Audio: Health Care Reform Must Do More To Address Men’s Health Issues

Article here. Excerpt:

'Scott Williams, Vice President of the Men’s Health Network, a non-profit organization located in Washington, D.C., says Congress must ensure that reform legislation addresses health issues that specifically affect males. Williams says his organization would prefer that the legislation include a mandate for the creation of an Office of Men’s Health within the U.S. Department of Health. This office, or task force, says Williams, would focus on promoting awareness of and early detection of medical conditions such as prostate cancer.'

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Canada: Domestic abuse law blasted

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ontario's "zero tolerance" policy on domestic violence has come into question following an unusual court case involving an Orangeville-area woman who was charged with assault after joking in emails that she could solve her marital problems with a gun, if only she could get one.

Alison Shaw, 40, was forced out of her home and ordered to stay away from her three children after her estranged husband claimed to have been "frightened" by the online missive, which followed what a judge described as a "one-punch bar fight" over a month earlier in an area Legion hall.

The ruling is unusual on two fronts:

It's a twist on what men's rights groups claim divorcing fathers have been suffering for years at the hands of police and the criminal court system. And it's creating buzz in legal circles because a well-respected family law expert who helped draft Ontario's so-called "duty to report" policy 30 years ago now says it needs a review and better use of discretion.'

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Reason Online: 'This Point Cuts Both Ways'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forget death panels. If you're really interested in putting a stop to the public option (and some truly entertaining town hall meetings), let's talk circumcision panels.
Now people at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (those folks who often carry themselves as if they, too, had the ear of the Lord) are mulling a national campaign to promote "universal circumcision" for all boys in the United States in an effort to reduce the spread of HIV. Additionally, as The New York Times reported this week, the CDC is thinking about expanding the campaign to target promiscuous adult heterosexual men. (Abstinence or circumcision? How quickly do you think sex becomes overrated?)
What if the CDC, through meticulous study, were to realize that circumcision is an entirely worthless procedure? Why would "we" waste $400 a pop? Would the CDC campaign to "universally remove" the operation from hospitals? Today, incidentally, government-run Medicaid doesn't pay for the procedure in 16 states. Most private insurers, on the other hand, do.'

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UK: Tycoon sues his ex-wife after discovering children were not his

Story here. Excerpt:

'A devoted father who discovered that two of his three children had been fathered by another man is suing his ex-wife for compensation.

The millionaire businessman is demanding unlimited damages of more than £300,000 from his ex-wife and her new husband, including the cost of bringing up the two children he believed were his for more than a decade.

The man, who was the woman’s first husband, raised the two children as his own — with no clue that they had been fathered by his wife’s lover.

He accuses the pair of fraudulent misrepresentation and deceit, and says he has not been allowed to see the two children since 2006.'

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Jaycee Dugard and the Untold Story of Misandry

Why doesn't anyone ask just a bit more about Jaycee's dads? The biological one, and the step-father? MisforMalevolent digs a bit more here. Excerpt:

'The story of Jaycee Lee Dugard has drawn a lot of interest lately, but for me, it draws interest for slightly different reasons. There are questions that I'd like to know the answers to, questions that probably won't be answered.

I mean, we all read the Big Media Story, like the MSN one linked above, right? 11-year-old girl is abducted, kept as sex slave by sex offender Phillip Garrido, who had two daughters by her. But other parts of the story just didn't seem to be being brought out. One minor thing - I'd like to learn more about Nancy Garrido, Phillip's wife, who assisted in the kidnapping and then the 18 years of imprisonment. Was Phillip more evil that Nancy? Probably. Probably a lot. But I'd hate for the woman who helped every step of the way to get off scot-free because she cuts a deal.

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False rape accusations taken up in quasi-MSM publication

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two recent Monroe County cases of false rape reports pose the question: What evidence is necessary to charge or convict someone of a sex crime?

The victim's report alone is all, authorities said. No physical or DNA evidence is needed.
"You're never innocent," Sundmaker said. "You're just not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."'

Ax's take: Good news for the MR movement, but possible bad news for the reporter: he will no doubt be ostracized by the feminist-controlled media.

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Man arrested for 'prostituting his wife'

Story here. Excerpt:

'COLONIE - The Albany County Sheriff's Department says the popular website Craigslist has failed to live up to its promises.

Sheriff's investigators posing as johns used Craigslist to contact women who agreed to meet them at area hotels and engage in sexual acts for money.

In one case, Donald Mureness of Gloversville was arrested for prostituting his wife, Stacia Mureness. Investigators say Donald Mureness also requested to be in the room and take pictures.'

So HE was arrested for pandering. No word about whether or not SHE was charged with prostitution.

