UPDATE: US: Officials Weigh Circumcision to Fight H.I.V. Risk

Looks like the CDC employee directory is available again at http://directory.psc.gov/employee.htm. Some contact info as follows:

Dr. Peter Kilmarx, chief of epidemiology:
email: peter.kilmarx-at-cdc.hhs.gov
phone: 404.639.8998
fax: 404.639.6127

Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, Director of the CDC:
email: txf2-at-cdc.gov
phone: 404.639.7000

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S Africa: Circumcision should be the in thing

Article here. Excerpt:

'South Africa's policy on circumcision is still being finalised, guidelines need to be drafted and health workers trained, so the Bophelo Pele centre is the only one in the country offering free male circumcisions.

Other countries in southern Africa have already begun rolling out mass male circumcision programmes in response to evidence that circumcision, safely performed in a medical setting, lowers a man's risk of contracting HIV by about 60 percent.

In South Africa, public health facilities only perform circumcision for medical reasons; those choosing it for other reasons must pay a private practitioner.'

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Ireland: 'It's time to dispense with the voodoo politics of the good condom and the guilty foreskin'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Voodoo is an African word, but not an African monopoly. Every society has its own voodoo -- a fear of some mysterious ailment which can only be cured by magical means.

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'Year One' uses "genital mutilation" to describe circumcision

The recent comedy film Year One is noteworthy since it appears as if it is the first time in American film history that the term "genital mutilation" is used to describe circumcision as noted here (page-search on 'Year One' to find the film's entry). Excerpt:

'Many a true word is spoken in jest! This could be the first time "genital mutilation" has been used to describe male circumcision in a mainstream movie. With its exposed corona and sulcus, and dried surface, a circumcised penis is far from "sleek". Most reviews have panned the movie.'

Unfortunately the movie, despite some funny parts here and there, overall did not seem to me to be that funny. Nonetheless, this is some mainstream media exposure with regard to this issue, and given that the target market for this movie seems to have been adolescents in general, it's good they are getting some counter-message for it some place.

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Cops get tough with women driving drunk

Story here Excerpt:

'It used to be that a woman caught driving under the influence stood a good chance of getting a break from the police officer.

Not anymore.

Over the past decade, DUI arrests of female drivers have shot up in Chicago, as well as across Illinois and the nation, new government figures show.

That's happened even as the number of men being busted for driving drunk has been steadily dropping in the United States over the last decade.

The rising number of DUI arrests of women probably reflects a change in attitude by police.'

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US: Officials Weigh Circumcision to Fight H.I.V. Risk

Article here. If ever there was a time to stand up for basic human rights for males, this is the time.

This issue is not about religion. It is about the right of men to decide for themselves about whether or not a life- and body-altering operation should be performed on them. This is not a decision that can morally or ethically be made for a man even while he is an infant. Yet, it seems for whatever reason of the moment, societies want to make it.

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European Groups Ban 'Sexist' Everyday Phrases

Article here. Excerpt:

'It could be construed as a black day for the English language — but not if you work in the public sector.

Dozens of quangos [link added] and taxpayer-funded organisations have ordered a purge of common words and phrases so as not to cause offence.

Among the everyday sayings that have been quietly dropped in a bid to stamp out racism and sexism are “whiter than white”, “gentleman’s agreement”, “black mark” and “right-hand man”.
Many institutions have urged their workforce to be mindful of “gender bias” in language. The Learning and Skills Council wants staff to “perfect” their brief rather than “master” it, while the Newcastle University has singled out the phrase “master bedroom” as being problematic.'

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Police: Woman lied about rape at university

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 22-year-old East Stroudsburg University student admitted lying about being raped at knifepoint on campus Aug. 13 because she was not doing well in school and having personal problems, state police at Fern Ridge said.

The woman initially said she was walking to her car in the parking lot at 11:15 a.m. Aug. 13 when a man with a knife grabbed her from behind, forced her into the bushes and raped her. She has since recanted her statement and said the problems she had been having led her to file a false report, according to police. Police will now see if she should be charged with filing a false report to law enforcement.'

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Ireland: Focus on girls' exam success masks deeper concerns

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a 2007 Department of Education and Science report, Sé Sí – Gender in Irish Education, points out, girls have been outscoring boys in English and Irish since the 1930s. What has changed is the extent of the difference. However, girls also now do better than boys in so-called “non-traditional” areas such as maths and the sciences. Applied maths was the only maths subject in which boys outshone girls in the 2009 Leaving Cert.

