Shelby County woman arrested in murder plot

Story here. Is it me, or are female abuser articles kind of short? This particular story has just three sentences.

'COLUMBIANA, Ala. (AP) - Shelby County Sheriff's investigators have arrested a 42-year-old woman who is accused of ordering a hit on her ex-husband.

Officials said Friday that Kimberly Dawn McGuffie was charged with criminal solicitation to commit murder, criminal conspiracy to commit murder, unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of a controlled substance.

She is being held in the Shelby County Jail on a total of $545,000 bail for all four charges.'

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Woman arrested after domestic dispute, shooting

Story here. Excerpt:

'Tulsa police arrested a woman after she allegedly shot her husband during a domestic dispute early Friday.

The woman, Christine Goldblatt, 42, told police that the shooting was in self defense, police records show.

About 4:30 a.m., police were called to a residence at the 4600 block of South Vancouver Avenue on a report that a man had been shot, said Capt. Richard Alexander of the Tulsa Police Department.'

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Poor People Need Fathers Not Government Programs

Article here. Excerpt:

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UK: 'A man's instinct for violence can never be 'cured'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young men are dangerous. They are particularly dangerous when they gather together in packs. Is this news to anybody? It would seem so. The years of self-delusion, in which the people who determine these things actually believed that they had ruled male aggression out of legitimate social life, have made it necessary to state the obvious truth once again.

So here it is: men have a primary impulse (innate? hormonal? environmentally determined? who cares?) to band together and engage in quasi-tribal conflict. Stable and enlightened institutions can educate them out of the more gratuitous forms of this behaviour by channelling the impulse into disciplined, formalised activities. When such influences are lacking, and especially when the inclinations are not harnessed to any acceptable group loyalty, such as family or genuine community, mayhem is likely to result.'


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Would We Still Have War If Women Ran The World?

Article here. Excerpt:

'That “sensitivity to humankind” is a wonderful compliment, President Sirleaf, but, unfortunately, I think that it’s only a gender stereotype that women are inherently less violent and they “feel” parenthood and the loss of children to war more than fathers do. Maybe I’m just a cynic, but I don’t think cruelty and poor judgment knows a gender. Just because women largely have not been in positions of power in wars so far doesn’t mean they would be any less hawkish if they were to be in that position. Just think about it: If Hillary Clinton had been elected president, do you seriously think not a single American soldier or other world citizen would have died on her watch?

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University student charged with making false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 19-year-old Massachusetts woman who claimed Friday that she was raped by Lehigh University police officers was charged today with making a false report to police, Pennsylvania State Police at Bethlehem report.

Brielynn Neumann Shrewsbury, Mass., faces arraignment in front of South Bethlehem District Judge Nancy Matos Gonzalez.

Neumann was being held by police Friday as part of an unrelated investigation when she allegedly told Bethlehem police that Lehigh officers had raped her, state police report. She later changed her story, saying an undercover Lehigh University police officer sexually assaulted her, police said. She was identified at the time as a Lehigh student.
It is the second alleged false sexual assault claim this summer on an area college campus.'

In case you were wondering, Lehigh University's take on sexual assault from their website is here. Excerpt:.

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Woman charged with filing false rape report after road rage incident

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEWPORT NEWS — A Newport News woman has been charged with filing a false report after her original complaint sparked a police investigation into an allegation of rape, police say.

Megan McLane, 18, of Dinwiddie Place, initially complained to police that a man tried to choke and rape her. Police later learned she fabricated those statements because she had gotten into a verbal and physical altercation with another driver and she wanted to get the man in trouble, said Newport News police spokesman Lou Thurston.

The misdemeanor charge against McLane carries a fine of up to $2,500 and up to 12 months in jail, Thurston said.'

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New Zealand: 'Feminised' education holding boys back

Article here. Excerpt:

'I was recently privileged to observe the practice of some of the best boys' schools in the country and to discuss with them the policies they implement to ensure that boys achieve their maximum potential.

Two points clearly emerge. First, there is a strong perception the educational system has been so 'feminised' that boys no longer feel comfortable within it and consequently find it more difficult to achieve success. And, as an expensive byproduct, a whole industry has grown up around the topic, with gurus springing up everywhere who claim to have all the answers.'

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Feminists Declare All-Out War On Men

Article here. Excerpt:

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"Feminists Do Not Represent the Views of Most Americans"

Article here. Excerpt:

'No, feminism is not dead. It's worse. It has become fully inculcated into modern society, to the degree that any woman who takes an alternative view is routinely marginalized and downright vilified. When I wrote a blog about the Larry King segment, mocking some of the ridiculous things the women said – "It's not until we fall in love with ourselves that the world will begin to honor and support us"; "I suggest women get financially independent because that gives you freedom and empowerment to love yourself first"; "Once you are complete you look for others in your life to complement your completeness" – I got this response from a reader:

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Some feel judge has bias against men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The battle between men and women is old — but in one Livingston County courtroom, men say the judge doesn't give them a fighting chance.

Even the children caught in their parents' crossfire question why Probate Judge Carol Hackett Garagiola appears to rule against fathers even where experts have found the father to be the better parent under court-established guidelines.
The case would come as no surprise to Bob Simpson, 48, who got divorced in June 2008. At the time, he said his lawyer advised him to keep his mouth shut because the "judge hates men."

Simpson, who said there were no claims of domestic violence or wrongdoing from either side in the divorce, said he did not believe his attorney until Garagiola routinely ruled against him even when his ex-wife violated their divorce agreement by relocating out of the county, which was prohibited.

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CNN Video: Ben Roethlisberger rejects sex settlement

Video here. Title: "In Session's Jack Ford has the latest on the Ben Roethlisberger sexual assault lawsuit."

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Serena Williams abuses lines woman

Story here


'Instead of stepping to the baseline to serve again, Williams went over and shouted and cursed at the line judge, pointing at her and shaking a ball at her.

Dropping the f-word liberally, Williams said, "I swear to God I'm fucking going to take this fucking ball and shove it down your fucking throat, you hear that? I swear to God."'

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Woman Accused of Freezing Daughters Pleads Guilty to Abuse of Third Girl

Story here.

'PRINCE FREDERICK, Md. — A Maryland woman accused of killing two of her adopted daughters and keeping their bodies in a freezer for months has pleaded guilty to first-degree child abuse involving a third girl.

Renee Bowman, 44, entered the plea Friday in Calvert County Circuit Court and could receive up to 25 years in prison.

The charge involves a girl adopted by Bowman who was found wandering in her neighborhood after jumping from a window in September 2008.
The child, then 7, had a bloodstained nightshirt and sores and lesions over much of her body. Authorities say they subsequently searched Bowman's house and found the frozen remains.

Bowman faces separate first-degree murder charges in the deaths of the other two girls. That trial is set to start Nov. 9.'

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Australia: Rat poison mum guilty of manslaughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Sydney woman who killed her children with rat poison has been found not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter.

The woman pleaded not guilty to murdering her children by reason of mental illness.

She gave her three-year-old daughter and four-year-old son rat poison before smothering them in February last year.

In letters written at the time she blamed her husband's affair for her actions and claimed to be protecting her children by taking their lives.'

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