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Twin bail bondswomen mix sexism with shame for special press coverage

Video report here. Not to say those who skip bail are to be sympathized with, especially as it puts others on the hook for it. But I wonder, if a group of "we're men!" bondsmen ran around locking up female suspects and going out of their way to shame them for it, do you suppose it'd be so well-received by the press?

They have it pretty much set up to dissuade any men from joining their efforts unless he just wants to wash cars. Though I cannot help but think that somewhere out there, there is not a man ready to wear a pink shirt and use pink handcuffs whilst seizing wanted fugitives. It is, after all, a rough economy. But I doubt you'll see a discrimination suit brought against these sisters any time soon.

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MSNBC reports on man wearing "I cheated" sign

Video story here. Apparently the subject of the video got caught or admitted to being unfaithful and so his wife required him (presumably under threat of some other event, like divorce) to stand on a street corner wearing a sign saying he cheated. The commentators seem happy about it, with one of them suggesting (predictably, the male commentator) that this doesn't go far enough to punish the man.

Well, I have some thoughts. First off, marital fidelity and infidelity are private matters, or at least I feel they ought to be. Wearing a sign saying you're a cheater and standing on a street corner pretty much destroys that. It destroys it for the man's wife, too. So it is surely a sign that the man in question has some serious self-respect/boundary issues. (I imagine the man's wife does, too, albeit ones of a different nature.)

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Marc Rudov interview re Chris Brown-Rihanna case

Via Jeremy S: Missed the live interview? Not to worry. Go to this link and click on the entry from the archive list entitled "Marc Rudov, the No Nonsense Man".

You will hear his interview with John Oakley this morning about the Chris Brown-Rihanna domestic violence travesty. It's a 15-minute interview and worth every second of listening. Marc has it absolutely right. It's a great, solid interview. I urge you to listen, you won't be disappointed.

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Divorce-court smears meet unwilling victim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Divorce cases, especially celebrity splits, can get nasty, with bitterness-inspired accusations flying, sometimes with little regard for the truth. But when it's final, how does a celebrity target of those reputation-damaging claims – in the age of the Internet spread instantly around the globe – regain the esteem of those who read and perhaps believe the mud?

Craig Schelske is finding out.

He's the former husband of country music star Sara Evans. Their divorce was final some time ago and both have moved on with their lives. But Schelske described the smear-attacks he endured and its impact on his life.

Those allegations included claims of photographic evidence of sexual misbehavior on Schelske's part, including statements that he posted explicit images in the digital world – allegations he has denied throughout the process.

Now Schelske is working with a newly formed organization called that seeks to protect parents who are targeted in those divorce fights.'

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UK: The courts took my children away from me because I'm a working mother

Article here. Excerpt:

'As a successful working mother, Jo Joyce always thought that women could have it all.

A high-flying divorce lawyer, she revelled in the cut and thrust of the courtroom, proudly combining her career with bringing up two young children, Ross and Madelaine.

With her businessman husband, Andy, the family lived in a £600,000 detached house set in a three-acre garden in a glorious part of Nottinghamshire.
After years of high profile stunts by male pressure groups, such as Fathers4Justice, many people assume that men still systematically fare badly in battles over custody (or what is now known as the residency) of children heard in family courts.

Yet, gradually, the pendulum is swinging against mothers or, at least, mothers who go out to work.

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UK: Do women make better riot police?

Article here. Excerpt:

'London - After months of taking a beating over allegations of heavy-handedness, Britain's largest police force is trying a new tack: handing women commanders the reins.

In a bid to maintain control of a potentially explosive situation, the Metropolitan Police Service is taking a "softly, softly" approach this week as environmental campaigners undertake five days of action against targets ranging from government buildings to the offices of multinational mining firm Rio Tinto.
The move is based on the theory, according to some experts, that policewomen often view their work as a public service, while policemen approach their task from the perspective of "control through authority."'

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Medford woman arrested in puppy-drowning case

Story here. Notice the woman smiling in the police photo. Excerpt:

'A Medford woman accused of drowning a friend's puppy earlier this month was arrested last week.

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UK: 'Domestic abuse tokens' given out

Article here. Another completely outrageous domestic violence picture included with the article. Excerpt:

'Coin tokens with the message "Don't live with domestic abuse" will be handed to Berkshire residents to raise awareness about the issue.

The tokens, which are the same size as a £1 coin, can be used for shopping trolleys and gym lockers, Slough Borough Council said.

The contact number for the charity Women's Aid is included on the coins.

Slough Domestic Abuse Forum members will hand the tokens out at Montem Leisure Centre on Wednesday.'

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