over 300 years later, a new insidious Rape Hysteria grips a small community in Maine's Bar Harbor region, and again, countless lives are being ruined solely by false testimony of their accusers and the misconduct of their prosecutors.

Numerous men have been arrested and jailed in Ellsworth Maine, often solely because of someone's accusations. Some of the accused men spend many months in jail until they are finally tried on the flimsiest or even fabricated evidence. Virtually every man who is accused gets arrested, charged, and has his life publicly ruined.

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Turkish court awaits genital recovery

From the tone of the first sentence of this report, it seems the man would be the one to blame if his penis gets cut off. Excerpt:

'Guys, here's a sharp reminder why you shouldn't make your wife/girlfriend/lover angry when you're dead, stinking drunk.

Yahoo new reports on the case of a Turkish woman whose jail sentence hangs on whether or not her former lover regains full use of his penis. Earlier this year the woman had, in a fit of anger, cut off her drunken lover's penis and thrown it from their apartment window.'

Written by some cretin called Mitch Kowalski.

So, using Mitch's logic, a woman should never make a man angry or he's liable to gouge her vagina out with a craft knife. AND it would be her own fault for making him angry?

I think she should be given a stern jail sentence. A 150 years should do it. With maybe 5 years off for good behaviour?


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San Joaquin seeking death in Sandra Cantu case

Story here. Excerpt:

'San Joaquin County prosecutors will ask for the death penalty for the Sunday school teacher accused of raping and murdering an 8-year-old playmate of her daughter in Tracy, authorities said Thursday

Melissa Huckaby, 28, was indicted in July on a murder charge and three special circumstances in the death of Sandra Cantu - including that she killed during the commission of a rape - that make her eligible for execution if convicted. Huckaby was also accused of sexually assaulting a child younger than 10.
Huckaby pleaded not guilty at a hearing Thursday in San Joaquin County Superior Court. Judge Linda Lofthus revealed that the defense had hired a change-of-venue expert from California State University Chico, suggesting that Huckaby wants to move her trial elsewhere.'

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"Christianity Today" Women's Blog: "The Case for Male Circumcision"

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'What mother hasn’t, in the halcyon days after the birth of a son, felt her ferocious she-wolf instincts kick in when it comes time for her boy to be circumcised? Having perhaps suffered violence to her genitals during the birth, the physical ache to all that is vulnerable in her world can seem unbearable. And then it is done, and life goes on.

Anti-circumcision activists would have us believe that life does not in fact go on, that boys grow into men whose sexual pleasure (and that of the women they love) is compromised by this act of “genital mutilation.” While increasing numbers are swayed by both argument and sentiment, I’m stupefied by the controversy.

Male sexual pleasure is not my highest priority, having rarely witnessed a lack thereof. Nor is my own, if in fact I’m speaking out of my ignorance of the delight foreskin can deliver. What I am concerned about is sky-rocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and the gender inequality evident in these rates.'

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Australia: Doctors recommend no circumcision until boy is at least six years old

Article here. Excerpt:

'PARENTS who want to circumcise their newborn son should wait until he is old enough to make his own decision, Australia's peak body of pediatricians says.

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians will not change its policy against circumcision despite mounting evidence that the procedure can prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

A long-awaited position statement by the college's pediatrics and child health division released last month differs from the previous policy, issued in 2004, by acknowledging that circumcision does have some medical benefits, such as protection against urinary tract infections in infants, HIV transmission and penile cancer.

But it says the potential complications of the surgery and anaesthesia, such as infection and bleeding, mean any benefits ''do not warrant a recommendation of universal circumcision for newborn and infant males'.

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UN report: Male circumcision 'cost-effective' to curb HIV spread

Article here. Excerpt:

"UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Male circumcision is a cost-effective means to prevent the spread of HIV, a new UN report said on Wednesday.

The study, published in the journal PLoS Medicine, found that one HIV infection could be prevented for every 5 to 15 procedures performed on heterosexual men.

The procedure is expected to control the cost of preventing one HIV infection in high HIV prevalence areas between 150 U.S. dollars and 900 U.S. dollars within 10 years.

First-line treatment usually costs over 7,000 U.S. dollars during a lifetime, and will double if involving second-line therapies, the report said.

With each circumcision procedure costing between 30 U.S. dollars and 60 U.S. dollars, "circumcising sexually active males of any age is likely to be cost saving," it said."

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Unlike what almost all psychotherapists say, there is nothing inherently "wrong" with the way men grieve

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Video here

This little 20 minute video is of a talk given at the Boys and Boy Crisis Conference July 2007 in Washington D.C., by Tom Golden, LCSW. It offers the basics of information about the masculine side of healing.


As an alternative to the video, there is a short piece by Golden here


Brazil: Kiss Your Daughter, Go to Jail

This Italian man had the unmitigated gall to publicly kiss his daughter while on vacation in Brazil. He's now in custody awaiting possible criminal proceedings. I say lock him up for good. Eight to fifteen years in prison isn't nearly enough for any man who displays the slightest bit of affection towards his children.

