Private Child Support Collection Firm Accused of Scamming Innocent Fathers

Story here. Excerpt:

'Private child support collection companies are one of the more noxious plagues afflicting divorced parents. In 2008, Fathers & Families led a successful campaign against Fox, which planned to air Bad Dads, a show which would glorify the role of private child support collectors. Fox dropped the show in the wake of our protests, which made 300 newspapers.
In April of this year, Lifetime announced plans to air the same show, rechristened Deadbeat Dads. Again Fathers & Families led a highly-publicized campaign against the show. Our Lifetime campaign was apparently successful–we had been told that Lifetime planned to begin airing the show in late July or early August, and it’s now mid-September. To learn more, see our campaign page here.

As we noted during the campaign, private child support collection agencies often manhandle fathers and exploit and deceive custodial mothers. In fact, women’s advocates, including the National Organization for Women, have repeatedly condemned these agencies for mistreating women.'

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Professor Fired, Escorted from Campus by Police over Mysterious ‘Sexual Harassment’ Charge

Article here. Excerpt:

'ATLANTA, September 15, 2009—The abuse of campus sexual harassment policies to punish dissenting professors has hit a new low at East Georgia College (EGC) in Swainsboro. Professor Thomas Thibeault made the mistake of pointing out—at a sexual harassment training seminar—that the school's sexual harassment policy contained no protection for the falsely accused. Two days later, in a Kafkaesque irony, Thibeault was fired by the college president for sexual harassment without notice, without knowing his accuser or the charges against him, and without a hearing. Thibeault turned to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help.

"If you were to write a novel about the abuse of sexual harassment regulations to get rid of a dissenter, you couldn't do better than the real-life story of Thomas Thibeault," FIRE President Greg Lukianoff said. "Anyone with a modicum of respect for freedom of speech or simple fairness should be aghast at this blatant abuse of power by East Georgia College."'

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15-YO girl sets fire to church with 50 people inside - fire dept. says she should get counseling

Story here.

'A 15-year-old girl who allegedly worships Satan was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of lighting a fire at her Orangevale church.

The blaze occurred at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at the corner of Hazel and Cherry avenues.

Christian Pebbles of Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District said the teen made it clear why she started the blaze, which damaged church pews.

"She hates the church and she worships the devil," Pebbles said. "That's the reason why."

Pebbles said the teen was taken into custody on suspicion of felony arson.

"Well, you know, kids sometimes don't always like what their parents want them to do," said Annette Hilt, the suspect's mother. "Everybody knows that."

There were nearly 50 other church members inside when the blaze took place.

"The flames were about 4 feet high inside the chapel," church facilities director Pat Elmer said.

Fire officials said the goal is to make sure that the girl receives counseling, not to necessarily punish her.'

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India: Woman-only trains popular (among women)

Article here. Excerpt:

'Up and down the jostling train, women repeated the same theme: As millions of women have poured into the Indian work force over the last decade, they have met with different obstacles in a tradition-bound, patriarchal culture, but few are more annoying than the basic task of getting to work.

The problems of taunting and harassment, known as eve teasing, are so persistent that in recent months the government has decided to simply remove men altogether. In a pilot program, eight new commuter trains exclusively for female passengers have been introduced in India’s four largest cities: New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta.

The trains are known as Ladies Specials, and on one recent round trip in which a male reporter got permission to board, the women commuting between the industrial town of Palwal and New Delhi were very pleased.

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Humor: U.S. Condemned For Pre-Emptive Use Of Hillary Clinton Against Pakistan

Ahh, The Onion! They really have come a long way. The addition of their Onion News Network was a stroke of genius. One example:

U.S. Condemned For Pre-Emptive Use Of Hillary Clinton Against Pakistan


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DNA Evidence Clears Florida Man After 26 Years

Story here


'Anthony Caravella was ordered released after a private laboratory test revealed someone else's DNA at the crime scene.

Although it was once considered a rare and remarkable event, a growing number of defendants are being ordered freed from prison as DNA tests continue to uncover evidence of false confessions, shoddy police work, and questionable prosecution tactics.

Mr. Caravella's release on Thursday is conditional, pending further investigation. If the release order becomes permanent he will be the 243rd person freed by DNA evidence nationwide, the 11th in Florida, and the fourth in Broward County.

Seth Miller, executive director of the Innocence Project of Florida, says despite the proven success of such efforts it is becoming increasingly difficult for defense lawyers to pursue DNA testing.'

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ACORN Worker Describes How She Killed Husband

Story here


'The video, from ACORN's San Bernardino, CA office, shows a single ACORN employee, who O'keefe identifies as Theresa Kaelke, telling O'Keefe and Giles that she had past experience in running an escort service, and also claiming to have shot and killed her abusive husband 10 years ago.

"And I ran a service, yeah. I have some experience in, in, in how not to get caught," Kaelke said at one point in the video.