Some people frame the discussion in terms of gender wars, as proof that men are now becoming the oppressed species. Others wonder what the fuss is about. Is this not just a good news story for girls? Or is the “feminisation of education” a genuine concern?

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Canada: Bus driver threatened to cut off autistic boy’s head, suit alleges

Story here. Excerpt:

'OTTAWA — The mother of an autistic boy says he continues to suffer from severe emotional trauma after his school bus driver allegedly threatened to cut his head off with an axe, according to documents filed in court Tuesday.

The boy’s mother has filed a $750,000 lawsuit against the bus driver, the driver’s employer and the school board for the “serious and permanent consequences” sustained by the boy, including post-traumatic stress disorder, a statement of claim said.
After the boy began crying, his bus driver, Ariette Schoorl, threatened to cut off his head if he didn’t stop, according to the plaintiff’s claim. “The defendant then proceeded to remove the emergency axe located on the bus to further emphasize her threat,” the document said. “The incident terrified (the child).”

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Teen pregnancy attitude shift: "Girls getting more like boys"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pregnant teens are nothing new, but the behaviors leading to it and society's attitude are surprising sexuality educators who have been working in the field for years.

"Girls are getting more like boys in terms of their behavior and their attitudes about sex. They're getting to be more aggressive and more liberal," said Joe Fay, executive director of the Pennsylvania Coalition to Prevent Teen Pregnancy and a sexuality educator for 32 years.
Teen pregnancy has become acceptable behavior by a society that to some degree even enables it, said Holly Gould, who works with teen moms in her job as director of Education Leading to Employment and Career Training at the Crispus Attucks Association in York. The program is funded through the state Departments of Education and Public Welfare.'

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UK: Fathers 4 Justice dad finally gains joint custody of daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'A founder member of the Fathers 4 Justice protest group has won an eight-year battle over access to his daughter.

Jonathan Stanesby, 44, was jailed for two months last year for climbing on to Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman's roof dressed as a superhero.

He also cuffed himself to ex-Children's Minister Margaret Hodge to protest that he could only see his daughter one weekend every two weeks. But following an agreement with his ex-partner, he has now obtained joint custody of his daughter.

Stanesby said yesterday: "My daughter is now living with me half the time and she's chuffed - it's what we've always wanted. I'm obviously elated but I'm also very bitter about the whole experience. It destroys your life. I'm still paying fines, I'm still in debt, and I'll probably never be able to go back to the work I loved now that I've been to prison."

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Pakistan: Domestic Violence Bill 2009 comes under fire due to punishment provision for false accusations

Story here. Excerpt:

'A clause of the recently approved Domestic Violence Bill 2009 that allows punishment of six months or a fine of Rs50,000 to those who file false complaints came under severe criticism at a national consultation here on Thursday.
Demanding complete repeal of this new addition by the government, civil society activists expressed the fear that the clause would transform the bill, formulated to provide relief to women, into another Hadood ordinance. “This would mean that practically no aggrieved party, victim or complainant will ever file a case in fear of reactionary punishment to them,” said Maleeha Zia of Aurat Foundation. She was speaking at the ‘National Consultation on Domestic Violence Bill 2009’ organised by Aurat Foundation.

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UK: Tougher stance on domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence victims will be able to get greater protection from courts in England and Wales from next month.

Judges will have powers to impose restraining orders on abusers charged with any offence - even if they are cleared but still considered a threat.

Victims are currently often forced to go through civil courts to secure such an injunction even if, for example, a partner is convicted of assault.
From 30 September, anyone still considered a threat at the end of a criminal case - regardless of the charge or result - may be made subject of an order.'

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UK: Woman charged with false Carlisle sex attack claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who triggered a major investigation after claiming she was the victim of a sex attack in Carlisle has been charged with perverting the course of justice.

The 22-year-old is expected to appear in court following an alleged sexual assault in Cavendish Terrace, Stanwix, on January 4.

She answered police bail yesterday

The charge against her states that between January 3 and March 21, with intent to pervert the course of public justice, she made a false allegation that she was subject to a serious sexual assault which instigated a major police investigation during which four people were arrested.'

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