Sarcasm aside, while it's important to protect children from exploitation, this is another example of the appalling way society views and treats men. Excerpt:

'There is growing controversy in Brazil over the arrest of an Italian tourist held after kissing his eight-year-old daughter in public.
Under a strict new law partly designed to combat child sex abuse in South America's largest country, he faces eight to 15 years in jail if convicted.

The unnamed man has been in custody for almost a week. A new attempt to secure his release this weekend failed.

His Brazilian wife says the case is all a misunderstanding, while staff at the resort where the incident took place have been reported as saying they saw nothing unusual.'

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Harriet Harman - Lies About Rape

Piece here


'Harriet Harman has spent many years of her political life stirring up hatred towards men in order to enrage women and to make them feel antagonistic towards men.

The idea behind this is to rally the support of women so that she can pursue her own ambitions - which have got nothing to do with gender 'equality' and nothing to do with any genuine concern about 'women'.

Her persistent hate-stirring is just a callous, calculating, well tried and tested mechanism through which feminists the world over have gained enormous power.'

[For those who don't know, Harriet Harman, MP (a.k.a. Harriet Har-person, Harriet Harm-man) is a British Labour Party politician and the Member of Parliament for Camberwell and Peckham since 1997.]

Also see the August 9th post about her on the Steve Moxon blog.

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Phyllis Schlafly: The Feminists Demand and Receive

Article here. Excerpt:

'The feminists had no sympathy with the fact that men were victims of most of the lost jobs because the majority of manufacturing and construction jobs are men's jobs. The segments of our economy dominated by women, social services, education, health, child care, and welfare have actually gained jobs during this recession.

Nevertheless, the feminists demanded that half the Stimulus jobs be given to women. The feminists worked to achieve this result by directing the Stimulus funds into the types of jobs where women predominate and by allocating at least a third of the spending in manufacturing and construction industries to training women for those men's jobs.

All the feminist organizations joined in the political clatter. They called for a meeting so they could lecture Obama's economic advisers and hurl their demands that the Stimulus package create jobs that women like, such as workplace-comfortable inside jobs with air-conditioned offices and carpeted floors.

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U.N.: Higher rates of males born leads to rape and sex trafficking

Story here. Excerpt:

'HANOI (Reuters) - The ratio of boys born in Vietnam compared with girls has grown at an unusually rapid pace in recent years and could lead to a rise in sex work and trafficking, the United Nations said.

The sex ratio at birth was 112.1 male births per 100 female births in 2008, up from an estimated 106.2 in 2000, the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) said in a report.

With growth since 2006 of one percentage point per year, the ratio might cross the 115 mark within three years, it said.

By 2035, the surplus of adult men would be 10 percent or more of the female population if the sex ratio did not return to 105 male births per 100 females, it said.

"Scarcity of women would increase pressure for them to marry at a younger age, there may be a rising demand for sex work and the trafficking networks may also expand in response to this imbalance," UNFPA said.

"Examples of gender-based violence and human trafficking have already been observed in Vietnam and point to some of the risks faced by vulnerable girls and women."'

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Hidden Boy's Dad: He Was Brainwashed

Story here. Excerpt:

'Wilfong and Ricky disappeared in Nov. 2007 after a contentious custody battle that resulted in temporary custody for the boy's father, Mike Chekevdia.

Wilfong's mother claims she and her daughter hid her grandson to protect him from Chekevdia, who they claim sexually abused the boy.

As she was being led away from the courthouse, Wilfong contended to reporters Tuesday, "My little boy said that he was scared to go back, because his dad was gonna tie him up again."

The judge has ordered Ricky to stay with one of Mike Chekevdia's relatives until a November custody hearing, but indicated his desire to reunite father and son after thorough counseling.'

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Roethlisberger's Attorney Rejects Rape Accuser's Offer to Drop Suit If He Admits, Apologizes

Story here. Excerpt:

'RENO, Nev. — The attorney for Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is rejecting a settlement offer by a former Nevada casino worker who claims the Super Bowl winner sexually assaulted her.

Roethlisberger attorney David Cornwell says the woman's offer is bizarre.

The woman wants Roethlisberger to admit to the allegations, apologize and donate $100,000 to the Committee to Aid Abused Women, a Reno nonprofit organization that offers support to domestic violence victims.

In a statement Wednesday, Cornwell says the proposal insults women who have legitimately suffered from sexual misconduct.'

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PM of Bangladesh orders government men to stop wearing ties

Story here. Finally, some common sense! If the current president of the US or PM of Britain want to up their increasingly dismal approval ratings among men, this'd be one sure way to do it. Excerpt:

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Editorial: Title IX does injustice to college men

Article here. Excerpt:

'With endowments shrinking, donations falling and operating budgets squeezed, colleges and universities face great pressure to cut costs. Athletic departments are an obvious target. But, troublingly, men's sports are disproportionately bearing the brunt.

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