Fewer male teachers are in K-12 classrooms in Illinois

Story here. Excerpt:

'For two years Chezare Warren taught math at a middle school on Chicago's South Side, weathering the kind of situations that keeps so many men from pursuing teaching careers at elementary and secondary schools.

There were the usual jokes from friends about his low pay and cushy workday. There were the awkward moments with women who sometimes belittled his profession. There was the occasional whisper or suspicious glance from parents who questioned why a young man would choose to spend so much time with children.

Most troubling for Warren -- one of six male teachers on a staff of more than 30 -- was the look in the eyes of many of his young male students each semester who, lacking positive male role models at home, seemed to latch onto him for fatherly guidance.
Many educators believe the trend has had a profound impact on the way young boys and girls learn. That's particularly true in urban communities where more and more children are growing up without a steady male influence, they say.'

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Mom accused of smothering crying baby

Story here. Excerpt:

'ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) - An Albuquerque woman accused of smothering her child to death had earlier been ordered to take parenting classes, but never did, according to Albuquerque police.

Stephanie Ledford, 21, is charged with child abuse resulting in death for the July 9 killing of the 8-month-old boy. She is being held at the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center on a $250,000 cash or surety bond.

According to Albuquerque police, she was arrested Wednesday after a complicated investigation where she had repeatedly denied hurting the boy and at times blamed her boyfriend.
The boy told police he saw Ledford put the pillow on the baby's face while he was going to sleep and held the pillow there until the baby stopped breathing.'

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Intact America alert: CDC meeting next week to consider large-scale circumcision plans

From Intact America:


Next week, officials from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will be chairing a conference in Atlanta that will include discussions on how to introduce "large scale neonatal and adult male circumcision programs" to the United States.

Intact America will be on the ground to make sure the ethical problems inherent in such programs are not swept under the rug and ignored.

Reinforce our efforts in Atlanta by signing our petition to the CDC.

Already taken action? Ask your friends to help! Download our petition (.doc file) or share it on social networks.


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More women held for driving while intoxicated, study finds

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Arrests for women driving under the influence jumped by nearly 30 percent during the decade ending in 2007, according to a study released Wednesday by the U.S. Transportation Department.

"To be honest with you, I was certainly surprised about that statistic," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said at a news conference.

However, when it comes to drunken driving arrests, women continue to be outnumbered by men by four to one.
The report, authored by the FBI for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, found a declining number of men arrested for similar alcohol-related violations.'

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Brazil: Girl, 17, confesses to murder of 30 men

This needs to be tried as a gender-based hate crime. Excerpt:

'A GYMSLIP murderess aged just 17 was being held last night for knifing THIRTY men to death.
She told detectives she wanted to confess before she turned 18 and could be tried as an adult.

The girl - too young even to be named - said she began targeting men in her home city of Sao Paulo, Brazil "for money, revenge and to bring justice".

She even SMILED as she reeled off her list of victims - which is feared to make her the world's most prolific teenage serial killer. She calmly bragged to police: "I don't have enough courage to hold a gun - but I can hold a knife.'

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Report: Sleep apnea raises death risk for men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The classic manifestations of sleep apnea -- loud snoring, interrupted breathing and sleep disruption -- nearly double the risk for chronic disease and premature death among middle-aged and elderly men, according to major new research.

Even patients with moderate sleep apnea face an increased death risk, as much as 17 percent, compared with those who do not have sleep-disordered breathing problems, the decade-long U.S. study finds.

"The primary finding of our study is that sleep apnea can increase the risk of death by about 40 percent, even after other factors have been accounted for," said study lead author Dr. Naresh Punjabi, an associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.'

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Opinion Blog: Misandry more insidious by far

Article here. Excerpt:

'Re: "Women at risk -- Our combination of pervasive misogyny, access to guns is a tragic mix, says Bob Herbert," and "Treatment of women isn't perfect, says Anne Applebaum, but we've come a long way, baby," Thursday Viewpoints.

Is Herbert kidding me? He truly believes we've become a "society saturated with misogyny"? If anything, we're a society with entrenched misandry, or the hate of males.

Daily violence against males often goes unnoticed and unreported. Male children endure more frequent abuse and neglect, including circumcision.

There is a special law to protect adult females against violence and another to protect infant females against genital mutilation.

The most blatant form of sexism in this country, Selective Service, essentially makes males potential cannon fodder. And capital punishment is more sexist than racist.