Kaelke described the alleged shooting of her in some detail. She said that although he was abusive, he was not abusing her at the time of the shooting. She also said that she first "laid some ground work" by going to a women's shelter and pleading her case "so everyone in town would know that this was happening."

Kaelke said that her husband was coming towards her and, "then I just picked up the gun and said 'f*** you'. And I shot him. And he died. Right there."'

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L.A. police confront woman holding her baby at knifepoint

Story here


'In one arm, she held a 4-month-old infant. The other hand wielded a knife.

As traffic sped by on 7th Street just west of Hope Street early Tuesday, several Los Angeles police officers surrounded Malika Johnson, 33, but the volatile nature of the situation demanded calm.'


'Johnson was booked on suspicion of child endangerment -- her fourth arrest for the same offense since 2004, said LAPD Lt. Paul Vernon.'

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Woman pleads guilty to violating Fritz Coleman restraining order

Story here


'Harbor College geography teacher Melanie Renfrew had inundated the KNBC weatherman with e-mails and letters. She could face jail time and a fine unless she refrains from contacting him.'


'Harbor Vice President Luis Rosas said Renfrew had received good evaluations from students and faculty in the more than 10 years she had taught there.

"We have had no reason to have been concerned," Spink, the college president, said.'

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The XX Discount

Get convicted of a crime as a FEMALE in the USA and sentenced under the Sentencing Reform Act, as over 70,000 people were in 2007, and you can expect to receive on average a 40% lighter sentence than a man would get FOR THE SAME CRIME.

Stop controlling for crimes (as might make sense, as women are often charged with lesser crimes) and the discount goes up to 59% - that's right. Across the board, women were sentenced to 59% shorter sentences than men. :(

Article at M is for Malevolent


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Wrestler Kurt Angle Not Guilty Of Harassing Ex-Girlfriend

Story here


'ROBINSON TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- Kurt Angle, Pittsburgh's Olympic gold medalist and professional wrestling champion, was found not guilty of harassment and other charges were dropped on Tuesday stemming from the alleged stalking of his ex-live-in girlfriend.

Angle, 40, was arrested last month, shortly after Trenesha Biggers, 26, got a protection from abuse order against him in Moon Township and had police officers remove him from his house.

"All I can say is I've been completely innocent of any charges that have been brought to me and God has shown that today and my attorney has been able to prove it in court," Angle said outside District Judge Carla Swearingen's office.'

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Barack Obama Celebrates Fifteenth Anniversary Of The VAWA

Story here


'Today, we commemorate a milestone in our Nation's struggle to end violence against women. Authored by then United States Senator Joe Biden and signed into law in September 1994, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was the first law to create a comprehensive response to this problem at the national level. This landmark achievement has helped our Nation make great strides towards addressing this global epidemic.

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"The Girl Effect" links the end of poverty, etc. to "empowering adolescent girls"

Off-linked from Drudge: here. If you use a Flash media blocker, you have to unblock it. The site is all-Flash.

I couldn't agree more that the primary way to getting out of poverty for the majority of people is getting a useful education. I simply want to point out that poor countries have a problem with children of both sexes not being educated well enough to do the kinds of things that can help their whole community live in a better fashion. By focusing on girls only, the other half of the population of third world nations' children are left out. And frankly I doubt that if half the population of a country is poor and educated and the other half is poor and uneducated, that there can be much political and economic stability anyway.

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Woman complains over loss of first place in women-only poker tourney to man

Story here. Suppose if a woman were in a "men-only" poker tourney (which as we know would not ever exist in a public forum) and she won it, and then the runner-up complained, do you suppose he'd get a lot of sympathy? Seems women can play on men's teams but not the other way around, even when physical skills have nothing to do with it. Excerpt:

'She was among more than 260 women who each put up $300 to play in the tournament, but when the dust cleared, Abraham Korotki, 65, of Ventnor City, N.J., took home the trophy and $20,982 first prize.
"When you're a woman and you play poker, 99 percent of the time you're at a table with nine men," Rowe, who won $11,889, said yesterday during a phone interview, adding that playing against a field of women is "something I look forward to.

"Why did he have to ruin it for us? Why would he do this?"

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Ottawa police charge woman with attempted murder

Report here.

'(Ottawa) – On Saturday, September 12, 2009, at approximately 3:21am, Ottawa Police responded to a report of an assault in the 1400 block of Caldwell Avenue. Upon arrival, officers located a 50-year-old man with what appeared to be puncture wounds consistent with those from a syringe.

The police investigation revealed that the victim had a verbal altercation with a 28-year-old woman. The woman stabbed the victim with a syringe while making death threats to the victim and a third party.

The Ottawa Paramedic Service treated the male victim at the scene and he is currently being treated for possible communicable disease contamination.

Angela ARVISAIS, 28-years-old, of Ottawa, has been charged with attempted murder and uttering death threats. She will appear in court today.'

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