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Dads on the Air show "The Canadian Special" available for download

Download page is here. The link to the .mp3 file is at the bottom of that page. Excerpt:

"This week we look at the struggle for family law reform in Canada, the home of some of the world’s most extreme anti-male anti-father legislation. Recently Dads On The Air interviewed Canadian MP Maurice Vellacot, who has introduced shared parenting legislation into the Canadian parliament. This week we follow on from that interview by talking with the highly experienced family lawyer Karen Selick, who has been an outspoken proponent for reform of the system; Roger Gallaway MP, who co-chaired an inquiry into shared parenting in Canada and Jeffrey Asher, a lecturer on men’s studies who taught the last men’s studies course in the country.

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The Most Deadly Domestic Violence Homicide Ever?

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Kuwaiti authorities have apprehended the person suspected of setting fire to a wedding tent and killing 41 people and said Monday the motive was personal. Local newspapers reported the groom's ex-wife was the arsonist.

The inferno Saturday night in the tribal area of al-Jahra, west of Kuwait City, ate up the women's tent in just three minutes and left behind bodies so charred they were unrecognizable. Guests likely crushed one another in a desperate attempt to flee. It was still unclear if the bride had survived."
An earlier story says that the fire killed "41 women and children," which makes sense, since it was the women's festivities that were targeted.

We'll see if the Kuwaiti police's claim that the ex-wife confessed to the arson and/or their evidence against her holds up. But longtime Fathers & Families activist Bill Zamzow writes in with an interesting thought--"This could well be the largest number of victims of a DV homicide(s) case on record."'

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Sex ratio for collegiate binge drinking about equal

Article here.

'With the start of college right around the corner, there will be many high school students heading away from home for the first time and if they have been watching various advertisements on television or listening to war stories from older college students they might be considering it as an opportunity to binge drink.

Binge drinking is defined as consuming at least 5 drinks of alcohol in a row. If you have a daughter you might be thinking ‘no need to worry’. It is just an issue with boys. Well, there is very little difference when it comes to the sexes.

The rate of binge drinking is similar - 67% in boys and 61% in girls. Binge drinking can lead to risky behavior. Binge drinkers were more than 5 times as likely as non-drinkers to be sexually active, more than 18 times as likely to smoke cigarettes, and more than 4 times as likely to have been in a physical fight.'

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Ireland: False rape accusation has made athlete more wary

Story here. Excerpt:

'Northern Ireland and Manchester United star Jonny Evans has told how he is “more wary of people” after being falsely accused of rape.

The 21-year-old Belfast lad said he was forced to grow up fast after being arrested and held in police cells when a 26-year-old woman claimed she had been |seriously sexually assaulted at an exclusive party at a Manchester city hotel in December 2007.

The rape allegations were made after a 13-hour party for the entire Manchester United squad and other guests, which included Christmas lunch and burlesque dancers at a casino, and drinks at a bar owned by a soap opera star.

Jonny, who was 19-years-old at the time, voluntarily presented himself to police investigating the allegation. He was arrested and released on bail. But soon after the case was dropped when the Crown Prosecution Service found insufficient evidence to substantiate the rape claim.'

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Weston woman pleads not guilty to filing false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 33-year-old Weston woman has pleaded not guilty to charges she falsely reported being raped south of Bowling Green in April.
She told law enforcement officials a man, possibly wearing gray shorts, had assaulted her while she was jogging between Bowling Green and Rudolph on April 26th.

During a Wood County sheriff's investigation, a suspect provided documentation that he was at another location at the time of the reported incident. Bauman then confessed to fabricating the report, deputies say.'

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False rape charge and conviction leave justice delayed

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man is sitting in an upstate prison, wrongly convicted of a rape he didn't commit - a rape that, in fact, never happened. He must be released immediately, and the criminal justice system must aim its fury at the woman whose brazen lies put him there.

What Biurney Peguero did to William McCaffrey, a man she barely knew, is beyond despicable. She must be punished.

This is what Peguero told police and swore in court during a 2006 criminal trial: Early on the morning of Sept. 18, 2005, she was sitting in a parked car in upper Manhattan when McCaffrey stopped to talk to her and invited her to a party. They drove off; they pulled over on a dark street. McCaffrey, she said, drew a knife and viciously assaulted her, slapping her, raping her and leaving bite marks on her left arm and shoulder.'

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'The Gender Gap in Happiness'

Article here. Excerpt:

“By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness had declined both absolutely and relative to men. … These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging—one with higher subjective well-being for men.”

This comes from “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness,” a May 2009 paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research. The authors, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, are both at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. This prestigious institution, known for serious work, now comes up with something as ephemeral as a “gender gap in happiness.”

The study would seem to indicate the extent to which feminism, women’s studies and such, have colonized even the best business schools. Another example would be the “UC Davis Study of California Women Business Leaders,” an exercise in head-counting masquerading as scholarship, as we noted in a previous Contrarian.

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Does feminism portend the rise of a new master race?

Article here. Excerpt:

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